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      • KCI등재

        청정 지하저수지 개발,이용을 위한 토지소유권 관념의 재검토 -청정 지하저수지 개발,이용 사업을 위한 법정책적 관점에서-

        손정은 ( Jeong Eun Son ),심영규 ( Young Gyoo Shim ),최재호 ( Jae Ho Choi ) 한국법정책학회 2014 법과 정책연구 Vol.14 No.4

        Since the late 20th century, the water crisis including shortage and depletion of water resources has been becoming a matter of great concern facing the international society, causing many countries worldwide to make multilateral discussions and attempts in order to secure clean and stable water resources in terms of policy, technology, legal system, etc. In this context, among various means of developing alternative water resources, “clean underground storage of water” has attracted people’s attention as a useful measure. However, the development and use of clean underground storage of water will necessarily cause some critical legal issues such as the relationship between land ownership and the right to develop and use clean underground storage of water. Accordingly, the legal problems need to be previously solved to secure the balance between economical efficiency and public welfare as well as the smooth promotion and enforcement of the project. Based on this perception, this article begins by considering the general concept and scope of land ownership under the current 「Civil Law」 provisions, which may be an important legal issue in the clean underground storage of water(Ⅱ); reviews the relationship between land ownership and the right to underground water(Ⅲ); and finally, from the perspective of legal policy, analyses and presents a legal basis for the right to the development and use of aquifer, separated from land ownership for the purpose of clean underground storage of water(Ⅳ). The authors expect this article to contribute to development and establishment of legal and institutional bases.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택 지하저수조의 수질변화 및 부식성 특성

        장준영,김주원,황유훈,김기필,신현상,임병란 한국물환경학회 2022 한국물환경학회지 Vol.38 No.6

        To maintain water quality after water treatment, monitoring whether the quality of treated tap water quality changes is essential. However, current investigations are insufficient to prevent secondary contamination in drinking water supply systems. This study investigated Gyeonggi’s e apartment where a red water problem occurred and monitored the water quality and corrosiveness of the overall water supply system to the apartment from June 2021 to April 2022. In a comparison of drinking water quality after water treatment and the influent of the reservoir, turbidity and heavy metal concentrations were increased and residual chlorine was decreased due to increases in temperature. Correlation analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that a low level of residual chlorine may cause the abscission of Mn2+ and Fe2+ through microorganism activation, which also causes a high level of turbidity. The corrosion index (LI) in the influent of the reservoir tank was increased due to Ca2+ and temperature. These results indicate that the corrosiveness of drinking water and the deterioration of drinking water quality were mainly increased between the drinking water treatment plant and the reservoir tank’s influent. The findings provide clear evidence that it is essential to manage water supply systems and reservoir tanks to prevent the secondary contamination of drinking water.

      • 수맥이 인체에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        정진상,정순열,이종섭 한국정신과학학회 1998 한국정신과학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.9 No.-

        To investigate the influences of underground water on normal adults, serial measurements of blood pressure(BP), pulse rate(PR), electrocardiogram(EKG), transcranial doppler sonography(TCD), quantitative electroencephalogram(QEEG), visual evoked potential(VEP), and cognitive evoked potential by auditory stimulation(P3O0) were performed on thirty one normal healthy adults before and after exposure for one hour to the zone of harmful radiation in underground water. The results were as follows ; 1) There were no significant differences in BP, PR, results of EKG, and QEEG in comparison of before and after exposure to the zone of harmful radiation in underground water. 2) There were no significant differences in mean blood flow velocity, resistance index, and pulsatility index by TCD in comparison of before and after exposure to the zone of harmful radiation in underground water. 3) The VEP study revealed no significant change in P1OO latency(p>O.05) but there was significant decrease in amplitude in comparison of before and after exposure to the zone of harmful radiation in underground water. 4) The P300 study revealed no significant change in P300 latency(P>O.05) but there was significant decrease in amplitude in comparison of before and after exposure to the zone of harmful radiation in underground water. In conclusion, despite its unidentified underlying mechanism, radiation in underground water may influence inhibitory effects of perception by the brain and the heurophysiological pathway of vision.

