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      • KCI등재

        세대 간 교류교육(Intergenerational Education)의 중요성과 교육모델에 대한 연구

        박화경(Hwa-Kyung Park) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2010 기독교교육정보 Vol.26 No.-

        Korean society experiences the serious division and conflict between generations. This thesis aims both to analyze the cause of the division and conflict phenomena between generations existing within Korean society and church and to propose concrete educational models after examining the theological and educational aspects of intergenerational education. The first cause of the division between generations comes from the change of family structure in modern industrial society. Its second cause comes from the change of the institutions in relation to work places, schools and church, etc. The last cause is on the fast increasing medial industry which results in the blocking between generations. I believe that intergenerational education is to be needed in order to solve the division and conflict between generations mentioned above. Human beings are so-called "Generationswesen" in that they are made and exist in relations within generations. Therefore they are supposed to live as the beings depending upon each other. Old and young generations are equipped with the responsibilities to take care of each other with solidarity. In doing so, our society and life become enriching. Accordingly church is to build up the reliability between generations throughout koinonia by means of intergenerational education. Faith in God, the aim of church education, is to deliver to younger generations throughout koinonia between generations which make possibly other generations understand each other. And the intergenerational koinonia surely bring wider community consciousness between generations and open up the variety of views and ideas in terms of human beings and society Intergenerational education is to aim at communal learning with cross-age-generations, sharing their knowledge and experience and delivering their genuine christian faith and life style. There are four forms of intergenerational education, which are common experience, parallel learning, contributive occasion and interactive sharing. The plan and process of intergenerational education proceed three steps of planning, managing and evaluation. The programs of intergenerational education are as follows: integrated workshop, event, mentoring, cross-age-group sharing, worship service, worship-education program, weekly class, all-congregation camp, family group and social service, etc.

      • KCI등재

        재중 한국기업 내 세대 동학-옌타이 한국계 다국적기업의 사례-

        황홍휘 ( Huang¸ Honghui ),이선화 ( Lee¸ Seonhwa ) 중국학연구회 2021 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.97

        본 연구는 재중 한국기업에서 근무하는 상이한 연령대에 속하는 중국인과 한국인 사무직을 대상으로 이들의 근무태도, 사고방식 및 소통방식 등을 살펴봄으로써 집단 내의 세대 구분의 방식, 다른 세대를 평가하는 전제, 그리고 상이한 세대 간의 공존 방식을 분석한다. 필자는 중국 옌타이 소재 한국계 기업에 대한 현지조사를 통해 다음의 세 가지 측면에서 기업 내 세대 간 동학을 분석할 수 있었다. 첫째, 중국에서 세대를 구분하는 시간 간격은 보통 바링허우(80後), 주링허우(90後)와 같이 10년에서 주링허우와 주우허우(95後)로 5년으로 더 짧아지는 경향을 보였다. 둘째, 중국 사회에서 유행하고 있는 세대 구분인 바링허우나 주링허우에 덧붙여진 신세대에 대한 부정적인 평가들은 대부분 기성세대에 의해, 기성세대의 평가기준에 의해 부여된 것이라는 점에서 기성세대의 관점을 대변하고 있다. 셋째, 기업 내 세대 간 소통방식에 있어서도 상급관리자들의 연령대가 낮아짐에 따라 권위주의에서 수평주의로 변화하고 있었다. 재중 한국기업에서 나타나고 있는 의사소통방식과 기업문화는 기성세대와 신세대, 신세대 내에서도 바링허우와 주링허우, 주우허우까지 구분되며 세대 간의 간극을 메꾸고 또 유지하며 공존하는 방식으로 독특하게 나타나고 있음을 발견하였다. This study takes as its subject Chinese employees of different age groups working in Korean companies in China. By examining their attitudes towards work, and their ways of thinking and communicating, this articles analyzes how the different generations in the group are classified, what assumptions are used to evaluate other generations, and the way in which the different generations coexist. Through field research at Korean companies in Yantai, China, I was able to analyze the generational dynamics within the firm from the following three aspects. First, the time interval between each generation has shown a tendency to be shorter, going from ten years ― as between the post-80s (Balinghou) and post-90s (Jiulinghou) ― to five years ― as between the post-90s and the post-95s (Jiuwuhou). Second, the negative evaluations attached to new generations like the post-80s and post-90s (which is the popular generational classification system in Chinese society) has arisen mostly from the older generations and their evaluation standards, and so reflect the older generations’ perspectives. However, the younger generations are not accepting the existing evaluation standards as they are; instead, they believe that they are working hard and fulfilling their best selves, and they have frank conversations about the shortcomings of their generation. Third, in terms of the communication within the firm, as the age of the senior management decreased, firms were less authoritative and more horizontal. However, from the perspective of the newer generations, like the post-90s, the post-80s still retain authoritarian aspects. The post-90s think and act in a way that clearly demarcates their public and private affairs, and while they maintain business relationships with their colleagues at the work place, in private spaces, they aspire to closer relationships where they are able to show their true emotions. In conclusion, this study has found that the ways of communication and the firm cultures within the Korean firms in China not only differentiates the older generations and those of the younger generations, and further the post-80s, the post-90s and even post-95s, but also is uniquely manifested in a way that fills and maintains the gap between the generations, allowing them to coexist.

