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      • KCI등재

        연장근로와 휴일근로의 관계

        김희성(Kim Hee-Sung) 한국비교노동법학회 2014 노동법논총 Vol.30 No.-

        A holiday defines for the day when the labor obligation is exempted, and the employee should be allowed for the average of one or more paid holiday per week. (Labor Standard Act Article 55). Also, each work plant can place a separate holiday plan. For example in the case where the 5-day work per week is set, holidays (such as Saturday) in addition to statutory holidays is generally recognized. In this case, the meaning of holiday work stipulated in the Article 56 of the Labor Standards Act should be narrowly interpreted to the workings during the paid holidays guaranteed by the law. In other word, this means to work during the statutory holiday (weekly holiday). There are thoughts that the pre-agreed two days holidays are feasible, from the opinion of providing two days holidays can occur based on the contract, even when the provision of the law states to provide only at least once a week of paid holiday. However the opinion that states that the holiday assured by the statutory law is once a week only and thus all other holidays should be seen as the non-statutory holidays is still persuasive. What the law assures is always the minimum and thus all other advancement should be by each party’s accord. Therefore, the legal fact that the Labor Standard Act provides the statutory obligation to employers to pay 50% premium wage should applied, as a principle, to only the statutory holidays. Whether to fix a premium wage to all other holidays can be agreed as a separate agreement in the employer-employee relation. Since these holidays are specifically guaranteed by the law, unlike to the extended work, the work provided by the employees should be performed only in the exceptional cases based on the consent of the workers when there are specific, inevitable and reasonable needs. Therefore the legal requirement for a practical regulation of the holiday works which separates it from the extended works should be clearly fixed. Nevertheless, even when the holiday work is provided, the daily work hours is limited to 8 hours from the Labor Standards Act, paragraph 2 of Article 50, therefore the overtime rule in the Article 53 shall apply if exceed the general work hours. In addition to the 8 hours of extended work beside the 52 hours of weekly work, 16 hours of extended work become possible in the companies where the two days holidays per week is set, if the weekly holiday terms were fixed by each party’s free accord. In this case the total weekly work hours can reach up to 68 hours.

      • KCI등재

        휴일근로의 연장근로 해당 여부와 개선방안

        이승길(Lee, Seung-Gil),김준근(Kim, Jun-Keun) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2014 東亞法學 Vol.- No.65

