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      • KCI등재

        피해자변호사제도와 그 개선방안

        강동욱 ( Dong Wook Kang ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2014 홍익법학 Vol.15 No.1

        The Art. 27-5 of the Constitution in Korea stipulates the rights of victims such as crime victim`s right to statement. The criminal procedure law as well has expanded the system to protect victims in criminal procedures as well as opportunities for victims to participate in such criminal procedures. And the various measures to protect crime victims have been established and implemented by laws and institutions. Especially, as sexual violence crimes in Korean society become more often and serious, such special laws as 「the Exemption Act on Punishment of Sexual Violence Crimes(EAPSVC)」and 「the Act on Protection of Children and Juveniles from Sexual Abuse(APCJSA)」have provided measures to protect sexual crime victims in consideration of the stabbing anguish of victims. Since there is a high risk of harm after the incident during the period of criminal investigation and public trials especially in the case of sexual violence victims, various measures have been established and taken to protect victims. Such provisions, however, have been limited to mere psychological and mental help and failed to assure rights of victims in criminal procedures. True, there have been limits to legal assistance for such victims. Accordingly, the government revised APCJSA(revised on Sep 15, 2011 and enforced on March 16, 2012), and newly established the regulations on defender appointment(Art. 18-6) for child and juvenile sexual crime victims. Again, the Ministry of Justice revised the Art. 27 of EAPSVC(enforced on June 9, 2013; Law provision no. 11729) and the Art. 30-1 of APCJSA(enforced on June 19, 2013; Law provision no. 11572), stipulating the basis and authority of the victim defender system. The art. 27-6 of EAPSVC, which states that ⑥ the prosecutor may select a public defender and project the victim`s interests in the criminal procedures if he/she has no defender appointed, stipulates the public defender system for all sexual violence victims. This became the basis for the Art. 30-2 of APCJSA. Accordingly, the victim defender system and victim`s public defender system started to be expanded and implemented for all sexual violence crime victims on June 19, 2012. And this system expanded to the children victim of child abuse crimes by 「the Exemption Act on Punishment of Child Abuse Crimes」(enacted on Dec. 31, 2013). So, in this paper, I examined the defender system for crime victims and suggested it`s improvement measures as ways to overcome the problems of the current defender system for victims.

