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      • [논문] trn L-trn F에 의한 한국 족도리풀속 식물 종 분류

        성혜경,허만규,허홍욱 釜山大學校 師範大學 科學敎育硏究所 2011 科學敎育硏究報 Vol.38 No.-

        Asarum consists low-growing herbs and is a genus in the Aristo-lochiaceae family with species found in the north temperate zones with most species in Asia. Any species with a highly structured variation pattern must show different distributions of phenotypic characteristics at different locations. I analysed intra- and interspecific phylogenic relationships within genus Asarum in Korea. I evaluated a representative sample of the fourteen taxa (eight Korean taxa and six obtained taxa from GenBank) with the trn L intron and the trn L - trn F spacer region of the chloroplast genome to estimate genetic relationships within genus Asarum. No variable positions were found within the trn L 5` exon and trn L 3` exon. Variable positions within the intron region were mostly distributed outside the structural elements required for intron processing, i.e., not within the first 140 bp at the 5` end and not within the 90 bp at the 3` end of the intron region. Within the spacer region, variable positions were evenly distributed. Alignment of the DNA sequences required adding numerous gaps. Sequence variation within the Asarum is mostly due to nucleotide substitutions, although several small indels and 20 inserts can be found. Another source of sequence divergence is length variation due to stretches of short repeats that occur at the intergenic spacer region ITS2 in all the Asarum. A + T content for eight Korean species of genus Asarum ranged between 64.3% and 64.6%. The base furtherance did not showed the significant difference to the by a total taxon. These values are similar to those (64.5%~67.1%) for the angiosperm alignments of the total trn L and trn F region. The main phylogenetic analysis revealed two distinct clades. The first clade includes ten species (eight Korean species, A. nipponicum, and A. tamaensis). The second clade includes four species (A. canadense , A. cautatum, A. chingchengense , and A. yakusimense). However, some internal nodes are poorly supported. Within Korean Asarum, four species were unsolved portions.

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