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      • KCI등재

        북한 작가 반디의 『고발』 영역본을 통해 본 번역가의 가시성

        이동해,성승은 한국번역학회 2020 번역학연구 Vol.21 No.2

        This study explores the translator’s visibility in The Accusation, the translation of a work by a writer with the pseudonym of Bandi, who currently lives in North Korea. Consisting of seven short stories of ordinary North Koreans, the source text has received keen interest around the world as only the manuscript was smuggled out to the world. The translator of this novel, Deborah Smith, is generally known for her focus on readability and effect on the readers vis-a-vis faithfulness to the source text. This implies a certain level of translation shifts can be found in the translation as revealed in previous studies. Moreover, since so little is known about North Korea, some kind of translator intervention is deemed inevitable. These render the text a good example to track down the translator’s visibility. The translator’s visibility is defined in this study as the translator intervention in content as a result of repeated patterns of translation shifts. The translator’s visibility is explored by comparing the source and target texts to observe repeated translation shifts, which are labelled translator intervention. The text analysis is then cross-checked with the translator’s paratexts—interviews and other written contributions. The results revealed the translator’s visibility on three points: emphasizing poverty in North Korea, explicating character images, and generalizing cultural references. This study also suggests a simple classification framework to identify translation shifts in target texts, which can be used for wider purposes such as observing translation strategies or translator style.

