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        식민지 시기 『걸리버 여행기』의 번역 계보 (1) - 1929년 고장환의 단행본을 중심으로 -

        김미연 ( Kim¸ Mi-yeon ) 반교어문학회 2020 泮橋語文硏究 Vol.0 No.55

        이 연구는 식민지 조선에서 『걸리버 여행기』의 번역 계보를 구체화하기 위한 작업의 일환으로 1929년 고장환의 번역 텍스트에 주목하였다. 그동안 본격적으로 논의되지 않았던 『□·키호-테와 껄리봐旅行記』에 접근하기 위해 번역주체인 고장환에 대해 알아보는 한편, 번역 경로와 방법, 번역의 의의와 시대적 맥락을 규명하고자 하였다. 첫째, 번역 주체로서의 고장환의 주요 활동을 살펴보며, 그가 1920년대 후반 박문서관의 기획에서 중추적인 역할을 맡은 번역가임을 밝혔다. 이 과정에서 고장환이 소년운동을 전개하며 문학적 실천으로써 번역을 선택한 것을 알 수 있었다. 둘째, 실증적인 검토를 통해 번역의 저본을 찾고, 저본과의 비교를 통해 수용양상과 굴절을 파악하고자 했다. 저본을 추적하는 과정에서 『걸리버 여행기』의 1부와 2부 위주로 편집된 텍스트가 전 세계적으로 소비되어온 현상을 확인하였다. 나아가 고장환의 번역은 1925년 간행된 하마다 히로스케(浜田広介)의 저서를 중역(重譯)한 것임을 확증하였다. 고장환은 하마다 히로스케의 일본어 번역본에서 『돈키호테』와 『걸리버 여행기』만을 선택한 후 한 권에 묶었다. 두 작품의 조합은 번역가의 의도를 짐작게 하는 단서가 되었는데, 단순히 모험적 요소에만 초점을 맞춘 것이 아니라 기존의 질서에 저항하는 서사가 부각되는 효과를 가져왔다. 셋째, 근대 초기 최남선의 번역을 비교의 한 축으로 설정하여 번역 텍스트의 시대적 맥락이 변화된 지점을 분석하였다. 특히, 중역의 매개항이 이와야 사자나미(巖谷小波)에서 하마다 히로스케로 변화하면서 일본 아동문학계의 지형이 조선의 번역 문학에 영향을 끼친 점이 두드러졌다. 또한, 모험소설에 초점을 맞춘 최남선의 번역과 달리, 노동·농촌 소년인 무산 계급을 독자층으로 설정하여 이들이 세계에 대한 비판적 의식을 함양할 수 있게끔 풍자적 성격을 짙게 드러냈다. 『걸리버 여행기』의 핵심인 ‘풍자’는 1920년대 후반 식민지 조선의 독자에게 이상(理想)의 세계를 상상케 한 동력으로 작용했을 것이다. This article focuses on the translation text of Go Jang-hwan in 1929 as part of efforts to clarify the translation genealogy of the Gulliver's Travels in Colonial Joseon. In this study, which is also a prior work for further study, I tried to find the translation’s subjects, routes, methods, aspects, meanings and contexts in order to access the translated text that was not discussed in the earlier works. At first, by looking at the main activities of translator Go Jang-hwan, I found the fact that he had chosen translation works as a literary practice for developing the juvenile movement. In addition, he defined himself as a translator who plays a pivotal role in the planning of Parkmun Books Company in the late 1920s. In the second part of this article, the focus is primarily on finding out the original text of the Go’s translation by practical inquiry, and then on identifying aspects of acceptances and fractions which was made in translation process by comparison with the original text. Lastly, I tried to discuss what roles which the translated text could have played in the late 1920s colonial Joseon. In the process of tracking down the translation genealogy, I found that primarily a certain edition of Gulliver’s Travels which is edited mainly with part 1 and 2 had consumed in worldwide. Therefore, I confirmed that the work of Go was a double-translation based on the edition by Hirosuke Hamada which was published in 1925. Go chose Don Quixote and Gulliver's Travels in the Japanese translation by Hamada Hirosuke and tied them in one volume. I tried to clarify the context and significance of the translation by obtaining clues from the combination of the two works. Alongside with this comparison, Choi Nam-sun's translation work in the preceding era was also set as another axis of comparison, which was intended to give a sense of a character of the times. As the source of double-translation changed from Iwaya Sajanami to Hamada Hirosuke, it was judged that the landscape of Japanese children's literatures was indirectly reflected in Joseon's translated literatures. In addition, unlike the translation of the previous period when Guilliver’s Travels was introduced as an adventure novel, I judge that Go’s work was a translation that had a strong satirical character to cultivate the critical consciousness on the world in the novel for the readers who were mainly the labor and the rural boys. I found that ‘Satire’ which is the core of Gulliver's Travels as the driving force that led readers to imagine an ideal world in the late 1920s.