      • KCI등재

        피해자국선변호사제도의 현황과 확대 · 개선방안

        강동욱(KANG, Dong-Wook) 인하대학교 법학연구소 2014 法學硏究 Vol.17 No.1

        우리 사회에서 성폭력범죄가 빈빌하고 더욱 흉포화되면서 「성폭력범죄의 처벌에 관한 특례법」 및 「아동 · 청소년의 성보호에 관한 법률」 등 특별법을 통하여 성폭력범죄자에 대한 가중처벌과 함께 피해자보호를 위한 대책을 강화하였다. 그러나 종래의 성폭력피해자의 보호를 위한 대책들은 피해자의 심리적 · 정신적 또는 물질적 · 경제적 도움을 제공하는데 집중하였기 때문에 피해자에 대한 법률적 부조에는 한계가 있었다. 이에 정부에서는 2011년 9월 15일 개정된 아동 · 청소년성보호법에서 아동 · 청소년대상 성범죄 피해자를 위한 변호사 선임에 관한 규정(제18조의6)을 신설하였다. 이후 법무부는 2012년 12월 18일 성폭력특별법을 개정하여 동법 제27조에서 피해자 변호사제도에 대한 규정을 마련하면서 동조 제6항에서 성폭력피해자에 대한 국선변호사 제도를 도입하였다. 그리고 아동 · 청소년성보호법상 성범죄피해자(제30조) 와 「아동학대범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법」상 아동학대범죄사건의 피해아동에 대해서 성폭력특별법 제27조를 준용(제16조)하도록 하였다. 현행법상 피해자국선변호사제도의 도입은 범죄피해자에 대한 법률부조를 제도화하고, 헌법상 평등의 원칙을 구현한 것으로서 ‘피해자보호’의 측면에서 보면 상당히 획기적인 진전이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 피해자국선변호사제도는 시행한 지 1년 정도 밖에 되지 않았지만 종전의 법률조력인제도에 비해 비교적 활용도나 만족도가 높은 것으로 나타나고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 성폭력특별법 등에서 피해자국선변호사의 지위나 선정절차 등, 그 운용에 관해 별도의 규정과 위임이 없이 법무부규칙과 지침에 의해 운용되고 있기 때문에 법적 근거가 미약한 실정이며, 앞으로 피해자국선변호사제도의 확대가 기대되는 현실에서 그 시행에 있어 피해자변호사의 전문성 결여 등, 여러 가지 문제점이 나타나고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 성폭력특별법상 피해자국선변호사제도의 도입취지와 피해자국선변호사 제도의 운영과 그 실태에 대하여 살펴본 후, 피해자국선변호사제도의 도입취지에 따른 효율적인 운용을 위해 그 확대 · 개선방안을 제시하였다. The Art. 27-5 of the Constitution in Korea stipulates the rights of victims such as crime victim’s right to statement. The criminal procedure law as well has expanded the system to protect victims in criminal procedures as well as opportunities for victims to participate in such criminal procedures. And the various measures to protect crime victims have been established and implemented by laws and institutions. Especially, as sexual violence crimes in Korean society become more often and serious, such special laws as 「the Exemption Act on Punishment of Sexual Violence Crimes(EAPSVC)」 and 「the Act on Protection of Children and Juveniles from Sexual Abuse(APCJSA)」 have provided measures to protect sexual crime victims in consideration of the stabbing anguish of victims. Since there is a high risk of harm after the incident during the period of criminal investigatin and public trials especially in the case of sexual violence victims, various measures have been established and taken to protect victims. Such provisions, however, have been limited to mere psychological and mental help and failed to assure rights of victims in criminal procedures. True, there have been limits to legal assistance for such victims. Accordingly, the government revised APCJSA(revised on Sep 15, 2011 and enforced on March 16, 2012), and newly established the regulations on defender appointment(Art. 18-6) for child and juvenile sexual crime victims. Again, the Ministry of Justice revised the Art. 27 of EAPSVC(enforced on June 9, 2013; Law provision no. 11572), stipulating the basis and authority of the victim defender system. The art. 27-6 of EAPSVC, which states that ⑥ the prosecutor may select a public defender and project the victim’s interests in the criminal procedures if he/she has no defender appointed, stipulates the public defender system for all sexual violence victims. This became the basis for the Art. 30-2 of APCJSA. Accordingly, the victim defender system and victim’s public defender system started to be expanded and implemented for all sexual violence crime victims on June 19, 2012. And this system expanded to the children victim of child abuse crimes by 「the Exemption Act on Punishment of Child Abuse Crimes」 (enacted on Dec. 31, 2013). So, in this paper, I examined the public defender system for crime victims and suggested it’s improvement measures as ways to overcome the problems of the current public defender system for victims.

      • KCI등재

        피해자변호사의 형사절차 참여에 관한 고찰

        김태계(Kim, Tae-kye) 한양법학회 2014 漢陽法學 Vol.25 No.4

        Previous Criminal Procedure Act does not allow for personal punishment. Exclusion procedures, and the parties of the case was completed national penal system to the state monopoly The excessive abuse of power to maintain social order and state system state. So important was this improved system for human rights protection for the accused. The Criminal Procedure Act was so important to the legislative process for the prevention of human rights violations for the defendant. The trial procedure at the center at strengthening the rights of the defense counsel for the accused’s rights were excluded from the criminal trial is the victim of a criminal case. Was a witness to testify without a system that reflects their thoughts victims. The regulations say that the rights of crime victims in the trial process to amend the Criminal Procedure Act 2007 our country. Defenders for the victims system was introduced through the amendment of the Punishment of the Act on Sexual Crime 2013. Mutatis mutandis by the Youth Protection Act and the Child abuse Act on the Punishment of Sexual Crime and expanded its validity. Reflects the philosophy of the Criminal Procedure Act to reflect the modem criminal trial lawyer of the victims thought the victim system in Korea. The defense in the trial process affected victims of crime and investigation procedures victim defender. And has a comprehensive proxy for all the action on the criminal behavior and crime victims legal aid defender. And it is possible for the client to state his victim defender. The status of victim defender is basically who sate. So unless prescribed by law, does not recognize the right of a defender on the assumption that the parties Procedure. To date, the beginning stages victim lawyer in Korea. To date, victim defender system is the beginning stages in Korea that is to say the idea that the present investigation procedures and the rights of the victims of the trial process defender. To be widely accepted that the rights of victims of attorney it is possible to develop a system to do so victims attorney, who said to the client is the victim.