      • KCI등재

        독자반응이론에서 본 문학 번역의 의미 구성 연구

        하위성 한중인문학회 2017 한중인문학연구 Vol.57 No.-

        문학 번역 영역에서 역자는 원작의 ‘제일독자’이자 작품의 재창작 주체인 ‘저자’이다. 역자의 이런 이중적인 신분은 원작을 읽고 이해하고 분석한 뒤, 매 하나의 단어, 구절, 심지어는작가의 창작 의도와 감정 세계에 이르기까지 반복적인 사고와 수정을 거쳐 역문을 완성하게된다. 그러나 사람마다 사유가 다르듯이 역자가 아무리 작가의 정신세계와 정서 변화를 분석하고 이해한다 할지라도, 역문의 효과는 원작이 독자들에게 주는 효과와 완벽하게 일치할 수없다. 역자는 ‘제일독자’로서 원작을 깐깐히 읽고 문맥 뒤에 숨겨진 은유적 의미까지 음미하며적절한 언어로 이들을 표현하지만, 역문 ‘저자’의 신분에서 역문의 문화적 환경과 독자의 수용을 염두에 두고 적절한 수사적 수법을 활용하게 되고, 작품과의 교류 및 소통을 진행하면서원작의 의미를 구체화하고 자신의 이해를 드러내 보인다. 그리고 이런 이해는 어떠한 경우에도 원작에 대한 충성을 기반으로 한, ‘제일독자’로서의 원작에 대한 역자의 역동적인 분석, 추측, 의미의 재구성을 수반하게 된다. 독자반응이론은 독자가 독서하고 수용하는 시각에서 문학 작품을 바라보는 문학 비평이론이다. 문학 작품의 역자는 곧 원작의 ‘제일독자’로서 그 자신의 생활체험, 인지능력, 원작에 대한 이해와 분석 등을 기반으로 번역의 의미 재구성에 능동적으로 참여한다. 그리고 주관적인사유에 따라 텍스트와 독자 사이에 존재하는 불확실한 의미의 공백을 메우게 된다. 따라서 독자반응이론을 빌어 문학 번역의 의미 재구성 문제를 논의하는 것은 충분히 일리가 있고, 역자가 ‘제일독자’와 ‘저자’란 이중적 신분으로 의미를 재구성하는 능동적 역할을 과시할 수 있다. 구체적으로 독자반응이론을 활용한 문학 번역의 의미 재구성에서 논자는 아래 몇 가지 점에 주목하여 본다. 첫째, 제일독자(역자)의 개인 생활 체험에서 비롯된 의미의 재구성; 둘째, 제일독자(역자)의 의미 확장에 대한 능동적인 참여; 셋째, 제일독자(역자)의 핵심 이미지에 대한 이해와 다양한 분석; 넷째, 제일독자(역자)의 모순된 의미에 대한 판단과 해석 등이 포함된다. 독자반응 패턴은 서로 다른 시각에서 독자들의 반응을 엿볼 수 있지만, 문학 번역 중에서역자가 ‘제일독자’의 신분으로 번역에 임할 때, 우리는 ‘독자’와 ‘저자’라는 이중적 신분을 지닌역자의 의미 재구성 참여 문제에 주목하지 않을 수 없다. 사실 실제 번역 과정에서 역자는민감한 사유와 창조성을 충분히 발휘하고, 독자의 시각으로 의미의 재구성에 적절하게 참여해야 원작의 의미적 한계를 극복하고 역자의 ‘문풍’을 가미한 이상적인 번역을 선보일 수 있다. In literary translation, the translator is the “ first reader” of a source text and “author” doing the active re-creation as well. This dual role of the translator entails on the part of the translator careful readings of the source text, pondering over every word and every sentence, and even understanding the motive and emotional rendering of the author of the original literary text. Yet, as everyone has his own distinctive mode of thinking, however hard the translator tries to fully understand the author, the final version of the target text can hardly be identical to the source text. Therefore, the translator as the “first reader” should read carefully the source text, comprehend its connotations and implications and conceive appropriate wordings in the first place. Then he as the “author” should employ such rhetorical devices as simile or metaphor to communicate and interact with the source text, and present concretely and vividly what he understands as embodied in the source text. At all times the translator is involved in his subjective analysis, assumption and meaning reconstruction. Reader-response criticism is a school of literary theory that focuses on the reader and his experience of a literary work. And the translator is the “first reader”, who explores and interprets the meaning of the source text based on his life experience and level of cognition. So in the process of translation, the translator, as an active agent, reconstructs the meaning and bridges the gap between the text and readers through his subjective thinking. Therefore, in