        (1) 1주간의 법정근로시간을 초과한 상황에서 이루어진 휴일근로에 대한 할증임금 지급에 대해서는, 1일 법정근로시간 한도인 8시간을 초과하지 않는 한, 휴일근로수당만을 지급하면 될 것이다. 이것은 휴일근로와 연장근로 모두 법정근로시간외 근로라는 점에서 같은 성질의 것이므로 다른 가산원인이 중복한다고 보지 않기 때문이다. 마찬가지로 법정휴일근로는 휴일근로의 관점으로부터 법정외근로로서 평가하기 때문에, 주의 연장근로에는 계산되지 않는다고 보는 것이 타당하다. (2) 대법원은 지난 1991년 강원산업 사건에 대한 판결을 통해 시간외근로와 휴일근로가 중복될 경우의 할증임금 산정방법에 관한 법리를 확립하였다. 그런데 최근 위 대법원의 법리를 따르지 않고 휴일근로가 연장근로에 포함된다는 취지에서 휴일근로수당과 연장근로수당의 중복할증을 인정한 하급심 판결들이 나오고 있다. 이와 관련해 학설도 부인설과 인정설로 대분해 엇갈리고 있다. 그러나 근로기준법이 시행된 이래 현재까지 휴일근로가 연장근로에 포함되지 않는다는 것은 오랜 노동관행이었다. 대법원도 위 1991년 판결에서 시간외근로와 휴일근로가 중복될 경우의 할증임금 산정방법에 관한 법리를 판시한 바가 있다. 따라서 원심의 결론이 엇갈린 사건들이 대법원에 계류 중인 점을 고려할 때 법원의 입장에서는 신중한 판단을 위하여 대법원의 전원합의체에 회부하는 것이 타당하다. 이를 계기로 향후 미래지향적인 근로시간법제의 개선에 대한 전반적인 검토가 필요하다고 보여진다. (3) 본고에서는 ‘휴일근로의 연장근로 해당 여부와 개선방안’에 대하여 먼저 휴일근로가 연장근로에 해당하는지 여부를 살펴본다(Ⅱ). 또한 논란이 되고 있는 상반된 하급심 판례의 주요 내용 및 판결요지를 정리분석해 본다(Ⅲ). 그리고 근로시간 단축과 관련한 근로기준법 개정 동향 및 노사단체(경제계 및 노동계)의 입장에 대하여 살펴본다(Ⅳ). 또 향후 휴일근로의 연장근로와 관련된 정책개선방안을 제시해본다(Ⅴ). 마지막으로 결론에서 요약?정리하였다(Ⅵ). (1) When holiday work and overtime work overlap, whether the employer is obligated to pay double allowances for overtime and holiday work is a paramount question. Holiday work should be paid only for work on holidays, not as an overtime work allowance. As working hours on holidays and overtime are all related to hours worked outside of the standard legal working hours, both types of work hours fall under the same category. This means that double payment should not be required for overlapped working hours. Therefore, for example, work on a statutory holiday is not included as part of the standard legal working hours, which means that such work shall not also be calculated as overtime work. (2) Some recent judicial rulings by regional courts declared that overtime work shall include holiday work, to which scholars" opinions are divided, both positively and negatively. However, since the time when the Labor Standards Act was originally enforced, the long-standing practice has been that holiday work is not included in overtime work. Furthermore, the Supreme Court ruled in 1991 that when holiday work and overtime work overlapped, overtime should not be paid in addition to the holiday work allowance. Accordingly, as regional courts have found against the Supreme Court"s ruling, it has become necessary to take this case once again to the Supreme Court, where all Supreme Court judges can make a decision on the issue. Also, it will be necessary to revise the working hours system for future operations. (3) This thesis paper will look into the legal background of overtime work, previous Supreme Court rulings and Labor Ministry guidelines regarding "whether holiday work shall include overtime work" (II). Controversial judicial rulings by regional courts will be dealt with by examining the contents of the rulings (III). In addition, legislative trends and the opinions of academic and labor-management groups will be considered (IV). Additionally, I would like to make a few suggestions relating to future holiday work (V). Finally, the conclusion section will contain the summary of the thesis.