      • KCI등재후보

        중역(重譯)과 근대의 모험 : 횡단과 언어적 전환이라는 문제의식에 관하여

        조재룡 이화여자대학교 이화인문과학원 2011 탈경계 인문학 Vol.4 No.2

        Double-translation [the act of translating not from an original but from another translation of an original] resists ordinary penetration through appropriation, homogenization, or heterogenization of the “language-culture” (Henri Meschonnic) and taps the possibility for language to bring novelty. The double-translation of the so-called Enlightenment period in Korea, as well as the literary works born from double-translation, make possible the overthrow of such dichotomies as transplantation versus creation and ruler versus ruled. At the same time, through the clashes, bendings, and adjustments induced by this process of double-translation, it led to such things as the transformation of literary genres and the design of the modern Korean language. Ultimately, all the questions surrounding the issue of double-translation force us to acknowledge that Korea’s modern knowledge -- up till now -- has been rooted in colonial subordination, since it all came through double-translation (from the colonizing Japanese). If the result of the simple and mechanical transplantation through double-translation is nothing other than Korea’s modern knowledge, this leads us to say that, because of this, Korean modern literature and language are subordinated to the Japanese translation/assimilation of (Western) modernity. The recognition of double-translation, whether that double-translation process was conscious or not, presents itself as a sensitive issue, for the discussion has always been about being for or against double-translation. If double-translation is indeed an act of translation, it activates reiteration of the practices of reading-writing, which is also re-reading-re-writing, within the interdetermination of Meschonnic’s “language-culture” through diverse means such as hybridity, realignment, overlapping, invention, and creation. In the process, a step was being made, for instance, towards an identification of spoken and written language. Double-translation has acted as “mutable mobile” (Michael Cronin), repeatedly adding and withdrawing writings and cultural elements. Therefore, the question of modernity (literary and scientific) in Korea is the question of double-translation. Breaking away from the context of the primary production of knowledge (from within the West) and its later reception (via Japan) amounts to a language practice that invents its own identity’s historicity within (as well as through) alterity. All the diverse categories of “re-writing” can only assume a language practice linked either to separation or crossing. The “re-” of “re-writing” doesn’t just mean mere repetition, but implies an interpretation both subjective and secondary, which tells that the practice of re-writing is a product of re-reading, that is, a criticism of the original (because it could do nothing but disclose the possibility of criticism). There lies the value of all the double-translations attempted by Ch’oe Namson. Through double-translation, he originated the syntactical structure of modern Korean language, fixed punctuation, and designed a new vocabulary. Today, the prospects of double-translation are different because the historical situation is different. Double-translation is no more at the source of a complex, but it is instead recognized as the “mark of the translator’s efforts” (Kim Hyun). The fact that translation studies stress the need to consult previous translations in order to enhance one’s own translation tells us that double-translation is no longer a taboo or a mis-translation.

      • KCI등재

        Teaching Screen Translation in the Classroom

        조성은 영상영어교육학회 2008 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.9 No.1

        Screen translation can be a highly motivational discipline which engages student's interest and enthusiasm, promotes confidence and security and fosters development of L2 learning and translation strategies. Thorough training in screen translation offers additional benefits in the form of transferable skills, that may be relevant to the students' professional activities in the future. Translation pedagogy is now catching up with the progress in translation studies and the continuing demands for high-quality translators. And with the diffusion of multimedia texts, the view of translators as communicators between languages and cultures is now widely accepted and influencing and changing the didactics of translation accordingly. Screen translation has much to recommend it as a new and motivational form of translation activity at university level. It offers rich possibilities for imaginative course design. Moreover, the specific nature of the multimedia texts requires the teacher to recognize that teaching of translation involves not only in the linguistic aspects of translation but also instruction in the specific constraints of screen translation. That is to say, it must also involve the pedagogy that recognizes its multimedia communicative contexts.

