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        관광과 국제개발협력

        김석우 국제개발협력학회 2021 국제개발협력연구 Vol.13 No.1

        Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to explain and analyze contents and issues on diverse theories on the linkage between tourism and international development cooperation, arguments on donors’ national interests in tourism, and the relationship between tourism and SDGs. Originality: Tourism industry is one of the most important industries in many developing countries to alleviate poverty, enhance gender equality, and promote general socioeconomic development, because of tourism industries’ characteristics of labor-intensiveness, possession of different tourism resources, low trade barriers, and lack of alternative development strategies. Nevertheless, it has been criticized that development cooperation in tourism and tourism ODA have not resulted in development of developing countries because of strong influence of multinational corporations, imports of tourism goods and services, dubious effectiveness of tourism ODA, and negative effects of tourism on development. Also, despite its practical importance for development, academic researches on tourism, development and tourism ODA are scarce. Accordingly, this study tries to reduce the gap between practical importance and academic underdevelopment in the issue of tourism and development. Methodology: Two main methodologies applied in this study are comprehensive literature review and content analyses. This study reviewed diverse academic sources on tourism and development. Also, this study searched for relevant contents on the issue from government documents and official documents of OECD and UNWTO. Result: This study explains diverse theories on tourism and development. They include modernization theory, dependency theory, neoliberal globalization theory, and alternative development theory. This study also explains what national interests are pursued by donor countries in tourism development cooperation. This study explains important issues in the linkage between tourism and SDGs such as gender equality, poverty alleviation and employment, and sustainability. Conclusions and Implication: There must be some international effort to reduce the gap between importance of tourism in developing countries and relative disinterest in tourism ODA in donor countries. Particularly, there must be more concerns about development and ODA giving in tourism sector to developing countries which are highly dependent on tourism and then face economic crisis from COVID 19 pandemic.

      • Development of Culinary Tourism in European Countries

        Boiko, Viktoriia,Liubynskyi, Oleksandr,Strikha, Liudmyla,Zarakhovskyi, Oleksandr Y.,Neilenko, Sergii International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.4

        The scientific paper studies the impact of tourism and traveling on the economic level of development of countries at the macro level and its relationship with other sectors of the economy. Tourism is one of the budget-forming factors of every economy. This work describes the main trends in the development of tourism. It is determined that about one third of tourism revenues are generated by the food sector, i.e., the culinary niche of tourism. Culinary tourism is a new direction of tourism, but it is developing quite dynamically in the EU. Culinary is an important part of rural tourism in the EU and culinary tourism is actively promoted at fairs and festivals. In recent years rural tourism has been developing both at the international level and in Ukraine, primarily due to its features, which include the implementation of the principles of sustainable community development, preservation of local traditions and cultural values, gastronomic events to promote them. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the development of gastronomic tourism in the world, to analyze the actual condition of gastronomic tourism in the EU and Ukraine, identifying prospects and ways to develop regional gastronomic tourism. The methodological and informational basis of the work is analytical reports and researches related to the development of event tourism and statistics. Systematic and logistical approaches to the studied problems were used to achieve this goal. Various general scientific and special research methods were also used. Based on PESTLE analysis, key aspects of the external environment of gastronomic tourism in Ukraine are identified. We took into account the principles of sustainable development: political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental. The main trends in the development of gastronomic tourism in the world are studied and it is found that the greatest development in the coming years will be the trend of combining gastronomic and event tourism on the basis of sustainable development. The main preconditions and possibilities of introduction of this holistic approach to the strategy of development of the tourist branch of Ukraine are determined. A model of sustainable value chain of gastronomic tourism in the region is formed and the main advantages of its implementation are identified: formation of a regional brand, preservation of culinary traditions, development of green farming, minimization of negative impact on the environment, sustainable development of communities.

      • Innovation of Development Model for Health-Preserving Tourism in Yunnan Province, China