      • 수맥이 인체에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        정진상,정순열,이종섭 건국대학교 의과학연구소 1998 건국의과학학술지 Vol.8 No.-

        To investigate the influences of underground water on normal adults, serial measurements of blood pressure(BP), pulse rate(PR), electrocardiogram(EKG), transcranial doppler sonography(TCD), quantitative electrocardiogram(QEEG), visual evoked potential(VEP), and cognitive evoked potential by auditory stimulation(P300) were performed on thirty one normal healthy adults before and after exposure for one hour to the zone of harmful radiation in underground water. The results were as follows: 1) There were no significant differences-in BP, PR results of EKG, and QEEG in comparison of before and after exposure to the zone of harmful radiation in underground water. 2) There we no significant differences in mean blood flow velocity, resistance index, and pulastility index by TCD in comparison of before and after exposure to the zone of harmful radiation in underground water. 3) The VEP study revealed no significant change in P100 latency(p<0.05) but there was significant decrease in amplitude in comparison of before and after exposure to the zone of harmful radiation in underground water. 4) The P300 study revealed no significant change in P300 latency(p<0.05) but there was significant decrease in amplitude in comparison of before and after exposure to the zone of harmful radiation in underground water. In conclusion, despite its unidentified underlying mechanism, radiation in underground water may influence inhibitory effects of perception by the brain and the neurophysiological pathway of vision.

      • 강원도 지역 군급수원의 수질 노로바이러스 오염실태 조사

        하상윤 ( Sangyun Ha ),한현정 ( Hyunjeong Han ),여성원 ( Sungwoon Yeo ),조치환 ( Chihwan Cho ),신현승 ( Hyeonseung Shin ),조상희 ( Sanghee Cho ) 국군의무사령부 2020 대한군진의학학술지 Vol.51 No.1

        Objective; This study was conducted to ensure the safety of drinking water for soldiers by surveying on contamination levels of Norovirus in unerground/surface water for Military use in Gangwon Province and to acquire Norovirus analysis technology in water. Method; Among the water sources used by the front unit of the 0 Corps, a total of 67 water supply sources that are found to be vulnerable to microbial contamination, such as those that do not have automatic residual chlorine injection devices installed or where pathogenic microorganisms were detected as a result of regular water quality tests were selected. Samples were collected by filtering and adsorbing more than 500 liters of water with a standard filter apparatus and the pH, temperature, turbidity, and residual chlorine levels of water samples were measured to investigate the characteristics of water quality at the site, but the microbiological examinations for total coliforms and E.coli were conducted in the laboratory independently. We pre-treated the samples and conducted gene analysis(RT-PCR and reverse transcription-PCR process) followed by electrophoresis. After checking the bands that matched the positive control, the positive sample was sent to the specialized institute for sequencing. Results; In this study, Norovirus type GI.10 was detected in one of 67 water sources. The detection rate of Norovirus among the total was 1.5%, of which the detection rate for underground water was 1.7%. Conclusion; In order to ensure the safety of underground/surface water to drink for Military use, it is necessary to steadily conduct monitoring examinations on Norovirus contamination as well as legal inspections. Norovirus analysis technology of water obtained through this study will also help prevent water-borne disease more preemptively and timely.