      • KCI등재

        근로기준법상 휴일과 연차휴가에 관한 소고

        강성태 사법발전재단 2015 사법 Vol.1 No.34

        An Essay on Holidays and Annual Leave under the Labor Standards Act Kang, Seong-tae This essay aims to examine holidays and annual leave which is a frequent topic of heated debate among the leave system prescribed under the Labor Standards Act (hereinafter “the Act”). To this end, this paper begins with exploring the meaning of “rest” under an employment contract, closely looking at issues pertaining to Korea’s leave system, and comparing Korea’s leave system to international labor standards. The main part of this essay centers on discussing the following points: Is there a conceptual and legal difference between a weekly holiday and holiday? How should holiday working hours be considered when calculating overtime hours? What is holiday work in which employees are provided additional wage, and is additional wage paid when working while on annual leave? How does attendance rate factor in when calculating annual leave entitlements? How is annual leave calculated during the period of industrial action? One of the most pressing challenges for the Korean labor market is to normalize work hours. To make this happen, Korea’s leave system needs to be operated in line with its original intent, i.e., protecting the health of employees and ensuring leisure time. Working hours and rest are fundamental elements of an employment contract, and a prerequisite for a sustainable society. In order for the leave system to properly function, monetary compensation for taking time off work should not be the focal point in labor-management negotiations. Furthermore, statutory interpretations on holidays and annual leave should focus more on employees’ entitlement to take leave rather than compensatory benefits. Based on the preliminary findings, the following can be concluded: (i) Working seven consecutive days should be strictly regulated under the Act. (ii) Holiday working hours should be included in overtime hours, and employees should be paid an extra premium if holiday work is regarded as overtime. (iii) Holiday work under an employment contract should be interpreted as days in which employees are not obligated to work pursuant to relevant statutes, collective agreement, employment rules, etc. Working while on annual leave, namely on a specific date chosen by an employee, should be regarded as holiday work in which additional wage is provided. Annual leave should be considered as an employee’s entitlement to take time off from work in line with international labor standards. (iv) Legal attendance rate under the Act should be regarded as an element for calculating annual leave allowance and not annual leave in itself (the latter requires legislative revision). (v) Period of lawful industrial actions, etc. should be excluded from actual working days when calculating attendance rate. 이 글은 근로기준법상 휴식 제도 중에서 현실적으로 분쟁이 잦은 휴일 및 연차휴가와 관련된 몇 가지 쟁점을 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 먼저 해석론을 위한 사전적 검토로서 휴식이 근로계약에서 가지는 의미와 우리나라 휴식제도의 문제점을 살펴보고 국제노동기준과 우리 휴식제도를 비교하여 보았다. 본론에서는 휴일과 연차휴가에 관련하여, “주휴일과 휴일의 관계는 어떠한가? 휴일근로의 시간 수(數)는 연장근로의 시간 수 계산에서 어떻게 취급하여야 하는가? 가산임금의 지급 대상이 되는 휴일근로란 무엇인가? 여기에는 연차휴가일의 근로도 포함되는가? 연차휴가권의 발생이나 연차휴가일수 산정과 출근율의 관계는 어떠한가? 특히 파업기간은 어떻게 처리하여야 하는가?” 등을 중점적으로 살펴보았다. 우리 사회의 긴박한 과제 중 하나가 장시간 노동 체제로부터 정상적인 노동 체제로의 전환이다. 이를 위해서는 우리의 휴식제도가 근로자의 건강보호와 여가시간 확보라는 본래의 취지에 맞게 운영되도록 해야 한다. 휴식은 근로시간과 함께 근로계약의 본질적 요소로서 우리 사회의 지속가능성을 위한 필수적 전제이다. 휴식이 제 기능을 발휘하려면 무엇보다 휴식을 금전적 보상으로 전환하는 노사의 담합을 배제하여야 한다. 휴일과 연차휴가에 관한 법 해석에서도 관련 규정상 근로 보상적 성격을 최대한 탈각시키고 휴식 보장적 성격이 드러나도록 해야 한다. 해석의 방향은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 1주일에 하루는 반드시 휴일로 보장되도록 벌칙 규정을 제대로 적용해야 한다. 둘째, 휴일근로의 시간 수도 연장근로의 시간 수에 포함시키는 것이 맞으므로 휴일근로가 동시에 연장근로가 되는 경우에는 중복 가산한 할증임금을 지급해야 한다. 셋째, 가산임금의 대상이 되는 휴일근로에는 법령 또는 단체협약, 취업규칙 등을 통해 근로계약상 근로의무가 없는 날, 즉 모든 휴일의 근로가 포함된다고 해석함이 옳다. 또한 연차휴가일의 근로 중에서 특히 근로자가 시기지정권을 행사하여 특정된 휴가일의 근로는 그 성격이나 기능이 휴일과 실질적으로 다르지 않으므로 가산임금의 지급 대상인 휴일근로로 보아야 할 것이다. 마지막으로 연차휴가제도는 국제노동기준에 맞게 휴식 보장적인 제도로 바꾸어야 한다. 입법적 개선이 필요하겠으나, 우선은 근로기준법상 법정 출근율을 연차휴가 자체가 아니라 연차휴가수당의 요건으로만 해석하는 것이 바람직하다. 그리고 정당한 파업 기간 등은 출근율 계산에서 소정근로일에서 제외하는 것이 옳다.