      • KCI등재

        범죄피해자 국선변호인 제도 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 - 최근 일본, 스웨덴, 핀란드 논의상황을 중심으로 -

        정영훈,류병관 충북대학교 법학연구소 2023 法學硏究 Vol.34 No.2

        Criminal justice procedures have historically been centered on punishment for crimes, and proof and defense of crimes have been key. The ideology of the Criminal Procedure Act, which is the principle of discovery of substantive truth, proper procedure, and prompt trial, was also established in this dimension. However, as the interest in criminal law expanded to the area of recovering criminal damage, many academic theories and legislation for this came to fruition. The need for social support for crime victims is also gaining a lot of support from the international community. The UN adopted the SDGs and suggested equal access to justice as one of the international community's efforts, and recently, "The Kyoto Congress" emphasized the need for compensation and compensation beyond the victim's participation in criminal justice procedures. Legal assistance and assistance from lawyers are essential to enable crime victims to recover to their daily lives. Currently, Korea guarantees this right to victims of crime under a special law. However, the reality is that support for crime victims is insufficient because the types of crimes that can be assisted by lawyers are limited. Therefore, there is a need to expand the scope of crime victims to use the public defender system. Currently, the system stipulated only in the special law should be stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Act, a general corporation, and there should also be legislation for the elderly who are socially vulnerable. In addition, from the beginning of the criminal damage, the effectiveness of the recovery of the damage should be secured with the assistance of a lawyer. In addition, it is necessary to clearly define the role of public defenders who have suffered criminal damage and prepare a plan that enables legal support from the investigation stage to the process of receiving damages. In order to guarantee the defendant's right to defend, the Korean Criminal Procedure Act recognizes various rights and operates a system. If so, it is appropriate to provide the same level of support to victims who have been victimized by the accused. Anyone can unintentionally become a victim of a crime, and the cause of the crime is also in the social environment. If so, the state is obligated to establish a social system so that the daily life, which has been painful due to criminal damage, can be restored to the time before the damage situation. In addition, the prerequisite of such a system is to be able to receive assistance from public defenders.

      • KCI등재

        범죄피해자보호와 피해자변호사제도

        강동욱(Kang, Dong-Wook) 한양법학회 2014 漢陽法學 Vol.25 No.1

        The Art. 27-5 of the Constitution in Korea stipulates the rights of victims such as crime victim"s right to statement. The criminal procedure law as well has expanded the system to protect victims in criminal procedures as well as opportunities for victims to participate in such criminal procedures. In addition, in accord with the Art. 30 of the Constitution(“A citizen who has gone through a criminal act from another that caused damage to his/her life and body is eligible for aid from the government in accord with the laws”), ?the Crime Victim Protection Act? and ?the Act of Budgets for the Support of Crime Victims? have been established and implemented as an institutional measure to protect crime victims. As sexual violence crimes in Korean society become more often and serious, such special laws as ?the Exemption Act on Punishment of Sexual Violence Crimes(EAPSVC)? and ?the Act on Protection of Children and Juveniles from Sexual Abuse(APCJSA)? have provided measures to protect sexual crime victims in consideration of the stabbing anguish of victims. Since there is a high risk of harm after the incident during the period of criminal investigation and public trials especially in the case of sexual violence victims, various measures have been established and taken to protect victims. Such provisions, however, have been limited to mere psychological and mental help and failed to assure rights of victims in criminal procedures. True, there have been limits to legal assistance for such victims. Accordingly, the government revised APCJSA(revised on Sep 15, 2011 and enforced on March 16, 2012), and newly established the regulations on defender appointment (Art. 18-6) for child and juvenile sexual crime victims. Again, the Ministry of Justice revised the Art. 27 of EAPSVC(enforced on June 9, 2013; Act No. 11729) and the Art. 30-1 of APCJSA(enforced on June 19, 2013; Act No. 11572), stipulating the basis and authority of the victim defender system. The art. 27-6 of EAPSVC stipulates the public defender system for all sexual violence victims. This became the basis for the Art. 30-2 of APCJSA. Accordingly, the victim defender system and victim"s public defender system started to be expanded and implemented for all sexual violence crime victims on June 19, 2012. And this system expanded to the children victim of child abuse crimes by ?the Exemption Act on Punishment of Child Abuse Crimes?(enacted on Dec. 31, 2013). So, in this paper, I examined the system for protection of crime victims and the defender system for crime victims based on preceding researches.