        Fang Jie(Jie Fang) 아시아사회과학학회 2023 Jornal of Asia Social Science Vol.10 No.2

        The development of health-preserving tourism has become a new trend in the tourism industry, and it has played an important role in promoting social and economic development. Yunnan Province, located in southwestern China, has abundant tourism resources and a long history of traditional medicine and health preservation practices. In recent years, Yunnan Province has made significant efforts to develop health-preserving tourism, and it has achieved remarkable results. However, there are still challenges that need to be addressed, such as the lack of innovation in the development model and the need for better integration of traditional medicine and modern medical practices. This paper aims to explore the innovation of the development model for health-preserving tourism in Yunnan Province. The innovative development model for health-preserving tourism in Yunnan Province should focus on three key areas: product development, marketing, and supporting services. In terms of product development, Yunnan Province should focus on the integration of traditional medicine and modern medical practices to develop new health-preserving tourism products that meet the needs of different tourists. In terms of marketing, Yunnan Province should strengthen its brand image and develop targeted marketing strategies to attract different types of tourists. In terms of supporting services, Yunnan Province should improve the quality of tourism services and infrastructure, such as transportation, accommodation, and medical facilities. The innovation of the development model for health-preserving tourism in Yunnan Province has significant implications for the tourism industry and the local economy. The findings of this study provide insights for policymakers, industry practitioners, and researchers to promote the sustainable development of health-preserving tourism in Yunnan Province and other regions.

      • KCI등재

        중국 스포츠관광 활성화를 위한 탐색적 연구

        Liu Di,강순화 한국비교정부학회 2023 한국비교정부학보 Vol.27 No.3

        (Purpose) Sports tourism is a new industry that combines the tourism industry and the sports industry, and the phenomenon of globalized culture and the development status of the tourism industry have an important impact on the development of the national economy. The purpose of this study was to analyze the development status of sports tourism in China and the mechanism of sports tourism development and to present directions that can contribute to the development of sports tourism. (Design/methodology/approach) This study used the literature data research method, collected data related to the Chinese tourism industry and sports industry from 2010 to 2019 through the China Tourism Yearbook, China Statistics Bureau, and the National Sports Bureau platform, and analyzed the development trend and combined development status of Chinese sports tourism. (Findings) As a result of the study, the conditions of Chinese sports tourism development were mainly analyzed in terms of the natural environment, economic conditions, activation of various events, policy support, and infrastructure conditions. (Research implications or Originality) China is a country rich in population and resources, but the level of development of sports tourism is certainly lagging behind that of Western countries. Therefore, this study summarized the current development process of sports tourism in China, suggested ways to promote the development of sports tourism in China, and sought ways suitable for the development of tourism in China.

      • KCI등재

        AHP기법을 활용한 지역관광개발사업 특화계획 우선순위 선정에 관한 연구

        김사영(Sa Young Kim) 한국관광연구학회 2009 관광연구저널 Vol.23 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to identify the priorities with respect to the specialization plan in the regional tourism development business. As a theoretical research, this study reviews the domain of the specialization plan, the segmentation of the development pattern, and the assessment system in the regional tourism development business. The data used in this thesis is collected from tourism development specialists. Through a preliminary investigation 220 lists of questions were distributed from May 13, 2008 to July 16, 2008 and from among them 91 lists were used. Expert Choice 11.5 was used to do pairwise comparisons and priorities assessment. Based upon the results of empirical analysis, the priority order sets of the specialization plan in the regional tourism development business should be related to the experience in tourism development, tourism attractions development, event tourism development, and shopping tourism development. The priority order sets of experience in tourism development should be related to the cultural experience, natural experience, sports experience, and industry experience. The priority order sets of tourism attractions development should be related to cultural heritage sites, famous site, natural sight site, drama set. The priority order sets of event tourism development should be related to cultural festivals, sports events, expositions, and exhibitions. The priority order sets of shopping tourism development should be related to traditional foods, local produce, traditional markets shopping, and industrial products.

      • KCI등재

        해양관광지 개발에 따른 영향지각이 지역주민 태도에 미치는 영향 연구

        김혜영(Hye Young Kim),류시영(Si Young Ryu) 한국관광연구학회 2009 관광연구저널 Vol.23 No.2

        The marine tourism or development is very far unsatisfactory situation than the marine space and the tourism environment in Korea. At present, marine attractions development has increasingly concerned and has propelled and has established the various development plan in the local governments that have the sea and the central government. But, they fall behind the advanced marine tourism nations. In addition, the case of marine tourism development that is closely with living space, although local resident`s participation is necessary, difficult to promote the tourism development plan will be occur due to the situation about the tourism development plan`s establishment and promotion information that are not delivered correctly. In the existing research, a lot of research have conducted about the local residents` attitude of influence perceptions on tourism development. But, compared to the other tourism, on the marine attractions or product development directly and indirectly influenced by local residents` life maintaining work and local environment, research about the perceptions of local residents has not conducted. In modern society that has increasingly interested about the sustainable tourism, particularly, on the marine tourism development, we will have to induce the local residents` aggressive participation through the analysis on the local residents` influence perception following the tourism development. In this marine tourism development, for the effective marine attractions development and encouraging the local residents` participation, in this study, local residents` economical, social-cultural, environmental change through the marine tourism development is what influenced on the general attitude and the perception about the local development on the tourism development. And, particularly, have to explored what is major influence factors. Analysing the influence on the local residents for influence perceptions on marine attractions development, and. from the future attractions development plan`s establishment phase to practice phase. this study might to offer the strategic method inducing the local residents` aggressive participation.