      • KCI등재

        百濟遺蹟 出土 中國 瓷器에 대한 傳世論 檢討 –中・日의 事例와 關聯하여–

        츠치다준코 한국고고학회 2012 한국고고학보 Vol.82 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the usefulness of Chinese porcelains excavated from the Baekje site as cross-epoch materials for establishing a chronological system in Baekje archaeology. There is, on the one hand, the stance which does not specifically take into account the possibility of the passing-down-through-generations of porcelains. On the other hand, there is the stance which partially acknowledges this possibility. At present, these two stances are in confrontation with one another in Korean archaeological circles. Hence, the attitude of the Baekje people towards the Chinese porcelains was examined after studying instances of passing-down-through-generations in ancient China and Japan. After a general overview of instances of passing-down-through-generations in China and Japan, it was determined that the passing-down-throughgenerations of articles took place i) when articles were under compulsion to become community possessions, ii) when personal preference was accepted or agreement within a small group was established, or iii) when inherent historicity justified the passing-down-through-generations. However, are very few researchers at present in Korean archaeological circles who would argue that the Chinese porcelains, which had been conferred,were jointly owned by the local head stratum of Baekje society. Moreover, the archaeological evidence of special storage places in which valuables would have been kept have yet to been found. On the other hand, the Chinese porcelains found in the Baekje site were in most cases utilitarian items, and the introduction of culture has been presupposed in relation to this. In addition, even when compared with the recent chronological studies of horse harnesses, a time difference broad enough to be acknowledged as indicating the passing-downthrough-generations of articles has not been perceived. Accordingly, it was confirmed that the grounds for regarding Chinese porcelains as articles passed down from generation to generation were slim, based on the consideration of the three patterns of passing-down-through-generations mentioned above. Therefore, it is concluded that the Chinese porcelains excavated from the Baekje area can be sufficiently utilized in Baekje archaeology as cross-epoch establishing materials. Meanwhile, although instances of the passing-down-through-generations of metal goods are overwhelming in ancient China and Japan, in studying the chronological system of Baekje, only Chinese porcelains are mentioned as articles which may have been passed down through generations. The reason for this is because most of the advocates of the theory of passing-down-throughgenerations decide whether or not certain artifacts were passed down through generations based on the dating of iron artifacts found in association. In other words, the dates do not come from typological studies undertaken within Baekje archaeology, but are obtained by applying the chronological framework of the southeastern region of Korea to the Baekje data. Nonetheless, I think that pottery, the forms of which have a shorter life-span, is more suitable than ironware as material in determining whether or not associated artefacts were passed down through generations.

