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      • 국제철도화물 수출입 업무프로세스 정립

        배현옥(Hyun-Ok Bae),하오근(Hyun-Ok Bae) 한국시뮬레이션학회 2017 한국시뮬레이션학회 학술대회집 Vol.2017 No.-

        In October;2013;Korea Government suggested ‘Eurasian Initiative’ to lay the groundwork for reunification between South and North Korea. To make it come true;Silk Road Express(SRX)isthemostimportantbusinessthatcreatestherailwaynetworkamongthe Korean Peninsula;Asia and Europe. Furthermore;In September;2015;the president mentioned the necessity of unifying systems and practices different from those of the other countries to construct the network;saying that to standardize and simplify the system of customs clearance;quarantine inspection,immigrationmanagementandtransshipment is very important for securing stability and regular time. If an international freight train travels through majorborder stationsconnectedwithTKRwhenEurasian railways are connected with ours;therefore;some investigations should be carried out for the station work processes prompt and effective including freight and vehicles inspection and customs clearance. Finally;in this research;the standard prompt and effective freight handling procedures in border stations when international freight trains are operated by Eurasian railways are established through the researches for the current state of domestic and foreign work processes in border stations.

      • 국제철도화물 수출입 업무프로세스 정립

        배현옥(Hyun-Ok Bae),하오근(Oh-Keun Ha) 대한산업공학회 2017 대한산업공학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2017 No.4

        In October, 2013, Korea Government suggested ‘Eurasian Initiative’ to lay the groundwork for reunification between South and North Korea. To make it come true, Silk Road Express(SRX)isthemostimportantbusinessthatcreatestherailwaynetworkamongthe Korean Peninsula, Asia and Europe. Furthermore, In September, 2015, the president mentioned the necessity of unifying systems and practices different from those of the other countries to construct the network, saying that to standardize and simplify the system of customs clearance, quarantine inspection,immigrationmanagementandtransshipment is very important for securing stability and regular time. If an international freight train travels through majorborder stationsconnectedwithTKRwhenEurasian railways are connected with ours, therefore, some investigations should be carried out for the station work processes prompt and effective including freight and vehicles inspection and customs clearance. Finally, in this research, the standard prompt and effective freight handling procedures in border stations when international freight trains are operated by Eurasian railways are established through the researches for the current state of domestic and foreign work processes in border stations.

      • KCI등재

        유라시아경제연합과 실크로드경제벨트의 연결 가능성-경제협력의 기회와 장애-

        김영진 한국동북아경제학회 2019 동북아경제연구 Vol.31 No.2

        One of the important purposes of this paper is to examine the possibility of interaction between EAEU and SREB, and Russia and China, and to identify the potential and obstacles to the "connectivity" possibility of these two projects. Cooperation between EAEU and SREB is not only core condition for the success of the Eurasian Economic Union, but also a key to success of China’s Belt and Road Initiative. In particular, there are practical areas between the two initiatives to strengthen infrastructure and trade-related cooperation. The EAEU and the BRI, which are major influence-building projects in Russia and China, are focusing on the economic sector, but there are significant differences between the two. Russia is interested in building an exclusive sphere of influence in the post-Soviet space, and its goal is to strengthen its status as a great power. A key driver of these Russian projects is to achieve political superiority at the regional level. In comparison, China has adopted functionalist logic to focus on tangible economic achievements and increase its influence. A key element in the success of the cooperation between EAEU and SREB is the recognition of each other’s goals and jurisdictions while maintaining a low level of cooperation and expanding the areas and scope of possible cooperation. The link between EAEU and SREB can be found in Russia’s foreign policy goals and investigations of ‘return to East’, but this cannot be sufficient conditions for their cooperation. To practically advance cooperation between the two projects, it is to separate bilateral cooperation as much as possible from Russia’s foreign policy, which strongly advocates geopolitics. It is still hard to say for sure whether this can be achieved. In any event, the development of transport infrastructure across Eurasia could be severely limited if the cooperation between EAEU and SREB is not achieved.

      • 국제철도화물 수출입 업무프로세스 정립

        배현옥(Hyun-Ok Bae),하오근(Oh-Keun Ha) 한국경영과학회 2017 한국경영과학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2017 No.4

        In October, 2013, Korea Government suggested ‘Eurasian Initiative’ to lay the groundwork for reunification between South and North Korea. To make it come true, Silk Road Express(SRX)isthemostimportantbusinessthatcreatestherailwaynetworkamongthe Korean Peninsula, Asia and Europe. Furthermore, In September, 2015, the president mentioned the necessity of unifying systems and practices different from those of the other countries to construct the network, saying that to standardize and simplify the system of customs clearance, quarantine inspection,immigrationmanagementandtransshipment is very important for securing stability and regular time. If an international freight train travels through majorborder stationsconnectedwithTKRwhenEurasian railways are connected with ours, therefore, some investigations should be carried out for the station work processes prompt and effective including freight and vehicles inspection and customs clearance. Finally, in this research, the standard prompt and effective freight handling procedures in border stations when international freight trains are operated by Eurasian railways are established through the researches for the current state of domestic and foreign work processes in border stations.

