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      • KCI등재


        小松奈?(고마츠 나나) 한국일본어학회 2023 日本語學硏究 Vol.- No.78

        본고는 일본어 종조사 よね를 연구 대상으로 하여 한국인 학습자와 일본어 모어 화자의 접촉장면대화에서 모어 화자에 의한 よね에는 어떤 기능이 있으며 대화에서 어떻게 사용되고 있는지를 밝혔다. 먼저 지금까지의 모어장면 대화에서 볼 수 있었던 よね의 기능에 대해 선행 연구를 정리한 결과, 주로 네 가지 기능으로 정리할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 본 연구에서는 각각 확인 요구기능, 동의 요구기능, 정보제공기능, 공감 표시기능으로 명명하였다. 다음으로 과제1에서는 접촉장면에서 모어 화자가 사용하는 よね에도 모어 장면과 마찬가지로 네 가지 기능을 볼 수 있는지 살펴보았다. 그 결과 네 종류 모두 사용되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 지금까지 밝혀진 기능이 파생되어 사용되고 있다고 판단할 수 있는 예도 관찰되었다. 예를 들면, 자신의 견해를 나타내는 담화의 서두에 よね를 포함한 발화를 배치시켜 주의 환기를 하는 용법이나, 상대방의 발화에 대해서 뿐만 아니라 회화 참가자 쌍방에 의한 논의 전체에 대해 공감의 마음을 나타내는 용법 등을 볼 수 있었다. 그리고 과제2에서는 각 기능의 출현 빈도를 비교하였다. 그 결과, 출현 빈도에는 유의한 차이가 나타났으며, 특히 공감 표시 기능이 높아 정보 제공 기능이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과를 바탕으로 학습자에게 있어서의 よね 습득의 어려움을 지적하고, 일본어 교육 현장에서의 종조사 よね 지도의 방향성에 대해 제언하였다. With focus on the Japanese final particle yone, this study aims to clarify its functions and usage aspects in conversations between Korean learners of Japanese and native speakers of Japanese in contact situations. First, this study reviewed previous studies on the functions of yone observed in conversations in ‘native situations’. The review found that the functions can be divided into four main types. This study named them the request for confirmation function, request for agreement function, provision of information function, and display of empathy function, respectively. Next, in Subject 1, this study explored whether the four types of functions can be found in yone used by native speakers in contact situations as in ‘native situations’. The results showed that all four types were used. In addition, there were some cases in which the use of yone seemed to be derived from the previously identified functions. For example, the following was observed: the use of yone to draw attention at the beginning of a discourse for expression of the speakers own opinion, and the use of yone to express empathy not only for the other partys speech but also for the entire discussion by both participants in the conversation. In Subject 2, the occurrence frequency of each function was then compared. The results showed a significant difference in the frequency of occurrence, with a particularly high frequency for the display of empathy function and a low frequency for the provision of information function. Based on these results, this study pointed out the difficulty for learners in learning yone and suggested directions for teaching the final particle yone in the field of Japanese language education.

      • KCI등재


        小松奈々 한국일본언어문화학회 2023 일본언어문화 Vol.65 No.-

        In this study, I examined two conversation styles, casual conversation and debate, and conducted a comparative analysis of the use of the sentence-final particle ‘YONE’ by native speakers in interactional contexts. As a result, it was found that ‘YONE’, which serves as an expression of empathy, is frequently used in both conversation styles as a common feature. The difference lies in the significant prevalence of the confirmatory function of ‘YONE’ in casual conversation, whereas in debate, there is a higher frequency of both agreementseeking and information-providing functions. From the observed ratio of each function in casual conversation and examples of conversations, it was found that by using the confirmatory and empathetic functions of ‘YONE’, speakers confirm their understanding with their interlocutors, ensuring the accuracy of their own perceptions while building a shared understanding. On the other hand, in debate, when there is agreement with the interlocutor, speakers actively use the agreement-seeking function of ‘YONE’ to facilitate consensus. Even in cases of differing opinions, speakers utilize the information-providing and empathetic functions of ‘YONE’ to demonstrate understanding of the interlocutor’s position while presenting their own opinions.

      • KCI등재후보


        김옥임 ( Kim Ockim ) 성신여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 人文科學硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        In this article, the compound postposition “よね(yone)” in Japanese sentences is the subject of investigation. The results point out the following three points. (1) Compared to the direct expressions of complaint toward an opponent who made a tardy appearance such as “it will be awkward if you are late” or “don`t be late,” a confirmation requesting expression like “was it two o`clock?” using “yone” makes euphemistic sense. Therefore, it is clear that “yone” creates indirect expressions. (2) “Xyone. Y“ was observed as a popular type of sentence structure among the practical examples. In this case, many speeches from “Y” have the form of request, wish or opinion asking the listener to do something. It is clear that “yone” is used to soften these demanding expressions. (3) In conclusion, “yone” not only has the function of requesting confirmation but also (1) the function of emotion expression and (2) of indirect expression. Given the fact that it expresses consideration for the listener`s knowledge as well as emotion, it is similar to the postposition “ね(ne)”.

