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      • 스베친(Александр Андреевич Свечин)의 소모전략 연구

        장문종 고려대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 248703

        러시아 혁명이후 소비에트 연방이 적군을 창설하면서 겪게 된 군사분야의 발전과정에서 궁극적으로 채택된 공세적 군사교리와 전략에 관한 연구는 상당수이다. 그러나 이와 반대 입장에 있던 인물이나 이러한 인물들이 주장했던 군사교리와 전략에 관한 연구는 여전히 부족한 편이다. 본고에서 다루고 있는 스베친(Александр Андреевич Свечин)에 관한 연구도 당시 그의 위상에 비해 상당히 부족하다. 스베친이 소비에트 연방 군사사에서 군사사상, 이론과 전략의 분야에 기여한 점은 군사전략을 소모전략과 파괴전략의 두 가지 범주로 구분하고 이중 소모전략을 더 큰 개념으로 정의한 후 당시 소비에트 연방이 취해야 할 전략으로 소모전략을 제시한 점이다. 그러나 아쉽게도 그가 주장했던 소모전략은 반대파에 의해서 무시되었고 그의 사후에는 논의조차 되지 못했다. 하지만 이후 벌어진 제2차 세계대전은 스베친의 예상이 그대로 현실화된 전쟁이었다. 전쟁의 승패를 좌우하는 결정적 전투는 존재하지 않았으며 서로간의 지루한 전투와 작전이 계속되었다. 결국 전쟁은 상대적으로 더 많은 인적, 물적 자원을 보유해 장기소모전을 수행할 수 있었던 소비에트 연방과 연합국의 승리로 끝났다.

      • 토론 수업을 통한 듣기전략 지도 사례 연구 : 고등학교 1학년을 대상으로 한 소모임 토론에서

        김진경 경상대학교 교육대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 133919

        The need for communication ability is increasing more and more in modern society. It has become a major ability to solve problems through cooperation with others and to end conflicts caused by different individual interests. As several recent researches have been released claiming that lack of listening ability causes serious problems in communication process, more emphasis is put on education of listening skills. The purpose of this study is to teach listening strategies in discussion classes, clarify effect of teaching listening strategy, and identify correlation between listening strategies and communication ability. Discussion class covers the spoken language, which largely has transactional function, and is an appropriate class model for providing interactive language tasks, not unilateral listening materials given to learners. Discussion model applied in actual classes is a modified one of Karl Popper's Discussion and Cross Examination Debate Association, which reinforce process that identifies and verifies opponents' proof demonstration. The analysis of class discussion before teaching listening strategies showed that students could not ask proper questions and make appropriate demonstration because they were not able to solicit the opponent's problems in argument and its basis, and that students had the discussion take the wrong way because they cannot grasp the issue point of the discussion. Learners with high listening ability ,however, made the discussion more lively because they asked proper questions and rebutted the opponent's argument. It could be inferred from this analysis that learner's listening ability has a great effect on their discussion ability. Three hypothesis were made on the basis of pre-analysis, and were verified through the research. First, communication problem in discussions with high information process difficulty could be caused by listening ability difference. Second, teaching listening strategies could improve learners' listening ability. Third, teaching listening strategies could increase frequency of utterance by improving learners' listening ability. Listening strategy to be taught to students consists of analysis strategy and criticizing strategy. The former is to find out the other's argument and its proof and the latter is to evaluate problems of the argument and its proof. Listening strategy teaching had three stages. In the first stage, cognitive elements of listening strategy were taught through worksheets. In the second stage, students' discussions were videotaped and demonstrated to show both the success and failure to utilize listening strategy. In the third stage, group discussion topic was presented and cooperative listening activity was encouraged throughout the discussion . Discussion analysis was performed to verify the hypothesis of the research after teaching listening strategy. The result showed that discussions after teaching listening strategy are a lot more lively than the discussions before teaching listening strategy. Learners used listening strategy twice as many as before and meaningful utterance increased considerably during each stage of the discussion, which made it more active, That is because listening ability was improved to find things to criticize and problems in the other's remark. That is, as you see from the hypothesis, teaching listening strategy improved learners' listening ability, therefore improved discussion ability, too. Despite a few limitations, we can see from this study that teaching listening strategy in discussion class is a meaningful one to improve learners' communication ability

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