      • KCI등재

        휴일제도에 있어 근로조건 자율결정의 원칙과 한계

        하갑래(河甲來) 서울대학교 노동법연구회 2009 노동법연구 Vol.0 No.27

        The holiday system has changed little over the past 56 years since it was first established under the Labor Standards Act in 1953. So now it not only fails to respond to changes in the labor market but also has many structural problems piling up during its implementation. First, related provisions are scattered across various laws and regulations, without providing a clear definition of holiday. This causes confusion on how to apply statutory holidays and agreed holidays. Second, since a weekly holiday comes with pay only when the worker has perfect attendance during the week, it is difficult to calculate wages for absentees, part-time workers, etc. Third, there is no clear standard for granting weekly holidays, including the number of holiday hours, the interval at which they are granted, and a substitute for weekly holidays. Fourth, there is a huge controversy over the conditions one should meet to take a weekly holiday and the method of calculating holiday wages. Fifth, official holidays are recognized as agreed holidays (holidays granted under company rules), undermining the principle of equality and fairness. To address these problems, the Labor Standards Act has so far relied on court precedents, administrative interpretations and interpretations of relevant academic theories. However, such interpretations often present conflicting views, exposing their limitations in solving confusion in the labor market. In recent years, the paradigm of the Labor Standards Act has shifted to pursuing reconciliation between work and family life. This change is expected to increase interest in the holiday system among workers, employers and the government. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a logically consistent and unified standard to deal with the structural contradictions that have appeared during the implementation of the holiday system. The new direction the holiday system will take should be towards making clear the principle of autonomously setting working conditions and its limitations. Furthermore, to solve the structural problems with the dismissal system, as well as the enactment of a special law, an alternative legislative theory needs to be considered.

      • KCI등재

        Towards work-holiday balance: dynamics of economic engagement of Korean working holiday makers in Australia

        ( Yongmoon Jung ) 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2020 人文論叢 Vol.51 No.-

        Australia has been the most popular destination for Koreans’ working holiday participation. Korean working holiday makers accounts for the third largest number in the total visa grants for working holiday makers in Australia. This study set out to unprecedentedly shed light on the relatively under-explored lifestyle of the young Koreans in the short-term migration context. Achievements and vulnerabilities were identified in terms of labour market activities, based on a survey with Korean working holiday residents in Australia. Strategic suggestions were drawn to guide them into balanced engagement between work and holiday.

      • KCI등재

        일본의 가산임금제도

        송강직(Song, Kang-Jik) 한국비교노동법학회 2015 노동법논총 Vol.33 No.-

        I intend to introduce an additional payment system of the Japan. Labor Standards Act provides that an employer should pay an additional payment of more than twenty five percent of regular wage for extended work and night work and an additional payment of more than thirty five percent of regular wage for paid holiday work per week(only one day per week. hereinafter referred to paid holiday work) in Section 37(1). Simultaneously where an employer failed to pay the additional payment to an employee concerned, the Court should order the additional payment and could order liquidated damages less than or equal to the additional payment(LSA Section 114) with its discretion. Special features of the additional payment system are as follows: First, according to interpretation of the Labor Administration, a holiday work means only paid holiday work which is generally a Sunday work. So even where an employee does a paid holiday work, an employer does not need to pay an additional payment for extended work but only needs to pay an additional payment of more than thirty five percent of regular wage for the work. Second, where an employee does a night work(generally from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.), an employer should pay an additional payment for night work to an employee concerned. Furthermore, where the extended work gets to the night work, an employer should pay an additional payment both for extended work and for night work. Third, where an employee does an extended work in excess of eight hours in a day or forty hours in a week on holidays that are not paid holidays, an employer should pay the additional payment for extended work as well.