      • KCI등재

        중국 고대 역장(驛場) 제도에 대한 고찰 - 번역의 시스템과 방법을 중심으로 -

        김중섭 한국언어연구학회 2017 언어학연구 Vol.22 No.2

        The National translation institute had been playing an important role in the history of Chinese translation, which also suggested significant implications to translation theory and methods. The main features that make the translation institute difference from modern translation activity is systematical organization, segmented job divisions and cooperative translation. With the development of national translation institute, its functions were more and more complete and the management were more and more strict. The foundation of translation institute guaranteed correct, proper, systematic and scientific translation of buddhist sutra, and exerted strong influence on Chinese modern translation theory and translation practice.

      • KCI등재

        대학생들의 번역기 사용과 기계 번역의 문제점

        마선미 한국통번역교육학회 2022 통번역교육연구 Vol.20 No.4

        Translation is a popular activity which is widely used in English classes. The invention of machine translation changed how people look at the use of translation. Students started to use them in the class as well as in their daily lives and machine translation has become one of necessary item. This research examined how students viewed translation in English learning as well as the use of machine translation. It also investigated how students view the role of a translator. For this study, 35 students participated for the survey and translation activities. The data revealed that students do not think translation is a necessary medium for learning English. Also, they think machine translation will be a reliable source for translation in the future. However, after using machine translation, students responded that it would take a long time to have better machine translation and it would not be easy to properly translate them.

      • KCI등재

        중국소설 삼체 1부 한역본에 나타난 문화특정어의 번역 양상 - ‘심층 번역’ 이론을 중심으로 -

        가예역,조위수 한국문화융합학회 2024 문화와 융합 Vol.46 No.-

        본 연구는 중국소설 삼체1 한역본에 나타난 문화특정어의 번역을 심층 번역 이론의 관점으로 출발하여 구체적인 사례를 분석하고 문화특정어의 번역전략 양상을 고찰하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 선행연구를 토대로 삼체의특성을 고려하여 문화특정어를 생태문화특정어, 원천내의 특정사건문화특정어, 물질문화특정어, 정신문화특정어, 언어문화특정어로 분류하였다. 분석 결과, 번역자는 해석적 문자를 사용하는 방식으로 번역문 독자에게 원어 작품과 관련된 배경 문화 지식을 전달하고 있었다. 구체적으로 삼체한역본에서는 의역, 첨가, 직역, 생략, 음역+각주, 직역+각주 등의 번역전략이 발견되었다. 본 연구는 삼체의일부를 분석하여 결과를 일반화하는 데 한계가 있으나, 지금껏 논의가 부족했던삼체한역본을 대상으로 심층분석의 관점을 통해 번역전략을 살펴보았다는 데 의의가 있을 것이다. The aim of this study is to analyze the translation of culture-specific items in the Korean translation of the Chinese novel ‘Three-Body’ 1, based on the theory of thick translation, and to explore the patterns of translation strategies for culture-specific items. To do this, cultural-specific items are classified into five categories: ecological, specific event, material, spiritual, and linguistic cultural-specific items, based on previous research and the characteristics of ‘Three-Body’. The analysis revealed that the translator used interpretive letters to convey the cultural background related to the original work to the readers of the translation. Specifically, the study identified translation strategies such as paraphrase, addition, literal translation, omission, transliteration+footnote, and literal translation+footnote in the Korean translation of ‘Three-Body’. This study has significance in that it examines translation strategies from the perspective of thick analysis of the Korean version of ‘Three-Body’ which has been the subject of insufficient discussion, despite its limitations in analyzing only a part of the book and generalizing the results.

