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        산업연관분석을 이용한 2020년과 2030년의 우리나라의 우라늄 수요 전망

        김윤경 한국자원공학회 2010 한국자원공학회지 Vol.47 No.1

        Using Input-Output analysis under some assumptions for industry structure, economic growth, population structure, and so on, this paper forecasts uranium demand of both generation sector and non-generation sector in Korea of 2020 amd 2030. Uranium demand of generation sector is increasing because nuclear generation is recognized as one of solutions for strengthening energy security and coping with climate change. There is nothing in the uranium demand of non-generation sector because Korea has no medical reactor. However, medical reactor will be necessary in Korea since operation conditions of overseas reactor affect patients' medical treatment. Total uranium demand will be 7,621 tU in 2020 and 10,536 tU in 2030. Uranium demand for generation sector will be 6,859 tU in 2020 and 9,693 tU in 2030. Uranium demand for non-generation sector will be 762 tU in 2020 and 843 tU in 2030. Generation sector accounts for an absolutely high proportion of uranium demand. Due to changes in population structure and the rate of cancer, however, non-generation sector will play an important role in increasing demand for uranium. According to the world uranium demand forecast, demand and supply of uranium will be balanced in 2030 if planned E&Ps of uranium mines are processed on schedule. Hence, in order to promote the welfare of the people, it is necessary to strengthen security of resources including uranium. 본 논문은 산업연관분석을 이용하여 2020년과 2030년의 우리나라의 발전분야와 비발전분야에서의 우라늄 수요를 전망하였다. 발전분야에서 우라늄에 대한 수요는 원자력발전이 에너지안보를 강화하고 기후변화협약을 대응하는 하나의 방법으로 인식되면서 증가하고 있다. 더하여 비발전분야에서 우라늄에 대한 수요는 아직까지 우리나라가 의료용 원자로를 갖고 있지 않기 때문에 수요는 없지만, 해외 원자력발전의 가동이 멈출 때마다 환자들의 치료가 영향을 받고 있는 현실을 고려한다면 핵의학분야에서 의료용 원자로를 건설할 계획의 실현가능성은 높다. 추정결과에 따르면 우라늄 수요량은 2020년에 7,621 tU이며, 2030년에 10,536 tU이다. 발전용 우라늄 수요는 2020년에 6,859 tU, 2030년에 9,693 tU이며, 비발전용 우라늄 수요는 2020년에 762 tU, 2030년에 843 tU이다. 우라늄 수요에서 절대적으로 큰 비중을 차지하는 것은 발전분야이다. 그러나 본 연구의 전망결과에서도 도출되었듯이 인구구조의 변화와 암 발생률의 변화에 따라서 비발전분야도 우라늄 수요를 갖게 될 것이다. 전세계의 우라늄 수요 전망에 따르면 2030년에는 수요와 공급의 균형이 이루어 질 것으로 예상되지만, 이는 계획하고 있는 탐사 및 개발이 순조롭게 이루어지는 경우를 가정하는 것이다. 따라서 정부의 정책이 국민의 복지와 후생을 향상시키는 목적을 달성하려면 우라늄 확보를 포함하는 자원 확보의 강화가 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        Chemical reactivity of oxide materials with uranium and uranium trichloride

        Sung Ho Lee,Choon Ho Cho,Yoon Sang Lee,Han Soo Lee,Jeong-Guk Kim 한국화학공학회 2010 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.27 No.6

        A graphite crucible is used for the manufacturing of uranium ingots in the uranium casting equipment of the electrorefining process. Uranium and uranium alloys are typically induction melted in graphite crucibles under a vacuum condition; however, due to the chemical reactivity of uranium and most alloying elements with carbon, a protective ceramic coating is generally applied to the graphite crucibles. To investigate the most suitable ceramic coating material for application to graphite melting crucibles used for the melting uranium in uranium casting equipment, firstly,a thermodynamic analysis using HSC software was performed to examine the chemical reactivity of ceramic oxide materials with uranium and uranium trichloride, and also, experiments concerning the reactivity of molten uranium in some ceramic coated crucibles were performed at 1,300 oC. From the results, yttria was finally selected as the most suitable ceramic coating material for application to graphite crucibles for melting the uranium.

