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      • KCI등재

        공정증서유언의 준거법 결정과 유언의 해석

        정구태(Chung, Ku Tae) 한국국제사법학회 2016 國際私法硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        사안에서 A는 유언 당시는 물론 사망하기까지 ‘일본’에 생활의 중심지를 두고 살아온 ‘한국인’으로서 ‘일본’에 소재하는 자기 명의의 부동산과 주식·채권 등을 남기고 사망하였으므로, A의 상속에 관한 법률관계는 외국적 요소가 있는 사건이다. 그러나 대상판결은 이를 간과한 채 준거법 결정에 관한 아무런 판단 없이 국내사건과 마찬가지로 단순히 일본의 실질법을 적용하였는바, 이는 국제사법적 思考가 결여된 소치로서 명백한 오류이다. 법원으로서는 마땅히 쟁점별로 다음과 같이 준거법을 결정하여 판단했어야 했다. 먼저 A의 1·2차 유언 당시 유언능력이 있었는지, 그리고 각각의 유언이 공정증서유언의 방식을 충족하여 유효한지를 판단하여야 한다. 1·2차 유언 당시 A에게 유언능력이 있었는지는 유언의 준거법으로서 A의 본국법인 한국법에 의하여 판단되어야 하는바, 이에 의하면 A는 1·2차 유언 당시 모두 유언능력이 있었던 것으로 보인다. 한편, 1·2차 유언이 공정증서방식의 口授要件을 충족하여 적법하게 성립되었는지는 한국법이나 일본법에 의하여 판단되어야 하는바, 1·2차 유언은 한국법에 의하든 일본법에 의하든 口授要件을 충족하여 적법하게 성립된 것으로 보인다. 다음으로 A가 행한 1차 유언과 2차 유언은 내용적으로 일부 저촉되는바, 저촉되는 부분 중 어느 것을 우선할 것인지를 판단하여야 한다. 이는 유언의 준거법에 의하여 결정될 문제이다. 유언의 준거법으로서 A의 본국법인 한국법에 따라 A의 1·2차 유언을 해명적·보충적으로 해석하면 Y회사에 대한 대여금채권은 B·C·D에게 균등하게 상속되고, 부동산 및 주식은 C에게 상속되는 것으로 판단된다. 마지막으로 유언의 효력의 준거법은 상속의 준거법인 한국법으로 결정되는데, A가 2차 유언에서 명시적으로 상거소지법인 일본법을 준거법으로 선택하였으므로 A가 선택한 일본법으로의 反定이 인정되어 2차 유언의 효력의 준거법은 일본법으로 결정되며, 유언의 보충적 해석에 의해 1차 유언의 효력에 관하여도 일본법이 준거법으로 결정된다. 이에 따라 C는 상속개시와 동시에 부동산 및 주식을 단독으로 취득하고 등기나 인도 없이도 이를 제3자에게 대항할 수 있으며, B·C·D도 대여금채권을 상속개시와 동시에 각 3분의 1씩 취득하고 유언에서 배제된 X 등은 아무런 재산도 취득하지 못하게 된다. 한편, X 등이 Y회사의 주식에 대하여 유류분반환청구를 할 경우 A가 유언을 통해 그 주식을 유류분반환대상에서 제외하도록 하였더라도 이는 무효이므로 C는 X 등에게 유류분 침해액 상당의 주식을 반환하여야 하지만, C는 일본민법에 따라 가액배상권을 행사함으로써 원물반환의무를 면할 수 있다. ‘A’ was a Korean whose life centered round Japan not only when leaving his will but when going flatline. He left behind real property located in Japan, stocks and a loan credit, and thus foreign factors were included in legal matters related to inheritance. Nevertheless, the Tokyo district court ignored such an issue and did not make any decisions about the governing law, which is an apparent error. In respect to his testament as a notarial deed, the court had to specify the governing laws regarding respective issues. The first issue is about whether ‘A’ was capable of leaving his will. This issue shall be addressed by the Korean law as the lex patriae of ‘A’. According to the Korean law, ‘A’ was capable of leaving his will about that time. A subsidiary issue is about whether he met the requirements of dictation for a notarial deed. This issue can be addressed by the Korean law or the Japanese law. The first testament and the second one were legally made in terms not only of the Japanese law but of the Korean law. The second issue is about the priority of the testament. The first testament and the second one partially contradict each other, and accordingly, their priority shall be set by the governing law of the testament. The Korean law shall be the governing law of the testament as the lex patriae of ‘A’. In conformity with the Korean law, a loan credit against a company ‘Y’ shall be left to B, C and D equally. On the other hand, ‘X1’ and ‘X2’ shall inherit nothing including the stocks of the company ‘Y’. The last issue is about governing laws on legacies. As to the inheritance of loan credit stipulated in the first testament, as well as to the real property and stocks stipulated in the second testament, ‘A’ chose the Japanese law as the governing law; hence, in recognition of renvoi, the Japanese law shall be the governing law.