      • KCI우수등재

        수입생수와 수질개선부담금

        金敏培(Kim Min- Bae) 한국공법학회 2006 공법연구 Vol.35 No.2

        국내의 지하수를 사용하여 샘물을 제조 판매하는 자와 달리 수입생수 판매자에게 수질개선부담금이 부과되어야 하는가. 즉 수입생수 판매업자와 국내의 먹는 샘물 제조업자에 대해 동일하게 수질개선부담금을 부과하도록 규정한 것이 정당한가하는 점이다. 수입품과 제조품의 서로 다른 성질에도 불구하고, '다른 것을 같게' 취급하고 있다는 비판이 가능하기 때문이다. 수입생수에 대한 수질개선부담금 부과가 타당하다면 그 정당화 요건은 과연 무엇인가. 그것은 수입 생수에 대한 수질개선부담금 부과가 평등원칙에 위배되는가하는 문제와 직결된다. 헌법재판소가 수입생수에 대한 수질개선부담금 부과조치가 정당하다고 결론을 내렸음에도 불구하고, 유럽상공회의소 등은 외교통상부 등에 대해 그 부당함을 지적하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 수입생수와 수질개선부담금의 관계에 대해 헌법재판소의 결정을 중심으로 쟁점들을 검토하고자 한다. 특히 국내 지하수 채취·이용·판매와 달리 국내 지하수와 관련계가 없는 수입생수에 대한 수질개선부과금의 부과가 정당한가에 대한 쟁점들을 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 통해 통상마찰의 조짐이 있는 수입생수는 물론 수출 생수의 문제 그리고 우리나라의 물 관리 정책의 올바른 방향을 제시하고자 한다. 물은 생명 유지를 위한 필수품이다. 그러나 먹는 샘물 그리고 수입생수에 대해 국민간에 일정한 정도의 위화감이 있는 것은 사실이다. 하지만 부동산과 같은 재산권에 대해 사회적 구속성을 인정하는 헌법과 달리 건강을 위한 물이나 식음료의 선택 등은 개인의 선택권을 우선 존중해야 한다. 맑고 건강한 물을 먹고자 하는 소박한 욕구를 충족시켜주는 것과 모든 국민들이 질 좋은 수돗물을 먹을 수 있도록 정책을 집행하는 것은 별개의 문제다. 수질개선 부담금의 문제는 먹는 물 관리와 수돗물 정책에 근본적인 해결책이 필요하다는 것을 말해 주고 있다. 특히 수돗물 정책에 필요한 재정은 부담금이 아니라 조세로서 해결해야 할 과제다. 담금의 부과 규모나 운영현황도 문제다. 수질개선 부담금을 포함한 준조세적 부담금들은 사실상 재정조달을 목표로 하고 있지만 국민과 기업들의 조세저항이나 이중과세의 문제를 회피하기 위한 수단으로 부담금 형식을 남용하고 있다는 비판에서 자유로울 수 없다. 부담금의 규모가 계속 확대되고 있는 우리의 현실은 헌법상 재정질서를 교란시킬 위험과 동시에 조세에 관한 헌법상의 통제장치들을 무력화시킬 수 있기 때문이다. 현실적 과제는 생수시장의 변화다. 이미 우리나라는 생수 수출국으로 전환하였다. 또한 생수의 수출을 위해 각종 세금이나 부담금을 경감하는 조치들이 취해지고 있다. 국내 수자원의 보호와 적정한 배분을 위해 수질개선부담금을 부과하고, 수돗물정책을 우선해야 한다는 기존의 정부 정책과 그에 기초한 헌법재판소의 결정과는 정반대의 현상이 나타나고 있는 것이다. 수출 생수의 문제는 그동안 수입생수에 대해 취해온 통제 혹은 조세정책의 일대전환이 필요하다는 것을 뜻한다. The quality of water improvement share fees is levied why in the income spring water and it does. Namely, against the income spring water sale dealers concerned and the spring water manufacturer whom Korea it eats, exactly together, levying the quality of water improvement share fees, as expected legitimate authorization. The product which it manufactures from the product and Korea which it imports from the foreign nation nature is different each other. So, the something else all evaluate, the problem points are proposed same. It levies the quality of water improvement share fees against the income spring water, what will be the justification important matter. As expected, does the levy act infringe equal principle. The Constitutional Court of Korea says that the quality of water improvement share fee levy management against the income spring water is legitimate. But the Europe Union Chamber of Commerce in Korea opposes in the decision. From the present paper, it investigates the issues against the relationship of the income spring water and the quality of water improvement share fees. Specially, it investigates the issues against domestic underground water and the income spring water. Like this investigation it leads, the income spring water and the export spring water it gropes it presents a new relationship, a solution plan. Indeed the water which it eats, human life hazard most a commodity which is important it is. Consequently, must respect the option of the individual there is to selection against the water or the beverage and from. The Korea Government against the water management policy which eats must change a policy. The finance which is necessary to a water service water management policy and an improvement must solve as taxes. Taxes it leads and must straighten the financial order at constitution. Also about under foundation must establish constitutional control systems in taxes. Actually, there was big change to spring water market of Korea. Korea converted with the spring water exporting country. And against a spring water export it provides a support. There is a possibility becoming the new crisis element in water service policy of Korea. Like this change, the water management policy of Korea must change means the thing. With conclusion, like this change the region conversion necessity is means the thing in the quality of water improvement share fees levy against the income spring water and the policy and water management policy.

