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      • KCI등재

        Identification of Novel Subregions of LOH in Gastric Cancer and Analysis of the HIC1 and TOB1 Tumor Suppressor Genes in These Subregions

        Jingcui Yu,Songbin Fu,Peng Liu,Xiaobo Cui,Yu Sui,Guohua Ji,Rongwei Guan,Donglin Sun,Wei Ji,Fangli Liu,An Liu,Yuzhen Zhao,Yang Yu,Yan Jin,Jing Bai,Jingshu Geng,Yingwei Xue,Jiping Qi,Ki-Young Lee 한국분자세포생물학회 2011 Molecules and cells Vol.32 No.1

        Previously, we identified 3 overlapping regions showing loss of heterozygosity (LOH, R_1-R_3 from 11 to 30 cM) on chromosome 17 in 45 primary gastric cancers (GCs). The data indicated the presence of tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) on chromosome 17 involved in GC. Among the putative TSGs in these regions, HIC1 (in SR_1) and TOB1 (in SR_3) remain to be examined in GC. By immunohistochemistry (IHC), methylation-specific PCR (MSP) and western blot, we evaluated the expression and regulation status for HIC1 and TOB1 protein in GC. We narrowed down the deletion intervals on chromosome 17 and defined five smaller LOH subregions, SR_1-SR_5 (0.54 to 3.42 cM), in GC. We found that HIC1 had downregulated expression in 86% (91/106) and was methylated in 87% (26/30) of primary GCs. Of the primary GCs showing downregulation of HIC1 protein, 75% (18/24) had methylated HIC1 gene. TOB1 was either absent or expressed at reduced levels in 75% (73/97) of the GC samples. In addition, a general reduction was found in total and the ratio of unphosphorylated to phosphorylated TOB1 protein levels in the differentiated GC cell lines. Further analysis revealed significant simultaneous downregulation of both HIC1 and TOB1 protein in GC tissue microarray samples (67%, 52/78) and in primary GCs (65%, 11/17). These results indicate that silencing of HIC1 and TOB1 expression is a common occurrence in GC and may contribute to the development and progression of the disease.

      • Tob is a potential marker gene for the basal layer of the epidermis and is stably expressed in human primary keratinocytes

        Park, G.T.,Seo, E.Y.,Lee, K.M.,Lee, D.Y.,Yang, J.M. Blackwell Science Ltd 2006 British journal of dermatology Vol.154 No.3

        <P>Summary</P><P>Background </P><P>Epidermis consists of multiple layers, from the proliferating basal layer to terminal differentiated cornified layers, and these layers are defined by differentiation status. Tob gene product is known to be a member of the BTG antiproliferative protein family. We investigated the expression pattern of Tob gene product to understand the possible role in differentiation of keratinocytes and epidermis.</P><P>Objectives </P><P>In this study, we examined the expression of Tob gene product in the primary cultured human keratinocytes and in the <I>in vivo</I> epidermis.</P><P>Methods </P><P>The expression of Tob gene product was assessed by Western blotting analysis. Cellular localization of Tob was detected using the green fluorescent protein-tagged Tob cDNA expression construct. <I>In vivo</I> expression of Tob gene product in the epidermis was determined by immunohistochemistry with paraffin sections.</P><P>Results </P><P>Tob family members are degraded by the ubiquitine–proteasome system triggered by the growth signal. Tob is stably and abundantly expressed in primary cultured human keratinocytes. Furthermore, the expression of Tob in the keratinocytes persists during the differentiation induced by calcium; however, it was not detected in primary cultured fibroblasts. Also, the subcellular localization of Tob is mainly in the cellular membrane in the primary human keratinocytes. We evaluated Tob expression in normal skin, oral mucosa and different diseases, such as psoriasis, X-linked ichthyosis and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Using immunohistochemical analysis, we observed that Tob was selectively expressed in the basal layer of X-linked ichythyosis and the hyperproliferative basal layer of psoriasis and oral mucosa as well as in normal epidermis. In SCC, the expression of Tob gene product was relatively decreased.</P><P>Conclusions </P><P>Tob is stably expressed in primary human keratinocytes and it is specifically expressed in the basal layer of <I>in vivo</I> epidermis.</P>

      • KCI등재

        金剛遊覽歌의 美的 世界

        최두식 한국고시가문학회 2005 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.15

        In Kumkang-yuramga, the author creates the beauty of consensus, looking at Mt. Kumkang in the viewpoint of Buddhism or in the viwpoint of Zen, or in his own viewpoint of art. The author's aesthetic expression only gets near the approximation of absolute beauty, at its maximum. The absolute beauty is like the word "tob" in Hebraic bible. It doesn't mean the common visual beauty seen by human, but it means "It was good.", which refers to the perfect beauty seen by God. The original Hebraic biblical word for "It was good" is "tob". Before they became corrupted, men reached the state of "tob", the world of absolute beauty, but after they became corrupted they went blind and have been chasing after their own beauty ever since, looking at the other things in the viewpoint of various ideas. They even ended up looking at the state of God in the wrong viewpoint.