      • KCI우수등재

        주휴일 제도의 입법적 개선방안

        김홍석 한국노동법학회 2023 노동법학 Vol.- No.85

        The paradigm of the labor market is changing rapidly. ‘Work and rest’ is a concern for both users and workers. Nevertheless, the weekly holiday system of the Labor Standards Act still maintains the framework of the early industrialization era that protects workers from excessive labor. The Labor Standards Act was revised in 2018 to reduce working hours, but there is still no significant change in the basic framework. The reduction of working hours can achieve its purpose completely when the holiday system is specifically realized. The rest system stipulated in the Labor Standards Act is operated anomalously in various forms in the labor reality. In particular, many parts of the method of granting holidays are delegated to the theory of interpretation. The rest system, which is far from reality, does not meet the minimum standards necessary for workers' lives, such as recovery from fatigue and health from continuous work. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the rest system stipulated in the Labor Standards Act, and among them, the regulations related to the holiday system are embodied and realized. The weekly holiday system of the Labor Standards Act has both the nature of monetary compensation and the nature of rest time guarantee, and the establishment of ‘one week’ as a guarantee requirement for paid weekly holidays is a representative sign of the nature of monetary compensation. However, defining and rewarding certain requirements for rest as well as the weekly holiday system arises as an obstacle in terms of guaranteeing rest, a prerequisite for balancing work and rest. In order to solve this problem, the nature of monetary compensation, one of the two characteristics of the weekly holiday system, must be eliminated, and a social universal holiday with only the nature of guaranteeing rest time should be established. In order for the weekly holiday system of the Labor Standards Act to be further realized and embodied, there are numerous tasks to be solved. Legislative supplementation is needed to resolve the national goal of reducing working hours and the demands of the times of “harmony between work and rest.”

      • KCI등재

        시간외근로의 쟁점과 과제

        이재욱 노동법이론실무학회 2014 노동법포럼 Vol.- No.12

        The cause of long time working can be found in various aspects. In terms of legal aspects, the shortcomings of the law itself plays important role as well as interpretation and application of legal regulations. This study is to check contents and to diagnose the problem as one of the causes of the current labor laws. Also it tries to suggest improvement plan at the law analysis or formation. Reducing real working hours by solving the practice of long time working guarantees a living worthy of human dignity and the right of pursuing happiness by giving free time for having worker’s safety and health and enjoying culture. Also job creation and sharing by reducing real working hours contributes to the growth of the national economy through the harmony between labor and management. In short, the purpose of this study would materialize a basic idea of Labor Standards Act and the Constitution by improving overtime working system. The Labor Standards Act introduces that overtime work includes extended work, and night work, holiday work. To avoid constantly overtime work, the Act sets general requirement as agreement between labor and management. And also it forces the additional payment by considering having an influence overtime working on worker. It also has criminal penalties for employers who exceed the limits allowed by law or don’t give additional payment. Meanwhile, it has a various consideration in order to minimize the production activities infringement of the employer from hard limits of overtime working. Through the written agreement with employee representatives, it may design flexible work hours or introduce special schemes and exclude the application of legislation of overtime working for small business and particular business area. There are the following things that are the Improvement of Legislation of overtime work to eliminate the practice of long time working and reduce real work hours. First, set the maximum legal working hours for one day and one week and exchange legal working hours for the maximum working hours. Second, the type of shift work including constantly overtime work should be prohibited by law. Third, Blanket Wage System is permitted only in exceptional cases which are specified employment contract and the scope should be limited to a certain type of employees. Fourth, the rule that have to add uniformly 50% of normal wages for overtime work should be adjusted with the improvement of wage system. Fifth, upper limit for overtime working should be set in flexible working hours system or special system, not applicable to workplace.