light of the theory of reader-response criticism, it is feasible to explore the meaning reconstruction of literary translation, which also demonstrates the active and dual role the translator plays as both the “first reader” and “author” in the reconstruction of meaning in literary translation. To be specific, the following issues are of concern in meaning reconstruction of literary translation based on reader-response criticism: I. Meaning reconstruction based on the first reader’s (translator’s) life experience II. Active involvement of the first reader (translator) in meaning extension III. The first reader’s (translator’s) understanding of core implications and addition of multiple interpretations IV. The first reader’s (translator’s) speculation on and analysis of meanings of controversial nature Reader-response model explores readers’ response from different perspectives. When it comes to literary translation, in which the translator serves as “the first reader” before he works as a translator, we should be fully aware of the dual role of the translator as both reader and author in meaning reconstruction. In practice, the translator should be active in thinking and creative, and reconstruct meaning from a reader’s perspective. Only in this way can the translator produce with his distinctive style ideal work of translation that has overcome the limits of meaning in the source text.

      • KCI등재

        통번역사 교육과 취업의 방향 제시를 위한 방안 : 채용공고를 통해서

        유한내 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2016 통번역학연구 Vol.20 No.3

        This study aims at understanding how a society perceives the translator by analyzing 357 job advertisements for a variety of translation-related positions that were collected from January to December 2015. Based on empirical data, the paper attempts to investigate the current status of the translation profession in Korea from the perspective of those who employ translators. Up until now, translator studies on the role and status of the translator have been focusing on the translator's self-image, utilizing questionnaire survey and in-depth interview methodologies. Self-image consists only a part of the overall perception of the translator, thus outside-in perspective is required to counteract the bias to inward focus. Job advertisements provide a means of gaining some insight, particularly as viewed from an employer's perspective. Data analysis of this study reveals what types of positions, languages, regions, domains, qualifications, and skills are required for translation-related jobs. Amid rising concerns over deteriorating market conditions for the translator, the result can be utilized in identifying the current status of the translator, having implications for translator training curriculum. Despite limitations of the data analyzed in this study, the paper shows how a society perceives the translator, adding diverse perspectives to translator studies.

