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      • KCI등재

        계약해제의 효과와 그 법적 성질에 대한 검토- 비소급채권적효과설

        오시영 한국민사법학회 2012 民事法學 Vol.58 No.-

        There are conflicting theories on the legal nature of contract cancellation, such as the theory of direct effect, the theory of indirect effect, the theory of liquidation relation, and eclecticism. When the civil code was being established in Germany, German legislators considered how to deal with the legal effects of introducing contract cancellation to civil law. It can be seen in the statement of reasons for the legislation that they initially favored the theory of indirect effect, changed to eclecticism during the deliberation process, and then in the final settlement process changed to the theory of direct effect. Afterwards, during the process of establishing the national assembly, it was reasoned that the effects of contract cancellation were difficult to codify and their interpretation would be left to theories and precedents. Legislators focused instead on obligations for restoration, which could be regarded as the practical effects of contract cancellation, and achieved a legislative compromise of codifying those obligations. As a result, in Japan, which inherited the German civil code, Japanese legislators also preferred the theory of direct effect but are now gradually switching to the theory of liquidation relation, a phenomenon that is occurring in Korea as well. In the personal view of this writer, however,each of the above approaches has its own set of problems. Accordingly,the writer purposes to argue a new view that an original contract which has been cancelled loses its efficacy for the future and the obligations for restoration should appropriately be viewed as a special act of claim for restitution of unjust enrichment in other words, a theory of the effect of non-retroactive bond. According to this view, it can be judged that the intent of the parties regarding contract cancellation, or the cessation of obligation to perform the parts of a contract not yet performed due to its lapse, is recognized, and the basis of the claim for restitution of unjust enrichment regarding the parts that have already been executed and the basis of liability for damages that have actually occurred are also properly recognized.

      • KCI등재후보

        독일에 있어서 해제효과론의 전개

        정진명(Chung Jin-Myung) 한국재산법학회 2007 재산법연구 Vol.24 No.1

          The legal formation for rescission effect has had the interest of discussion for a long time. Direct effect theory has been a common view and precedents have adopted it invariably in Korea. But this theory of rescission effect is the imported one from Germany, which has been German dominant theory. In Korea, critical opinions of its theory became to appear with the change of its theory in Germany. This means that discussion on rescission effect in Korea is not based on its own independent theory butthe imported one from Germany, so it proceeded to be raised to its uselessness.<BR>  Rescission does not fully blend individual elements needed to establish new system, so it immanently includes uncertainties and obscurities. In Korea, they have not had the real discussion on rescission effect and the present discussion does not proceed over the introduction of the result discussed in Germany. Therefore, the analysis for the system of rescission itself is needed to clarify the discussion of rescission effect.<BR>  Minute analysis and check of the discussion on rescission effect in Germany is essential for Koreans to find their independent meaning of rescission effect. Because, in Germany, active arguments on rescission effect have been developed with the change of legislation and scholastic theory and the result of these arguments have been regulated through the law of obligations. This study analysed and considered German arguments of rescission effect in the category needed for the formation of the legal theory and the foundation of legislation.

      • KCI등재

        기본권의 대사인적 효력에 관한 검토

        김종일(Kim, Jong-Il) 한양법학회 2014 漢陽法學 Vol.25 No.3

        Traditionally, the constitutional rights is understood to be a defense right against infringement from government power to protect individual freedom and right, so the validity is not considered to be in effect between equal private persons. However, in the modern times, the constitutional rights have frequently intruded by individuals who have enormous social and economic powers such as conglomerates, labor unions and political parties. Under these circumstances, in order to practically guarantee personal freedom, ‘the effect of fundamental rights to the privates’ that fundamental right does not only bind government power, but also bind the relation between private persons emerged. Currently, there are no big arguments about whether the effect of fundamental rights to the privates should be admitted or not, instead, as there is no specified law in Korea Constitution, so many judicial precedents and theories are discussed on what basis should the third effect of fundamental rights be admitted. In America, the issue of the effect of fundamental rights to the privates was raised for the solution of racism. "State Action Theory" was born and has been developed in the United States by the decisions of U.S. Supreme Court. According to the Article 14 of the U.S. Constitution, the State should obey the due process in depriving the life, liberty and property of the people and should provide equal protection of laws. Hence, some private actions could constitute state action to which the Article 14 of the U.S. Constitution could apply. Presently, Korea jurisdiction doesn’t show consistent attitude in dealing with the third effect of fundamental rights. However, through many judicial precedents and as scholars take indirect effect theory, Korea is introducing the idea of public law that respects and guarantees fundamental law without pulling down dual system of public and private law, maintaining the jurisdiction principle of freedom and private autonomy. In order to approach this problem, I will research “State Action Theory” in America and review the acceptance of the theory in Korea. Finally, this paper is intended to review the requirements on effect of fundamental rights between private individuals, life normativity of constitutional law and so on. This approach will be helpful to understand the issue in relation to the effect of fundamental rights to the privates. It will give the chance to review the horizontal effect debates in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        디지털 콘텐츠 이용이 스마트TV 이용에 미치는 영향 연구