      • KCI등재

        포르투갈의 근로시간법제에 관한 연구

        노호창(盧昊昶) 서울대학교 노동법연구회 2018 노동법연구 Vol.0 No.44

        포르투갈은 유럽 변방에 위치해 있어서 상대적으로 덜 알려져 있지만, 방대하고 상세한 노동법을 제정하여 시행하고 있다. 그래서 근로시간법제에 관한 내용도 풍부하다. 포르투갈 근로시간법제의 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 근로시간의 개념과 휴식시간의 개념을 함께 규정하여 쌍방향 규제방식을 취하고 있다. 둘째, 근로시간과 관련된 다양한 인접 개념들을 함께 규정하여 근로시간의 의미를 보다 실질적이고 명확하게 하려고 입법적으로 노력하고 있다. 셋째, 근로시간에 산입되는 경우를 구체적으로 규정하고 있다. 넷째, 연장근로에 포함되지 않는 경우를 구체적으로 규정하고 있고, 연장근로의 허용요건으로서 주관적 요건과 함께 객관적 요건도 설정하고 있다. 다섯째, 휴일이나 축일의 근로도 연장근로로 인정하고 있다. 여섯째, 쉬는 날 없이 계속 근로하는 그런 방식은 상정하고 있지 않다. 일곱째, 교대근로를 별도로 규정하고 있으며 야간근로를 엄격히 규제하고 있다. 여덟째, 근로시간계좌제를 도입하고 있고 그에 대한 보상을 다양한 방식으로 설정하고 있다. 아홉째, 근로시간적용제외에 대해 그 대상근로자와 요건을 상세히 규정하고 있다. 열째, 휴식을 다양한 종류로 규정하여 인정하고 있다. 포르투갈의 근로시간법제와 실태를 살펴보면, 다양하고 상세한 내용들의 저변에 휴식에 대한 중요성이 깔려있고 장시간 노동으로부터 인간을 보호하고자 하는 이념이 실천적으로 구현되고 있음을 포착할 수 있다. Portugal is located on the European side, relatively less known, but enacts and enforces extensive and detailed labor laws. Therefore, Portugal has a working hours law with a rich content. The characteristics of the Portuguese working hours legislation are as follows. First, the concept of working hour and the concept of break time are defined together to take an interactive regulation system. Second, it tries to make the meaning of working hour more substantive and clear by stipulating together various adjacent concepts related to working hour. Third, the cases of being included in working hour are listed specifically. Fourthly, the cases that are not included in overtime work are enumerated specifically, and the subjective requirements as well as the objective requirements are set as the allowance requirements for overtime work. Fifth, work on holidays or festival days is also recognized as overtime work. Sixth, the way to continue working without a day off is not postulated. Seventh, shift work is defined separately and night work is strictly regulated. Eighth, working hour account system is introduced and compensation for it is set up in various ways. Ninthly, the coverage of workers and the requirements for the exclusion of working hours are specified in detail. Tenth, relaxation is systematized as various kinds. Looking at the working hours legislation in Portugal and its actual situations, we are able to see that the importance of rest is layed under the various and detailed contents of the legislation, and that the ideology to protect workers from labor of many hours is practically implemented.

      • KCI등재후보

        선원법상 근로시간 규정의 문제점과 개선방안

        최정호(Choi jeong-ho) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2021 圓光法學 Vol.37 No.3

