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      • KCI등재

        용언의 활용형 일람표 연구 : 사전의 부록으로 활용하기 위한 방안을 중심으로

        김종덕(Kim Chongdok),이종희(Lee Jong-hee) 한국사전학회 2005 한국사전학 Vol.- No.5

        This paper tries to reveal that conjugation of Korean verbs is not as easy and simple as we thought so far not only to foreign learners of Korean but also to Koean, and aims to make up a conjugation table as an appendix of a dictionary. This conjugation table has 66 representative verbs on the vertical lines and 57 endings on the horizontal lines. Both representative verbs and endings are chosen on the consideration of their frequencies and representativenesses, and we try to choose those verbs and endings as basic words, if possible. Especially the verbs are classified into the part of speech, that is verbs or adjectives, and regular or irregular in conjugation. The verbs are also devided whether the last syllable of a stern has a consonant or vowel, and the last vowel of a stern is ‘ㅏ/ㅗ’,‘ㅣ’, or the others. This is how we get 66 tokens of verbs and adjectives. Peculiar numbers are given to each verbs and adjectives according to these classifications. The peculiar numbers should be given all the verbs and adjectives headwords in our dictionaries according to the way how a verb conjugates, that is, it should be get the same peculiar number of the representative verb, if a verb shows the same conjugation pattern of the representative verb in the conjugation table. Dictionary users could get easily any conjugation form of any verb with our conjugation table.

      • KCI등재

        ‘X하-, X위-, X외-’ 어간의 활용 패러다임과 불규칙성

        김봉국 ( Kim Bong-gook ) 청람어문교육학회 2022 청람어문교육 Vol.- No.85

        이 글의 목적은 한국어에 나타나는 ‘X하-’어간과 ‘X위-’, ‘X외-’ 어간의 활용 패러다임을 통해, 이들 활용 패러다임의 불규칙성을 고찰하였다. ‘X하-’ 어간의 경우에, 활용형 ‘하여’를 고려하면 어미가 바뀌는 불규칙 활용으로 보는 것이 타당하며, 활용형 ‘해’는 분포상의 제약이 덜하고, 문법적 환경이 넓어 문어나 구어에서 두루 사용되기 때문에 이러한 ‘애’ 불규칙활용을 학교문법이나 일반 문법서에 적극적으로 수용해야 한다고 보았으며, 여기에 속하는 예로 ‘바라-’가 있음을 논의하였다. ‘X위-’ 어간의 경우에, 반모음 [ɥ]를 /ɥ/로 인정함으로써 ‘뛰[t’ü]+어[ə]’가 ‘:[t’ɥə:]’로 바뀌는 사실을 공시적인 음운규칙인 ɥ 반모음화의 적용으로 설명할 수 있기 때문에 규칙활용으로 보았다. 따라서 ‘X위-’ 어간의 경우에는 ‘위’가 ü이든 wi이든, 활용 패러다임을 고려했을 때 규칙활용에 속하는 것으로 보았다. ‘X외-’ 어간의 경우에, ‘되+어’가 ‘돼:’로 바뀌는 것을 공시적인 음운규칙으로 설명할 수 없기 때문에 불규칙활용으로 보았다. 이들이 불규칙활용을 보이는 것은 통시적으로 자음어미와의 결합형이 겪은 변화와 모음어미와의 결합형이 겪은 변화가 서로 달랐기 때문인데, 이 변화의 결과로 인해 공시적으로는 ‘왜’ 불규칙활용이 나타나게 된 것이다. The purpose of this article is to examine the irregularities of theirs through the conjugation paradigms of verb stem ‘Xha-, Xü-, Xö-’ that appear in Korean. In case of verb stem ‘X하-’, Considering conjugated form ‘하여’, it is reasonable to view it as an irregular conjugation that changes the verb ending. The conjugated form ‘해’ has less restrictions on distribution and is widely used in written and spoken language because it has a wide grammatical environment, so it can be called ‘애’ irregular conjugation. It was considered that this should be actively accepted in school grammar or general grammar books, and it was also discussed that ‘bara-’ could be considered as an example of this type. In case of verb stem ‘Xü-’, By recognizing the semivowel [ɥ] as /ɥ/, it can be explained that ‘t’ü+ə’ is changed to ‘t’ɥə:’ is applied to the synchronic phonological rule, ɥ Glide formation. Therefore, in the case of the verb stem ‘X위-’, whether it is a short vowel ü or a diphthong wi, it belongs to the realm of regular conjugation. In case of verb stem ‘X외-’, The change of ‘되+어’ to ‘돼:’ can be viewed as irregular conjugation because it cannot be explained by the synchronic phonological rules. This is a different cause. The reason for this irregular conjugation is that the change process experienced in the conjugation form combined with the consonant ending and the conjugation form combined with the vowel ending is different diachronically. And, as a result of this diachronic change, these examples that showed irregular conjugation synchronicly was named ‘왜’ irregular conjugation.