      • KCI등재

        Translation as Inculturation: A Study of Translating Sursum Corda Focusing on the Korean Linguistic Structure

        김형락 한국실천신학회 2011 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.29

        This paper deals with this translation of sursum corda in the Korean-English worship book of the PCUSA and UMC, focusing on the inculturation of the foreign language text into the Korean liturgical text within the Korean language system. That is, this research presents the method of how liturgists and clergy people should translate the foreign liturgical text into the native Korean language. While researching the translation issue of sursum corda in Eucharistic prayer in the Korean text, I have reached the strong conviction that the liturgists and church leaders sometimes favor a creative translation based on the native language system rather than on the original meaning. Such a translation promotes a more familiar understanding of the text and more abundant theological interpretations for the native Christians. Anscar J. Chupungco argues the two phases are needed for the completion of liturgical inculturation: acculturation and inculturation. Chupungco explains that acculturation is "the conjunction of three leading factors: (1) juxtaposition (merely external); (2) the dynamic of interaction; (3) the absence of mutual assimilation." It is regarded as an introductory stage of two cultures encountering one another, illustrated as A+B=AB. As Chupungco explains, the mutual assimilation between Christianity and the local culture does not emerge in the stage of acculturation. I think that the translation, "and also be with Pastor" of the KMC and the KEHC can be ranked as the stage of acculturation because there is no mutual assimilation between the Christian liturgical text and Korean langue. As I mentioned previously, "and also be with Pastor [you]"only changes the second person singular pronoun "you" into "Pastor" as the title of "you." This version remains a dialogue between the presider and the congregation like the original text, but the expression of dialogue makes some uncomfortable feeling to both the presider and the congregation. Thus, this translation is definitely the process of "acculturation," A+B=AB (A=Western liturgy, B=Korean text). Compared to "also be with Pastor," the translation of the UMC and PCUSA, "(We) believe/hope that the Lord be with us" is the result of the full inculturation process between the Christian liturgy and the Korean langue. As I discussed above concerning woo-rie, this change of words reflects the most crucial Korean identity, communitarianism, even though it is a liberal translation. In addition, this translation strengthens the identity of the liturgical assembly—the congregation and the presider—as the subject of liturgy. This transformation of the liturgical text ranks at the stage of liturgical inculturation, A+B=C. In this formula, C is the new translation of liturgy through mutual assimilation with the Korean langue, B. It is not the original form of the Christian liturgical text A, but C helps the participants of liturgy to strengthen the identity of their gathering, the subject of liturgy, more than A. Consequently, translation of the liturgical text based on the native langue is a liturgical inculturation. When seeing the translation process of sursum corda in Chan-song-gwa Ye-bae [Come, Let us Worship], I find an interesting chain reaction among the liturgy, theology, and the local context. The translation problem began with the conflict between liturgy (sursum corda) and local context (Korean langue). To solve this problem, woo-rie, reflecting one of the most important Korean identities, communitarianism, is used in the process of translation. Then, this new version of liturgical text strengthens the role of the gathering people (both the ministers and the congregations) as the subject of liturgy. This is a new theology regarding the identity of liturgical assembly. Although liturgical inculturation begins between lex orandi and lex vivendi, the inculturated liturgy affects lex credendi. This process shows additional evidence of the influence of lex orandi on lex credendi.

      • KCI등재

        번역 연구와 언어 이론

        박정준 국제언어인문학회 2012 인문언어 Vol.14 No.1

        Translation Studies and Linguistic Theories Jung-Joon Park (University of Incheon) There are definitions and theories concerning translation. But they all seem to have one goal in common: good translation. This paper examines modern linguistic theories and their relations to translation methodologies. Futhermore, the paper examines the role of translator under these considerations. The various opinions of linguists and translation theorists presented here shows that meaningful translation is born through the harmonious integration of different definitions. In short, meaningful translation studies form a domain of reconciliation. Translation studies has to be managed and performed under strict guidelines, and to this effect linguistics may offer various possibilities to open new fields of methodologies where translation is concerned. Language has become an indispensable element in our existence, but like the air we breathe we do not recognize its virtues. Linguistic studies analyzes the structure of everyday language, while, literary works - personal artistic works - are the object of analyses for the literary studies. However, literary studies do not directly concern itself with literary creations. In the same manner, translation studies are not directly associated with the actual practice of translation. Because we consider translation as an integral part of the human linguistic activity, methodologies in translation should reflect linguistic methodologies. The paper's intention is to show the variety of possibilities, on how basic linguistic notions and translation theories can be utilized for translation works and its ensuing results. Accordingly, translation studies can be considered as an integral domain, where translation methodologies and linguistic theories are closely connected to each other.