        이선미 한국콘텐츠학회 2022 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.22 No.5

        As digital content services, especially OTT(over-the-top) video services, diffuse rapidly, so do smartTVs. Based on the indirect network effect theory and the complementarity theory, this study explores the relationship between digital content services and smartTV. Using the Media panel dataset, this study analyzes how the usage of digital content service (OTT usage, OTT usage volume, the usage of various OTT service types, and online game/music/education/news service) affects smartTV usage. This study shows that OTT usage and its usage volume is positively associated with smartTV usage, and that the usage of various OTT service types is positively associated with smartTV usage compared with non-OTT users. As for online content services, the usage of online education service is positively associated with smartTV usage while the usage of online news service is associated negatively. These results support the indirect network effect theory and the complementarity theory. OTT(over-the-top) 비디오 서비스가 성장하면서 스마트TV가 동반 성장 중이다. 이 연구는 간접 네트워크 효과와 보완 이론을 적용하여 디지털 콘텐츠 이용과 스마트TV 이용 간의 관계를 탐색했다. 전국 대상 설문조사를 실시한 한국미디어패널데이터를 활용하여 디지털 콘텐츠 이용(OTT 이용여부/이용량/유형별 이용, 온라인 게임/음악/교육/뉴스 서비스 이용)이 스마트TV 이용에 미치는 영향을 분석했다. 연구결과 OTT 이용자일수록, OTT 이용시간이 많을수록 스마트TV를 이용했으며, 유료OTT단독가입, 유료OTT복수가입, 무료OTT 이용자들이 OTT 비이용자 대비 스마트TV를 이용했다. 온라인 서비스 중에서 교육서비스 이용은 스마트TV 이용과 정(+)의 관계가, 뉴스 이용은 부(-)의 관계가 있었다. 이 연구결과로 디지털 콘텐츠의 다양성과 이용 증대가 스마트TV의 수요를 증대시킨다는 간접 네트워크 효과 이론이 지지되었으며, OTT 이용자가 대형 TV 화면을 이용하면서 OTT와 스마트TV간 보완관계가 형성된다는 보완이론이 지지되었다.

      • KCI등재

        Boundary and Finite-size Effects in the Competition between Indirect Magnetic Exchange and Kondo Screening

        Irakli Titvinidze,Michael Potthoff 한국물리학회 2013 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.62 No.10

        A system of conduction electrons can mediate an indirect magnetic exchange between magnetic impurites. The nonlocal exchange typically competes with the local Kondo screening of the impurity magnetic moments. In case of magnetic adatoms on non-magnetic surfaces this competition is expected to be affected by different confinement effects. Here we study this situation in the regime of intermediate hybridization strengths by means of real-space dynamical mean-field theory for a one-dimensional two-impurity Anderson model. Depending on the presence of a boundary and depending on the system size, a crossover between nonlocal and local singlet formation is observed in corresponding magnetic susceptibilities. The crossover is driven by the strong sensitivity of the Kondo temperature on the local density of states.

