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      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 주제절의 화용적 특징 고찰

        文有美(Moon, You-mi) 중국어문학연구회 2014 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.87

        Features of topic clauses, type of the topic clauses, the relation between the topic clauses- comments were reviewed in this study in pragmatic angle, using the topic clauses which not only appear in the places of subjects but become themes at the same time, as objects of the study. The result of the study for this can be outlined as follows. First, features of topic clauses were prominently reviewed in three aspects. (1) In the aspect of Topicalization, topic clauses mainly have a feature of ‘base generated topic’. (2) In the aspect of Topic chain, topic clauses can expand the ranges which NP as well as topics can control as topic clauses to a lot of clauses. (3) In the aspect of Aboutness, topic clauses semantically have a feature of ‘aboutness’ on terms with comments. (4) In the aspect of Information, topic clauses either contain old information, or the case can be found as well that they contain new one. Second, types of topic clauses were roughly classified into 3 types in this study. Direct topic clauses(immediacy), moving topic clauses (movement), generated topic clauses (generative attribute) are those. Third, specific analysis was tried through each corresponding illustrative sentence with classifying topic clauses-comments relation into determinative relation, remarking relation, explanatory relation, interpretative relation. Finally in case Chinese topic clauses are translated into Korean, the phenomenon where some can be translated into ‘eun/neun (은/는)’ and some into ‘i/ga(이/가)’ can be inferred from the reason why both of Chinese, Korean have a typical feature of ‘topic-highlighting language’.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 "주제화 구문"의 HPSG(핵어중심구구조문법) 분석

        박희문 ( Hee Moon Park ) 한국현대언어학회 2011 언어연구 Vol.27 No.3

        The purpose of the study is to provide some alternative devices for analyzing Korean topicalized constructions on the basis of Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. The author suggests that the existing theories relevant to the Korean topicalized constructions do not seem to effectively capture the elusive syntactic properties of topicalization. It is also suggested that once the feature [TOPIC+] is intantiated on the Korean topicalized element, the syntactic feature [DEF+] also be instantiated on the topic simultaneously. The study maintains that the Korean topic marking form ``un/nun`` be incorporated within the argument structure list, which is to ensure that both SUBJ and COMPS can be extracted to be a topicalized element. (Pai Chai University)

      • KCI등재

        Silent Verbs in Northern Mandarin: A Silence Neither Gaps Nor Emptiness Can Fill

        김지영 한국언어정보학회 2007 언어와 정보 Vol.11 No.2

        This paper reanalyzes examples with missing verbs. Northern Mandarin rejects argument nominal phrases after a silent verb, as well as silent verbs inside islands. These restrictions suggest a grammatical process which silences verbs. I propose that these restrictions are the result of VP-topicalization followed by ellipsis. This analysis accounts for the island sensitivity of these constructions: since VP-topicalization feeds ellipsis, constructions with elided VPs are not derivable from configurations where movement is impossible. Also, to avoid topicalization along with the VP, the argument must move out of VP; the subsequent topicalization of the VP containing the argument's trace would then give rise to a configuration where that trace c-commands the moved-out DP. Adjuncts do not pose a problem because they are located outside of that smallest VP-shell. The data presented here are accommodated by neither of Tang's (2001) proposals for silent verbs (gapping and empty verbs). Instead, they provide support for a third source for silent verbs, VP-ellipsis via topicalization.

      • KCI등재

        Silent Verbs in Northern Mandarin: A Silence Neither Gaps Nor Emptiness Can Fill

        Kim, Ji-Yung Korean Society for Language and Information 2007 언어와 정보 Vol.11 No.2

        This paper reanalyzes examples with missing verbs. Northern Mandarin rejects argument nominal phrases after a silent verb, as well as silent verbs inside islands. These restrictions suggest a grammatical process which silences verbs. I propose that these restrictions are the result of VP-topicalization followed by ellipsis. This analysis accounts for the island sensitivity of these constructions: since VP-topicalization feeds ellipsis, constructions with elided VPs are not derivable from configurations where movement is impossible. Also, to avoid topicalization along with the VP, the argument must move out of VP; the subsequent topicalization of the VP containing the argument's trace would then give rise to a configuration where that trace c-commands the moved-out DP. Adjuncts do not pose a problem because they are located outside of that smallest VP-shell. The data presented here are accommodated by neither of Tang's (2001) proposals for silent verbs (gapping and empty verbs). Instead, they provide support for a third source for silent verbs, VP-ellipsis via topicalization.

