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        한문과 어휘 교수,학습 방법 연구

        정효영 ( Hyo Young Jeong ) 한국한문교육학회 2015 한문교육논집 Vol.45 No.-

        이 연구는 韓國漢文敎育學會에서 ‘2015 한문과 교육과정을 위한 교수ㆍ학습 이론과 사례 연구’를 주제로 개최된 학술대회를 계기로 수행되었다. 어휘의 의미를 명료화하고, 교육과정 분석과 한자 어휘 교수·학습 방법에 대한 연구 현황 분석을 시도하였다. 어휘 교수·학습은 성격을 달리하는 한문 문장 학습을 위한 어휘 교수·학습과 언어생활 속의 어휘 교수·학습으로 구분할 수 있다. 한문 문장 학습을 위한 어휘 교수·학습에는 ‘단어, 실사와 허사, 품사’의 교수·학습이 해당되고, 언어생활 속의 어휘 교수·학습 방법에는 ‘일상용어, 학습 용어, 성어’의 교수·학습이 해당된다. 교육과정의 성취기준에 따른 교수·학습 방법을 살펴보면, 2015 개정 교육과정은 교수·학습 방법이 이전 교육과정에 비하여 자세하게 서술되었다. 하지만 내용이 상세하지 않아 실제 학교 현장에서 사용하기 위해서는 교사들의 연구와 노력이 필요하다. 어휘 교수·학습 방법과 관련한 연구들을 검색하여 모형과 기법으로 분류하여 분석을 시도하였다. 모형보다는 기법과 관련한 연구들이 많은 비중을 차지하고 있었다. 성어 관련 교수·학습 방법에 대한 연구가 활발하였으며, 정기적으로 발행되는 한문교육의 수업사례, 다른 교과에서 연구한 한자 어휘 관련 교수·학습 방법 등도 한문과 어휘 교수·학습 방법 연구에 참고가 된다. 이러한 연구를 통하여 어휘 교수·학습 방법을 제언하였다. 교수·학습에 있어서 교육적 효과도 중요하지만 학생들의 흥미도 중요한 요소이다. 교육적 효과와 학생들의 흥미가 적절하게 융합된 교수·학습 방법이 필요하다. 또한 이러한 방법들이 현장에서 널리 활용할 수 있도록 교사 연수 등의 방안을 마련해야 할 것이고, 그러한 교수·학습 방법들을 교사들이 자신만의 방법으로 만들어 발전시키려는 노력이 필요할 것이다. This study was performed starting from the symposium held by Society for Korean Classical Chinese Education on the subject ‘Teachingㆍ Learning Theory and Case Study for 2015 Classical Chinese Curriculum’. Clarifying the meaning of vocabulary, analysis of curriculum and analysis of study status for classical Chinese vocabulary``s teaching·learning method were tried. Vocabulary``s teaching·learning can be distinguished into vocabulary teaching·learning of classical Chinese for learning different character``s classical Chinese sentence and vocabulary teachin g·learning in language life. To vocabulary teaching·learning for classical Chinese sentence learning, teaching·learning of ‘word, open-class word and closed class word, word class’ are corresponding and to vocabulary teaching·learning in language life, teaching·learning of ‘daily life term, learning term, phrase’ are corresponding. If we review teaching·learning method according to the curriculum``s achievement, 2015 revised curriculum described teaching·learning method more detailedly than previous one. However, the content is not described in detail, so teachers`` study and endeavor are required in order to be used in actual school site. We tried analysis searching the studies related to vocabulary teaching·learning method with classifying them into model and technique. studies relating to technique were more than those to model. Studies on teaching·learning method related to phrase were active and case of class on Classical Chinese Educationissued periodically, teaching·learning method etc. studied in other curriculum on classical Chinese vocabulary can be references in studying classical Chinese and vocabulary teaching·learning method. Through these studies, vocabulary teaching·learning method was suggested. In teaching·learning students`` interests are important factor too as well as educational effect. Teaching·learning method where educational effect and students`` interest are properly fused is required. In addition, in order for these method to be widely utilized in the field, the plan such as teachers training is to be prepared and teachers`` endeavors to make and develop those teaching·learning method as their own one will be required.