      • KCI등재

        번역과 문학정전(正典)의 시대적 다시쓰기: 소설 『아큐정전(阿Q正傳)』 한역본(韓譯本) 분석을 중심으로(1978~2018)

        이지영 한국번역학회 2019 번역학연구 Vol.20 No.5

        This study follows my previous study 『Translation and Reception of Literary Canon by period: Focusing on the paratexts of 『The True Story of Ah Q』 (1972-2018)』. The previous study analyzed the reception phenomenon of translation in Korean translations of literary canon 『The True Story of Ah Q』, based on the examination of the paratexts, and demonstrated that literary canon is time and again received differently in the diverse sociocultural context through translation. Drawing on the previous research result, this study analyses the rewriting phenomenon of translation in Korean translations of 『The True Story of Ah Q』, based on the examination of actual translated texts, as an another aspect of reception of literary canon by period through translation. The analysis draws on the translated texts material published in Korea during the period 1978 to 2018. In total, the translated texts in 16 books of the Korean translations of 『The True Story of Ah Q』 has been analysed into two main periods, focusing on a temporal frame and providing a comparative perspective. The first period starts in 1978 and ends in 1994 in the publication of Korean translations of 『The True Story of Ah Q』. The second period starts in 2003 and ends in 2018. After examining the data and the paratexts closely, I confirmed a hypothesis that the Korea publication market’s literary canon ‘rewriting’ context in the early 21th century would have an important influence on the different rewriting patterns in the translated texts of Korean translations of 『The True Story of Ah Q』. The literary canon ‘rewriting’ context can be referred to as “new translation for the new generation.” Its key aspect is the easily readable translation for teenagers, who have become the major recipient of literary canon of Korea publication market in the early 21th century. During the second period, the empirical analysis of the translated texts of Koreans translations of 『The True Story of Ah Q』 illustrates that the linguistic rewriting can be characterized the realization of readability in translation. During the second period, from 2003 to 2018, compared with the first period, from 1978 to 1994, the noticeable features of the vocabulary rewriting in the translated texts are the change of vocabulary by period, the decrease in usage of difficult Sino-Korean, the increase in usage of Korean native words, coupled with a number of onomatopoeic words and mimetic words, and the trend toward domestication in the translation of cultural elements. The findings in this study demonstrates that constant translation of literary canon is a linguistic rewriting in the diverse sociocultural context. 『The True Story of Ah Q』’s case proves that translation leads a literary canon to a new rewriting pattern in linguistic change with which translated canons become associated in target culture.

      • KCI등재

        기계번역 사용, 기계번역 교육, 번역가 진로에 관한 인식 조사: 학부번역전공자를 대상으로 한 소규모 설문조사를 기반으로

        이선우,이상빈 한국통역번역학회 2023 통역과 번역 Vol.25 No.1

        In this study, we conducted a survey asking undergraduate students majoring in translation about their perceptions of machine translation (MT). The respondents were 153 students in a translation department at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in South Korea. The questionnaire contained thirty-six closed-ended questions and three open-ended questions. The main focus of the survey was (1) how the students had used MT output to further their learning of translation and English as a foreign language, (2) what they thought about their curriculum in general and MT-related courses in particular, and (3) what effects they expected technology advancement to have on their future career and the status of translators. The responses show that many students actively use free online MT services and take a fairly positive view of the quality of MT. The students feel that MT-related education should be expanded to meet the changing needs, with careful attention given to the current curricular framework. They also mention that MT training will likely improve their career prospects and it is thus necessary to acquire first-hand knowledge of technological aspects of translation. Findings of this study could be used as reference material to improve curricular programs for undergraduate students who major in translation or lesser-known foreign languages.

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