      • KCI등재

        미국 독점금지법의 역외적용 기준: 해외에서의 부품 가격 담합행위에 대한 미국 연방대법원의 RJR Nabisco 판결 분석을 중심으로

        박선욱(SEONUK, PARK) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2020 國際去來와 法 Vol.- No.30

        In a globalized market where supply chains grow longer, many products or components of those products are manufactured around the globe and all come together through layers of distribution to create the final product that ends up in the consumer’s hand. As a result, some of those parts may have been subject to a foreign cartel’s anticompetitive conduct, such as price-fixed costs. U.S. Congress enacted the Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act (FTAIA) to have clarification of the Sherman Act’s scope. However, the ambiguity of the FTAIA has created considerable confusion among circuit courts. This uncertainty stems from courts’ differing interpretations of the application of the FTAIA in the context of foreign component cartel activity. Current law cautions against the extraterritorial application of federal statutes as reflected in the recent Supreme Court decision, RJR Nabisco v. European Community, which is instructive on the extraterritoriality and scope of other federal laws, including U.S. antitrust laws. The Seventh Circuit’s interpretations in Motorola are most in accord with the reasoning of the Supreme Court. The presumption against extraterritoriality is a principle that applies to all federal statutes and must be applied to each separate provision of a statute. Courts must look to the same two-step analysis outlined in RJR Nabisco, to determine the statute’s reach when the claim is a private right of action by a foreign plaintiff for recovery from foreign injury. The presumption is likely rebutted on the substantive provision if the effect meets the “direct, substantial, and reasonably foreseeable” requirement, however, the absent a domestic injury, the effect will not give rise to the plaintiff’s claim, barring recovery. American legal and precedent trends have implications for our legislation. The Korean Supreme Court presented only an abstract standard in judging whether or not to apply the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act (Korean competition law) in an international air cargo fuel surcharge cartel case, and thus failed to secure legal stability and clarity. The Korean Supreme Court and the Korean Fair Trade Commission, need to consider the restrictive effectiveness criteria that US courts use in judging extraterritorial application of the US antitrust law. In order to develop future policies related to fair trade and foreign trade, it is necessary to analyze the laws of the US antitrust law, which have been developed through precedents, based on the principles of effect theory and presumption against extraterritoriality of federal law.