      • 공동주택 지하구조물의 부위별 표준 누수 진단 유지관리 지침 개발 - 누수 진단 사례 분석 -

        김수연 ( Kim Soo Yeon ),이정훈 ( Lee Jung Hun ),송제영 ( Song Je Young ),장덕배 ( Jang Duk Bae ),오상근 ( Oh Sang Keun ) 한국건축시공학회 2017 한국건축시공학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        An analysis of the current water leak status of understand structure (underground parking lots, staircases, plumbing systems, water reservoirs, etc.) of multi-family housing in South Korea shows that water leaks are found from cracks in all areas of the underground structure caused by the degradation environment (water pressure by underground water, humidity, temperature, earth pressure, soil behaviour and vibration, etc.), which result in various problems, including mold, malodour, debonding of finishing materials, exfoliation, breakout, water leaks in electrical boxes, efflorescence, sedimentation of calcium hydroxide, decoloration, rusting, damages and pollution among others. Therefore, this study aims to analyse the current status of water leaks in underground structure and use the results as the basic data for developing a standard guideline for water leaks and maintenance by parts of the underground structure of multi-family housing.

      • KCI등재

        미국 환경보호청(EPA)의 이산화탄소 지중저장 규칙과 그 시사점

        고문현 ( Koh Moon-hyun ) 경상대학교 법학연구소 2016 法學硏究 Vol.24 No.4

        이산화탄소 포집 및 저장[Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage, 이하 ‘CCS`라 약칭] 과정은 포집, 수송 및 저장이라는 일련의 단계로 구성된다. 특히 온실가스를 감축하기 위한 현실적 대안으로 CCS의 중요성이 증대되는데, POST 2020년에 대응하기 위해 한국 정부가 2015년 6월 2030년까지 장기 온실가스 감축목표를 온실가스 배출 전망치(BAU: 851만톤) 대비 37% 감축을 확정하였고, ‘50년까지 전세계 온실가스 감축량의 14%를 CCS가 담당할 것으로 전망하고 있다. CCS는 온실가스 감축과 기후변화 대응에서 추진된 것이므로 현행 법령 중에서 CCS를 명시한 법령은 폐기물관리법시행규칙 별표4의 사업장폐기물의 종류별 분류번호(제2조의2 관련) 51-36-01 이산화탄소 스트림(stream) 밖에 없는 실정이다. 이산화탄소 스트림이 폐기물에 해당하는지 여부에 관한 논란이 있지만 폐기물과 관련된 업무는 환경부 소관사 항이므로 일단 환경부 소관사항으로 볼 수 있다. 하여튼 CCS의 효율적인 추진을 위한 법제 제정을 위하여 법제화 과정에서, 또 입법 후 본격적인 법제의 시행 과정에서 지중저장시 CO₂의 대기 중 대량 방출과 토양이나 지하수에 미치는 영향 등으로 인한 환경 안전성에 대한 불확실성으로 대중 불수용의 문제가 야기될 수 있으므로, CO₂저장 시 환 경적으로 안전하게 관리될 수 있음을 입증하는 구체적 관리방안이 마련되어야 원전 등과 같이 국민의 반대로 사업이 연기되거나 취소되는 것을 방지할 수 있으므로 사업의 초기 단계에서부터 과학적 규명과 사실의 전달 활동을 체계화하는 법제도적 절차의 마련이 요구된다. 미국 환경보호청(EPA)에서는 기존의 ‘음용수 보호를 위한 지하 주입 규제 프로그램 (UIC Program)`에 새로운 등급, 즉 ‘Class Ⅵ 관정`을 추가로 신설하여 이산화탄소 지중 저장의 전 과정을 관리하고 있다. 지중 주입 토지 소유자 또는 시행자는 지하 음용수(지하수)를 보호하기 위하여, 이 규정에 따라 주입정의 위치, 주입정의 설치, 주입정의 운영, 모니터링, 주입 후 부지 관리, 누출 시 응급조치 등을 망라한 모든 정보를 보고하여야 한다. 미국 환경보호청(EPA) 규정의 가장 중요한 원칙은 이산화탄소를 안전하게 주입하고, 주입된 이산화탄소에 의한 환경 영향을 최소화하는 것인데, 특히, 음용 가능한 지하수의 수질에 영향을 최소화하는 것이다. 이와 함께, 이산화탄소의 안전성과 저장효율을 평가하기 위하여, 주입 이전부터 주입 이후에 이르는 각 단계에 걸쳐 저장지와 주변 여기에서는 기후변화대응을 위한 미국 지하주입관리 규칙 (UIC Class Ⅵ Rule)과 그 시사점을 알아보기 위하여, 먼저 미국의 안전 음용수법(Safe Drinking Water Act; SDWA)을 살펴본 후에 미국 환경보호청(EPA)의 이산화탄소 지중저장 규칙 (UIC Class Ⅵ Rule)을 개관해 보고 국내 이산화탄소 지중저장(ccs)을 위한 법적 기반구축과 이를 위한 대중소통의 중요성을 도출해보고자 한다. The process of carbon dioxide capture and storage(afterwards `CCS`) is composed of a series of life cycle such as capture, transportation and storage. In particular, the importance of CCS as a real alternative to reduce greenhouse gas is increased. South Korean government confirmed 37 percent long-term reduction target (851 million tons : bau) until 2030 in June 2015. It is predicted CCS will cover 14 percent of amount of carbon dioxide emissions reductions throughout the world up to 50 years.38) CCS is intrigued to cope with greenhouse gas emission reduction and climate change response. Waste Management Law Enforcement Act specifies CCS for Wastes at Work Regulations Appendix 4 classification number 51 - 36 - 01 (Article 2 of the two related) of CO₂ stream out of current Law and Enforcement Act. There are some controversies over whether carbon dioxide is waste or not. We can see that it is under responsibilities of the Ministry of the Environment because waste management is work under jurisdiction of the Ministry of Environment by Waste Management Law. Anyway, it is required to prepare for legal procedures to coordinate activities from the first phase of business for scientific activities of these legal procedures to organize the delivery of fact finding and measures. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) added a new class, or ‘class Ⅵ pipeline` in existing ‘underground injection for the protection of drinking water regulatory program (UIC program)` and managed the whole process of carbon dioxide underground storage. Land owner of underground injection or its implementer shall report all kinds of information encompassing position of injection well, installation of injection well, operation of injection well, monitoring, site management after injection, emergency measures in case of leakage in order to protect land owner of underground injection or its implementer. The most important principles of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations is to inject CO₂ safely and minimize the environmental impact by inserted carbon dioxide, especially minimize impact to groundwater quality of available drinking water. Additionally, carbon dioxide injection before the injection, and thereafter in order to assess the effectiveness of security and storage that extends for each stage after injection and geochemical and geophysical monitors in surrounding terrain. In this paper, the writer investigates into the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and then examine a bird`s-eye view of the underground injection control rule (UIC Class Ⅵ Rule) of carbon dioxide storage in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and then finally legal framework for carbon dioxide underground storage(CCS) and the importance of public understanding for this in Korea in order to know U.S. underground injection control regulations (UIC Class Ⅵ Rule) and its implications.