      • KCI등재후보

        추골동맥 폐색증을 동반한 뇌저동맥 첨단부 폐쇄증후군 치험 1례

        김세진 ( Se Jin Kim ),설재욱 ( Jae Uk Sul ),안혜림 ( Hye Rym An ),신미숙 ( Mi Suk Shin ),김선종 ( Sun Jong Kim ),최진봉 ( Jin Bong Choi ) 한방재활의학과학회 2006 한방재활의학과학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        Objectives : The aim of the present study is to report a 38-year-old patient with `top of basilar(TOB)` syndrome who shows paralysis of limbs, diplopia, facial numbness, neck weakness by vertebral artery occlusion. Methods : We treated the patient by acupuncture, herbal medication, physical therapy, rehabilitative therapy such as eye exercise. We used evaluation scale including Visual Analog Scale(VAS), National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale(NIHSS), Modified Barthel Index(MBI), Manual Muscle Testing(MMT). Results and Conclusions : Analysis of this one patient indicated that oriental medical rehabilitative therapy is useful to treat the TOB syndrome. The symptoms were improved rapidly. After treatment, the patient was able to walk and diplopia was improved. MBI score changed from 20 to 95, for NIHSS from 13 to 2. VAS and MMT were also numerically improved.

      • KCI등재

        Characteristics of deodorization for malodorants in aqueous solution by sonication

        Yoo, Young-Eok,Maeda, Yasuaki 한국환경과학회 2004 한국환경과학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        A aqueous solution of malodorants (i.e., n-valeraldehyde, n-valeric- acid, 2-methylisobomeol, and trimethylamine) was exposed to 200kHz ultrasound with a power of 6.0W/cm² per unit volume in a sonochemical reactor under room temperature and atmospheric pressure condition. The concentration of malodorants decreased with irradiation time, indicating pseudo-first-order kinetics. The removal efficiency of malodorants was about from 50% to 96% decomposed after 90 minutes sonication. At the deodorization, it was determined by triangle odor bag(TOB) method for odor sensory measurement, and it indicated that over 60% of relative odors were deodorized with degradation by the sonication.

      • KCI등재

        동부 유라시아의 元帥大旗: 툭·톡(tuγ) 그리고 독·둑(纛)의 遺傳

        金成修(Kim, Sung-Soo) 역사교육연구회 2017 역사교육 Vol.144 No.-

        This paper is focused on the ancient army banner, called Dok/Tu(纛) or Tuγ, in the Eastern part of Eurasia, especially around the Mongol plateau. Dok/Tu (纛) or Tuγ, the ancient army banner sounds very similar each other. From their pronunciations, it is quite clear that they have a same etymological origin. These words had been used on the vast part of the Eurasian continent from Korea to Turkey in the pre-modern era. Some examples from Turkish, Mongolian, Tibetan, Korean, Manchu, and Chinese texts show us that Dok/Tu (纛) or Tuγ had spread through campaigns of the Turk and Mongol empire. But the etymology of these words has not been fully investigated. B. Laufer(1874~1934), in an attempt to explain the relationships among Dok/Tu(纛) or Tuγ, addressed that Dok originated from the ancient Chinese empire Han(漢). However the ancient Chinese Dok(纛) like as the yellow imperial carriage (huang-wu-zuo-tu, 黃屋左纛) was quite different in the shape and the usage with those of Dok/Tu(纛) or Tuγ. This article will investigate the origin of Dok/Tu(纛) or Tuγ and excavate examples of Eurasian cultural interrelationship.