      • 예비 초등교사의 불규칙 활용 인식 연구 - 공주교육대학교 1학년을 대상으로 -

        김혜영(Kim, Hye-Young) 공주교육대학교 초등교육연구원 2019 敎育論叢 Vol.56 No.4

        이 연구의 목적은 예비 초등교사를 대상으로, 불규칙 용언의 활용 양상과 그 인식을 고찰하는 것이다. 용언 어간에 어미가 결합할 때 대부분의 용언들은 규칙 활용을 하지만 일부 용언들은 어간이나 어미의 형태가 변하는 불규칙 활용을 한다. 그런데 실제 언중의 언어 사용을 보면 불규칙 활용의 양상이 국어 어문 규정에서 정한 표준형과는 다르게 나타난다. 이에 본고에서는 공주교대 1학년 학생들을 대상으로 불규칙 활용의 사용 양상을 조사하고 그 결과를 토대로 불규칙 활용에 대한 인식을 고찰하였다. 10가지 불규칙 활용 유형에 대해 실제 학생들이 사용하는 활용형들을 조사한 결과, 용언의 기본형과 활용에 대한 이해 자체가 부족하였고, 표준형 외에 변이형들이 많이 나타났다. 변이형의 사용은 불규칙 유형별, 용언별로 차이가 있었다. 변이형은 불규칙형이 쓰여야 할 자리에 규칙형이 쓰이는 방식이 주를 이루었는데, 불규칙 활용 환경에서 규칙형의 사용이 가장 두드러진 것은 ㄹ 불규칙(ㄹ 탈락)이었다. ㅎ 불규칙은 변이형의 유형이 매우 다양하였다. ㅜ 불규칙과 ㅂ 불규칙에서는 불규칙형을 기본형으로 재구조화한 규칙 활용도 나타났다. 이러한 변이형 사용의 기제는 유추, 재구조화, 의미 변별, 유사 단어와의 혼동, 방언의 영향, 발음의 경제성 또는 종성의 약화 등 그 원리가 다양한 것으로 파악하였다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the conjugation patterns of irregular verbs and their perception of irregular conjugation in prospective elementary school teachers. When endings are combined with stems, most verbs conjugate regularly, but some verbs use irregularities that change the shape of the stem or ending. However, in actual language use, the pattern of irregular conjugation is different from the standard type set in the Regulation of Standard Korean. In this paper, we surveyed the use of irregular conjugation and investigated the perception of irregular conjugation for first grade students of Gongju National University of Education. As a result of investigating the conjugation patterns used by the students for the 10 irregular conjugation types, there was a lack of a basic understanding of the base forms of stems and conjugation, and Many non-standard variants appeared. And The use of variants differed by irregular type and verb. In general, regular forms were used where irregular forms should be used, such a feature was most prominent in the ‘ㄹ’ irregular conjugation. The‘ㅎ’ irregular conjugation had a wide variety of variants. In some verbs in ‘ㅜ’ irregular conjugation and ‘ㅂ’ irregular conjugation, irregular conjugation forms were restructured into basic forms, and the new stems conjugated regularly. The mechanism of use of these variants was found to be diverse, including analogy, restructuring, semantic discrimination, confusion with similar words, the influence of dialects, and the economics of pronunciation or the weakening of final consonant.