      • KCI등재후보


        金秀榮(Kim, Su-Young) 대한일어일문학회 2016 일어일문학 Vol.69 No.-

        In this paper, if the information belongs to both the speaker and listener, from the viewpoint of whether the subject to request of the superiority relationship confirm the amount of information there what, confirmation request expression of Japan and South Korea both languages 「yone」「darou」and 「ji」I found out what kind of similarities and differences. In the confirmation of the decision and information, 「yone」and 「ji」includes, but is also used if to confirm many times the listener the same thing just in case, to 「darou」is not that sense usage. In the Share induction of information, 「yone」 「darou」and 「ji」is, or have forgotten listener, speaker reminded that you have not yet noticed, are induced to share the information. In recognition induction of decision and information, 「darou」and 「ji」includes, but is speaker that already has the recognition is used when it is induced to recognize in the same way as the speaker to listener, meaning would change only when you"ll 「yone」. In consent request, 「yone」isin a situation which is considered to have the same recognition also to the other party, the speaker is sure that his recognition is also a recognition of the other party, are seeking consent, agree. However, 「darou」is not that sense usage.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일본의 초기상징주의의 형성과정

        왕신영 ( Sin Young Wang ) 한국비교문학회 2015 比較文學 Vol.0 No.66

        19세기 말에서 20세기 초, 프랑스를 발원지로 하는 상징주의는 장르를 초월한 예술정신의 맥락화(脈絡化)라는 관점에서 아방가르드와 모더니즘의 동인(動因)이 되었다. 그리고 일본에서는 제2차 세계대전 후 새로운 시운동의 중요한 발판으로 그 맥락의 지속성을 보였다. 한국시사에서는 그 명칭이 명시적으로 나타나는 이입기를 제외하면 상징주의는 대체적으로 낭만주의에 흡수되거나 그것의 연장선상으로 보는 관점이 지배적이라고 할 수 있다. 물론 일본 상징주의도 낭만적 경향을 지닌다는 점에서는 한국문학과 유사하다고 볼 수 있으나 일본문학사 속에서 충분한 공간 확충이 되어 있다는 점은 차이가 있다. 필자는 예술운동의 보편성이라는 관점에서 상징주의의 공간 확충의 필요성과 그 가능성을 주로 순수시라는 ‘장르’의 명칭으로 기술되고 있는 김영랑(1903-1950)의 시를 통하여 모색해 볼 수 있지 않을까 생각한다. 이번 논문에서는 이를 전제로 1900년을 전후로 한 시기에 서구에서 일본으로 상징주의가 어떻게 이입, 변용되었는지를 살펴본다. 서구 상징주의가 일본에 이입되면서 ‘일본상징파’ 시로 변용, 육화할 수 있었던 배경에는 당시의 일본문학자들이 서구 상징시 속에서 일본의 전통적 미의식과의 유사성을 발견할 수 있었던 점이 크게 작용한 것으로 보인다. 그리고 그러한 발견에는 인적교류를 통한 유럽과 일본의 문화(문학)적 상호 침투에 의한 상대화가 매우 중요한 계기가 되었다고 할 수 있다. 구체적으로 전자의 관점에서는 ‘유겐(幽玄)’이라는 일본 중세의 미적 개념으로 상징주의를 규정하려 했던 우에다 빈(上田敏, 1874-1916)과 스테판 말라르메(Stephane Mallarme, 1842-1898)의 시를 불교적 개념으로 극복하려했던 간바라 아리아케(蒲原有明, 1875-1952)를 중심으로, 후자의 관점에서는 1900년 전후의 이른 시기에 상징 시인으로 구미에서 활동하며 왕성하게 일본의 전통시를 전파한 노구치 요네지로(野口米次郞, 1875-1947)와 그와 인적교류를 가지고 있으면서『상징주의의 문학운동』으로 일본의 문학자들에게 지대한 영향을 주었던 아더 시몬즈(Arthur Symons, 1865-1945)를 중심으로 논하고자 한다. Between the late 19th and early 20th centuries, symbolism arose from France and became a motive for the avant-garde movement and modernism to continue the legacy of symbolism in terms of the contextualization of the artistic spirit beyond genres. In Japan, symbolism became a foothold in a new poetry movement that continued until after World War 2. It is the dominant opinion in the history of Korean poetry that symbolism showed its explicit nature in the early importing period but then seemed to become merely an extension of romanticism or to become absorbed in it. Although Japanese symbolism looks similar to Korean symbolism because of its romantic tendencies, the difference between the two is that Japanese symbolism has contributed a great deal more to the expansion of Japanese literature. In preparing this study, the author has considered the need to widen the symbolism found in the history of Korean poetry into the wider perspective of the universality of the art movements. In this author`s opinion, it is important to put forth the possibility of extending the time period of symbolism in the history of Korean literature by putting Kim Youngrang (1903-1950), whose poems are describe as belong to the genre of pure poetry, in most poetry histories. How symbolism was transformed and imported from the West to Japan around 1900 is examined in this paper. The traditional Japanese aesthetic sense, which Japanese poets found in the symbolic poems of the West, heavily influenced the reasons why symbolism from the West could be transformed and incorporated into the poetry of the “Japanese symbolists.” Moreover, this seems to have been mainly caused the relativeness of the mutual acceptance of the cultures(literatures) of Europe and Japan through personal interchange. In more detail, the former viewpoint focuses on Ueda Bin(上田 敏), who tried to define symbolism as ``Yugen(幽玄)``,i.e, the Japanese medieval aesthetic idea, and Kambara Ariake(蒲原有明) who tried to overcome Mallareme`s poems with Buddhistic ideas. In addition, the later viewpoint focuses on Nokuchi Yonejiro(野口米次郞) who was active in Europe and America as a symbolic poet around 1900 and spread Japanese traditional poetry actively in those two areas. Also, his acquaintance, Arthur Simons, author of The Symbolist movement in Literature, made a deep impact on Japanese poets at the time.

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