      • KCI등재

        대학 "한자"교육의 교수학습법 활용방안 -원광대 <실용한자>수업사례를 통해-

        최성엽 ( Sung Yeob Choi ) 동방한문학회 2012 東方漢文學 Vol.0 No.52

        This study aims to serve as a momentum for seeking ways to utilize teaching methods for education of ``Chinese letters`` at college through a case study of teaching <Practical Chinese Letters> at Wonkwang University. The ``classic Chinese`` which had played a key role in education of Chinese letters at college was replaced newly by ``Chinese letters`` which gave weight to practicality in education but has not till today yielded as much effects as expected in the beginning. Therefore, in order to intensify the teaching effects of Chinese letters at college, nothing seems more important than to have a clear grasp of the purport for establishment of the new course and level of students` learning capability as well as to prepare for its contents in exact compliance with changing requirements of students and to employ appropriate teaching methods fit for them. From the case study of the class for <Practical Chinese Letters> at Wonkwang University, it became evident that teaching Chinese letters at college should aim the following direction in its methodology: First, Chinese letters should be taught in a way that can draw interest and concern of students. As a means to invoke interest of students and to raise their concern in this subject, audio-visual materials like pictures, images, films, etc. are frequently used. What is most appropriate for teaching Chinese letters seems to make use of, above all, the resources with which students can be assisted to understand the changing process of the form and meaning of Chinese letters and, by thus, to learn them by association. Second, measures should be taken to extend otherwise short teaching hours for Chinese letters. For teaching of Chinese letters, 2 to 3 hours a week only are assigned currently in most cases. This is why attempts are made to introduce those teaching methods that can gain as much academic achievements as possible in a limited time. In this sense, it seems most desirable to teach students Chinese words by utilizing representative letters for indexing that are simple and easy to understand as they are closely connected in terms of meaning. Third, teaching of Chinese letters should be conducted in a vocabulary-oriented way because, in many cases, a Chinese word may be used to mean what is different from its original meaning due to peculiar characters of Chinese language as polysemy. It is thus imperative to develop a teaching method that can best meet the requirements for students to understand Chinese words without losing their original meaning. Among others, the teaching method in utilization of word-formation analysis seems to be most appropriate in this regard. In this context, multiple teaching-learning methods can also be applied in accordance with the contents of education as a way to improve teaching-learning methods. The reason why we attempt to search for various ways of teaching and learning Chinese letters at college is to promote and activate the teaching effects of Chinese letters and, eventually, to establish Chinese letters as an essential course of liberal arts at college.

      • KCI등재


        陶家骏,감서원,胡婷 한국중국언어문화연구회 2022 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.65

        In recent years, the universal Chinese teaching has been unable to meet the requirements of high-level professional Chinese talent education. Professional Chinese learners have gradually received attention, but at present, there are few relevant studies on vocabulary learning strategies of professional Chinese learners. Taking 65 Chinese Majors in Woosong University in Korea as the research object, this paper investigates the use of Chinese vocabulary learning strategies by Chinese Majors in Korea through a questionnaire, analyzes the impact of vocabulary learning strategies on Chinese learning achievements, and discusses the differences in the use of vocabulary learning strategies between high score and low score students. The study found that the frequency of Chinese vocabulary learning strategies used by Chinese Majors in South Korea is at a medium frequency, with cognitive strategies being the most frequently used and social emotional strategies being the lowest. There is little difference in the use of different strategies. In terms of specific learning strategies, Korean Chinese majors use strategies such as guessing, selective attention, taking notes, rote memorization, etc; The data analysis of high score group and low score group shows that Korean students' vocabulary learning strategies are significantly positively correlated with Chinese learning achievements. High score group students are better at comprehensively using different kinds of vocabulary learning strategies, so as to achieve better learning achievements. This paper also puts forward corresponding suggestions for the Chinese vocabulary teaching of Chinese Majors in South Korea, which provides a certain reference for the Chinese vocabulary teaching of professional Chinese learners.