      • KCI등재

        현대러시아어 화제표지 소사 -то의 의미적, 화용적 기능에 관하여

        송은지 한국러시아문학회 2005 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.20 No.-

        The study explores semantic and pragmatic functions of the topic-marking particle -to in modern colloquial Russian. Previous studies characterize this particle as a marker of the discourse notion of 'topic', or contrastive meaning, or known information (though unactivated). This study argues that the particle -to has distinctive features and functions, as compared to other apparently synonymous particles or conjunctions, such as e, ved' or a. The particle -to can mark a contrastive topic which has an indefinite meaning as well as definite, and it can function on the syntagmatic level, as well as on the paradigmatic level. Although the function of the particle -to as a paradigmatic contrastive topic marker has been explored in previous studies, its function on the syntagmatic level has rarely been investigated: this is found in the tautological construction <P-to P, a/no/da Q>, which evokes scalar implicature in the given discourse context. Thus, in verbal, nominal, adjectival tautological constructions the lower value (lexical items accompanying -to) is affirmed, but a higher value is negated in the following clauses or sentences. Here the values are ranked by the speaker's subjective assessments in the given discourse contexts. Further, this particle is often employed in detachment constructions, such as topicalization, left or right-dislocation, and its main discourse function is to separate the reference from the grammatical role. In sum, the particle -to is a lexical exponent of a marked topic: a topic in the redundant information structure (tautology); or indefinite topic or non-nominative (or caseless) topic or dislocated topic. It is further argued that the separating function can be construed as a kind of 'neutralization' device, which is also realized by the sentence-initial 'Thematic Nominative' (именительный темы) in colloquial Russian.

      • KCI등재

        국어 서술어(구)의 초점화와 주제화에 관한 연구 - ‘-기를, -기는’ 구성 중심으로

        이금희 한국어의미학회 2015 한국어 의미학 Vol.49 No.-

        Lee, Keum-Hee. 2015. On the Focalization and Topicalization of Korean Predicate Phrases-Centered on the '-kileul(기를)' and '-kileun(기는)'. Korean Semantics, 49. The purpose of this paper verifies discourse-pragmatic charateristics of 'V-kileul(기를) V' and 'V-kileun(기는) V'predicate phrases. In general, Korean postpositions 'leul(를)' and 'ga(가)’ are considered to carry out two function; One is that they are used as syntactic case-markers and the other is that they are used as the helpers for the focalizing function in the discourse-pragmatic context. And 'leun(는)' is considered that is used to appear for topic and contrast meaning function. But Korean postpositions 'leul(를)' and 'leun(는)' are used to appear for focalization and topicalization. Korean predicate phrases 'V-kileul(기를) V/hada(하다)' and 'V-kileun(기는) V/hada(하다)' are made for the focalizing function of predicates. And if the 'V-kileul' and 'V-kileun' move to the front or right behind subject. these phrases show topicalization of predicates.

      • KCI등재

        표준중국어 ‘대하여’ 의미의 전치사 좌초 회피 현상 — 주제화의 상황을 중심으로

        정혜인 한국중국학회 2023 중국학보 Vol.105 No.-

        This paper started from the phenomenon that it is possible to delete irregularly a prepositional phrase in a topicalized sentence representing ‘the related object of action’. It seems that prepositional stranding avoidance strategies used in this kind of topicalization are irregular on the surface. Instead, from the syntactic aspect, if the predicate can take the topicalized component as the object; and semantically, if the predicate and the argument are in a direct dominance-subject relation, ‘对 + pronoun’ will be deleted in the subsequent clause or ‘对+pronoun’ could also be retained. On the other hand, if it does not correspond to upper conditions syntactically and semantically, when the related object of the action becomes the topic, ‘对 + pronoun’ cannot be deleted in the subsequent clause and can only be retained. The above characteristics were also relavant to the functional aspect of topicization itself. In the former situation, the reason why prepositional phrases can be deleted or retained in subsequent clauses is that the subject matter is clearly accessible to the listener. In the latter situation, only retaining of prepositional phrases is allowed because the topicalized component is not clear to the hearer, so the prepositional phrase is retained to make the topicalized component accessible. Ensuring that the topicalized component is clear so that the topic can fulfill its own role in framing the predicate, is the functional goal of using the prepositional stranding avoidance strategy used when the related object of an action is topicalized. 표준중국어의 주제문은 전치사 좌초를 허용하지 않는데, 전치사 좌초를 회피하기 위해 전치사구 삭제 전략 또는 전치사구 보류 전략을 선택한다. ‘동작의 관련 대상’을 나타내는 표준중국어 주제문 내 전치사구 삭제는 수의적으로 가능하다. 본 논문은 표면상 불규칙적으로 보이는 동작의 관련 대상의 주제화 상황에서 사용되는 전치사 좌초 회피 전략의 통사⋅의미적 규칙성을 찾고자 시도하였다. 통사적 측면에서 술어가 주제화된 성분을 목적어로 취할 수 있으며 의미적으로 술어와 논항이 직접적인 지배-피지배 관계에 있는 경우, 동작의 관련 대상이 주제화될 때 후속절에서 ‘对+대명사’는 삭제될 수도 있고 보류될 수도 있었다. 이와 달리 통사⋅의미적으로 이에 부합되지 않는 경우에는 동작의 관련 대상이 주제화될 때, 후속절에서 ‘对+대명사’는 삭제할 수 없으며 보류만 가능하였다. 위와 같은 특징은 주제화 자체의 기능적 측면과도 연관성을 지니고 있었다. 술어가 주제화된 성분을 목적어로 취할 수 있고 술어와 논항이 직접적인 지배와 피지배 관계일 때 후속절에서의 전치사구 삭제 또는 보류가 모두 가능한 것은 주제화된 대상이 무엇인지 청자에게 확실하게 접근이 가능하기 때문이다. 그렇지 못한 상황, 즉 술어가 주제화된 성분을 목적어로 취할 수 없으며 술어와 논항이 직접적인 지배와 피지배 관계에 있지 않은 상황에서 전치사구 보류만 가능한 것은 주제화된 대상이 청자에게 명확하지 않기 때문에 전치사구를 보류함으로써 주제화된 대상에 용이하게 접근할 수 있도록 하기 위해서이다. 주제화된 성분이 명확하게 됨을 보장함으로써 주제가 술어의 틀을 규정하는 데 있어 본연의 역할에 충실할 수 있게끔 하는 것이 동작의 관련 대상이 주제화될 때 사용되는 전치사 좌초 회피 전략 사용 선택의 기능적 목표이다.

