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1 Gnüchtel A, "Zur Flechtenflora Sachsens (4. Beitrag)" 4 : 8-26, 1997
2 Seaward MR, "Vice-county distribution of Irish lichens" 94 : 177-194, 1994
3 Smith CW, "The lichens of Great Britain and Ireland" British Lichen Society 727-728, 2009
4 Goward T, "The lichens of British Columbia: illustrated keys. Part 2. Fruticose species" British Columbia Ministry of Forests 187-319, 1999
5 Santesson R, "The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Sweden and Norway" Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift 1993
6 Burgaz AR, "The genera Koerberia, Leptochidium, Massalongia and Polychidium (Peltigerales sensu lato) in the Iberian Peninsula" 73 : 381-392, 2001
7 Ryan BD, "Polychidium, In Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert region. Vol. 1" Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University 401-402, 2002
8 Kurokawa S, "Parmelioid lichen genera and species in Taiwan" 77 : 225-284, 2001
9 Xiao YQ, "Notes on the lichen genus Polychidium from China" 5 : 53-57, 2006
10 Aptroot A, "New Taiwan macrolichens" 84 : 281-292, 2002
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