      • KCI등재


        ?波(Tu, Bo),?迪(Liu, Di) 동북아시아문화학회 2020 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.64

        Since China’s the “Belt and Road” initiative came out in 2013, it has been widely concerned by the international community. The initiative welcomes many neighboring countries to “hitch a ride” and share this international public product. Especially in Korean Peninsula, although the initiative has not yet realized the docking, it has been widely studied by Korea academic circles. In 2017, President Moon Jaein successfully visited China, bringing the economic and trade exchanges between the two countries back on track. Also, the DPRK and the ROK successfully jointly participated in the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games, and achieved positive events such as Panmunjom talks and Moon’s visit to Pyongyang. The DPRK and the United States also held two talks, and Northeast Asia returned to the positive trend of peace and development. Under this background, it is time to study the strategic docking between China and South Korea through the “Belt and Road” initiative. Also, the academic circles of China and Korea are at a good time to expand exchanges and enhance dialogue in the theme of regional cooperation. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how the Korean academic circles studied the “Belt and Road”, and what characteristics these related papers have. This study collated the papers which are published in KCI, and analyzed the increasing studies in the academic circles in South Korea. It found that the Korean academic circles have a higher degree of internationalization, and they focused on the key words such as the “Belt and Road”, “China”, “AIIB”, Silk Road Economic Belt”, “Eurasian initiative”, “Xi Jinping”, “China dream” and “the twenty-first Century Maritime Silk Road”. These papers have already formed a certain aggregation effect, and Korean scholars have accepted the objective facts of the “Belt and Road”, and explained its influence on various Korea’s social fields through their research results. At the end of this paper, some suggestions are put forward to promote exchanges and cooperation between the academic circles of the two countries, and to promote the strategic docking between the relevant countries.

      • KCI등재

        미래 한반도 육로통관을 대비한 관세행정 지원방안 연구

        맹철규 한국관세학회 2019 관세학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        Since the Roadmap for the opening of the land transportation between South and North Korea through the "Eurasia Initiative" of the Park Geun-hye government and the subsequent railway connection to the continent has been presented, the current government’s New Roadmap of ‘Korean Peninsula New Economy’, a more specified plan after reunification between South and North Koreas, was presented. A series of summit meetings between North and South Korea and between North Korea and US are believed to increase the possibility for the reunification and the connection to the continent to Asia and Europe. Under the assumption of the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula, this paper envisions customs administrative supportive measures fort the facilitation of the trans-railways from Korean Peninsula to Asia and Europe in initial stage by way of enhancing the environment for inter-Korean logistics and reopening Gaeseong Industrial Complex. 2014년 정부의 「유라시아 이니셔티브」를 통해서 남북한 육로통관 개통과 그 이후 대륙으로의 철도연결 에 대한 로드맵이 제시된 이후, 현 정부가 2018년 구상한 「한반도 신경제지도」 로드맵을 통해서 중국・러 시아를 중심으로 한 대륙과의 물류시스템 연결계획이 좀 더 구체화 되었다. 최근 일련의 남북 및 북미정 상회담 개최는 한반도 평화통일을 앞당기는 데에 기여할 것으로 보이며, 이를 통해서 개성공단을 중심으 로 한 남북교역이 재개될 가능성이 증대되었고, 남북한 철도개통과 중국 및 러시아로 향하는 대륙횡단 철 도와의 연결도 앞당겨지게 될 가능성 또한 높아지게 되었다. 이처럼 철도 중심의 물류 운송 인프라가 설 립・개통되고 그 범위가 확대될 경우, 기존의 통관 및 관세행정은 변화된 수출입 물동량과 물류경로, 통관 범위와 지역 및 대상의 변화 등을 체계적으로 지원하기 위한 관세행정의 제도적 지원이 필요하게 될 것이 다. 이에 본 연구는 기존의 관세행정에 대하여 변화된 물류량과 경로, 교역대상국의 변화 등을 고려하여 제도적 차원에서 수정・보완・발전시켜야 할 분야를 연구하고 이를 토대로 정책적 제언을 하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        유라시아 이니셔티브와 푸틴의 신동방 정책: 권역별 에너지 협력을 중심으로