      • KCI등재후보

        국제 혼인 및 이혼사건의 처리에 대하여

        황경웅 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2009 法學論文集 Vol.33 No.2

        As the development of transportation and vehicle, the international interchange has been grown. It has influence on the increase of the international marriage. Therefore, it has lead to the increase of international family case in the country. We have to decide the applicable law which is applicable to the settlement of a dispute on international family case in the first place. And then, we have to solve the problem with the interpretation of the applicable law. In such a sense, the rule of family case on private international law is so remarkable. Therefore, this paper deals with the rule for family case on private international law. Though the paper just introduces the national opinion of the interpretation of the private international law, I hope that there is a lively discussion on this subject in academic circles.

      • KCI등재

        成年後見制度의 導入에 따른 國際後見法의 再考察

        李秉和(Byung-Hwa Lee) 한국비교사법학회 2006 비교사법 Vol.13 No.3

          In the framework of current civil law, typical examples of institution in favor of the handicapped with mental defects or insufficiencies are civil system for the quasiincompetent and incompetent and guardian system. Unfortunately, however, these two systems are not very much available currently on the rapid way to aging society. Thus, it is necessary to introduce adult guardianship system helpful practically for incompetent majors lacking in judgment in the aspect of property management and personal care or custody. Originally, the adult guardianship system is a legitimate instrument that aims to respect self-decisions of elders and disabled persons to the utmost and prevent them from any potential damage attributed to their headlong behaviors. This system has been already legislated and enacted in most of advanced countries. Although there are some academic discussions about this system in Korea, however, there is not yet any full-scale lawmaking work for it.<BR>  Therefore, this study intends to point out the questions of current civil guardianship system and also underscore the significance and necessity of adult guardianship system. Moreover, it intends to address any possible direction and challenges of adult guardianship system through examination into this system from the angle of comparative law. On the other hand, our globalized society faces increasing possibility of disputes with international guardianship because of remarkable gaps in legislative case, jurisprudential hypothesis and legal case among countries. That is why it is necessary to make a little further examination into what private international law provides for international guardianship, and also analyze the questions in construction of such guardianship system from a perspective of private international law(conflict of laws) before introduction of adult guardianship system within a boundary of substantive law(civil law). In this regard, this study intends to investigate relevant legislation in major advanced countries and address current provisions about international guardianship system in Hague Conventions, so that it can seek for any possible legislative direction of Korea"s private international law. In addition, this study also takes multilateral approaches to address challenges for review in current international guardianship law and various issue points that may be posed in the aspect of private international law after introducing adult guardianship system, so that it can provide theoretical grounds helpful to overcome possible challenges in the application of international guardianship law.<BR>  Summing up, this study addresses two major issues, i.e. 1) introduction of adult guardianship system in civil law and resulting challenges, and 2) current profile and perspective of international guardianship law on basis of private international law. First, this study points out the questions of guardianship system provided in civil law as substantive law; underlines the necessity of introducing adult guardianship system; looks into current adult guardianship system enforced already in advanced countries from a standpoint of comparative substantive law; and examines possible directions of introducing adult guardianship system appropriate for Korea and resulting challenges as well on the whole. Next, this study addresses the contents of international guardianship law as provided in private international law(conflict of laws); examines legislative standpoints about international guardianship law in each country from angle of comparative private international law; and outlines provisions relevant to international guardianship law in Hague Conventions. Finally, this study is to address possible construction of international guardianship law and relevant challenges for consideration before introducing adult guardianship system.

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