      • KCI등재

        독자반응이론에서 본 문학 번역의 의미 구성 연구

        한위성 한중인문학회 2017 한중인문학연구 Vol.57 No.-

        문학 번역 영역에서 역자는 원작의 ‘제일독자’이자 작품의 재창작 주체인 ‘저자’이다. 역자의 이런 이중적인 신분은 원작을 읽고 이해하고 분석한 뒤, 매 하나의 단어, 구절, 심지어는작가의 창작 의도와 감정 세계에 이르기까지 반복적인 사고와 수정을 거쳐 역문을 완성하게된다. 그러나 사람마다 사유가 다르듯이 역자가 아무리 작가의 정신세계와 정서 변화를 분석하고 이해한다 할지라도, 역문의 효과는 원작이 독자들에게 주는 효과와 완벽하게 일치할 수없다. 역자는 ‘제일독자’로서 원작을 깐깐히 읽고 문맥 뒤에 숨겨진 은유적 의미까지 음미하며적절한 언어로 이들을 표현하지만, 역문 ‘저자’의 신분에서 역문의 문화적 환경과 독자의 수용을 염두에 두고 적절한 수사적 수법을 활용하게 되고, 작품과의 교류 및 소통을 진행하면서원작의 의미를 구체화하고 자신의 이해를 드러내 보인다. 그리고 이런 이해는 어떠한 경우에도 원작에 대한 충성을 기반으로 한, ‘제일독자’로서의 원작에 대한 역자의 역동적인 분석, 추측, 의미의 재구성을 수반하게 된다. 독자반응이론은 독자가 독서하고 수용하는 시각에서 문학 작품을 바라보는 문학 비평이론이다. 문학 작품의 역자는 곧 원작의 ‘제일독자’로서 그 자신의 생활체험, 인지능력, 원작에 대한 이해와 분석 등을 기반으로 번역의 의미 재구성에 능동적으로 참여한다. 그리고 주관적인사유에 따라 텍스트와 독자 사이에 존재하는 불확실한 의미의 공백을 메우게 된다. 따라서 독자반응이론을 빌어 문학 번역의 의미 재구성 문제를 논의하는 것은 충분히 일리가 있고, 역자가 ‘제일독자’와 ‘저자’란 이중적 신분으로 의미를 재구성하는 능동적 역할을 과시할 수 있다. 구체적으로 독자반응이론을 활용한 문학 번역의 의미 재구성에서 논자는 아래 몇 가지 점에 주목하여 본다. 첫째, 제일독자(역자)의 개인 생활 체험에서 비롯된 의미의 재구성; 둘째, 제일독자(역자)의 의미 확장에 대한 능동적인 참여; 셋째, 제일독자(역자)의 핵심 이미지에 대한 이해와 다양한 분석; 넷째, 제일독자(역자)의 모순된 의미에 대한 판단과 해석 등이 포함된다. 독자반응 패턴은 서로 다른 시각에서 독자들의 반응을 엿볼 수 있지만, 문학 번역 중에서역자가 ‘제일독자’의 신분으로 번역에 임할 때, 우리는 ‘독자’와 ‘저자’라는 이중적 신분을 지닌역자의 의미 재구성 참여 문제에 주목하지 않을 수 없다. 사실 실제 번역 과정에서 역자는민감한 사유와 창조성을 충분히 발휘하고, 독자의 시각으로 의미의 재구성에 적절하게 참여해야 원작의 의미적 한계를 극복하고 역자의 ‘문풍’을 가미한 이상적인 번역을 선보일 수 있다. In literary translation, the translator is the “ first reader” of a source text and “author” doing the active re-creation as well. This dual role of the translator entails on the part of the translator careful readings of the source text, pondering over every word and every sentence, and even understanding the motive and emotional rendering of the author of the original literary text. Yet, as everyone has his own distinctive mode of thinking, however hard the translator tries to fully understand the author, the final version of the target text can hardly be identical to the source text. Therefore, the translator as the “first reader” should read carefully the source text, comprehend its connotations and implications and conceive appropriate wordings in the first place. Then he as the “author” should employ such rhetorical devices as simile or metaphor to communicate and interact with the source text, and present concretely and vividly what he understands as embodied in the source text. At all times the translator is involved in his subjective analysis, assumption and meaning reconstruction. Reader-response criticism is a school of literary theory that focuses on the reader and his experience of a literary work. And the translator is the “first reader”, who explores and interprets the meaning of the source text based on his life experience and level of cognition. So in the process of translation, the translator, as an active agent, reconstructs the meaning and bridges the gap between the text and readers through his subjective thinking. Therefore, in light of the theory of reader-response criticism, it is feasible to explore the meaning reconstruction of literary translation, which also demonstrates the active and dual role the translator plays as both the “first reader” and “author” in the reconstruction of meaning in literary translation. To be specific, the following issues are of concern in meaning reconstruction of literary translation based on reader-response criticism: I. Meaning reconstruction based on the first reader’s (translator’s) life experience II. Active involvement of the first reader (translator) in meaning extension III. The first reader’s (translator’s) understanding of core implications and addition of multiple interpretations IV. The first reader’s (translator’s) speculation on and analysis of meanings of controversial nature Reader-response model explores readers’ response from different perspectives. When it comes to literary translation, in which the translator serves as “the first reader” before he works as a translator, we should be fully aware of the dual role of the translator as both reader and author in meaning reconstruction. In practice, the translator should be active in thinking and creative, and reconstruct meaning from a reader’s perspective. Only in this way can the translator produce with his distinctive style ideal work of translation that has overcome the limits of meaning in the source text.