      • KCI등재

        2008년 산업연관표를 이용한 우라늄 가격 상승의 물가 변화에 대한 영향 분석

        김윤경,김지환,허은녕 한국자원공학회 2011 한국자원공학회지 Vol.48 No.1

        Uranium is used in both generation sector and non-generation sector. This paper analyzed price index fluctuation and GDP change when uranium import price increase 10% by Input-Output Table 2008 and price change shock model. From the result, 10% increase of uranium import price makes 0.00008% increase in price index. And GDP decrease from 851,982,152 million Won to 851,981,320 million Won. Increase of uranium import price have few effect on price index because cost of uranium has small portion in total product cost of related industrial sectors. Uranium is used more in generation sector than non-generation sector. However Nuclear power supply 38% of total electricity in Korea. Uranium is used in the form of radiation in non-generation sector, that is small amount. Change of import price of uranium does not effect huge on the national economy. However import price of uranium influence on the prices of final goods and services because uranium is necessary factor in many industrial sectors as in many different form. It is necessary to notice price fluctuation of uranium. 우라늄은 우리나라의 발전분야와 비발전분야에서 사용된다. 다양한 산업분야에서 우라늄이 사용되고 있다는 점에 근거하여, 본 논문에서는 2008년을 대상으로 산업연관분석의 가격변화충격흡수모형을 이용하여 우라늄의 수입가격이 상승하였을 때에 우리나라의 물가변화와 GDP 변화의 정도를 추정하였다. 분석결과에 따르면 2008년을 기준으로 우라늄 수입가격이 10% 상승하면 물가는 0.00008% 상승한다. 그리고 GDP는 851,982,152백만원에서 851,981,320백만원으로 832백만원만큼 감소한다. 우라늄 수입가격의 변동이 물가에 거의 영향을 미치지 않는 것은 관련생산부문의 생산비에서 우라늄이 차지하는 비중이 작기 때문이다. 우라늄은 비발전분야보다 발전분야에서 많이 사용되지만, 원자력발전은 우리나라의 발전량의 38% 정도를 차지한다. 그리고 비발전분야의 생산과정에서 우라늄이 방사선의 형태로 일부 사용되지만, 그 정도는 작다. 따라서 우라늄의 수입가격 변동이 국민경제에 큰 영향을 미치지는 않는다. 그러나 우라늄은 다양한 형태로 바뀌어 다양한 산업부문에서 필수생산요소의 역할을 담당하고 있으므로 우라늄 수입가격의 변화는 대부분 산업의 최종재의 가격에 영향을 미친다. 따라서 우라늄 가격 변동을 항시 주시하는 것이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        Production of uranium tetrafluoride from the effluent generated in the reconversion via ammonium uranyl carbonate

        Jo~ao Batista Silva Neto,Elita Fontenele Urano de Carvalho,Rafael Henrique Lazzari Garcia,Adonis Marcelo Saliba-Silva,Humberto Gracher Riella,Michelangelo Durazzo 한국원자력학회 2017 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.49 No.8

        Uranium tetrafluoride (UF4) is the most used nuclear material for producing metallic uranium by reduction with Ca or Mg. Metallic uranium is a raw material for the manufacture of uranium silicide, U3Si2, which is the most suitable uranium compound for use as nuclear fuel for research reactors. By contrast, ammonium uranyl carbonate is a traditional uranium compound used for manufacturing uranium dioxide UO2 fuel for nuclear power reactors or U3O8-Al dispersion fuel for nuclear research reactors. This work describes a procedure for recovering uranium and ammonium fluoride (NH4F) from a liquid residue generated during the production routine of ammonium uranyl carbonate, ending with UF4 as a final product. The residue, consisting of a solution containing high concentrations of ammonium (NH4+), fluoride (F-), and carbonate (CO3 2-), has significant concentrations of uranium as UO2 2+. From this residue, the proposed procedure consists of precipitating ammonium peroxide fluorouranate (APOFU) and NH4F, while recovering the major part of uranium. Further, the remaining solution is concentrated by heating, and ammonium bifluoride (NH4HF2) is precipitated. As a final step, NH4HF2 is added to UO2, inducing fluoridation and decomposition, resulting in UF4 with adequate properties for metallic uranium manufacture.