      • KCI등재

        형사재판에의 범죄피해자 참가제도 입법화방안

        박광섭,도중진 전북대학교 부설법학연구소 2016 法學硏究 Vol.47 No.-

        Recent trends in Victimology of the country’s view to the crime victims, as an axis of the criminal legal system, public authorities-criminal-victim continues to establish a three-dimensional structure of a triangular relationship. Nevertheless, victim is still a crime victim in criminal proceedings, including in position as a witness and a situation that could not be recognized the independent status of criminal proceedings can be seen in developed countries. That is advanced in terms that should guarantee the right to participate in criminal proceedings as a party or the subject of a criminal guaranteed only formal participation in the judicial process and can not be guaranteed and the actual participation as well as criminal proceedings for the only victims of crime provisions of the current law, there is a need to explore the practice of victim -oriented criminal justice process through the participation of victims in criminal proceedings plans. Under above-mentioned recognition, this study will seek to enact measures of victim participation in the criminal system. To do this, I would analyze German and Japan’s victim participation system and investigation in the current law on the crime victim advocacy and status, especially with the view of analyzing deeply the lawsuit participating institutions of the victims. After exploring the implications of the country, I also suggest the issues of the victim participation system in 2011, the Department of Justice’s Criminal Procedure Act amendment and enact measures through a review. In the amendment acknowledges the participation of the lawyers received a delegation of participants. Therefore, the Criminal Procedure Act may be that laid the basis of the provisions in either the victim’s lawyer system. But the victim or victims of participants, when they are poor or in special situation, it does not prepare the rules for public defender system that can give an attorney claims. 우리나라 형사절차에서 범죄피해자는 현행법상 형사절차의 당사자 또는 주체로 형사절차 에 참가할 권리보장이 선진 외국에 비하여 아직 미흡한 수준이기 때문에 형사절차에서 피해 자 참가의 실효화 방안을 통하여 피해자 중심적 형사사법절차의 실천을 모색할 필요가 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 피해자 참가제도를 시행하고 있는 독일, 일본 등 주요국에 있어서의 피해자 참가제도를 분석⋅고찰하고, 현행법상 범죄피해자 권익보호와 지위강화제도로서 도 입논의가 활발히 전개되고 있는 피해자의 소송참가제도를 심도있게 분석⋅고찰하여 현실적 으로 활용가능한 범위 내에서 형사소송법개정안의 문제점과 바람직한 입법화방안을 제시하 고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        공판과정에서의 국선피해자참가변호사제도 도입을 위한 비교연구-일본변호사연합회와 법테라스의 운영현황 분석을 통한 시사-

        정지혜 ( Ji Hye Chung ) 한국비교형사법학회 2015 비교형사법연구 Vol.17 No.2

        피해자보호의 필요성과 정당성 그리고 시대적 조류라는 요청에 가운데 국내에서도 1980년대부터 활발히 이루어져 피해자 보호 관련 입법이 진행되어왔다. 복잡한 형사절차에 피해자가 참가하여 권리를 실현하기 위해서는 법률적 지식조언과 절차를 함께 진행해 줄 변호사가 필요하며 국선변호사제도는 피해자참가제도의 실효성보장을 위한 전제 조건이 되는 만큼 피해자참가에 있어 국선변호사제도는 도입되어야 하고 그 범위는 전체로 규정되어야 한다. 본 연구는 범죄피해자가 공판절차에 참가하여 권리를 실현하기 위해 필요한 법률지식보조와 절차 전반에 걸친 피해자 보호를 위해 필요한 국선변호인제도의 확대도입과 이를 형사소송법에 정착시키기 위한 구체적 방안제시를 위한 비교연구와 그를 통한 시사를 검토한다. 이를 위해 선행 실시국인 일본의 공판절차에서의 피해자참가제도와 국선피해자참가변호인제도의 도입과 경과, 운영현황의 평가 등을 다각적으로 검토한다. 일본의 선행실시 사례의 집적과 그 검증, 통계와 설문조사 자료 분석을 통해 드러난 시행착오와 문제점, 그리고 긍정적 평가 등이 분석 가능하고 이는 우리의 제도 도입에 있어 시행착오를 줄일 수 있는 나침반으로 작용 가능할 것이다. 본 연구의 범위는 제도운영의 주체의 한 축으로서의 일본변호사연합회(이하 일변련)와 일본사법지원센터(이하 법테라스)로 한정하고 각 업무 진행경과와 협업부분에 조명하여 두 기관의 연계구조 속에 이루어진 일본의 선행경험의 자료분석과 그로부터 이끌어낼 수 있는 시사점, 이를 통한 제안을 하고자 한다. Among the necessity and justification of the request for protection of victims, since the 1980s consisted victim protection legislation it has been conducted. In order to realize the right to victim to the criminal process. Knowledge of procedures are necessary to proceed with lawyers and attorneys system is a lawyer in the victim``s participation as being a prerequisite for ensuring the effectiveness of victim participation scheme system is to be introduced, and its scope is to be defined as a whole. This study compares specific measures proposed for adoption for fixing the expansion of the public defender system and criminal procedure which require protection for victims throughout the legal procedures necessary assistance and knowledge in order to realize the right to participate in the trial procedure crime victims review the study and suggest through him. Participation of victim to the criminal process and Japan procedures for the introduction of this lapse defender system, to review the evaluation of the operating status as multifaceted. Japan and the validation of prior implementation of an integrated practice, and trial and error statistics and the problems revealed by the survey data analysis, and positive reviews, and this analysis can be and it acts as a compass that can reduce trial and error in our system introduction will.