      • KCI등재

        정황이해를 통한 성경해석의 가능성에 관한 연구 : 사사기 11장 입다의 인신제사

        김남일(Nam Il Kim) 고신대 개혁주의 학술원 2018 갱신과 부흥 Vol.21 No.-

        사사 입다의 인신제사 이야기를 어떻게 이해할 것인가? 구약성경에서는 아하스 왕 이전까지는 인신제사를 드린 기록이 없는데 사사시대의 기록은 입다가 과연 사람을 제물로 바치는 제사를 드렸을까? 이에 대한 의문은 여전히 남아 있다. 이 글은 사사 입다가 자신의 딸을 인신제사로 드렸다는 통상적인 해석과는 다른 접근을 시도했다. 성경의 정황을 이해하고 분석함으로서 인신제사를 드렸다는 표현의 진정한 의미는 무엇인지를 파악하려고 했다. 이러한 접근은 일반적으로 설교자들이 텍스트에만 충실한 설교로 성경의 본의를 전달하지 못하는 오류를 줄이고 성경의 전반적인 정황이해를 통한 올바르고 균형 잡힌 설교를 하게 하려는데 있다. 그러므로 본문을 이해하는 방법론에 대한 시도라고 할 수 있을 것이다. 이를 위해서 사사기 11장의 이야기를 소개하고, 인신제사에 대하여 반대하는 구약성경 예언자들의 일관성 있는 관점으로 이 이야기를 소개하고자 한다. 성경을 해석할 때 맹목적 신앙이 우선되어서는 안 되며 본문에 대한 정확한 이해와 정황을 통한 객관적인 해석이 있어야 바르고 합당한 해석을 할 수 있다. 이러한 관점을 가지고 사사기 11장 입다의 이야기를 인신제사를 드렸다는 주장과는 다른 입장에서 이 글을 서술하고자 한다. How do you understand the story of the Human offering? In the Old Testament, there is no record of giving human sacrifices until King Ahas. In spite of this, did he(Jephthah) offer human sacrifices in the records of the age of the Judge? This article tried a different approach from the usual interpretation that he gave his daughter to a human sacrifice. By understanding and analyzing the context of the Bible, I tried to understand what the true meaning of the expression of giving a human sacrifice was. This approach is generally intended to reduce the mistake of preachers who can not convey the Bible’s meaning with a sermon that is faithful to the text, and to give a correct and balanced sermon through the overall context of the Bible. Therefore, it can be said that it is an attempt to understand the text. To do this, I would like to introduce the story of Judge chapter 11 and introduce this story from a consistent point of view of the Old Testament prophets who oppose the human sacrifice. When interpreting the Bible, blind faith should not be given priority, and objective interpretation through accurate understanding of the text and context should be possible to make a proper and reasonable interpretation. I would like to describe this article in a different way from the claim that I gave a human sacrifice to the story of the chapter 11 with this viewpoint.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 회사법제상 자기주식취득규제 및 그 시사점

        오성근 한양대학교 법학연구소 2023 법학논총 Vol.40 No.2

        Prior to its revision in 2011, the Korean Commercial Act prohibited the acquisition of treasury stock in principle and allowed exceptions only when it was inevitable and no harmful effects would materialize (Article 341 of the old Commercial Act). However, as the USA as well as countries with civil law systems that have traditionally strictly regulated the acquisition of treasury stocks gradually eased regulations for the purpose of pursuing flexibility in financial management, Korea has also changed its regulations on treasury stocks through the amended Commercial Act 2011 (Articles 341 to 342 of the Commercial Act). In addition, with the emergence of the global financial crisis that began at the end of July 2007, another permissible purpose is to revialize the stock market, such as by boosting stock prices. This was through the expansion and absorption of treasury stock acquisition (Article 165-2 of the Commercial Act), which had previously been recognized only as a special rule of the Financial Investment Servics and Capital Markets Act, as a general system of the Commercial Act. As such, the flexible position in Korea on the acquisition of treasury stocks was largely influenced by changes in the stance of civil law countries, especially legislation in Japan. However, even though the Korean Commercial Act has adopted a flexible position on the acquisition of treasury stocks, there remains much room for discussion about its interpretation and application. Therefore, in this article, I would like to examine the basis of the Japanese legislation that influenced the change in Korea's position on the acquisition of treasury stocks. In addition, by providing implications for legislation in Korea, it is intended that this study will become a reference material for future legislative processes, discussions in academia, or its related application. However, the regulations on treasury stocks under Japanese company law are very extensive; therefore, this article will focus on the regulatory contents closely related to the “acquisition of treasury stocks”. This is because it was judged that it is necessary to study this area in particular in comparison with Korea's Commercial Act.

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