      • KCI등재

        번역가 문체의 코퍼스 주도적 연구 - ‘as if’ 비유 번역을 중심으로 -

        신혜정 한국통역번역학회 2021 통역과 번역 Vol.23 No.2

        This paper looks into the translator’s style by examining two translators’ translation patterns found in their Korean translations of three English fictions each. The corpora compiled for the current study are comprised of translator Lee Inkyu’s translation corpus and translator Kim Oksoo’s translation corpus. Through the ‘n-gram’ analysis, the most frequent words (MFWs) in the English texts were identified. Among the identified MFWs, ‘as if’ comparisons were chosen to be examined closely. Then the corresponding words and contexts to the ‘as if’ comparisons were extracted from the translator corpora, and the n-gram analysis for the newly compiled translation corpora followed. Consistent patterns were observed in the two translators’ multiple translation texts. The stylistic features found for each translator in this study can be used in translator attribution analysis: 1) when one or more of the two translators in question is considered to be the probable translator of an anonymously translated text and 2) by comparing the translator(s)’s stylistic traits with the anonymously translated text.

      • KCI등재후보

        번역가 문체 표지 연구: 소설 대화문 단락의 번역 양상 분석

        신혜정 한성어문학회 2022 漢城語文學 Vol.47 No.-

        This study examines multiple translations by the same translator while looking for common stylistic traits in the texts. The purpose of identifying the stylistic characteristics of a translator and comparing them with those of other translators is to investigate if these style features are possible “translator-specific style markers” or key factors for “translatorship attribution.” Among translation patterns that can be found in translated texts, the study focuses on the conscious choices that translators make—specifically, the aspects of translations of fictional dialogue by three translators (KIM, LEE, and RYU). First, multiple target texts (TT) of the same source text (ST) by different translators are analyzed to identify each translator’s style and compare them with those of others. Then these stylistic patterns of each translator are compared to those found in their other TTs and are checked for consistency. The analysis shows that LEE and RYU translated the dialogues in the ST into Korean following the structure of the English ST; the text content is conveyed in the same structure and order as the ST. It also shows this translation pattern is consistent throughout LEE and RYU’s translation corpus, respectively, confirming the existence of each translator’s dialogue translation style. KIM’s dialogue translation style was significantly different from ST’s and LEE’s, and RYU’s in terms of paragraphing, reverse placement of speech and narration, and insertion of connecting words. KIM’s unique style of dialogue translation distinguishes him from other translators, establishing it as “KIM’s signature.” The translation style markers detected in this paper can be used for translator profiling. 본 연구는 번역가의 여러 번역문에 나타나는 문체를 집중적으로 살펴보고 이러한 번역가의 다수 번역문에 공통된 문체 특징이 번역가 문체 표지(translator style marker), 즉 번역가를 식별하는 ‘번역가 판별요인’이 될 수 있는지를 탐구한다. 번역가의 의식적인 선택에 따른 번역패턴을 분석하는 본 연구는 번역가 3인(김옥수, 이인규, 류경희)의 번역 텍스트를 대상으로 소설 대화문 번역의 단락 구성을 살펴본다. 먼저 번역가 간 차이를 보기 위해 같은 원문(ST)을 대상으로 한 여러 번역문(TT)에서 대화문 번역의 패턴을 살펴보았다. 또한 번역가의 다수 번역에서 보이는 일관된 패턴인지 확인하기 위해 같은 번역가의 ST가 다른 여러 TT를 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 번역가 이인규와 류경희는 단락 구성, 정보 전달 순서 등에서 ST와 동일한 대화문 번역 양상을 보였다. 또한 번역패턴이 모든 TT에서 일관되게 나타나 이인규와 류경희 각각 대화문 번역 문체가 존재함을 확인할 수 있었다. 반면, 김옥수는 단락 구분, 정보 순서, 연결어 삽입 등 번역방식이 ST와 크게 다르게 나타났다. 김옥수의 대화문 번역은 다른 번역가의 문체와 구별되는 독특한 형태로서, 그의 ‘번역 문체 표지’이며 ‘번역가 지문’이다. 분석에서 김옥수의 대화문 번역 문체가 ST와 무관하게 적용 가능한 ‘김옥수 번역 문체 표지’임을 확인하였다. 이러한 김옥수의 대화문 번역 문체는 여러 번역가 중 그를 식별할 수 있게 하는 결정적 요소로서 추후 번역가판별에 활용할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        영어자동번역기 활용이 고등학생 영어 글쓰기에 미치는 영향

        이윤재,이동주 한국영어교과교육학회 2020 영어교과교육 Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to find out Korean high school students’ general perceptions and attitudes toward the use of an online machine translator, and to examine what changes occur in the frequency of errors in Korean high school students’ writings through the use of the machine translator. For this, a survey was conducted among 173 Korean high school students to examine their perceptions and attitudes about using a machine translator. Out of the 173 students, six were randomly selected to be interviewed about the use of a machine translator. An error-tagged learner corpus consisting of 42,701 words of the students’ writings was analyzed using WordSmith Tools 7.0 to examine the change in error frequency. The findings of the study revealed the following. First, a machine translator was commonplace and useful tool for the students. Second, students used a machine translator more for writing than for reading. Third, depending on their English level, students employed different strategies when using a machine translator. Fourth, the frequent error types differed according to whether or not a machine translator was used by the student. Fifth, the total number of errors was reduced by using a machine translator. Last, the effect of using a machine translator on the change of error frequency was different depending on each error type.

      • KCI등재

        클러스터 분석을 활용한 번역가 선호표현 연구 : 보조사 '-라도' + 직유 표현을 중심으로

        신혜정 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2014 영미연구 Vol.30 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to see if a translator's frequent phrase is his favorite expression and verify it as the translator's own style. The study also aims to clarify the notion of translator style and present the criteria for determining translator style. Baker (2000, 2004) laid the groundwork for research on translator style in translation studies and her efforts were followed by a series of work by other translation scholars, including Winters (2005, 2007, 2009) and Saldanha (2011). In this study, the Korean auxiliary particle rado followed by simile expressions is examined in detail. Auxiliary particle rado with the function of hypothetical comparison is a favorite expression of the translator Lee In-gyu in his translations of Dickens's Great Expectations and Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover. Following Saldanha's definition of translator style, the frequency and usage of rado were investigated in the English-Korean parallel corpora to determine whether that frequent feature is translator Lee's style and it is safe to call it his "signature" in his translations.