      • KCI등재

        범죄피해자 변호사제도의 의의 및 향후과제

        김재희 한국피해자학회 2017 被害者學硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        The necessity of the attorney system for crime victims has been consistently asserted. Since 2012, crime victims attorneys(national attorneys) have been provided by special law for specific crimes. The specific crime is about sexual crime and child abuse. Normally, attorneys play a role of providing legal assistance and consulting, but they must provide a special system to act as a victim’s attorney, not being limited just this role. In the case of victims of crime, it is necessary to have a unique attorney’s role different from that of ordinary criminal defendants (suspects). The attorney system for victims of crime needs to be extended to all crimes, not just those specific crimes. In particular, it is necessary to select a public defender for a specific crime requiring close assistance from a attorney. Currently, there is the limited number of offenses for the selection of lawyers for victims of crime. So, it is necessary to add crimes for which a victim of crime has died. Because it is necessary to support the chaos and difficulties that bereaved families will experience. For this reason, the provisions on the attorney of the crime victim should be prescribed in the Criminal Procedure Act. This paper argues that based on the necessity of the attorney system of crime victims, it is necessary to establish the legal system for the activities of the attorneys and to expand the selection range of attorneys. By doing so, I hope that we can protect and support victims better. 범죄피해자의 인권존중 및 인간다운 삶의 보장 실현이라는 범죄피해자의 보호·지원을 위한 정책적 목표에 따라 실질적인 피해회복과 형사절차상 갈등해소 및 일상적 생활로의 복귀를 위한 다양한 제도와 지원이 구비되고 시도되었다. 이러한 실천적 내용들 중 범죄피해자를 위한 변호인제도의 필요성이 지속적으로 주장되어 왔고, 이를 반영하여 특정한 범죄에 대한 범죄피해자 변호사제도와 변호사를 위한 활동내용이 특별법상에 마련되었다. 동 범죄는 성범죄와 아동학대에 대한 것으로 변호사는 일반적으로 법률적 조력·컨설팅을 하는 역할을 담당하고 있으나 이를 넘어 범죄피해자의 변호사로써 필요한 영역을 설정함으로써 이들이 활동할 수 있는 장을 마련하고 있는 것이다. 특히 변호사의 밀착된 조력과 지원이 필요한 특정범죄에 대하여는 국선변호인을 선정하도록 한 것이다. 범죄피해자의 경우는 일반 형사피고인(피의자)의 변호와는 다른 고유한 변호인의 역할이 필요하며 이러한 역할을 수행하기 위해서는 제도의 마련과 법제의 마련이 함께 이루어져야 한다. 이러한 점에서 범죄피해자를 위한 변호사제도가 동 특정범죄에 국한될 것이 아니라 전 범죄로 확대될 필요가 있으며 따라서 특정범죄에 대한 특별법의 규정이 아닌 형사소송법상 범죄피해자변호사의 활동영역에 대한 규정이 입법되어야 할 것이다. 또한 국선변호사의 경우 특별히 피해자보호와 법률적 조력이 필요한 경우로 동 범죄뿐만 아니라 피해자가 사망한 경우에도 이를 인정하여 유가족의 혼란과 어려움을 지원할 필요가 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 선행된 논문들이 주장한 범죄피해자의 변호사제도의 필요성을 바탕으로 그 변호사들의 활동영역에 대한 형사소송법상 근거법제의 마련과 함께 특정법률에 대한 국선변호사제도를 피해자가 사망한 범죄로 확대할 것을 검토하였다.