      • KCI등재

        1960~70년대 제주도 관광개발 연계 제주민속자연사박물관의 건립과 위상

        김나영 역사문화학회 2024 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.27 No.1

        지금까지 제주민속자연사박물관에 대해서는 ‘제주도 최초의 공립박물관’ 혹은 ‘민속자료와 자연사(동식물ㆍ지질ㆍ해양 등)를 종합 전시한 전국 유일의 박물관’이라는 점에 초점이 맞춰져 있었다. 또한 관련 학술연구로는 박물관 내부 전시콘텐츠 및 교육 프로그램 개선 방안을 제시하는데 한정되어 당초 본 박물관이 지녔던 본질적인 위상과 상징성을 논하기란 다소 역부족이다. 하지만 해당 박물관 연혁에 대해 좀 더 자세히 들여다보면, 여타 지역의 공립박물관과는 다른 건립 배경을 지니고 있다. 즉, 제주민속자연사박물관은 1960~70년대 박정희 정부의 ‘조국 근대화’와 ‘국가 주도 자립경제’의 구호 아래 제주도 관광개발의 정책적 구상과 계획의 일환으로 대두되었다는 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 2024년 40주년 맞이하는 제주민속자연사박물관의 건립 연원과 관련한 일련의 제반 기록들을 면밀히 들여다봄으로써 1960~70년대 제주도 관광개발 정책 속 제주민속자연사박물관의 태동과 건립 경위를 추적함은 물론, 그 속에서 해당 박물관이 지닌 위상을 되짚어보았다. 그 결과 도출된 내용을 다음과 같이 요약해 볼 수 있다. 첫째, 제주민속자연사박물관은 1960~70년대 박정희 정부의 ‘조국 근대화’와 ‘국가 주도 자립경제’의 구호 아래 제주도 관광개발의 정책적 구상과 계획의 일환으로 대두되었으며, 그 시발점이자 변곡점이 되었던 것은 1961년 9월 8일 실시된 박정희 의장의 제주도 첫 내방이었다. 둘째, 1964년 제주도 지역개발을 위한 최초의 계획인 동시에 관광개발을 중점으로 한 『제주도 건설종합개발계획』 중 제주시 권역에 ‘민속관’ 건립이 처음 등장하게 되었으며, 이로써 현재의 ‘제주민속자연사박물관’ 건립을 위한 초창기 구상을 엿볼 수 있다. 이때 1964년은 제주도내 학계 및 문화계 인사들을 중심으로 제주도 전통문화의 발굴과 보존, 민속의 전승ㆍ계발 등 제주 향토연구의 구심점이 되는 ‘제주도 민속학회’를 비롯, 제주도 최초의 사립박물관인 ‘제주민속관’이 개관되는 등 잠재된 제주 고유의 문화유산의 가치 발굴과 보존ㆍ전승, 연구를 위한 움직임이 본격적으로 태동하던 시기라 할 수 있겠다. 셋째, 제주민속자연사박물관은 1960~70년대 국내 대중관광 시대의 도래에 따른 중앙정부 주도의 특색 있는 제주도 관광개발의 활성화 사업의 하나로, 문화재관리국(현 국가유산청)의 국비 예산을 지원받아 건립 추진되었다. 즉, 국내ㆍ외 외래객의 출입문인 제주항(濟州港) 및 제주공항과 근접한 곳에 전국적으로 유일무이(唯一無二)하게 제주도의 독특한 풍물 및 생활상을 한눈에 조감할 수 있는 ‘제주 속의 작은 제주’를 표상화 한 박물관을 건립함으로써 제주 관광의 첨병 역할 수행을 기대하였다. 이렇듯 1960년대 제주의 문화관광 개발의 첫 출발선상에서 태동된 제주민속자연사박물관은 건립 40년, 아니 이보다 더 긴 시간의 켜를 간직하고 있는 제주도 대표 도립박물관으로서의 위상을 지닌다 하겠다. Until now, the identity of the Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum has been focused on its status as ‘Jeju Island’s first public museum’ or ‘the only museum in the country that comprehensively exhibits folk materials and natural history (of animals and plants, geology, oceans, etc.).’ In addition, previous academic research on the museum has been limited to suggesting measures to improve exhibition content and educational programs of the museum, leaving the discussion of the museum’s original status and symbolism. However, close examination of the history of the museum reveals it has a different foundation background than public museums in other regions. Namely, the establishment of Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum emerged as a part of the policy initiatives and plan for Jeju tourism development under the slogan of ‘national modernization’ and ‘state-led self-reliant economy’ of the Park Chung-hee government in the 1960s and 1970s. Accordingly, this study aims to trace the origins and establishment of the Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum within the Jeju tourism development policy of the 1960s and 1970s and review the