      • KCI등재

        古代 韓國語 存在用言의 活用 樣相과 意味 - 釋讀口訣 資料를 中心으로 -

        장윤희 한국어문교육연구회 2015 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.43 No.1

        古代 韓國語 資料인 釋讀口訣 資料에서 “있다”의 의미를 지닌 用言은 ‘有/잇-’, ‘有/두-’가 文證되는데, ‘有-’는 他動詞的 用法뿐만 아니라 非他動詞的 用法으로도 사용되었다. 釋讀口訣 資料에서 보이는 ‘有-’는 당시의 다른 借字 資料의 用例나 通時的 連續性을 고려할 때 또 다른 存在用言 ‘겨-’를 표기한 것이다. 이 ‘겨-’는 文法化를 경험했는데, 釋讀口訣 자료에는 本動詞, 補助動詞, 先語末語尾인 경우가 모두 발견된다. ‘有/잇-’과 ‘有/겨-’는 形容詞的 活用, ‘有/두-’는 動詞的 活用 樣相을 보인다. 이 가운데 ‘有/잇-’은 ‘-시-’와의 결합형이 발견되지 않는다. ‘無/없-’은 형용사적 활용 양상을 보이지만, 主語가 지닌 意圖性이 강조되었을 경우 동사와 같은 命令形 ‘無’로도 나타난다. 釋讀口訣 자료에서는 存在用言 ‘有/잇-’, ‘有/겨-’, ‘有/두-’, ‘無/없-’ 등이 전형적인 존재구문을 이루는데, ‘NP1에/에게 NP2가 있-’ 구문에서 ‘NP1’에 無情體言이 오면 “所在”, 有情體言이 오면 “所有”의 의미로 해석된다. Substantive Verbs meaning “be” in the Old Korean Seoktokgugyeol(釋讀口訣) are shown as the marked forms of ‘有/is-’ and ‘有/tu-’. Among them, ‘有/tu-’ is not only used as transitive verb, but also as intransitive verb. And the antonym of these verbs was marked as ‘無-, 莫-, 靡-’. These marked forms transcribed the old Korean substantive verb ‘eops-’(“not be”). ‘有-’ in Seoktokgugyeol materials is certainly seen the marked form of another old Korean substantive verb ‘kyeo-’ based on the examples in other loan-character writing materials and diachronic continuity of this verb. Having undergone grammaticalization, the ‘kyeo-’ was used as the verb ‘kyeo-’, the auxiliary verb ‘kyeo-’, and prefinal ending ‘-kyeo-’ in Seoktokgugyeol that can be seen the forms of each stage of grammaticalization. ‘有/is-’ and ‘有/kyeo-’ were used as adjective in there conjugation, whereas ‘有/tu-’ showed verbal conjugation. However, the conjugational form of ‘有/is-’ that was combined with the prefinal ending ‘-si-’ was not found in Seoktokgugyeol materials. While ‘無/eops-’ showed adjective conjugation, it could be used as an imperative form, ‘無/eopnʌsyeo’ in case of emphasizing the intention of subject. All of Substantive verbs in Seoktokgugyeol(‘有/is-’, ‘有/kyeo-’, ‘有/tu-’, ‘無/eops-’) formed typical substantive construction. So in the sentence structure of ‘NP1-e/ege[dative] NP2-ga[subjective] iss-’, this construction can be interpreted as the existence construction when NP1 is the inanimate noun, but when NP1 is the animate noun, it can be interpreted as the possession construction. Meanwhile, ‘有/kyeo-’ which was mainly used in the subjunctive context showed more adjective trait, comparing adjective than ‘有/is-’.

      • KCI등재후보

        활용 양용 용언 연구- 말뭉치 용례를 중심으로-

        남길임 형태론 2004 형태론 Vol.6 No.2

        This study analyzes the syntactic and semantic characteristics of Korean verbs that conjugate two ways through a statistical morpho-syntactic analysis of a Korean corpus. By "dual-conjugation Korean verbs" is meant verbs that conjugate both as processive verbs and as descriptive verbs ("adjectives"). Under the assumption that the choice of one type of conjugation or the other by speakers reflects the speakers' linguistic consciousness, this study has used a corpus in order to examine authentic forms in actual use, and moreover, uses a corpus that reflects speech forms from fiction rather than from normatized texts or textbooks (Yonsei Corpus 3). Moreover, this article attempts to reveal the reasons why Korean native speakers choose two different conjugation forms. On the basis of an analysis of examples from the corpus, the article attempts to reveal 1) how speaker's choice of conjugation type is related to speakers' linguistic intuitions and 2) the relationship between conjugation type and semantic features. The article concludes that selection of verb conjugation type is related to verbal aspect as well as the speaker/subject's subjective and objective assessment of the event.(Yonsei University). 이 연구는 특히 형태적 측면에서 동사와 형용사 모두로 활용하는 부류를 임시적으로 ‘활용 양용 용언’이라고 하고, 말뭉치 용례의 계량적 분석과 형태·통사적 분석을 통하여, 이러한 용언들의 특이한 활용 양상을 분석하고 분류하여 양용 활용의 원인을 파악한 것이다. 개별 용언의 ‘활용’ 형태의 선택은 그 어휘를 사용하는 화자의 언어 의식을 반영한다는 기본 전제 하에, 이 연구에서는 연구 대상을 실제 언어 사용 양상을 그대로 담은 말뭉치, 그 중에서도 교과서나 규범적인 텍스트가 아닌 소설 말뭉치로 삼았다. 말뭉치의 용례 분석을 기반으로 하여, 이 연구는 활용 현상이 동사의 어떤 의미적 특성과 어떤 관련을 가지고 있는지, 화자의 언어 직관이 활용 형태 선택에 어떻게 관여하는지를 밝히고자 하였다. 연구 결과, 양용 용언류의 활용형 선택은 화자가 용언의 의미 그 중에서도 용언의 상적인 의미를 어떻게 파악하고 있는가와 관련을 가지며, 부가적으로 화자 및 주어의 사건에 대한 주, 객관적 판단이 관련이 있다는 견해를 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        日本語のルことばの活用に現れる 変異形について