      • KCI등재

        현행 피해자변호사제도의 근거 규정에 관한 제언 -‘검사의 국선변호사 선정 등에 관한 규칙’을 중심으로-

        정도희(Jeong, Do­hee) 한국피해자학회 2018 被害者學硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        In the past the crime victims had been excluded in the criminal procedure. Since 1970’s social attitudes to the status of crime victims have been changed in many countries, and legislations for the strengthening crime victim’s right, have been enacted over the past decades. An legal assistance and support for crime victims has been discussed even in academic world of Korea for a long time. It has been introduced and crime victim counsel. The current Constitution guarantees the victim’s right to statement in trial and the principle of “qualitative equality of arms. To provide legal assistance and support to victims is contribute to realize the victim’s right to statement in trial. The crime victim counsel has been introduced in the Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles against Sexual Abuse in 2011, and it has been changed as of July 2017. And public counsel system for crime victims is implemented. The crime victims of sexual violence crime and child abuse crime can be supported legally by public counsel. But there are several weak points and loopholes in the regulations and rules, so they need to be supplemented. In this article, I review the implementation process of the current crime victims’ public counsel system, and examined the provisions of the crime victim s counsel system. And after that, I will suggest some opinions about applicable regulations and improvement of that system.

      • KCI등재

        범죄피해자 변호사 제도의 보완 필요성과 보완방향 - 2022년 현 시점의 논의 -

        정도희(Dohee Jeong) 숭실대학교 법학연구소 2022 法學論叢 Vol.52 No.-

        피해자에 대한 법률조력의 요청은 오늘날 일부 범죄유형의 피해자에 대하여 피해자 변호사의 형태로 제도화되었다. 현행 ‘아동·청소년의 성보호에 관한 법률’, ‘성폭력범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법’, ‘아동학대범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 특례법’에는 피해자 변호사 선임 특례규정이 있다. 또한 ‘현행 검사의 국선변호사 선정 등에 관한 규칙’은 이러한 피해자에게 변호사가 없는 경우에 검사가 국선변호사를 선정함을 규정하고 있다. 이처럼 피해자 법률조력은 이미 10여 년간의 논의를 거쳐 그 대상범죄는 점차 확대되어 왔음에도 2022년 현 시점에도 여전히 제한된 범죄피해자에게만 인정되어 일반범죄해자에게도 확대해야 하며 실질적인 피해자 보호에 기여해야 한다는 주장이 계속되고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 근래 피해자가 오히려 피해자 국선변호사에게 성추행 피해를 입는 사례가 보도되기도 하여, 범죄피해자를 위한 피해자 변호사 제도에 대해 고민하게 한다. 이 글에서는 형사절차에서 범죄피해자의 권리와 피해자 변호사 제도의 보완 필요성을 살핀 후, 현행 피해자 변호사 제도의 보완 방향을 추가적으로 제안하였다. Many years have already passed since the victim attorney system was introduced for legal assistance for victims. The recent institutionalization of a victim public defender was by necessity for legal assistance for victims of sexual violence crimes. In 2011, the "Act on the Protection of Children and Youth against Sex Offenses" was revised, and a new legal assistant system was established for children and adolescents affected by sexual violence crimes. In addition, ‘the Act on Special Cases concerning the Punishment of Sexual Crimes’ was revised in 2012, allowing the appointment of victim attorney for legal assistance against children under the age of 13 and victims of sexual violence crimes with disabilities. In 2013, victims of sexual violence crimes and child abuse crimes were provided with a public defender that covered the cost of the government. As such, their target crimes of victim legal assistance have gradually expanded, and it is still argued that they should be expanded to all crime victims and contribute to the actual protection of victims. In this article, I examine the regulations related to the rights of crime victims and the basis for legal assistance of victims in criminal proceedings. And after that, I point out the problems that arise in establishing the current victim attorney system. And I added some additional suggestions for this system.

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