      • KCI등재

        인간중심주의와 환경윤리

        이원봉(Lee, Won-bong) 대한철학회 2013 哲學硏究 Vol.127 No.-

        환경윤리 논쟁은 인간과 환경의 관계에 대한 철학적 입장, 즉 세계관과 맞닿아 있기 때문에 쉽게 해결될 수 없다. 하지만 환경윤리가 제기하는 문제들은 구체적 정책을 요구하는 것들이므로, 사회의 모든 구성원이 합의할 수 있는 정당화를 요구한다. 이러한 상황에서 본 논문은 환경윤리가 환경에 대한 인간의 의무를 특정한 형이상학을 전제하지 않고, 오직 인간성에 근거해서 정당화할 수 있는지 검토한다. 인간 사회의 의무와 권리 관계를 정당화하는 방식은 사회계약론이 가장 적절할 것이므로, 환경에 대한 인간 의무의 가능성은 사회계약론을 통해 미래세대의 권리에 대한 현 세대의 의무구속성을 정당화하는 문제가 된다. 본 논문은 사회계약을 통해서 환경과 관련한 미래세대의 권리를 옹호하는 다양한 입장을 비판적으로 검토하면서, 미래세대의 권리가 계약 이전의 권리인 자연권일 수는 있지만, 현 세대에게 의무구속성을 갖는 권리일 수 없기 때문에 현 세대의 구체적 행위를 제한할 수 없다는 점을 지적한다. 특히 세대의 연속성에 근거해 현 세대와 미래세대의 계약의 가능성을 정당화하는 Shrader-Frechette의 논의가 '먼' 미래세대의 경우에는 합당하지 않다는 점에서 비판한다. 또한 미래세대가 잠재적으로 이해관심을 가질 수 있기 때문에, 현 세대가 미래세대의 이해관심에 근거해서 의무구속적 권리를 갖는다고 하는 Feinberg의 주장을 검토하고, Parfit이 제기하는 이러한 '비동일성의 문제'를 통해 그 주장의 한계를 지적한다. Parfit에 따르면 잠재적으로 이해관심을 갖게 될 미래세대는, 그들의 이해관심을 고려하는 현 세대의 선택에 의해 비로소 존재하게 되므로 사회계약의 당사자가 될 수 없다. 마찬가지로 Rawls의 '무지의 베일'을 통해 미래세대와의 계약을 정당화하려는 다양한 시도도 '먼' 미래세대의 경우에는 성공할 수 없다. 결국 사회계약론을 통해 미래세대에 대한 현 세대의 의무구속성을 정당화할 수 없고, 미래세대에 대한 의무를 근거로 현 세대의 환경에 대한 의무를 정당화할 수도 없다. 따라서 환경윤리에 적합한 모델은 현 세대와 미래세대, 또는 환경을 동등하게 대우하는 권리-의무 모델이 아니라, 현 세대의 우월성을 전제로 자연에 '봉사'하는 모델이 되어야 할 것이다. Issues of environmental ethics cannot be easily resolved, because these issues relate with philosophical positions, or world-views. But the environmental crisis is requiring practicable policies which all community members may agree regardless of their philosophical position or world-view. I will discuss the possibilities of justifying human obligation to nature based only humanity solely, without specific metaphysical premises. Of the ways that justifies the right-duty relation between people, the theories of social contract are the most appropriate. Then to justify the human obligation to nature, I will discuss the possibility of rights of the future generation to which present generation seems to be obliged. In criticizing the various arguments for the right of future generations, I will argue this right is at best the natural rights which cannot oblige the present generations to do a specific action. Shrader-Fechette argues the continuity of generations can justify the obligations of present generations, but her argument loses persuasive power when these obligations pertain to 'distant' future generation. Feinberg justifies the obligation of present generation on the reason of the potential interest of future generations, but his interest principle is challenged by Parfit's 'Non-identity problem'. According Parfit, the future generations who have interest in the future come to being by action-choosing of the present generations. Then the future generations cannot participate in the hypothetical social contract, so present generations have nothing to do with them. Likewise Rawls's 'Veil of Ignorance' also fails to justify the right of 'distant' future generations. After discussing various arguments for the right of future generations, I will propose a new environmental ethics model, 'Service Model', which admit human priority to nature and require to have virtuous attitude to serve to nature.