        孫範基 한국일본언어문화학회 2021 일본언어문화 Vol.57 No.-

        This paper discusses morphological variants in the conjugatione of Japanese innovative verbs based on the schema of verbal paradigm. The innovative verbs are classified prescriptively as 5-grade verb (godan verb). We, however, found that the verb ending with /...eru/ can be conjugated as lower monograde verb (shimo ichidan verb) but the verb ending with /...iru/ is rarely conjugated as a upper monograge verb (kami ichidan verb) by investigation NINJAL Web Japanese Corpus (NWJC). And we found that the conjugation of the innovative verbs are affected by phonotactic distributions of monograde verbs, that is, stem final Cs in CV (V = /i, e/) are /k, g, z, t, n, h, b, m, r, (s)/. It was also found that analogy to monograde verbs was related to the token frequency of the source of base. We explained these factors with schemas of verbal paradigm (5-grade verb, lower monograde verb and upper monograge verb) and network relations, which are affacted by frequencies, to innovative verbs.

      • KCI등재

        ‘머무르다’의 통시적 고찰

        이래호(Lee Raeho) 한국언어문학회 2008 한국언어문학 Vol.64 No.-

        The conjugation of the verb ‘meomeul-’ in Korean language during the Middle Ages (15-16th century) was regular. Grammatically, it functioned as an intransitive verb. Its causative form were ‘meomeulo-/meomeulu-’, denoted by the causative suffix ‘-o/u-’. Today ‘meomeul-’ in modern Korean functions as an intransitive verb and the conjugation is regular just as it was during the Middle Ages. It could be highlighted that in modern Korean language, ‘meomeur?-/ meomeureu-’, a new form coming out of the category of the conjugated form of ‘meomeul-’, began to appear and functioned as a transitive verb with a causative meaning. The form of ‘meomeureu-’ is a form in which its verb stem became restructuralized through the process of ‘meomeulu-> meomeuru/meomuru>meomeureu/meomureu->meomureu-’. The coexistence of ‘meomeureu-’ and ‘meomeulu-’ continued until the 19th century, On the other hand, the spread of existing derivatives ‘meomeulo/meomeulu-’ were replaced by ‘meomeureu-’ from 17th century. ‘meomeureu-’ conjugated regularly when they first appeared, However, they started to show irregular conjugation in the late 18th century. The irregular conjugation of ‘meomeureu-’ seems to be inferred from the inflection of words having a stem ‘reu’ such as ‘gareu-’. From the 18th century, ‘meomeulge h?-’, the causative form of ‘meomeul-’, appeared. Therefore, there are three types of the causative expression of ‘meomeul-’ in modern Korean language; ‘meomeureu-’ in thelexical dimension, ‘meomeul-+-o/u-’ in the derivative dimension, and ‘meomeul-+-ge h?-’ in the grammatical dimension. ‘meomeureu-’와 ‘meomulo-/meomulu-’ of the same meaning and the same grammatical structure were in competitive relations and the distribution of ‘meomeulu-’ shrank as a result of getting behind in the competition. ‘meomeureu- functioned only as a transitive verb before Oryunhaengsildo: A book for moral rules to govern the Five Human Relations), however, many examples that they functioned as an intransitive verb appeared in the late 19th century. There were no restrictions in connecting ‘meomul-’ with the suffixes begin with vowels until the mid-19th century. However, this trend declined in the late 19th century, and finally it was settled that ‘meomeul-’ would connect only with suffixes that begin with consonants and ‘meomeureu-’ would connect with both types of suffixes in 20th century. At present, ‘meomureu-’ has no transitive verb function and can be divided into allomorphic types ‘meomul-’ and ‘meomureu-’ that function as an intransitive verb. The causative function of ‘meomeureu-’ was replaced by the form of ‘-ge ha-’ which has historically competed with ‘meomureu-’.

