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      담보신탁과 분양보증신탁에 관한 연구 = A Study on the Collateral Trust and the Lotting-out Guarantee Trust

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This paper makes comprehensive research with regard to the collateral trust and the lotting-out guarantee trust (hereinafter “the LOG trust”), which has been frequently used in Korea. As for the collateral trust, the settlor transfers his asset to...

      This paper makes comprehensive research with regard to the collateral trust and the lotting-out guarantee trust (hereinafter “the LOG trust”), which has been frequently used in Korea. As for the collateral trust, the settlor transfers his asset to the trustee, with a view to setting up collateral to the creditor, i.e. the beneficiary. In case the settlor fails to repay, the trustee is entitled to dispose of the asset and provide proceeds from sale to the beneficiary. The most controversial issue in the area of the collateral trust is whether it should be governed mainly by the principle of collateral law or the law of trusts.
      In my view, the collateral trust must be deemed as a kind of the cestui que trust to be governed by the law of trusts on the following grounds. When we focus on the relationship between the parties, we can find high similarities between the status of the settlor, the trustee and the beneficiary in the collateral trust and those in the cestui que trust. The settlor transfers the ownership of his asset in the collateral trust, as the settlor in the cestui que trust does.
      Based upon such understanding, it is reasonable to say that in case the settlor becomes insolvent, the trust asset is not subject to the settlor's creditors. This means that the collateral trust has the function of insolvency protection as is the same in the cestui que trust. Also, it can also safely be said that even though the settlor's obligation to the beneficiary based upon the promissory note is transferred, the beneficiary can claim his right against the trustee as a beneficiary, since the beneficiary's right is not dependent upon the promissory note but upon the trust contract. As such, the collateral trust falls right into the scope of the law of the trusts. Another controversial issue in the collateral trust is on whom the duty of VAT payment must be imposed. Given that the collateral trust is a kind of the cestui que trust, the issue can be decided by the logic of the cestui que trust.
      In addition, this paper deals with the issues of the LOG trust. The LOG trust means that the settlor, the condominium construction company who parcels out the apartment, transfers both the construction site and the condominium to the trustee in order to protect the contractorsthe beneficiarieswho are expected to claim the possession and ownership against the condominium when the construction is completed. In case the settlor becomes insolvent, the trustee is supposed to assume the obligation of the settlor to return the purchase money offered by the contractors. Once the settlor returns the purchase money, he is entitled to dispose of the trust asset (the construction site and the condominium) and appropriate proceeds from the sale for reimbursement for his payment to the contractors. This paper argues that the LOG trust is the mixture of the management trust and the collateral trust. Therefore, it is reasonable to say that the legal principle to be applied to the collateral trust can also be applied to the LOG trust. This might lead to the conclusion that the LOG trust has the function of insolvency protection as in the collateral trust, and further, the transfer of the construction site and the condominium to the trustee is a gratuitous conveyance.


      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      본 논문에서는 비교적 활성화되어 있는 담보신탁과 분양보증신탁의 법률관계에 대하여 논하였다. 담보신탁과 관련하여 담보목적이라는 경제적 기능을 강조하여 담보권 법률관계로 규율할...

      본 논문에서는 비교적 활성화되어 있는 담보신탁과 분양보증신탁의 법률관계에 대하여 논하였다. 담보신탁과 관련하여 담보목적이라는 경제적 기능을 강조하여 담보권 법률관계로 규율할지 아니면 소유권이전의 형식을 중시하여 수익자신탁의 법리에 따라 규율할지 문제가 된다.
      필자는 담보신탁에서의 위탁자, 수탁자, 수익자의 지위에 비추어 담보신탁을 수익자신탁의 한 유형으로 이해하는 것이 타당하다고 생각한다. 따라서 담보신탁에서도 신탁재산의 독립성을 인정할 수 있고 도산절연성을 인정할 수 있다. 또한 담보신탁에서 우선수익자의 원인채권이 양도 또는 전부된 경우에 우선수익권도 소멸하는지 문제가 되나, 수익자신탁의 일반 법리에 따라 규율하는 것이 타당하므로 담보권에서 인정되는 수반성과 부종성을 인정하기 어렵다. 따라서 위와 같은 경우에 특별한 사정이 없는 한 우선수익권은 소멸하지 않는다고 보아야 할 것이다. 담보신탁에 있어서 부가가치세 납세의무자가 누구인지 문제가 되나 수익자신탁에 있어서 부가가치세 납세의무자에 관한 논의에 따라 결정될 문제이다.
      한편 분양보증신탁은 관리신탁과 담보신탁이 결합된 형태이므로 담보신탁에서의 법리가 분양보증신탁에 적용된다고 보아야 한다. 따라서 분양보증신탁에서 도산절연성은 인정된다. 실무에서 환급이행을 한 수탁자가 신탁재산을 취득한 경우에 그 취득이 유상취득인지 무상취득인지 문제가 되는데, 분양보증신탁이 담보신탁의 구조를 띠고 있다는 점을 감안하면 수탁자의 신탁재산의 취득은 무상취득으로 보아야 할 것이다. 그리고 분양보증신탁에서 누가 부가가치세 납세의무자인지 문제가 되나 담보신탁에서 부가가치세 납세의무자에 대한 논의에 따라 결정될 문제이다.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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