        이성규,윤익중 연세대학교 동서문제연구원 2014 동서연구 Vol.26 No.3

        Since 2000, no practical results for the regional energy cooperation in Northeast Asia have been yet realised although there have long been numerous discussion of energy cooperation in the region of Northeast Asia. Why is still not successful for the energy cooperation in the region? Are there more factors that we cannot consider yet? The main aim of this paper is to examine Russo-South Korean energy cooperation on the basis of Eurasian Initiative of President Park and Putin's New Eastern Policy. Simultaneously, this paper discusses how Russia and South Korea can establish the energy grid network in Northeast Asia at the sub-regional level which will enable it to develop into the Eurasian energy grid in the future. Ultimately, the paper argues that Russia and South Korea have to play a more leading role for the realisation of the regional energy cooperation in Northeast Asia in the near future which eventually enables to cooperate in the Eurasian continent. There are two primary reasons for this. First, at the present it is not possible to realise the Eurasian energy cooperation at the scale of whole region of Eurasia. Secondly, the Russian-South Korean energy cooperation is one of the most important factors at the sub-regional level among other sub-regions in the Eurasian continent. In this respect, Russia and South Korea must play a more leading role in establishing the energy grid of Eurasia and multi-lateral energy consultative bodies for further cooperation in the future. In other words, Russia and South Korea should develop not only new energy cooperation at the bilateral-level but also new paradigm for the regional energy cooperation which will be a turning point for the regional energy cooperation in Northeast Asia and the Eurasian continent in the future. 2000년 이후 동북아 지역 내 에너지 생산국과 소비국 간의 에너지 협력에 관한 수많은 구상과 논의는 아직까지 의미 있는 가시적인 성과를 도출해 내지 못하고 있다. 여전히 동북아 지역 내 에너지 협력이 부진한 이유는 무엇일까? 아직까지 동북아 지역 내 에너지 투자여건과 국가 간의 상호신뢰 수준을 고려할 때 단순히 에너지 프로젝트의 경제성이 낮기 때문일까? 아니면, 동북아 역내 에너지 협력은 경제성 이외의 다른 어떤 이유 또는 장애가 있는 것일까? 본 연구에서는 한-러 양국 간 에너지 협력을 2013년 가을 발표한 한국 박근혜 정부의 유라시아 이니셔티브와 러시아 푸틴 대통령의 신동방정책 추진 차원에서 고찰하고 동북아 에너지 그리드 구축을 유라시아 지역 내 '권역별 차원(sub-regional level)'에서 살펴보고자 한다. 본 연구에서는 한-러 양국이 동북아 에너지 협력의 주도적인 역할을 담당해야 한다고 주장한다. 왜냐하면, 첫째 현 단계에서 유라시아 에너지 협력은 지역 전체 차원에서 이루어지기 어렵기 때문이고, 둘째 한-러 에너지 협력이 유라시아 ‘권역별(sub-region)’ 에너지 협력 차원에서 가장 중요한 요소가 될 수 있기 때문이다. 결론적으로, 한-러 양국의 에너지 협력은 동북아 역내 에너지 협력으로, 그리고 궁극적으로 유라시아 에너지 협력으로 발전시킬 수 있는 핵심 원동력 역할을 하여야 한다. 즉, 한-러 양측은 권역별 유라시아 에너지 협력을 통하여 양자 간 에너지 협력 뿐 만이 아닌 동북아 지역 에너지 협력의 새로운 전기를 만들 수 있는 역할을 하여야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: Its role and place in the development of Eurasia

        Rashid Alimov 한양대학교 아태지역연구센터 2018 Journal of Eurasian Studies Vol.9 No.2

        This article analyses the role and place of the SCO in the development of interstate interaction in the Eurasian space, as well as the condition of and prospects for the main areas of multifaceted cooperation within the Organisation. The author further analyses the characteristics of the SCO partnership system as amodel of interstate interaction that can provide an institutional platform for broad regional economic cooperation within the context of the new realities of Eurasian development, the implementation of member states’ national development strategies, the linking of efforts to align integration processes within the EAEU, and the implementation of China’s One Belt, One Road initiative with the potential to form an overarching partnership between countries of Eurasia and the Asia-Pacific region.

