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      지대추구행위 -실천적,전체론적 접근- = Rent Seeking Action: A Practical and Holistic Approach



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study tries to explain rent-seeking action in a quite different perspectives called ‘holism’ instead of the theoretical and reductive approaches. Theoretical reductive approach assumes that human action can be explained by the finely defined concepts and their relations. According to this approach, rent seeking action can be explained if the key concepts such as ‘rent’ and ‘human selfishness’ are defined properly. As these concepts presumed to remain a constant meaning regardless spatio-temporal circumstances, a generalized explanation can also be expected to be possible. On the contrary, the meaning of human action can be changed with the varied surrounding contextual conditions according to the practical holistic explanations. It is not possible thus to give a fixed meaning to a certain human action. To understand human action properly, it is required to take into account of the holistic situation and contextual conditions. Being explained by virtue of practical holistic perspectives, rent seeking action in Korea can be explicated quite differently from the past and other studies. Considering contextual conditions and human ability to learn, it is not necessarily required for rent-seeker to be aware of what rent is and, furthermore, to be assumed as a selfish being. Just like as they unconsciously learn how use words and how interact with others, people can learn how to create the opportunities to take rent from their daily experiences of everyday life. When they learn a pattern of action from the form of life as a ‘being-in-the-world’, they don’t need theoretically refined presupposition or concepts. Every day experiences and their own conscious ability can be the enough conditions to let people learn ‘rent-seeking’ like behavior unconsciously only if these kinds of actions were ubiquitous. As they learned from daily life, rent-seeking action can be a life skill to be applied to almost all of the social situations. Focusing on individual cases with theoretical perspectives, rent researchers are likely to be unaware of the horrible possibility for Korean society to be falling into a ‘rent-seeking vortex’.

      This study tries to explain rent-seeking action in a quite different perspectives called ‘holism’ instead of the theoretical and reductive approaches. Theoretical reductive approach assumes that human action can be explained by the finely defined ...

      This study tries to explain rent-seeking action in a quite different perspectives called ‘holism’ instead of the theoretical and reductive approaches. Theoretical reductive approach assumes that human action can be explained by the finely defined concepts and their relations. According to this approach, rent seeking action can be explained if the key concepts such as ‘rent’ and ‘human selfishness’ are defined properly. As these concepts presumed to remain a constant meaning regardless spatio-temporal circumstances, a generalized explanation can also be expected to be possible. On the contrary, the meaning of human action can be changed with the varied surrounding contextual conditions according to the practical holistic explanations. It is not possible thus to give a fixed meaning to a certain human action. To understand human action properly, it is required to take into account of the holistic situation and contextual conditions. Being explained by virtue of practical holistic perspectives, rent seeking action in Korea can be explicated quite differently from the past and other studies. Considering contextual conditions and human ability to learn, it is not necessarily required for rent-seeker to be aware of what rent is and, furthermore, to be assumed as a selfish being. Just like as they unconsciously learn how use words and how interact with others, people can learn how to create the opportunities to take rent from their daily experiences of everyday life. When they learn a pattern of action from the form of life as a ‘being-in-the-world’, they don’t need theoretically refined presupposition or concepts. Every day experiences and their own conscious ability can be the enough conditions to let people learn ‘rent-seeking’ like behavior unconsciously only if these kinds of actions were ubiquitous. As they learned from daily life, rent-seeking action can be a life skill to be applied to almost all of the social situations. Focusing on individual cases with theoretical perspectives, rent researchers are likely to be unaware of the horrible possibility for Korean society to be falling into a ‘rent-seeking vortex’.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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