      • KCI등재

        시적 자아의 ‘리젠더링’: 황진이 시조 영어번역과 ‘번역가의 가시성’

        조성원 ( Cho Sung-won ) 한국비교문학회 2021 比較文學 Vol.0 No.83

        탈식민주의 번역이론에서 번역가의 존재는 더 이상 투명유리처럼 보이지 않는 상태로 있는 존재가 아니라, 번역의 전 과정에 적극적으로 개입하는 의미 생산의 주체이다. 원작에 대한 ‘이상적 독자’로서의 번역가가 담당하는 역할과, 새로운 언어로 원작을 탈바꿈하여 재창출하는 ‘작가’로서의 번역가의 역할이라는 이중적 위치를 고려할 때, 실제 번역의 현장에서 번역가의 젠더가 그 번역의 과정과 결과물에 미치는 영향은 결코 적지 않다. 원작과 번역 사이에 존재하는 온갖 종류의 위계질서를 뒤집을 수 있는 힘이 존재한다는 최근의 번역이론의 시선에서 보면 더욱 그렇다. 이와 같은 탈식민-페미니스트 번역이론에 초점을 맞추어, 원저자, 독자, 번역가의 세 주체의 젠더가 3중적으로 교차하며 이루어 내는 ‘힘’의 관계가 어떻게 원작 속 ‘시적 자아(the poetic self)’의 젠더를 규정하고, 변형하며, 재생성하는 지, 그 ‘리젠더링’의 과정을 황진이 시조의 영역텍스트들의 비교 분석을 통해 살펴본다. In light of postcolonial translation, the translator is no longer supposed to be voiceless or should his or her presence remain ‘invisible’ in the finished translation products. Given this translator-oriented context of translation, the questions such as what gender the translator adopts when he or she translates, or how the translator’s own gender interacts with the author’s or the reader’s, raise some critical issues about the role of translator in translation activities, especially when gender plays a central role in understanding the poetic consciousness or thematic messages as in the case of Hwang Jini’s Sijo poems. In light of this three-way relationship among the genders of the author, the translator, and the reader, this study comparatively examines the various English translations of Hwang Jini’s poems in order to explore how ‘visibly’ the translators engage themselves in the process of ‘re-gendering’ the poetic self in Hwang Jini’s Sijo works for their target readers.

      • KCI등재

        번역자의 역할에 관한 철학적 사유를 위한 소고(小考)

        김혜경,이정순 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2021 통번역학연구 Vol.25 No.4

        The aim of this paper is to answer the question, ‘how can we define the ultimate goal of translation studies, if we are allowed to discuss it metaphysically?’ To answer the question, this paper identifies periodical implications and universal values of a current translation methodology that were inherited from traditional hermeneutics. As philosophical hermeneutics has developed, it has shown that interpretation is one way of understanding and readers understand a text based on their preunderstanding. Paul Ricoeur expanded the scope of text hermeneutics to translation, and proposed the notion of ‘linguistic hospitality’ as an attempt to tackle the issue of untranslatable texts, which is one of the main subjects in translation studies. As a first reader, a translator meets a text and then creates a new product, a translated work. It can be the most ideal translation for a translator to harmonize unique characteristics of a source language with those of a target language, especially when the two languages are not compatible with each other. The process of adapting the characteristics of a native language to those of another language is similar to offering a hospitality of a different culture. Through the process, the understanding of two different cultures is broaden and when linguistic hospitality is added to this, the better quality of translation is finally obtained, albeit not a perfect one. Ricoeur notes that reader’s identity can be established by a text-reading. Based on his perspective, this paper argues that a problem of translation can extend to a discourse on identity of a translator, assuming that the translator is the first reader of a text. In this sense, it is also reasonable to discuss the translator’s identity when addressing a problem of translation. This argument is also supported by ‘the death of the author’ proposed by Roland Barthes’ (French writer and philosopher). He focuses on the fact that readers can reinterpret an original text, and by employing his viewpoint, this paper argues that a role of translator that has been hidden by the original authorship (in Venuti’s terminology) can be extended. When escaping from the perspective of a modernist that places emphasis on the author and then giving a translator an independent hermeneutic space, it is believed that translation studies should stand alone as one independent academic field.

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