        Min, Byeong-Yeon,Choi, Wang-Kyu,Oh, Won-Zin,Jung, Chong-Hun Korean Nuclear Society 2008 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.40 No.6

        In a study of the optimum operational condition for a melting decontamination, the effects of the basicity, slag type and slag composition on the distribution of depleted uranium were investigated for radioactively contaminated metallic wastes of iron-based metals such as stainless steel (SUS 304L) in a direct current graphite arc furnace. Most of the depleted uranium was easily moved into the slag from the radioactive metal waste. The partitioning ratio of the depleted uranium was influenced by the amount of added slag former and the slag basicity. The composition of the slag former used to capture contaminants such as depleted uranium during the melt decontamination process generally consists of silica ($SiO_2$), calcium oxide (CaO) and aluminum oxide ($Al_2O_3$). Furthermore, calcium fluoride ($CaF_2$), magnesium oxide (MgO), and ferric oxide ($Fe_2O_3$) were added to increase the slag fluidity and oxidative potential. The partitioning ratio of the depleted uranium was increased as the amount of slag former was increased. Up to 97% of the depleted uranium was captured between the ingot phase and the slag phase. The partitioning ratio of the uranium was considerably dependent on the basicity and composition of the slag. The optimum condition for the removal of the depleted uranium was a basicity level of about 1.5. The partitioning ratio of uranium was high, exceeding $5.5{\times}10^3$. The slag formers containing calcium fluoride ($CaF_2$) and a high amount of silica proved to be more effective for a melt decontamination of stainless steel wastes contaminated with depleted uranium.