      • 과잉양수에 의한 지하수고갈 영향에 대한 연구

        김종태,배두원,김만일,정교철 7개 국립대학교 환경연구논문집 공동발행 위원회 2005 공업기술연구 Vol.5 No.-

        To study the relations of underground/surface-water exhaustion and excessive pumping, we have analyzed river, geological characteristics, recharge rate of rainfall and underground-water level. The ground water recharge rate from the SCS-CN analysis is 8.4%, and the recharge is computed in 6.4111 x 10^(5)㎥/y. This results mean that a big drawdown in observation holes may be occurred by excessive pumping. From in-situ hydraulic conductivity test, hydraulic conductivity in basement of the study area is calculated in 7.996 x 10^(-6)-2.067 x 10^(-6)m/sec. The underground/surface-water in the study area with small underground-water recharge rate will be exhausted by long time pumping.

      • 간이상수 수조의 수위조절장치 설계

        전재억(J. U. Jun),권혁칠(H. C. Keon),이경국(K. K. Lee),김준안(J. A. Kim) 한국기계가공학회 2008 한국기계가공학회 춘추계학술대회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.-

        Place that supply of waterworks is difficult develops underground water. The underground water is stored to tank of high elevated area by pump and is supplied to each service area. In this case, problem such as pollution, energy damage, breakdown of system of tank of high elevated area happens. Such problem can solve that control water level in tank. This treatise studied simulation and layout about water level controller for small water-supply tank.

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