        근로시간은 노동운동의 역사에서 그 단축이 주요한 쟁점이 되어왔다. 근로시간의 제한은 근로자의 피로회복을 통해 노동력을 유지하고 근로자가 사회적・문화적 생활을 영위하기 위한 전제가 되기 때문이다. 선원노동이 육상노동보다 노동의 강도가 강하고 선원은 가정이나 사회와 분리되어 선박에 고립되어 생활해야 한다는 점에서 근로시간 규제는 특히 중요하다고 생각된다. 선원근로자의 노동은 일반 근로자와 달리 특수성을 갖는데, 선박이라는 공간에서의 생활공동체성, 선박에 고립된 공동체성, 선박의 침수, 좌초의 위험을 자력으로 극복해야 하는 위험공동체성, 노동능력의 조기 소모 등 특수성이 있다. 선원법상 근로시간 규정은 선원노동의 특수성을 고려하더라도 몇 가지 문제점을 갖고 있다. 먼저, 근로기준법과 달리 대기시간이 근로시간에 해당하는지 명확한 규정이 없다. 둘째, 법정근로시간, 합의에 의한 시간외근로, 항해 당직 등을 이유로 한 시간외근로의 근로시간 제한규정을 위반하여도 처벌규정이 없다. 셋째, 선원법상 특이한 제도로 부득이한 사유에 의한 시간외근로는 근로시간의 제한이 없는 무제한의 시간외근로가 가능한데, 이에 대해 사후적 통제장치가 없어 선박소유자가 동 제도를 남용하여 선원에게 무리한 노동을 강요할 여지가 있으며, 이러한 남용행위에 대해 처벌규정조차도 없는 것은 문제이다. 넷째, 선원의 야간근로에 대해서는 일반 근로자와 달리 가산임금이 지급되지 않는다. 야간근로는 근로자의 생체리듬에 부정적 영향을 미치므로 가산임금 제도를 통해 억제할 필요성이 있을 것이다. 기타 이외에 선원법은 근로기준법상 휴게시간 규정이나 유급주휴일 규정이 없는 점도 문제이다. 여기서는 선원근로자의 근로시간 제한, 휴식권 보장과 선박소유자의 선박안전을 위한 시간외근로의 필요성 등을 비교하여 구체적이고 합리적으로 선원의 근로시간을 규제하는 방안을 고찰하였다. 간단한 방법으로는 선원법의 규정이 흠결된 사항에 대해 근로기준법을 준용하는 방안이 있을 수 있다. 다음으로 선원법을 개정하는 방안으로써 첫째, 대기시간이 근로시간임을 명문화하고, 둘째, 법정근로시간, 합의에 의한 시간외근로, 항해 당직 등을 이유로 한 시간외근로의 근로시간 제한을 초과한 경우의 처벌규정 신설, 셋째, 부득이한 사유에 의한 시간외 근로제도에 대해 사후적 통제장치를 마련하고 선박소유자의 남용행위에 대해 처벌규정 신설, 넷째, 선원의 야간근로에 대해서는 일반 근로자와 마찬가지로 가산임금 규정 신설, 기타 휴게시간 규정 및 유급주휴일 규정 신설 등 입법안을 제시하고자 하였다. Shortening working hours has been a major issue in the history of the labor movement. This is because the limitation of working hours is a prerequisite for maintaining the workforce through recovery from fatigue and for leading a social and cultural life. It is considered that the regulation of working hours is particularly important in that seafarers labor is more intense than land labor, and seafarers must live in isolation on ships, separated from their families and society. The labor of seafarers is different from ordinary workers, in that they have a community of living in the space of a ship, a community isolated on a ship, a risk community that has to overcome the risks of flooding and stranding on their own, and the ability of seafarers to work. There are special features such as early consumption. The working hours regulations under the Seafarers Act have several problems, even considering the peculiarities of seafarers labor. First, unlike the Labor Standards Act, there is no clear regulation on whether waiting time counts as working hours. Second, there is no penalty for violating the working hours limit rules for overtime work due to statutory working hours, overtime by agreement, and navigation watch. Third, as a special system under the Seafarers Act, overtime due to unavoidable reasons allows unlimited overtime work with no restrictions on working hours. There is room, and it is a problem that there is not even a punishment provision for such abuse. Fourth, no additional wages are paid for seafarers night work, unlike general workers. Since night work has a negative effect on the circadian rhythm of workers, there will be a need to suppress it through an additional wage system. Another problem is that the Seafarers Act does not provide for rest hours or paid weekly holidays under the Labor Standards Act. In this study, a detailed and rational way to regulate the working hours of seafarers was considered by comparing the restrictions on working hours of seafarers, guaranteeing the right to rest, and the necessity of overtime work for shipowners for ship safety. As a simple method, there may be a way to apply the Labor Standards Act mutatis mutandis to matters that are deficient in the provisions of the Seafarers Act. Next, as a way to amend the Seafarers Act, first, it stipulates that waiting time is working hours, and secondly, punishment provisions for exceeding the working hours limit for overtime work due to legal working hours, overtime by agreement, and navigation watch, etc. Newly established, thirdly, a follow-up control system was prepared for the overtime work system due to unavoidable reasons, and punishment regulations were newly established for the abuse of shipowners. Fourth, for seafarers night work, like general workers, it was intended to propose legislative proposals such as the establishment of additional wage regulations, regulations on other breaks, and the establishment of paid weekly holidays.

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