museum’s status within it by closely examining a series of records related to the establishment of the Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum, celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2024. The results are summarized as follows. First, the establishment of the Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum emerged as part of the policy initiatives and plans for Jeju tourism development under the slogan of ‘national modernization’ and ‘state-led self-reliant economy’ of the Park Chung-hee government in the 1960s and 1970s, of which the starting point and inflection point was Chairman Park Chung-hee’s first visit to Jeju Island on September 8, 1961. During his inspection of Jeju Island, Chairman Park noted that Jeju has abundant tourism resources, including its undeveloped beautiful natural scenery, unique traditional culture, and unique historical sites. Accordingly, he highlighted the promise of the ‘Jeju tourism project’ and instructed to prepare a realistic plan for ‘tourism development’ as a comparative advantage project and a powerful means for regional economic development and to improve Jeju’s underdeveloped standard of living. It served as a beginning for Jeju tourism development and laid the foundation for the establishment of the Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum. Second, in 1964, as the first initiative for Jeju Island’s regional development and the 〈Comprehensive Development Plan〉, which centered on tourism development, a “folk museum” in the Jeju City area was constructed, which provided a glimpse into the early conception of the current Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum. Afterwards, the construction of ‘museums’ and ‘folklore centers’ has been continuously raised in annual tourism development plans led by the state, such as 〈Jeju Island Specific Area Designation (Plan)〉 in 1966, 〈10-Year Jeju Island Comprehensive Development Plan〉 and 〈Land Use Plan for Comprehensive Development of the Jeju Area〉 in 1970. In addition, a blueprint for the foundation of the current ‘Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum’ was presented in earnest from the 〈Comprehensive Jeju Tourism Development Plan〉, established by the Blue House (Cheongwadae) Tourism Development Planning Group in 1973. It included plans to build a ‘folk museum,’ ‘botanical garden,’ and ‘folk house (土俗家)’ in ‘Samseonghyeol District (Sinsan Park area),’ which was declared as a Jeju City urban planning park district in 1952. The project was given momentum when it was confirmed and announced in February 1975 through Ministry of Construction Announcement No. 32, and the following year, in 1976, the 〈Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum and Park Plan〉 was established, and the construction was initiated in December...

