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      • 스판덱스 코어 나일론 커버링 two way 복합사 직물의 전단특성

        李春吉 慶一大學校 2002 論文集 Vol.18 No.-

        The two way fabrics woven by spandex-core nylon-covering complex yarn play a decisive role in producing the high quality textile garments. The fabrics used in this experiments, woven by polyurethane 40 denier core filament and nylon 140 denier/ 48 filaments covering yarn, were wet and dry heat treated two way fabrics. We performed the experiments to know the influence of treatment time and temperature on the shear properties of the two way fabrics. In wet treatment, the samples were made by using the two way fabric at boiling temperature through the treatment time of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 min. respectively. In dry treatment, the samples were made at the temperature of 100, 120, 140, 160℃ for 2, 6, 10, 20 min. respectively. The shear properties of the samples were evaluated by using Kawabata Hand Evaluation System. Through the experiments the following results were obtained. The shear stiffness of the wet treated samples increased according to the treatment time and the shear stiffness of the dry treated samples decreased at the treatment temperature of 160℃ according to the treatment time. The hysteresis of shear force at the shear angle φ=0.5° of the wet treated samples decreased and the hysteresis of shear force at the shear angle φ=0.5° of the dry treated samples decreased at the treatment temperature of 160℃ according to the treatment time. The hysteresis of shear force at the shear angle φ=5°of the wet treated samples had almost the same values but the hysteresis of shear force at the shear angle φ=5°of the dry treated samples decreased over the treatment temperature of 120℃ according to treatment time.

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