      • KCI등재

        한중 공통한자를 이용한 중국어 어휘교육: HSK 4급 어휘 한자와 한국 상용한자의 비교를 통하여

        장은영 중국인문학회 2016 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.62

        This paper is focused on the teaching value of the common Chinese characters of South Korea and China. First, this paper analyzed the vocabulary of HSK level 4 and described the characteristics of the words and chinese characters. 1073 Chinese characters used in HSK level 4, about 40% Chinese characters are used in more than two words, the higher the frequency, the higher the value of the teaching. Then, this paper compared the 1073 Chinese characters with Chinese characters commonly used in South Korea, the same Chinese characters are 882 and in the compare process, can found the Chinese characters, which have a frequency of four or more mostly consistent with the Chinese characters used in South Korea, the results said the Chinese characters often used in China also commonly used in South Korean. At last, fourteen Chinese characters, which have a frequency of nine and ten, are chosen to suggest the specific teaching method. When we teach Chinese characters and Chinese language using the Chinese characters commonly used in China and South Korea, if in between the two countries the meaning of words or word usage are different, will lead to confusion in learning. Therefore, teachers should pay attention to the teaching. In addition, should also pay attention to polyphonic characters, such as 长 and 还, etc... The common Chinese characters has some values in the teaching of Chinese language, especially Chinese vocabulary, so properly use the common Chinese characters will certainly help for the teaching of Chinese characters and Chinese language.

      • KCI등재


        김영 한국중문학회 2016 中國文學硏究 Vol.0 No.63

        Written Chinese teaching is very important in teaching Chinese as a second language, which is not well done in the reality. This paper gives suggestions on written Chinese teaching after explaining what written Chinese is, what to teach and how to teach written Chinese. In Chinese teaching, written Chinese is not only for writing. It is also a formal style as spoken Chinese as well. In written Chinese teaching, these three elements including context, vocabulary and syntax are necessary. Written Chinese teaching also needs to be systematic and step by step.

      • KCI등재

        어휘투명도를 활용한 중국어 어휘 교수·학습 방안 연구

        이은화 한국중국언어학회 2017 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.73

        The study of lexical transparency provided a theoretical (psychological) basis for the question of which of the character-centered teaching and the word-centered teaching is more effective for teaching vocabulary to learners. The purpose of this study is to improve the efficiency of the vocabulary teaching for Korean learners of Chinese language and their learning of this language by identifying the effects of lexical transparency on the vocabulary acquisition by Korean learners of Chinese language through an experiment. According to the results, the mean and standard deviation of transparent, translucent and opaque vocabularies showed a certain difference depending on Korean learners' strategies for learning Chinese vocabulary and related teaching methods. The learners who in learning Chinese vocabulary, inferred its whole meaning by analyzing it centering on character which is morpheme had a higher correct-answer rate of the transparent vocabulary and the translucent vocabulary. Even though the learners do not consciously learn the transparent vocabulary, they can analogize and infer its meaning by utilizing Chinese characters already learned in natural reading processes, and acquire it naturally through this series of processes. Based on these results, this paper presented the criteria for selecting characters for the teaching and learning of character-centered vocabulary targeting Korean learners of Chinese language and discussed practical methods for applying vocabulary teaching and learning.

      • KCI등재


        유결 한국중국어교육학회 2015 중국어교육과연구 Vol.0 No.22

        In learning Chinese as a second language to Korean, we find that Korean students always have some difficulties in learning some “special”chinese vocabulary, so they always have errors on these vocabulary. In this article, we will study these “special” Chinese vocabulary in order to find the reasons of these errors and we hope to give some helps to the chinese vocabulary teaching to Korean. First, we collect these “special” words that Korean students always have errors on. Second, we study the differences of these error words between chinese and Korean. At last, we study the reasons of these errors and give suggest to chinese vocabulary teaching. We hope to give some study on the difference of vocabulary between Chinese and Korean and we hope we can use thess vocabulary difference to find more difference between Chinese language and Korean, so that we can make a valuable Chinese vocabulary teaching to Korean. 为了更好地实现对韩汉语词汇教学并促进汉韩词汇本体的对比研究,本文将从语言词汇对比的角度出发,结合实际对韩汉语词汇教学中韩国学习者所出现的难点以及有关词汇方面的部分偏误进行分析研究。文章考察了韩国学习者汉语词汇的使用情况,其中韩国学习者容易发生偏误,并遭遇困难的汉语词汇表达往往是有两种情况:一是由于两种语言的义位分类不完全不同,从而引起两种语言中表达该义位的词语不相对应,故而给韩国学习者学习汉语词汇带来困难。二是即使是同一义位的同一词语,由于两种语言中该义位该词语在义域宽狭上有所不同,从而引起了两种语言中表达该义位的词语在感情色彩,语体色彩以及和文化风俗习惯所沉淀的附加义的不同,故而给韩国学习者学习这部分汉语词汇带来困难。针对韩国学习者汉语词汇学习难点,我们认为精确地对译汉韩常用词语,编写适合韩国学习者汉语词汇学习和应用的工具书迫在眉睫。针对对韩汉语教学,我们应该梳理一下那些汉韩语言中的常用高频词,并且有条理地整理出那些汉语多义位对应韩语单义位的词语,从而在对韩汉语词汇教学中更加有的放矢地进行教学。