      • 유라시아 관문도시, 부산의 성장동력 : 유라시아 관문권과 환동해를 중심으로

        최치국 한국시민윤리학회 2015 한국시민윤리학회보 Vol.28 No.2

        북한 핵 문제로 현 정부의 대외협력정책은 큰 변화가 예상된다. 한반도 신뢰프로세스를 기반으로 한 박근혜 대통령의 통 큰 제안인 ‘유라시아 이니셔티브’도 영향을 받게되었다. 하 지만 북한의 핵 문제는 한반도의 번영과 동북아 평화를 위해 반드시 해결될 것이다. 따라서 북한 핵 문제의 해결방안과 함께 극동지역의 대외정책 환경변화를 분석하고 대응전략을 지 속적으로 강구해나가야 한다. 특히 우리나라의 대외정책과 밀접한 중국의 ‘일대일로’ 정책에 대한 적극적인 대응은 불가피할 것이다. 이 연구는 이러한 관점에서 극동지역 국가의 대외정책을 검토하고, 국가와 지역차원의 대응전략을 마련하였다. 국가차원의 대외협력방안은 북한 핵 문제로 당분간 추진이 곤란할 것이므로 우선 지역 도시차원의 전략으로 환동해권 중심의 협력방안을 중점적으로 제시했 다. 특히 환동해권의 중심 도시권이자 유라시아 대륙과 해양을 연결하는 동남해안의 메갈로 폴리스 형성과 글로벌 해양경제권으로 발전방안은 지속되어야 할 것이다. The Korean Government’s cooperation and engagement policy with the North Korean Government is in jeopardy due to the North Korean nuclear issue. Nevertheless, The Eurasian Initiative, President Park Geun-hye’s grand plan for Korea to play an essential role as a central nation of Eurasia, not just as a central nation of Northeast Asia, should be sustained. In the long term, it is imperative to make policies to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue for the prosperity of the Korea Peninsula and world peace. For the same reason, the Korean Government should analyze and devise counter strategies for a rapidly changing state of affairs of Northeast Asia affected by the North Korean nuclear issue and state of affairs of Far Eastern region. This study examines cooperation and engagement policies of far eastern countries and provide counter strategies. Due to the North Korean nuclear issue, cooperation and engagement measures at a national level seem unlikely; therefore, cooperation measures at a city level must be carried out. It is necessary to develop Eurasia’s Gateway policies around Busan which is the central city of Pan East Asia and an intersection point that connects Eurasian continent to the sea.

      • KCI등재

        시진핑 시대 중국의 대외전략과 동북아 국제관계 -북,중 관계를 중심으로-

        이신욱 ( Sin Uck Lee ) 한국윤리교육학회 2016 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.40

        2015년 한반도를 둘러싼 동북아 정세는 어느 때 보다 복잡하게 전개되고 있다. 미국은 동북아에서 자국의 패권을 확보, 유지하기 위해 아시아 재균형 정책과 TPP를 전면에 내세우고 있고, 여기에 대응하여 중국은 신형대국관계와 일대일로, AIIB를 대외전략으로 추진하고 있다. 러시아는 극동에서 자국의 영향력 회복을 위해 신동방정책을 추진하고 북한과 협력을 통해 라진-하산 프로젝트를 진행 중에 있다. 북한의 김정은은 핵·경제 병진노선을 추진하고 있고, 핵개발로 인한 정치 경제적 고립에서 벗어나기 위해 러시아와의 새로운 협력을 진행 중이다. 이러한 동북아 정세의 미묘한 변화는 미일동맹과 한중 경제협력, 북러 에너지 협력 등 여러 측면에서 일어나고 있다. 한편 박근혜정부는 변화하는 동북아시대에 맞추어 한반도 신뢰프로세스와 유라시아 이니셔티브를 구상, 발전시키고 있다. 특히 한중 관계의 발전은 동북아 지역발전에 많은 시사점을 주고 있다. 중국의 새로운 발전전략인 일대일로와 유라시아 이니셔티브, 신동방정책의 결합은 동북아에 새로운 성장동력이 됨과 동시에 한국에게는 새로운 통일의 기회가 될 수 있음을 알 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 최근 동북아 정세분석을 통해, 시진핑 시대 중국의 대외전략을 분석한다. The Northeast Asian situation surrounding the Korean Peninsula has been complicated more than ever in 2015. The United States is pressing ahead with rebalancing policy and Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP) to secure and maintain its hegemony in the Northeast Asia. In response, China is pushing ahead with promotion of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB) as external strategy based on new superpower relationship and ``One Belt, One Road`` policy. Russia is moving ahead with its New East Policy to regain its influence in the Far East and proceeding with Rajin-Hasan project through cooperation with the North Korea. In the meantime, Kim Jung-eun of the North Koreas is pursuing two-track route of nuclear weapons development and economic growth. Specifically, North Korea is building new cooperative relationship with Russia to break out of political and economic isolation caused by its nuclear weapons development. Those subtle changes in Northeast Asian situation are unfolding in various aspects including US-Japan alliance, South Korea-China economic cooperation, and North Korae-Russia energy cooperation, etc. President Park Geun-hye``s Administration has envisioned and developed the Korean Peninsula Trust Process and Eurasian Initiative to keep pace with changing situations in this Northeast Asian era. Particularly, development of South Korea-China relations has many implications for regional development of Northeast Asia. The ``One Belt, One Road`` policy, the new strategy of China, Eurasia Initiative, and New East Policy, if combined, may help inject fresh momentum into the growth of the Northeast Asia and create new opportunities for reunification of two Koreas. Thus, we analyzed the strategies of China currently led by Xi Jinping, President of China and Communist Party Chief, through analytical investigation of situations in the Northeast Asia and furthermore, explore countermeasures mapped out by South Korea.

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