      • KCI등재

        용인 ○○마을 지하수내 우라늄 및 라돈-222의 산출특성

        정찬호 ( Chan Ho Jeong ),양재하 ( Jae Ha Yang ),이용천 ( Yong Cheon Lee ),이유진 ( Yu Jin Lee ),최현영 ( Hyeon Young Choi ),김문수 ( Moon Su Kim ),김현구 ( Hyun Koo Kim ),김태승 ( Tae Seong Kim ),조병욱 ( Byung Uk Jo ) 대한지질공학회 2016 지질공학 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구에서는 용인지역 ○○마을 지하수내 우라늄 및 라돈-222와 같은 자연방사성물질의 산출과 이와 관련된 수리지화학 성 및 지질과의 상관성을 알아보고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 지하수 19점, 지표수 5점을 2회에 걸쳐 채취하였다. 연구결과 지하 의 pH 는 5.81~7.79의 범위를 보이며, 지하수의 화학적 유형은 Ca(Na)-HCO3에서 Ca(Na)-NO3(Cl)-HCO3 유형에 걸쳐 분포한다. 우라늄 과 라돈-222의 함량은 각각 0.06~411 μg/L의 범위와 5.56~903 Bq/L의 범위를 보인다. 마을 공용음용수로 사용되었던 암반 하수 2점은 우라늄과 라돈-222의 함량이 미국 EPA 권고치를 초과하였으며, 마을 내 생활용수로 사용하는 지하수중 우라늄과 라돈 222 가 각각 3점과 12점에서 미국 EPA 권고치를 초과하였다. 초과한 지하수의 분포지역 지질은 중생대 쥬라기의 편마암상 각섬석 흑 운모화강암이다. 우라늄과 라돈의 고함량 산출의 상관성을 보인 지하수는 마을 음용수로 사용되어온 심부지하수 2점에 국한 며, 다른 지하수에서는 특별한 상관성을 보이지 않는다. 지하수내 고함량 우라늄의 영향 범위는 지하수공 주변 수십 m 이내로 정 되는 것으로 보이며, 불활성 기체인 라돈의 고함량 범위는 보다 넓은 범위이므로 우라늄과 기원이 서로 상이하거나, 만약 일한 기원이라면 암반의 단열대 등을 통한 확산이 비교적 넓게 진행된 것으로 보아야 할 것이다. 지표방사능 세기와 우라늄의 산 의 상관성도 대체로 일치함을 보여, 주변 최대 200 m 정도까지 고함량 우라늄의 영향범위로 추정된다. 암석 내 우라늄과 토륨은 토 라이트와 모나자이트 광물에서 높은 검출을 보인다. The occurrence of natural radioactive materials such as uranium and radon-222 in groundwater was examined with hydrogeochemistry and geology at ○○ village in the Yongin area. Two rounds of 19 groundwater and 5 surface water sampling were collected for analysis. The range of pH value in groundwaters was 5.81 to 7.79 and the geochemical types of the groundwater were mostly Ca(Na) HCO3 and Ca(Na)- NO3(Cl)-HCO3. Uranium and radon-222 concentrations in the groundwater ranged from 0.06 to 411 μg/L and from 5.56 to 903 Bq/L, respectively. Two deep groundwaters used as common potable well-water sources exceeded the maximum contaminant levels of the uranium and radon-222 proposed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Three groundwater samples from residential areas contained unsuitable levels of uranium, and 12 groundwater samples were unsuitable due to radon-222 concentrations. Radioactive materials in the unsuitable groundwater are naturally occurring in a Jurassic amphibole- and biotite-bearing granitic gneiss. High uranium and radon- 222 groundwater concentrations were only observed in two common wells; the others showed no relationship between bedrock geology and groundwater geochemical constituents. With such high concentrations of naturally occurring radioactive materials in groundwater, the affected areas may extend tens of meters for uranium and even farther for radon-222. Therefore, we suggest the radon-222 and the uranium did not originate from the same source. Based on the distribution of radon-222 in the study area, zones of higher radon 222 concentrations may be the result of diffusion through cracks, joint, or faults. Surface radioactivity and uranium concentrations in the groundwater show a positive relationship, and the impact areas may extend for ~200m beyond the well in the case of wells containing high concentrations of uranium. The highest uranium and thorium concentrations in rock samples were detected in thorite and monazite.

      • KCI등재

        금산 함우라늄광상 분포지역의 항공자력/방사능 탐사자료 해석

        신은주 ( Eun Ju Shin ),고광범 ( Kwang Beom Ko ),안동국 ( Dong Kuk An ),한경수 ( Kyeong Soo Han ) 한국지구물리·물리탐사학회 2013 지구물리와 물리탐사 Vol.16 No.1

        We conducted the airborne magnetic and radiometric survey for the characterization of the black shale related and pyrometamorphic uranium deposits distributed in Geumsan area. For the successful characterization of the uranium deposits, the general geological and structural geological features were investigated based on the lithological and linear feature analysis to individual magnetic and radiometric data as the first step. Lithological analysis from the magnetic reduction to the pole and downward continuation map revealed that prominent positive anomalies caused by black and dark gray slate member were clearly recognized as magnetic sources. These results indicate that magnetic survey, even though it is not a direct method for the detection of uranium, can be a useful tool in uranium detection. By the linear feature analysis based on 2nd vertical derivative and curvature map, two linearments corresponded the gray hornfels and black slate member were extracted and in succession, the additional uranium potential zone was inferred. Final discrimination whether uranium-rich or not was confirmed by radiometric and uranium anomaly map. From these analysis, we finally concluded that uranium deposit originated by pyrometamorphic process was confined near the intrusive area only. On the contrary, it was found that black shale related uranium deposit is distributed and extended through out the entire survey area with south-west to north-east direction. In addition, from the linear feature analysis based on radiometric total anomaly map, the typical discontinuous characteristics were recognized in areas where uranium-contained linearments cross the faults. From the above discussion, we concluded that airborne magnetic and radiometric survey are complementary to each other. So it is preferable to carry out simultaneously for the efficient data processing and fruitful interpretation.