      • KCI등재


        鄭莉芳 중국학연구회 2014 중국학연구 Vol.- No.70

        词汇是语言中变化最快的要素,随着时代的发展变化,汉语也产生了大量的新词语。汉语词汇学研究者不断地关注新词语的发展和变化,因此也做了不少研究,但对于新词语的教学,尤其是对外汉语教学的部分,目前还处于起步阶段,如把新词语列入词汇大纲的进度、课程大纲和原则的订定、学科的建设等问题,都有学者做了一些相关的研究。教师们在从事汉语教学的过程中,也常遇到学生在面对新词语时,不管是在词义、用法或是翻译等方面,都会出现不少的难点和一定程度的障碍。因此,探索新词语的教学方法可说是符合时代性又具生命力,同时又能完善词汇教学系统,提升汉语学习者的语言交际能力,更能符合学生实际需要,帮助他们了解中国新文化。汉语新词语教学的原则是依据实用性教学目标,明确教学范围;循序渐进,由浅至深;依需求差异,因材施教,然后要扫除障碍,突破心防。根据这些教学原则,可采用类推法教外来词和新造词、用对比法教缩略词、仿造词和旧词新义。此外,可用翻译法来深化新词语的教学,同时运用多媒体来辅助教学。本文所谈的教学方法,大部分是归纳了学者们的研究和笔者的教学经验,而有些方法则是观察部分韩国学生的学习难点后而提出的。 Vocabulary is the fastest changing factor in any language. Chinese language has also been changing and is not an exception. Chinese lexiconology has been focusing on the development and change of new vocabularies. Academic works on teaching new vocabularies are well documented such as including new vocabularies in the vocabulary list and, incorporating new words in curriculum and principles, whereas teaching Chinese as a foreign language are still in an early stage. Teachers, in particular, face difficulties in teaching new vocabularies to students with regard to meanings, usages and translation. Thus it is timely and important to find new teaching methods for new words for Chinese learners to develop their language ability and understand new parts of Chinese culture. The most important principle of teaching new Chinese vocabularies is based on practicability. It makes teachers for students to overcome difficulties and fears in learning new vocabularies. Examples can be utilizing teaching methods in similar foreign words and new words and using contrast and comparison to learn new meanings in abbreviated and new words. Translation is another way to strengthen new vocabularies which are leant with the help of using multimedia. Some methods were used in this paper are from previous research and the author’s teaching experience, in particular, observing difficulties and obstacles when Korean students learn Chinese language.

