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      管樂靈山會想 上靈山과 壽齊天의 피리 演奏法 硏究 : 음반에 나타난 시대적 호흡한배의 변화를 중심으로 = Research on Piri Techniques of Gwanakyeongsanhoesang Sangryeongsan and Sujaecheon : based on changes in breathing tempo of the time found in the albums



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In this study, sound sources found in the albums of "Gwanakyeongsanhoesang Sangryeongsan and Sujaecheon" were compared in order to examine the changes in piri, daegeum, and janggu techniques, and changes in sigimsae of piri tunes in different times, a...

      In this study, sound sources found in the albums of "Gwanakyeongsanhoesang Sangryeongsan and Sujaecheon" were compared in order to examine the changes in piri, daegeum, and janggu techniques, and changes in sigimsae of piri tunes in different times, and the tempos were compared to analyze the breathing tempo of Gwanakyeongsanhoesang Sangryeongsan and Sujaecheon based on piri melody and rhythms.
      Jung-mu, the piri melody that appears regularly on the first beat and middle of each line of Gwangakyeongsanhoesang Sangryeongsan, and Im-mu, which is played briefly in the last melody and between each lines of daegeum yeoneum, remain constant and their organic relationship has an important effect on the breathing tempo of Gwanakyeongsanhoesang Sangryeongsan. And, the same piri melody is repeated and maintains the breathing tempo within the overall frame of the music, while the breathing tempo of daegeum yeoneum, which is played consistently in the last part, is another important element in Gwanakyeongsanhoesang Sangryeongsan.
      In Sujaecheon, Nam-tae, Im-go, and Im-hwang melodies played on the first beat of each line, and the tempo of daegeum yeoneum played in the last part of each rhythm remain constant, has an important effect on the breathing tempo of Sujaecheon. And, in Sujaecheon, another important element of the melody tempo is a yoseong of Namryeo, Goseon, and Taejok, and, although speed of yoseong for these notes vary in different albums, in each alubm, the yoseong of a note progresses regularly in each line and rhythm, and has an important effect on the melodic breathing tempo. In recent performances, the janggu rhythm is played on the first beat of each daegang in '' of Gwangakyeongsanhoesang Sangryeongsan and first beat of each daegang in '' of Sujaecheon, along with the tempo of piri melody, and plays the first beat of each daegang, i.e., major points of the overall music. However, in recent sound sources of Gwangakyeongsanhoesang Sangryeongsan, instead of following the basic ‘’ frame or following the piri melody, the janggu rhythm:
      ① appears in the middle of the piri melody and prepares for the following melody; and,
      ② is played with the melody of another instrument, for preparation of the piri melody.
      And janggu rhythm helps prepare for the following breathing tempo, which suggests that janggu used to play more diverse and complex roles than it does now, before the recent SKC.
      In Sujaecheon, also, janggu rhythm is progressed with the piri melody in recent performance, and marks important points of each line in ‘’ and plays an important role in creating unity of the overall music. However, in sound sources before the first recent SKC gukak album, janggu rhythm is played at substantially different points from recent. Although 'gideok' and 'kung' in the first rhythm of each line, in the middle, the points at which ‘gideok’, ‘kung’, and ‘deong deoreoreoreo' are played are different from recent, playing an important role in the breathing tempof o the overall melody. And, as janggu rhythm follows the piri melody, it has an effect on the breathing tempo of the following melody and unity in breathing of other instruments.
      Gwanakyeongsanhoesang Sangryeongsan and Sujaecheon music that feature irregular tempos of different instruments, have changed in recent versions to somewhat united tempos based on ‘’, and ‘,‘ but sound sources such as Ahakjeongsu of Wangjik Lee, Gukakwon Ahak, John Levy Collection, and Banggwangmun data show variability of the breathing tempo and flexibility in melodies in rhythms, in comparison to recent versions.
      As the breathing tempo and janggu rhythm are important elements in Gwanakyeongsanhoesang Sangryeongsan and Sujaecheon, I hope this study will help understand the breathing tempo of the meoldies and melodic changes of different instruments, and improve performance of the two pieces of music in the future.
      <Keywords> : Gwanakyeongsanhoesang, Sangryeongsan, Sujaecheon, breathing tempo, piri melody, sigimsae, janggu rhythm, daegeum yeoneum, ahak jeongsu, banggwangmun, John Levi Collection, recent SKC


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 서론 1
      • 1. 연구목적 1
      • 2. 선행연구 4
      • 3. 연구방법 및 범위 6
      • 1) 연구방법 6
      • Ⅰ. 서론 1
      • 1. 연구목적 1
      • 2. 선행연구 4
      • 3. 연구방법 및 범위 6
      • 1) 연구방법 6
      • 2) 연구범위 9
      • Ⅱ. 본론 14
      • 1. 관악영산회상 상령산의 음악적 특징 14
      • 2. 관악영산회상 상령산의 비교 분석 17
      • 1) 관악영산회상 상령산 제1장 17
      • 2) 관악영산회상 상령산 제2장 43
      • 3) 관악영산회상 상령산 제3장 61
      • 4) 관악영산회상 상령산 제4장 75
      • 3. 상령산 동일선율의 호흡한배 차이점 87
      • 1) 동일선율 유형A 87
      • 2) 동일선율 유형B 89
      • 3) 동일선율 유형C, C-1 92
      • 4) 동일선율 유형D, D-1 95
      • 5) 동일선율 유형E, E-1 97
      • 4. 상령산 대금연음 선율의 호흡한배 차이점 99
      • 1) 대금연음 동일선율 유형A 99
      • 2) 대금연음 동일선율 유형B(해금연음 +대금연음) 103
      • 3) 나머지 유형의 대금연음 호흡한배의 차이점 105
      • 5. 상령산 매 각 1정간 피리선율 仲-無와 매 각 20정간 대금연음 淋-의 시간한배 109
      • 6. 관악영산회상 상령산 소결론 112
      • 7. 수제천의 음악적 특징 119
      • 8. 수제천의 비교 분석 122
      • 1) 수제천 제1장 122
      • 2) 수제천 제3장 150
      • 3) 수제천 제4장 167
      • 9. 수제천 동일선율의 호흡한배 차이점 173
      • 1) 동일선율 유형A 173
      • 2) 동일선율 유형B 176
      • 3) 동일선율 유형C, C-1 178
      • 10. 수제천 대금연음 선율의 호흡한배 차이점 181
      • 1) 대금연음의 동일선율 유형A 181
      • 2) 대금연음의 동일선율 유형B 184
      • 11. 수제천 소결론 187
      • Ⅲ. 결론 195
      • 참고문헌 205
      • 부 록 208
      • 1) 상령산 시간 분석표와 정간보
      • 2) 관악영산회상 상령산의 음반별 선율비교 악보
      • 3) 관악영산회상 상령산 음반별 악보
      • 4) 수제천 시간 분석표와 정간보
      • 5) 수제천의 음반별 선율비교 악보
      • 6) 수제천 악보
      • Abstract 275

      참고문헌 (Reference) 논문관계도

      1 장사훈, "국악대사전", (서울 :세광음악 출판사, 1984

      2 서한범, "『국악통론』", (서울: 태림출판사, 1996

      3 반혜성, "『전통음악개론』", 두남, 서울 :도서출판 어울림, 1995

      4 송방송, "『한국음악용어론』", 권6, 2009

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      6 이해식, "「수제천의 선율구조」", [음악학 논총], 1992

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      1 장사훈, "국악대사전", (서울 :세광음악 출판사, 1984

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