      • KCI등재후보

        도외 제주인의 제주 지역 애착심이 제주 관광 개발 태도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 - 지역 정체성의 매개변수 효과를 중심으로 -

        황정진 ( Hwang Jung-jin ),고계성 ( Ko Kye-sung ) 한국관광산업학회 2018 Tourism Research Vol.43 No.3

        인구수가 약 60만 명에 이르는 도외 제주인은 ‘제주인 120만 시대’를 여는데 있어서 큰 역할을 해오고 있기에 제주 경제 발전에 대한 이들의 영향력을 무시할 수 없음에도 불구하고 도외 제주인이 제주 발전에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구는 매우 미비할 실정이다. 제주 신공항 및 신항 건설, 팜파스 종합휴양관광단지 개발 사업 등 규모 있는 관광 개발 사업들이 계획되어 있거나 이미 진행 중에 있는 상황에서 본 연구는 이러한 제주 관광 개발에 대해서 도외 제주인들이 미칠 수 있는 영향력에 대해서 연구하였다. 기존 문헌 분석을 통해 도외 제주인의 제주 관광 개발 태도에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 두 가지 요인(지역 애착심과 지역 정체성)을 도출하여 이 요인들이 제주 관광 개발 태도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 실증적으로 검증하였다. 제주에서 출생하여 살다가 일정 기간이 지난 후에 서울과 부산지역으로 이주하여 살고 있는 도외 제주인을 대상으로 구조화된 설문지를 사용해 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구 결과에 따르면 도외 제주인의 지역 애착심은 지역 정체성에 통계적으로 유의한 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 지역 정체성은 관광 개발의 경제적 태도에 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 확인 되었다. 지역 애착심은 관광 개발 태도에 유의한 영향일 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 지역 정체성은 지역 애착심과 관광 개발의 경제적 태도 사이의 관계에서 완전매개 효과를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 이 결과를 해석해 보면 기존 연구에서 확인된 것처럼 인간의 본성과 관련해서 지역 애착심은 지역 정체성이 완성되기 전에 개발되는 것으로 나타났다. 지역 정체성이 지역 애착심과 관광 개발의 경제적 태도 사이의 관계에서 완전매개 효과를 보이고, 지역 애착심은 관광 개발 태도에 유의한 영향력이 없는 것으로 나타났는데, 이는 통계적인 측면에서 매개변수의 완전매개 효과가 가지는 특성과 일치한다. 다시 말해, 지역 애착심은 매개변수인 지역 정체성이 없이는 관광 개발 태도에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 못한다는 것이다. 이러한 연구결과를 바탕으로 도외 제주인의 제주 관광 개발에 대한 긍정적인 태도를 이끌어 낼 수 있는 정책적 방안을 사회적 측면과 경제적 측면으로 구분하여 제시하였다. Even though it is easy to anticipate that non-resident Jejurian’s contribution to the development of Jeju Island is significant, only a few studies have been conducted to examine the impact of non-resident Jejurian on the prosperity of Jeju Island. Nowadays, there are a bunch of ongoing projects of tourism development in Jeju Island, such as the construction of a new Jeju international airport and a new port city. As following these trends of the tourism development, this study sought to investigate the impact of non-resident Jejurian on tourism development in Jeju Island. Based on the analysis of previous literature, we found that there are two research variables which can influence attitude toward tourism development of non-resident Jejurians. These variables are regional attachment and regional identity. Thus, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of non-resident Jejurian’s regional attachment and regional identity on their attitude toward tourism development in Jeju Island. We conducted a survey toward non-resident Jejurians who are living in Seoud and Pusan city. The results show that non-resident Jejurian’s regional attachment significantlly influence their regional identity. Their regional identity also significantly influence economical attitude toward tourism development. But, no effect was found between regional attachment and attitude toward tourism development. The regional identity plays a role of full mediator in the relationship between regional attachment and economic attitude toward tourism development. On the basis of these findings, this study provides meaningful implications to policy makers who want to draw non-resident Jejurian’s positive attitude toward tourism development in Jeju Island.

      • KCI등재

        일제하 사설철도회사의 관광개발

        조성운 한국민족운동사학회 2022 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.- No.113