      • KCI등재

        综艺节目在韩国中文教学中的应用 — 以中国版<非正式会谈第七季>为例 —

        조설군,한용수 한국중국어교육학회 2024 중국어교육과연구 Vol.0 No.43

        本文首先通过对<非正式会谈第七季>10期视频资料的分析,论证了将综艺节目运用于中文教学中有提供真实的语言交际环境、提供课堂讨论的话题、拓展语言教学内容、改变授课形式的可行性。其次整理出了<非正式会谈第七季>可用于在韩国中文教学的教学素材,包括话题(各国的流行文化、饮食、民俗和社会、时事热点)、词汇(常用词、成语、谚语、惯用语、流行语)以及文化内容(中国文化、流行元素、社会百科、科学技术)。本文的创新点在于通过与韩国中文教学的具体情况相结合,提出了把<非正式会谈第七季>的教学资源运用于韩国中文教学的本土化教学方案。把综艺节目引入韩国中文教学作为一种新的尝试,教师可选择实用性、趣味性的话题,更加关注学习者的情感态度、方法策略、动机目的,训练学习者在真实的中文语境中语用表达能力,同时丰富课堂教学形式、减轻学习者的倦怠感、激发他们的兴趣和提高他们的课堂参与度。综上所述<非正式会谈>的节目内容无论是热点话题、还是流行语和惯用语等语料、都蕴含着大量中国文化知识,非常契合中文学习者的需求,所以适合作为韩国中文教学的补充教学素材。本文希望为韩国中文教学新形式的探讨提供一种可能性,也能为后续的研究提供参考价值。 T Firstly, through the analysis of the 10th issue of Season 7 of Informal Talks, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of applying variety shows to Chinese teaching to provide real language communication environment, classroom discussion topics.This article summarizes the topics (pop culture, food, folklore, current affairs), vocabulary (common words, idioms, buzzwords, buzzwords) and cultural content (Chinese culture, popular elements, social encyclopedias and science and technology).The innovative point of this paper is that by combining the specific situation of Korean Chinese teaching, the teaching resources of Season 7 of Informal Talks are applied to the localization of Korean Chinese teaching.As a new attempt, teachers can choose practical and interesting topics, pay more attention to learners' emotional attitude, method strategy and motivation purpose, and train learners' pragmatic expression ability in real Chinese context.In summary, the content of the Season 7 of Informal Talks program is suitable as a supplementary teaching material for Korean Chinese language teaching because it contains a lot of knowledge of Chinese culture, including hot topics and buzzwords and idioms.This paper hopes to provide a possibility for the discussion of new forms of Chinese teaching in Korea, and also provide reference value for subsequent research.

      • KCI등재

        2015 개정 중국어 교육과정의 기본어휘와 新HSK 3급 어휘 비교 연구

        장은영 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2020 외국어교육연구 Vol.34 No.2

        Through comparison between the basic vocabulary table of the 2015 revised Chinese curriculum and the HSK level 3 vocabulary, this study examined whether the level and content of Chinese learning in Korean secondary education are suitable for beginner level learners. First of all, there are 505 vocabularies that match the HSK level 3 vocabulary among the basic vocabulary table, which corresponds to about 57% of the basic vocabulary and 84% of the HSK level 3 vocabulary. Through this, it can be seen that the vocabulary contained in the basic vocabulary table generally matches the HSK level 3 vocabulary. Since the ratio of common vocabulary is high, the difficulty level of vocabulary for beginner Chinese learners in Korean secondary education is appropriate. However, the amount of vocabulary is in between HSK level 3 and level 4, indicating that they are learning more vocabulary than the beginner level. In addition, the common vocabulary appearing in the communication basic expression was about 39% of the total common vocabulary, and the life‐related expression was the most. Also, as long as through inconsistent vocabulary the Chinese language education conducted in the secondary education in Korea is aimed at beginner level middle and high school students with, in addition to improving basic Chinese communication skills, it was found that the emphasis was placed on understanding China and Chinese people through words related to Chinese life, food, and culture. 본 연구에서는 2015 개정 중국어 교육과정의 기본어휘표와 新HSK 3급 어휘 비교를 통해 우리나라 중등교육에서 이루어지고 있는 중국어 학습 수준과 내용이 초급 수준의 학습자에게 적합한지 등을 살펴보았다. 먼저, 기본어휘표 어휘 중 新HSK 3급 어휘와 서로 일치하는 어휘는 모두 505개로, 기본어휘의 약 57%, 新HSK 3급 어휘의 84%와 일치하는데, 기본어휘표 일러두기에 제시된 경우까지 포함하면 기본어휘표에 수록된 어휘들이 거의 대부분 新HSK 3급 어휘와 일치하는 것을 알 수 있다. 이처럼 공통어휘의 비율이 높다는 점에서 우리나라 중등교육과정에서 초급 중국어 학습자를 대상으로 한 어휘의 난이도가 적당하다고 할 수 있다. 다만, 어휘의 양은 新HSK 3급과 4급 중간 수준으로, 초급 수준보다 많은 양의 어휘를 학습하고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이 외에도 의사소통 기본표현에 출현하는 공통어휘는 전체 공통어휘의 약 39%이며, 생활 관련 표현이 가장 많은 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 불일치 어휘들을 통해 우리나라 중등교육에서 이루어지고 있는 중국어 교육이 초급 수준의 중·고등학생을 대상으로 한 만큼 기초적인 중국어 의사소통능력 향상 외에도 중국의 생활과 음식, 문화와 관련된 단어들을 통해 중국과 중국인을 이해할 수 있게 하는 데도 중점을 두고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다.

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