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      • KCI등재

        童謠 개념의 전개양상 연구 : 1910년대 이전의 문헌에 나타난‘童謠’인식을 중심으로 Centering on the Records before 1910's that is showing the Recognition of Children's Song

        한영란 한국어문학회 2004 語文學 Vol.0 No.85

        In this paper I have paid attention to the concept of children's song that in the former modem times record. The concept of children's song showed three unfolded aspect throughout the Korean historical movement of that. First, The concept of children's song is measure for the someone has come true his purpose. So in this concept of children's song, children is playing a transmitting role. Second, in Sunglihak due to the order of the hyrachracy, people did not respect children. And in Silhak, the equivalent idea of all human being came into forth. Accordingly, people began to pay attention to children as members of society as well as adults, and to approve children's perspective in the process of education. However, children were not equally respected as adults. So children were regarded as the metaphor of providence. Consequently, the concept of children's song was recognized to the prophecy of providence or the strang phenomena of nature. Third, in Donghak, children were regard as respectable human beings who can worship the "Hanulim" and have the same capacity as adults. Moreover, a newborn baby was regarded as an ideal goodness which adults finally purse. Therefore, people recognized the concept of children's song to be the expression that children's purity was reflected. Exactly, people regarded the concept of children's song as the song of valuable, simple and innocent children. It is result that people considered to the children's nature and to the transmission of children's song. This study is a preliminary examination for the concept of children's song that can merge to all over the age.

      • KCI등재

        유몽인 문학에서의 시안(詩案)과 시참(詩讖)

        김홍백 ( Kim Hong-baek ) 한국한시학회 2016 韓國漢詩硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        본고는 종래에 별도로 연구되었던 詩案과 詩讖이 상호 어떻게 계기적으로 연관되어 인식되고 작품으로서 구현될 수 있는지에 관해 검토하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 유몽인 문학에서의 시안과 시참 및 이에 대한 자신의 비평적 기록을 바탕으로 그의 시안과 시참 인식을 상관적으로 살펴보고 나아가 詩외의 讖, 語讖, 夢讖, 文案등으로 범위를 확장하여 `정치적인 것`과 `징험적인 것`이 상호 어떻게 긴밀히 조응 가능한지 구체적인 작품을 통해 살펴보았다. 이를 통해 시와 시인 또는 말과 문인 간의 관계에 있어 정치와 운명, 天道와 人事, 天道와 人力 등이 때때로 맞물리거나 어긋남으로서 초래되는 시참(어참)과 시안(문안)의 근저에 공통적으로 性情論이 놓여 있음을 주목하였다. In this thesis, I explore the ways in which the Taking Poetic Penalty Case(詩案) and the Poetic Prophecy(詩讖) are connected mutually. In this regard, this paper examines the Taking Poetic Penalty Case and the Poetic Prophecy and critico-retrospection related thereto of Yu Mong-in(柳夢寅)`s Literature. Also this paper examines cognition on the Taking Poetic Penalty Case and the Poetic Prophecy and the Linguistic Prophecy(語讖) and the Prophecy of dreams(夢讖), the taking Linguistic penalty case(文案). and I explore how "Political Things" and "Prophetic Things" are interconnected. At the conclusion, I argue that the Theory of the Nature and Emotion(性情論) forms the basis of the Taking Poetic Penalty Case and the Poetic Prophecy caused of spiritual link and crisscross between politics and fate, the Way of Providence(天道) and the World of Human beings(人事) in the relationship between poem and poet, language and writer.

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