      • KCI등재

        상호세대적 세대 구분과 세대 통합의 문제

        박성준 ( Sung-jun Park ),박치완 ( Tchi-wan Park ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2020 인문학연구 Vol.59 No.1

        한국에서의 세대 연구는 그동안 코호트, 역사적 사건, 생애 주기 등을 통해 세대 연구의 기준들을 제시하고 논의해왔다. 그러나 다양한 시도에도 불구하고 기존의 연구들은 연구자에 따라 세대를 구분하는 ‘시점’ 면에서 상당한 차이를 보이고 있다. 이러한 차이로 인해 세대 구분의 기준점과 그 기준점에 근거해 도출된 각 세대의 특성에 대해 학문적 공감대를 형성하지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 세대 개념과 세대 구분이 여전히 세대 연구의 쟁점 중 하나로 남아 있는 이유가 여기에 있다. 본고에서는 이러한 세대 개념과 세대 구분에 대해 상호세대적 관점을 적용해 세대 이해틀을 새롭게 제시하고자 하며, 최샛별이 설문조사와 심층 인터뷰를 통해 밝힌 세대 연구와 실질적인 세대 인식의 차이로부터 세대란 언제나 타세대와의 구분을 통해서 드러난다는 점을 상호세대론으로 재구성하는 것이 본고의 목표가 될 것이다. 제1장에서는 본 연구의 필요성과 세대 개념을 둘러싼 기존 논의를 정리할 것이며, 제2장에서는 상호세대적 관점에서 새롭게 세대 이해틀을 제시할 것이다. 제3장에서는 상호세대적 세대 이해틀의 적용과 함의에 대해 살펴보고, 마지막 결론에서는 본 연구의 의의를 상호세대론의 관점에서 반추해보는 기회를 갖게 될 것이다. Generation research in Korea has been presenting and discussing standards for generation research through cohorts, historical events and life cycles. Despite various attempts, however, existing studies show significant differences in the "point of time" aspect, which separates generations according to researchers. Due to these differences, academic consensus is not being formed on the characteristics of each generation that are derived based on the standard points of the generation classification and the standard points. This is why the generational concept and generation division still remain one of the issues of generation research. In this paper, we want to present a new generation understanding frame through the intergenerational perspective. We figured out the generation has always been revealed through separation from other generations, from the gap between generation research and actual generation awareness revealed through the Choi's survey and in-depth interviews. And on the premise of this, we raise the Inter-generational theory. Chapter 1 will summarize the need for this study and existing discussions surrounding the concept of generations. Chapter 2 will present a new generation understanding framework from the intergenerational perspective. Chapter 3 will explain the application and implications of the intergenerational understanding framework. In the final conclusion, we will have the opportunity to reflect on the significance of our study from the perspective of intergenerational perspective.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 세대정신?: 한국청년세대의 복지태도 지형연구

        김신영 국제문화기술진흥원 2023 The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technolo Vol.9 No.6

        This study purports to explore the landscape of welfare attitudes of young generation of Korea in their 20s and 30s focusing upon potential differences from those of older generations. Korea has recently been in the significant debate on pension reform and the disadvantages of relatively young generations has been on of the most crucial issues during the reform. Survey data from 17th Korean Welfare Panel are analyzed and such variable as attitudes toward government expenditure on public pension, health care, old age support, poverty, family and child care and so on. In addition, welfare-related variables such as universalism vs selectivism, tax increase for welfare expenditure, and political orientation are to be analyzed. The results show several findings. First of all, correspondence analysis shows that young generation in Korea are strongly associated with higher education and full time employment compared to older generations. Secondly, the most interested welfare issues of young generations are housing and child support. Moreover, young generations’ attitudes toward government expenditure increase differ from those of older generations on the issues of public pension, housing, and family and child support. Lastly, political orientation of those young generation tend to be progressive and they support universalism in welfare policy, but they do not support tax increase for welfare purpose, which, I would say, is inconsistent.

