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      Zic3z Defines the Dorsal and Vegetal Neuroectoderm in the Zebrafish Embryonic Development



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The Zic family is a group of genes encoding zincfinger proteins that are highly expressed in the mammaliancerebellum. Zic genes are the vertebrate homologue ofDrosophila pair-rule gene, odd-paired (opa), which playsimportant roles in the parasegmental...

      The Zic family is a group of genes encoding zincfinger proteins that are highly expressed in the mammaliancerebellum. Zic genes are the vertebrate homologue ofDrosophila pair-rule gene, odd-paired (opa), which playsimportant roles in the parasegmental subdivision as well asin the visceral mesoderm development of Drosophilaembryos. Recent studies on human, mouse, frog, fish andascidian Zic homologues support that Zic genes areinvolved in a variety of developmental processes, includingneurogenesis, myogenesis, skeletal paterning, and left-rightaxis establishment. In an effort to explore possible functionsof Zic proteins during vertebrate embryogenesis, we initialyhomologue of zic3 (zic3z). zic3z transcripts are detected inthe neuroectoderm, neural plate, dorsal neural tube, andbrain regions including eye field during early embryonicdevelopment. Marker DNA studies found that zic3ztranscription is modulated by BMP, Wnt, and Nodal signalsparticularly in the dorsal and vegetal neuroectoderm atgastrula. Interfering with zic3z translation with zic3z-specificmorpholino causes abnormal brain formation and expansionof the optic stalk cells. Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs)undergo abnormal neuronal diferentiation. These findingssuggest that zic3z defines the dorsal and vegetalneuroectoderm to specify brain formation and retinalneurogenesis during early embryonic development.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      5 Kitaguchi T, "Zic3 is involved in the left-right specification of the Xenopus embryo" 127 : 4787-4795, 2000

      6 Aruga J, "Zic2 controls cerebellar development in cooperation with Zic1" 22 : 218-225, 2002

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      1 Inoue T, "synergistically control neurulation and segmentation iof paraxialmesoderm in mouse embryo" 306 : 669-684, 2007

      2 Kuo JS, "a zinc finger protein that regulates neural determination and patterning in Xenopus" 125 : 2867-2882, 1998

      3 Krauss S, "a paired box-containing gene expressed in the neural tube" 10 : 3609-3619, 1991

      4 Hallonet M, "a novel homeobox-containing gene, directs development of the basal forebrain and visual system" 13 : 3106-3114, 1999

      5 Kitaguchi T, "Zic3 is involved in the left-right specification of the Xenopus embryo" 127 : 4787-4795, 2000

      6 Aruga J, "Zic2 controls cerebellar development in cooperation with Zic1" 22 : 218-225, 2002

      7 Ebert PJ, "Zic1 represses Math1 expression via interactions with the Math1 enhancer and modulation of Math1 autoregulation" 13 : 1949-1959, 2003

      8 Aruga J, "Zic1 regulate the pattering of vertebral arches in cooperation with Gli3" 89 : 141-50, 1999

      9 Grinblat Y, "Zic-gene expression marks aneroposterior pattern in the presumprive neuroecotderm of the zebrafish gastrula" 222 : 688-693, 2001

      10 Rohr KB, "Zebrafish zic1 expression in brain and somites is affected by BMP and hedgehog signaling" 85 : 147-159, 1999

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      40 Inoue T, "Mouse Zic5 deficiency results in neural tube defects and hypoplasia of cephalic neural crest derivatives" 270 : 147-162, 2004

      41 Aruga J, "Mouse Zic1 is involved in cerebellar development" 18 : 284-293, 1998

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