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      立大木·솟대 祭儀의 등장과 전개에 대한 試論 = Thoughts on the Emergence and Development of Big Tree Rituals and Korean Totem Pole Rituals



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The seasonal rituals and Sodo (蘇塗) rituals of the Mahan Confederacy (馬韓) are an important part of Korean history despite the fact that records of these ritual practices only appear in Chinese historical texts. However, active archaeological investigations of the subject have never been undertaken as researchers have been unable to provide a valid archeological basis for these records.
      As such, this paper aims to examine, among the many rituals confirmed to have been held in Mahan, Big Tree Rituals (立大木 祭儀) from an archaeological viewpoint. Although the information has been limited and jumps of logic may have occurred, this study has attempted an archeological restoration of the relevant materials based on historical and archaeological records, as well as several hypotheses.
      First, this study introduces the historical background and conditions associated with Big Tree Rituals. It then presents the historic sites and artifacts that demonstrate a high possibility of connection with Big Tree Rituals and establishes a time scale regarding the emergence and development of these rituals. It is suggested that the Big Tree Rituals took place within the Sodo of the Mahan Confederacy, in particular, deriving from basic rituals conducted with big trees that took place in the Songguk-ri type culture of the Bronze Age. Using archaeological material, this study estimates that Korean totem pole rituals newly appeared in the third century BCE. Such a cultural change may have occurred due to the strong influence of the northern culture and notion of birds. Lastly, this study identifies that Big Tree Rituals and Korean totem pole rituals declined to become folk religions during the Three Kingdoms period, either disappearing entirely or being barely practiced.

      The seasonal rituals and Sodo (蘇塗) rituals of the Mahan Confederacy (馬韓) are an important part of Korean history despite the fact that records of these ritual practices only appear in Chinese historical texts. However, active archaeological in...

      The seasonal rituals and Sodo (蘇塗) rituals of the Mahan Confederacy (馬韓) are an important part of Korean history despite the fact that records of these ritual practices only appear in Chinese historical texts. However, active archaeological investigations of the subject have never been undertaken as researchers have been unable to provide a valid archeological basis for these records.
      As such, this paper aims to examine, among the many rituals confirmed to have been held in Mahan, Big Tree Rituals (立大木 祭儀) from an archaeological viewpoint. Although the information has been limited and jumps of logic may have occurred, this study has attempted an archeological restoration of the relevant materials based on historical and archaeological records, as well as several hypotheses.
      First, this study introduces the historical background and conditions associated with Big Tree Rituals. It then presents the historic sites and artifacts that demonstrate a high possibility of connection with Big Tree Rituals and establishes a time scale regarding the emergence and development of these rituals. It is suggested that the Big Tree Rituals took place within the Sodo of the Mahan Confederacy, in particular, deriving from basic rituals conducted with big trees that took place in the Songguk-ri type culture of the Bronze Age. Using archaeological material, this study estimates that Korean totem pole rituals newly appeared in the third century BCE. Such a cultural change may have occurred due to the strong influence of the northern culture and notion of birds. Lastly, this study identifies that Big Tree Rituals and Korean totem pole rituals declined to become folk religions during the Three Kingdoms period, either disappearing entirely or being barely practiced.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 貴州大學西南少數民族語言文化硏究所, "雷公山苗族" 貴州人民出版社 2008

      3 김영희, "호남지방 鳥形土器의 성격" 호남고고학회 44 : 79-107, 2013

      4 李鍾旭, "한국고대사의 새로운 체계 —100년 통설에 빼앗긴 역사를 찾아서" 소나무 1999

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      6 이종철, "청동기시대 立大木 祭儀에 대한 고고학적 접근" 한국고고학회 (96) : 36-65, 2015

      7 송화섭, "조선후기 부안의 돌짐대와 석당간" 역사문화학회 15 (15): 265-305, 2012

      8 조좌호, "위지동이전의 사료적 가치" 13 : 1979

      9 표인주, "영산강 유역 마을의 신앙적 조형물의 특징 -장승, 입석, 솟대, 조탑을 중심으로-" 호남학연구원 (44) : 349-382, 2009

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      2 貴州大學西南少數民族語言文化硏究所, "雷公山苗族" 貴州人民出版社 2008

      3 김영희, "호남지방 鳥形土器의 성격" 호남고고학회 44 : 79-107, 2013

      4 李鍾旭, "한국고대사의 새로운 체계 —100년 통설에 빼앗긴 역사를 찾아서" 소나무 1999

      5 권오영, "한국 고대의 새[鳥] 관념과 제의(祭儀)" 역사비평사 (32) : 1999

      6 이종철, "청동기시대 立大木 祭儀에 대한 고고학적 접근" 한국고고학회 (96) : 36-65, 2015

      7 송화섭, "조선후기 부안의 돌짐대와 석당간" 역사문화학회 15 (15): 265-305, 2012

      8 조좌호, "위지동이전의 사료적 가치" 13 : 1979

      9 표인주, "영산강 유역 마을의 신앙적 조형물의 특징 -장승, 입석, 솟대, 조탑을 중심으로-" 호남학연구원 (44) : 349-382, 2009

      10 이기길, "영광 마전·군동·원당·수동유적, 서해안 고속도로 영광-무안 구간 문화유적 발굴조사" 조선대학교박물관 2003

      11 폴로스막, N. V., "알타이 초원의 기마인" 주류성 2016

      12 이필영, "솟대" 대원사 1990

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      17 나혜림, "보령 명천동 유적을 중심으로 본 소도(蘇塗)와 의례공간, In 마한의 소도와의례공간" 백제학회·전남대학교 문화인류고고학과·대한문화재연구원 2017

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      20 임영진, "나주지역 마한문화의 발전, In 나주 마한문화의 형성과 발전" 전남대학교박물관 1997

      21 김병모, "금관의 비밀 —한국 고대사와 김씨金氏의 원류를 찾아서—" 푸른역사 1998

      22 趙現鐘, "광주 신창동유적의 농경제사, In 稻作農耕社會의 祭祀와 儀禮" 국립광주박물관 2014

      23 이영문, "고흥의 고인돌" 고흥군·馬韓文化硏究院 2016

      24 李榮文, "고흥 한천 지석묘군" 목포대학교박물관·익산지방국토관리청 2007

      25 이영철, "고대 취락의 제사, In 호남지역 선사와 고대의 제사" 호남고고학회 2014

      26 이재현, "강릉 강문동 136-3번지 일원 유적, In 마한의 소도와 의례공간" 백제학회·전남대학교 문화인류고고학과·대한문화재연구원 2017

      27 趙現鐘, "鳥形木製品과 農耕儀禮" 호남사학회 19 : 571-583, 2002

      28 宋華燮, "馬韓 蘇塗의 構造와 機能" 圓光大學校 宗敎問題硏究所 17 : 1992

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      37 趙現鐘, "祭祀考古學 —선사·고대의 祭祀—, In 호남지역 선사와 고대의 제사" 호남고고학회 2014

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