      • KCI등재

        <세대간 연구> 베이비붐세대 및 에코세대간 삶의 질의 대물림: 사회적 이동성의 매개효과 중심으로

        김지훈,강욱모 충남대학교 사회과학연구소 2022 사회과학연구 Vol.33 No.2

        This study was conducted to investigate the mechanism of the descent of the quality of life between generations through social mobility recognition by merging the 1st and 19th surveys (1988-2016) of the Korean Labor & Income Panel Study, and then provide the basic data necessary for establishing policies. The major findings were as follows: First, the quality of life of the echo generation (children's generation) in adulthood was shown in the order of family' income, leisure activities, residential environment, and family relations, similar to that of the baby boomers (parent's generation) in the growing age, but the degree was not only lower than that of the parent's generation, but also the absolute value was below the average. Second, the social mobility recognition of the children's generation in adulthood was ranked by the fairness of personnel evaluation and individual development potential, but the degree was not high enough to have a positive degree of confidence in their social mobility. Third, as a result of a pathway analysis of the structural relationship, all of the pathway of the quality of life of the parent's generation in the growing age → the quality of life of the children's generation in adulthood, the pathway of the quality of life of the parent's generation in the growing age → the social mobility of the children's generation in adulthood, and the pathway of the social mobility of the children's generation in adulthood → the quality of life of the children's generation in adulthood were significant. Fourth, the social mobility of the children's generation in adulthood partially mediated the effect of the quality of life of the parent's generation in the growing age on the quality of life of the children's generation in adulthood. These results suggest the necessity of establishing targeted policies to prevent the descent of the quality of life implemented between generations.

      • KCI등재

        가족놀이를 통한 세대통합 경험 연구

        장덕희,김옥주 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.6

        A Study on the Experience of Generation IntegrationThrough Family PlayDukhee Jang & Ohkju Kim Abstract: The purpose of this study is to suggest specific alternatives necessary for generational integration through the experiences of participants in family play. This is the result of a narrative exploration of the experiences of 17 people in 4 households of members who participated in ○○hoe. It was derived from the extended family gathering in a residential area, 3 times and 3 generations. Four high-level concepts including the power to maintain the ○○hoe ‘family play (Generations-piad)’ and generational integration where the kinship fence extends to the family and 14 sub-concepts were derived. This study, based on the family play of the participants in the Generations-Piad, analyzed key factors affecting generational integration. The ○○hoe Family Play, Generations-Piad became a force to overcome the vacuum during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of this study have great implications for field application for generation integration, and research expansion for generalization will be necessary in the future. Key Words: Family Play, Extended Family, Generation Integration, Narrative, Generations- Olympiad 가족놀이를 통한 세대통합 경험 연구장 덕 희**ㆍ김 옥 주*** 연구 목적: 본 연구는 가족놀이 참여자의 경험을 통해 세대통합에 필요한 구체적 대안을 제시하고자 하는 데 목적을 둔다. 연구 방법: 세거지 확대가족모임인 ○○회에 3회 이상, 3세대 이상 참여한 구성원 4가구를 연구대상으로 17명의 경험을 내러티브 탐구한다. 연구 내용: ○○회 참가자 17명의 경험을 탐구한 결과 상위개념 ‘그리움 파도타기 ○○회, 가족놀이(세대피아드)는 ○○회를 유지하는 힘, 성큼성큼 세대 징검다리 건너기, 친족 울타리가 가족으로 확대되는 세대통합’ 등 4개와 하위개념 14개가 도출되었다. 결론 및 제언: 본 연구 참가자들의 가족놀이는 4세대의 세대통합에 영향을 미친 핵심적인 요인으로 분석된 바, 코로나19 팬데믹 기간의 공백도 극복할 수 있는 힘이 되었다. 이러한 연구 결과는 세대통합 현장 적용 방안으로 시사하는 바가 크며, 향후 일반화를 위한 연구 확장이 필요할 것이다. 핵심어: 가족놀이, 확대가족, 세대통합, 내러티브, 세대피아드 □ 접수일: 2022년 11월 8일, 수정일: 2022년 11월 22일, 게재확정일: 2022년 12월 20일* 이 논문은 2022년 위덕대학교 국내학술진흥 연구비 지원을 받아 수행된 것임(2022-0014). ** 주저자, 위덕대학교 사회복지학과 교수(First Author, Professor, Uiduk Univ., Email: dhjang@uu.ac.kr)*** 교신저자, 위덕대학교 사회복지학과 박사과정(Corresponding Author, Doctoral Course, Uiduk Univ., Email: ya2442@hanmail.net)

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 신문소설에 나타난 세대 간의 연애와 새로운 소비주체

        류경동(Ryu, Kyong Dong) 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2017 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.18 No.1