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the tourism development of private railroad companies under Japanese colonial rule. To this end, first, the Japanese Government-General of Korea's private railroad policy was examined, and then the tourism development promoted by the private railroad company was examined. Private railroads were built from the time of the Korean Empire, and after the light railway law was passed in Japan in 1911, the Japanese Government-General of Korea also encouraged the laying of light railways, that is, private railroads. In particular, in 1919, the Chosun Private Railroad Subsidy Act was enacted for the purpose of local development and industrial development, allowing subsidies to be provided to private railroads. The fact that private railroads were built in Joseon, a colony, was also in response to the demands of Japanese capitalists residing in Joseon and Korean capitalists. In this process, Jeonbuk Light Railway Company, Chosun Central Railway Company, and Seoseonsan Railway Company were established, as well as Kumgangsan Electric Railway Company, Chosun Gyeongnam Railway Company, and Chosun Gyeongdong Railway Company. In order to expand profits, the private rail road built in this way started tourism development focusing on hot spring development and inn management. In particular, Kumgangsan Electric Railway Company was for the purpose of tourism. However, in the course of tourism development by private railroad, gentrification appeared as the mobilization of government authority and aggressive acts against Koreans continued. In other words, tourism development was not simply carried out by the logic of capital. In addition, Seoseon Siksan Railway Company's Shincheon hot spring tourism development became a tool to spread the colonial view of history. In addition, the developed tourist attraction became ‘entertainment’ and the image of gisaeng (geisha) tourism began to form, and human trafficking was also carried out as a side effect. As such, tourism development by private railroad under Japanese colonial rule was carried out with the support of the Japanese Government-General of Korea in the name of regional development, but it was also a place where the Japanese Government-General of Korea's policies were implemented in return for such support. In this process, it also showed a decadent figure represented by gisaeng (geisha) tourism. At the same time, in the process of tourism development, as Joseon people were kicked out and the traditional values of Joseon were destroyed by capital, a new order emerged, which means that Japanese rule in local societies was strengthened. 본고는 일제하 사설철도회사의 관광개발을 고찰할 목적으로 작성되었다. 이를 위해 먼저 조선총독부의 사설철도정책에 대해 살핀 후 사설철도회사의 관광개발에 대해 살폈다. 이를 통해 사설철도는 대한제국시기부터 건설되었고, 1911년 일본에서 경편철도법이 통과된 이후 이에 편승하여 조선총독부도 경편철도 즉 사설철도의 부설을 장려하였다. 특히 1919년에는 지방개발과 산업개발을 목적으로 한 조선사설철도보조법을 제정하여 사설철도에 보조금을 지급할 수 있도록 하였다. 이처럼 식민지 조선에서 사설철도가 부설된 것은 재조 일본인 자본가와 조선인 자본가의 요구에 따른 것이기도 하였다. 이러한 과정에서 전북경편철도주식회사, 조선중앙철도주식회사, 서선식산철도주식회사 등이 설립되었고, 금강산전기철도회사, 조선경남철도주식회사, 조선경동철도주식회사 등도 설립되었다. 이렇게 부설된 사설철도는 이윤 확대를 위해 온천개발과 여관 경영을 위주로 관광개발에 나섰다. 특히 금강산전기철도주식회사는 관광을 목적으로 한 것이었다. 그런데 사설철도의 관광개발 과정에서 관권의 동원과 조선인에 대한 침략적인 행위가 지속되어 젠트리피케이션(gentrification) 현상이 나타났다. 즉 관광개발은 단순히 자본의 논리만으로 행해진 것은 아니었다. 또한 서선식산철도주식회사의 신천온천 관광개발은 식민사관 전파의 한 도구가 되기도 하였다. 그리고 개발된 관광지가 ‘오락장화’ 하여 기생관광의 이미지가 형성되기 시작하였고, 부작용으로 인신매매가 이루어지기도 하였다. 이와 같이 일제하 사설철도의 관광개발은 지역 개발이라는 명분으로 조선총독부의 지원을 받으며 이루어졌으나 지원을 받는 만큼 조선총독부의 정책이 관철되는 장이기도 하였다. 이 과정에서 기생관광으로 대표되는 퇴폐적인 모습을 보이기도 하였다. 동시에 관광개발이 이루어지면서 조선인이 구축되는 현상이 나타나고 조선의 전통적인 가치관이 자본에 의해 파괴되고 새로운 질서를 만들어내면서 지방사회에서 일제의 지배력이 강화되었음을 알 수 있다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Overview of Management Approaches in the Regional Tourism Development

        Martin Musil 사람과세계경영학회 2018 Global Business and Finance Review Vol.23 No.1

        Tourism is considered globally an important tool for regional development. Through its activities and interconnections with other industries it has a strong impact on the whole environment of the destination in the form of different effects on bodies and objects in that environment. Therefore, it appears necessary to manage tourism strategically, with awareness of its effects and impact assessment, under the principles of sustainable development. Tourism development is strongly associated with the overall concept of regional development and especially with the policy of regional development and tourism policy. Good practice examples show that the unregulated and self-acting tourism development has negative impacts to the destination environment that could be appropriately eliminated, or at least regulated, by appropriate management. That is why the principles of management come to the fore, especially the principles of strategic management of destinations. These should bring positive effects in the tourism sector in the form of strategically planned activities based on relevant data, information and knowledge. Also involving regional stakeholders should lead to the sustainable and competitive destination development. These approaches are based on general management overall, however it is often necessary to adapt them in many aspects because of the tourism market specifics. This paper provides an overview of major developmental trends over the past two decades in the field of strategic destination management as an integral part of regional development. Its aim is to identify the main research directions in this area for a defined period, emphasizing the focus on applying strategical managerial approaches and methods in managing a tourist destination. In the concretization of selected approaches deals primarily with the approaches to the management of destinations in relation to the effects resulting from tourism. Using in-depth resources research on tourism effects and impacts, tourism planning and stakeholder engagement in this planning, it focuses on that part of strategic management, which is ranked among relatively newer planning principles for managing a tourist destination. This is also becoming more and more important in emerging tourist areas. The paper summarizes the main directions of research in this area and points out the focus that researchers, academics and managers themselves are interested in.

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