      • KCI등재

        A Linguistic Transfer in Coding English Sentences by Chinese EFL Learners

        Zhangyan Miao 한국중원언어학회 2019 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.52

        This paper delves into some basic properties of topic-prominent and subject-prominent languages focusing on the topic and the subject and examines how Chinese EFL learners perceive English sentences in the topic-prominent language framework. Chinese, as a typical topic-prominent language, puts more significance on the topic-comment structure as opposed to English, in which more significance is given to the subject-predicate structure (Li & Thompson, 1981). It follows that Chinese EFL learners are highly expected to code English sentences according to the basic information structure of their native language, in which a linguistic transfer obtains. For our discussion on this transfer, I have conducted a survey among 40 college students. In the survey, the participants are asked to identify the subject of 9 sentences of 5 different types and then translate them into Chinese. The findings of the survey show that most Chinese EFL learners prominently topicalize the argument phrases which are standing in a canonical subject position, subsequently conforming to the basic information structure of Chinese sentences, which basically consists of the topic and the comment.

      • KCI등재

        The Patterns of Coding English Sentences by Korean EFL Learners

        강승만 ( Seung-man Kang ) 대한영어영문학회 2015 영어영문학연구 Vol.41 No.1

        This paper briefly illustrates some basic properties of topic-prominent languages in the sense of Li & Thompson (1976), centering around the subject and the topic, and delves into some interesting aspects of how Korean EFL learners perceive English sentences in the topic-prominent language framework. Korean, as one of topic-prominent languages, is characterized to have a topic-comment information structure as opposed to a subject-predicate information structure in English. Accordingly, Korean EFL learners are shown to code English sentences based on this information structure. The topic-comment information structure reflects the survey results in which only an argument phrase is perceived as the subject of a sentence by most Korean EFL learners and is prominently topicalized if it is, in particular, in a canonical subject position. (Chungbuk National University)

      • KCI등재

        A hybrid approach to FinP in the Left Periphery: the cases of Spanish and Korean

        ( Mikyung Lee ) 한국스페인어문학회 2023 스페인어문학 Vol.- No.109

        This research deals with the similarities and differences found in the left periphery of Korean and Spanish and introduces various parameters that can be applied to variations within that clausal domain CP. In particular, this work provides analyses that unlike Spanish data that the syntactic overt movement of constituents to the left periphery gives rise to discourse effects, as argued by Rizzi’s (1997) cartographic project, the covert movement of constituents or operators in Korean yields topicalization and focalization. Furthermore, focusing on ‘constrastive readings’ found in both languages, this paper points out that FinP with [+C] feature evokes various phenomena related to discourse effects; (i) scrambling, topic subject, Contrastive Topic/Focus in Korean and (ii) topic subject, F(ocus)F(ronting), and CLLD in Spanish, following López (2009). Finally, based on the fact that ambiguous A and A-bar natures appear in scrambling and topic subject in Korean marked by -neun and preverbal subject in Spanish, this research puts forward that FinP has the hybrid A and A-bar properties, which results in non-standard binding effects of scrambling, ambiguous (weak) cross-over effects in topicalization of Korean, as well as contrastive readings in topic subject, FF, and CLLD in Spanish. The advantage of this analysis is that it is possible to apply various “double focus phenomena” in Korean, which are not compatible with Rizzi’s (1997) cartographic project, to the existing model without setting additional functional categories. This suggests a new alternative to the Foc-Fin structure instead of Foc-Foc structure for the double focus phenomenon in Korean.

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