      • KCI등재후보

        다면적 플랫폼 사업자에 대한 공정거래규제

        황창식(Hwang Chang Sik) 한국정보법학회 2009 정보법학 Vol.13 No.2

        Multi-sided platforms where a transaction takes place among many demand customer groups have become one of the most important business areas due to advancement in technology, including Internet-based technology. However, since the competitive characteristics of multi-sided platforms are quite different from those of traditional one-sided markets, a traditional analysis and approach might cause a serious error and mistake in the new multi-sided platform businesses. Market definition and market dominance determination based on market shares and price-margin analysis might lead to an erroneous conclusion without taking into account indirect network externalities which have greater impact on the utility of a demand group as the number of other demand groups becomes larger. In particular, a high market share in one side cannot give the multi-sided platforms market dominance because indirect network externalities may play a deterrent effect on their ability to increase the price by decreasing demand on one side, then decreasing demand on the other side and then decreasing demand again on the first side (i.e., feedback loop effect). This deterrent effect can become much stronger in case of multi-homing which is common in Internet-based platforms. Thus, these competitive characteristics of two-sided markets must be fully considered in applying competition law to multi-sided platform businesses. However, caution is required when applying the two-sided market theory which has been developed as an economic theory to the actual competition cases. First of all, if the two-sided market theory is so widely expanded that it is viewed that all the sides of the multi-sided platforms constitute a single relevant product market and that competitive analysis is conducted only in connection with similar multi-sided platforms, the likelihood of an erroneous conclusion becomes greater because multi-sided platforms have more sides and conduct various businesses in a complex manner. In order to significantly reduce the risk of an erroneous conclusion, competitive analysis should be conducted side by side, as long as their competitive condition and circumstances are different from each other. In this context, the Supreme Court decision in T-broad Gangseo Cable TV case is significant. The Supreme Court took the right approach in that it acknowledged that a cable TV operator is a multi-sided platform with the characteristics of a two-sided market; determined that there existed different markets between its side relating to the program providers and its side relating to the cable TV viewers based on their different competitive conditions and circumstances; and then conducted an analysis of whether T-broad Gangseo Cable TV has market dominance in the side relating to the program providers where the abusive acts took place. In addition, on the issue of monopoly leveraging doctrine, the Supreme Court held that a multi-sided platform which has market dominance in one side cannot be deemed to have market dominance in the other side merely based on the interaction of demands between two sides. This holding is correct not only from the perspective of the market definition and competitive analysis, as explained above, but also from the perspective of the application of monopoly leveraging doctrine. Monopoly leveraging means an exclusionary act, such as tying, by which a monopoly power in one market is transferred to a neighboring market. It is quite clear that unilateral change in the channel placement of a home shopping channel by the cable TV operator cannot be such exclusionary act. 인터넷기술을 비롯한 신기술의 발달로 다수의 고객집단을 연결해주는 거래장소로서의 다면적 플랫폼이 중요한 사업영역으로 각광을 받고 있다. 그러나 다면적 플랫폼에서는 종래 단면시장에서와는 다른 경쟁적인 특성이 작용하고 있어서 전통적인 경 쟁법 틀을 그대로 적용할 경우 중대한 오류를 초래할 수 있다. 즉, 고객집단간의 상호관계에 따라 각 고객집단의 효용이 달라지게 되는 소위 간접적 네트워크 효과에 의하여 단순한 시장점유율 및 마진 분석에 기초한 시장획정 및 시장지배력 분석은 잘못된 결론에 이를 수 있다. 특히, 다면적 플랫폼의 경우에는 이러한 간접적 네트워크 효과에 따라 한 측면에서 시장점유율이 높다고 하더라도 다른 측면에 미치는 영향으로 인하여 가격을 경쟁수준으로 인상할 수 있는 시장지배력을 갖기가 어려우며, 이는 멀티호밍의 경우에 더욱 뚜렷하여진다. 따라서 다면적 플랫폼 사업에 대한 경쟁법 적용에 있어서는 양면시장적 특성을 충분히 반영하여야 한다. 그러나 동시에 경제학 이론으로 발달해온 양면시장 이론은 실제 경쟁법 사례에 적용함에 있어서는 상당한 주의가 필요하다. 특히, 양면시장이론을 확대하여 다면적 플랫폼 자체를 하나의 별도 시장으로 획정하고 다른 동일 혹은 유사 플랫폼과의 경쟁만을 대상으로 경쟁분석을 할 경우에 다면적 플랫폼이 점점 더 여러 사업영역에서 다양한 기능과 역할을 복합적으로 수행하게 되면 될수록 경쟁분석의 오류를 초래할 가능성이 높아진다. 이러한 점에서 다면적 플랫폼의 각 면의 경쟁양상이 서로 상이한 경우 각 면의 수요집단별로 대체성을 기준으로 경쟁원천을 파악하는 방법으로 시장획정을 하고 그에 따라 경쟁분석을 하는 것이 오류 가능성을 줄이는 방법이 될 것이다. 이러한 점에서 대법원의 티브로드 강서 판결은 큰 의미가 있다. 대법원은 케이블 TV사업자가 다면적 플랫폼사업자로서 양면시장적 특성을 가지고 있으며, PP측면과 가입자측면의 경쟁양상이 상이하다는 점을 근거로 하여 별도 시장획정을 하고 당해 남용행위가 문제되고 있는 PP측면에서 티브로드 강서방송이 시장지배력을 보유하고 있는지를 분석하고 있다는 점에서 타당한 접근방법이다. 아울러, 대법원은 시장지배력의 전이이론과 관련하여서도 다면적 플랫폼 사업의 경우 각 측면의 수요가 상호의존성을 가지고 있다는 점만을 근거로 하여 당해 사업자가 한 측면에서 시장지배력을 가지고 있다고 하여 다른 측면으로 시장지배력이 전이되는 관계에 있는 것이 아님을 판시하고 있는 바, 이는 다면적 플랫폼 사업자에 대한 시장획정 및 시장지배력 판단의 관점에서도 타당하지만 시장지배력 전이이론의 관점에서도 타당하다. 시장지배력의 전이이론은 사업자가 어떤 시장에서의 시장지배력을 매개로 하여 다른 시장으로 시장지배력을 이전, 확대하기 위하여 끼워팔기와 같은 경쟁배제적 행위를 하는 것을 말하는데 티브로드 강서방송이 우리홈쇼핑에 대하여 방송채널을 하위채널로 변경하는 것이 그러한 전이행위에 해당할 수 없음은 명백하기 때문이다.

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