      • KCI등재

        /ㅜ/ 말음 용언어간의 활용 양상에 대한 고찰

        신승용(Shin, Seung-yong) 국어교육학회 2016 국어교육연구 Vol.60 No.-

        Concerning diachronic fact, Xu- final verb stem in Gyeongbuk dialect is able to be classified in four types as following. Xu - verb stem that was changed from Xo-verb stem(kas.ko-> ka.k"u-) Xu- verb stem that was Xu- verb stem origianlly(ʧu-) Xu- verb stem that was changed from Xʌ- verb stem(ko.rʌ-> ko.rɨ-> ko.ru -) Xu- verb stem that was changed from Xɨ- verb stem(ə.rɨ->ə.ru-) Whatever diachronic fact was, Xu- final verb stems in Gyeongbuk dialect synchronically combine to not ‘-əX ’ ending but ‘-aX’ ending in combination of ‘- a/əX’ ending. In Gyeongbuk dialect, when a verb stems combine with ‘- a/əX’ ending, the vowel harmony is still preserved strictly. For example, Xa-, Xo- final verb stems combine with ‘- a/əX’ ending, and verb stems that is finished other vowels except a, o vowel combine with ‘- əX’ ending. Concerning this fact, it is ad hoc that Xu- final verb stems combine with ‘-aX’ ending. About this phenomenon, I explained that a conjugated form Xo(Xu- + -ə((kak"uə) → Xwə(kakwə) → Xo(kako)) participates in conjugation again as like other verb stem. A conjugated form Xo(kak"o) is restructured as verb stem Xo-(kak"o-) diachronically, and the restructured Xo-(kak"o-) as verb stem formed pulural underlying forms with Xu-(kak"u-). So it combines to ‘-aX’ ending in keeping with vowel hamorny, when a restructured Xo-(kak"o-) participates in conjugation.

      • KCI등재

        중국 조선어방언 ‘ㅅ’ 불규칙용언 활용양상에 대한 지리언어학적 고찰

        전경 한중인문학회 2024 한중인문학연구 Vol.0 No.82

        In Korean, which linguistically belongs to the agglutinative language type, the forms of particles and verb endings are well-developed. In the conjugation of verbs, various substitution patterns emerge during the combination of stems and endings. However, irregular substitution patterns, where stems and endings take different forms during conjugation, are commonly observed and have been traditionally addressed as irregular conjugations. Modern Korean includes various vocabulary items demonstrating irregular conjugations, and these patterns exhibit diversity depending on regional dialects. This study focuses on a geolinguistic analysis of 77 surveyed points from the National Social Science Foundation of China Key Project, "Chinese-Korean Dialect Atlas." The study centers on the 'ㅅ' irregular verbs '낫다(愈)' and '긋다(劃).' Initially, the paper confirms diachronic changes through literary materials and then examines usage patterns and specific dialectal forms in Chinese-Korean dialects. The conjugation patterns of 'ㅅ' irregular verbs reveal that '낫다(愈)' can be categorized into 'ㅅ' regular conjugation, 'ㅅ>ㅈ' regular conjugation, 'ㅅ>∅' irregular conjugation, and cases where regular and irregular conjugations coexist. Similarly, '긋다(劃)' is divided into 'ㅅ' regular conjugation, 'ㅅ>∅' irregular conjugation, and cases where regular and irregular conjugations coexist. During irregular conjugations, variant forms experiencing vowel deletion are observed in environments of vowel collision. Notably, in the case of '긋다(劃),' some dialects exhibit characteristics of vowel darkening during both regular and irregular conjugations. Finally, the paper briefly discusses the geographical distribution patterns of regular and irregular conjugations and explores the reasons behind the observed dialectical distribution characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 교육을 위한 용언 활용 규칙의 기술 방식 고찰

        안유진 ( Ahn Yujin ),박새미 ( Park Saemi ),김태경 ( Kim Tae-kyung ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구학회) 2017 국어교육 Vol.0 No.157

        Describing Verb Conjugation in Korean Language Education. To learn how verbs conjugate is one of the most important and difficult task for foreign learners of Korean language. This study examined how regular and irregular conjugation is dealt in Korean grammar guide books for Korean language teacher and Korean grammar textbooks for foreign learners. As results, we found that the concept of irregular verbs, in both its definition and scope, were often not coherent. In addition, a lot of types of conjugation seemed to be undescribed. To solve these problems, this study suggested the classification of conjugation. We categorized them into two basic types(phonologically and lexically conditioned) and presented conjugation list for each category. We also suggested that all types of conjugation should be designated according to stem-final forms rather than alternational forms.

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