        이 논문은 1950년대 신문소설에 나타난 세대 간 연애의 양상을 살피고, 연애의 과정에서 주체로 등장하는 전후세대 젊은 여성들의 문학적 표상을 분석하고자 한다. 1950년대 신문소설에 나타난 세대 간의 연애는 전후 한국 사회의 변동과 그에 따른 성과 사랑에 대한 습속의 변화를 배경으로 한다. 일반적인 연애와 달리 세대 간의 연애는 결혼으로 수렴되지 않기 때문에 연애의 과정 자체를 향유하려는 경향이 강하며, 개인의 욕망을 우선시 하는 개인주의의 확산과도 깊은 연관성을 지닌다. 1950년대 신문소설에서 전통적인 규범이나 집단으로부터 자유로운 젊은 여성들은 ‘아프레 걸’로 호명된다. 신문소설에서 ‘아프레 걸’은 전후 세대의 사유방식과 행동양식을 표출하며 소비주의의 새로운 주체로 자기 정체성을 구성한다. 그들의 적극성은 세대 간 연애의 동력이 되며, 기존의 가부장적 질서와 충돌함으로써 새로운 세대의 가능성을 내포하기도 한다. 1950년대 신문소설에서 성애가 부각되고 교환의 논리가 우세할 때, 세대 간의 애정관계는 성적 방종이나 불륜으로 귀결된다. 세대 간의 만남이 연애를 형성하기 위해서 성애는 은폐되고 기성세대의 상징자본과 젊은 세대의 문화적 감수성이 접촉하는 형식을 취하게 된다. 세대 간의 연애는 활발한 소비행위와 세대 간의 문화접촉으로 구성되면서 주체의 위계 변화에 따라 의사소통 방식의 변화를 수반한다. 교환과 성애를 배제함으로써 세대 간의 애정관계는 낭만적 사랑의 형식으로 전개되기도 하지만, 문화적 차이의 발견과 세대의 문제가 제기되면서 연애의 서사는 계몽의 구조로 전개되기도 한다. This paper analyzed the aspect of love between generations, which appeared in newspaper novels published in the 1950s. The paper also sought to analyze the literary representation of young women who seemed to be appearing as a consuming subject. The love between generations was affected by the change in consumption culture and the spread of individualism in newspaper novels published in the 1950s. In a 1950s newspaper, young women who were free from norms or groups of rules were called ‘Aprěs-Girls’. They were found in the process of being in romantic relationships. And they were the object of the eyes and desire of the older generation. An ‘Aprěs-Girl’ represented the form and behavior of the post-war generation. And they built up their identity with new consumer identity holders. Their aggressiveness was the power of romance among generations, and conflict with patriarchal orders; they became elements of a new conflict. When cultural differences between older and younger generations and cultural differences were found, the relationship between generations consisted of consumer spending. The relationship between generations involved cultural contact and a generation of generational conflicts. At this time, the epic tale of love became the prologue to enlightenment.

      • KCI등재

        베이비붐 세대와 이전 및 이후 세대 간 비교분석: 가계자산,소득이 삶의 만족에 미치는 영향을 중심으로

        강소랑 ( Sorang Kang ),최은영 ( Eunyoung Choi ) 한국사회보장학회 2016 사회보장연구 Vol.32 No.2

        This study paid attention to the baby boom generation and analyzed the effects of the household asset and income of the baby boom generation (born in 1955~1963), its previous generation (1941~1954) and its next generation (1964~1974) on life satisfaction using the 17th source material (2014) of the Korea Labor and Income Panel Study(KLIPS). Also, to directly compare the baby boom generation``s characteristics to those of its previous and next generations, this study input the interaction variable, which combined the independent variable with groups of the baby boom generation and its previous and next generations, to estimate the difference between generations. As a result of OLS regression analysis, as for the baby boom generation, the more the real estate asset, financial asset, real estate income and public transfer income were increased the more life satisfaction increased; therefore, the result showed these variables were important for improvement of the baby boom generation``s life satisfaction. Due to the result of this study, the necessity of positively using the reverse mortgage (housing pension), continuous participation in the labor market for accumulation of financial assets and necessity of measures for improvement of public pension rights were discussed.

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