      • Recovery of Uranium Phosphate by a Stepwise Thermal Treatment of Uranium-Bearing Spent TBP

        ( Hee-chul Yang ),( Dong-yong Chung ),( Jei-kwan Moon ),( Hyung-ju Kim ),( In-hwan Yang ),( Yun-jung Choi ) 한국폐기물자원순환학회(구 한국폐기물학회) 2015 한국폐기물자원순환학회 3RINCs초록집 Vol.2015 No.-

        A stepwise thermal treatment process for the recovery of uranium phosphate from the uranium-dissolved spent TBP was demonstrated. The pathway of reactions involved in thermal decomposition and oxidation of uranium bearing spent TBP was established based on the results of thermogravimetric analyses. Low-temperature pyrolysis residue was analyzed to be composed of pyrocarbon, phosphorus oxide (P<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub>) and two kinds of uranium phosphates (UP<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub> and UP<sub>4</sub>O<sub>12</sub>). Uranium pyrophosphate (UP<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub>) was recovered from burning out of pyrocarbon in the pyrolysis residue after dissolution removal of phosphorus oxide in water. A substantial recovery of uranium by a proposed step-wise thermal treatment method was successfully demonstrated by a treatment of pyrolysis residue from a bench-scale low-temperature pyrolysis process.

      • KCI등재

        A method for purifying reprocessed uranium from even isotopes under conditions of multiple recycle

        Smirnov A. Yu.,Palkin V.A.,Chistov A.V.,Sulaberidze G.A. 한국원자력학회 2022 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.54 No.10

        We proposed a modification of a double cascade scheme to enrich reprocessed uranium. Such a cascade scheme represents a combination of one cascade with “broadening” of the flow and an ordinary threeflow cascade. A calculation and optimization method has been developed for the proposed scheme according to various efficiency criteria. It is shown that the proposed scheme makes it possible to obtain low-enriched uranium of commercial quality using reprocessed uranium of different initial compositions. For example, the enrichment of reprocessed uranium, which had gone through five consequent recycles, was considered. The proposed scheme allowed to enrich it with simultaneous fulfillment of restrictions on isotopes 232U, 234U, and 236U. Such results indicate the scheme's applicability under conditions of multiple recycling of uranium in reactor fuel. Computational experiments have shown that in the proposed modification, a noticeable saving of natural uranium in the cycle (~18%) can be achieved, provided that the additional consumption of separative work does not exceed 10%, compared with the case of enrichment of natural uranium to obtain LEU of equivalent quality.

      • KCI등재


        민병연,최왕규,WON-ZIN OH,정종헌 한국원자력학회 2008 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.40 No.6

        In a study of the optimum operational condition for a melting decontamination, the effects of the basicity, slag type and slag composition on the distribution of depleted uranium were investigated for radioactively contaminated metallic wastes of iron-based metals such as stainless steel (SUS 304L) in a direct current graphite arc furnace. Most of the depleted uranium was easily moved into the slag from the radioactive metal waste. The partitioning ratio of the depleted uranium was influenced by the amount of added slag former and the slag basicity. The composition of the slag former used to capture contaminants such as depleted uranium during the melt decontamination process generally consists of silica (SiO₂), calcium oxide (CaO) and aluminum oxide (Al₂O₃). Furthermore, calcium fluoride (CaF₂), magnesium oxide (MgO), and ferric oxide (Fe₂O₃) were added to increase the slag fluidity and oxidative potential. The partitioning ratio of the depleted uranium was increased as the amount of slag former was increased. Up to 97% of the depleted uranium was captured between the ingot phase and the slag phase. The partitioning ratio of the uranium was considerably dependent on the basicity and composition of the slag. The optimum condition for the removal of the depleted uranium was a basicity level of about 1.5. The partitioning ratio of uranium was high, exceeding 5.5 103. The slag formers containing calcium fluoride (CaF₂) and a high amount of silica proved to be more effective for a melt decontamination of stainless steel wastes contaminated with depleted uranium.

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