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        한국 장로교 정치원리와 그 실제

        PARK TAE HYEUN 한국복음주의실천신학회 2020 복음과 실천신학 Vol.54 No.-

        Church government is an order of divine right(jus divinum) that Christ as the king and head of church rules church Himself. Church government is necessary for both evangelism and salvation for people should be presented caused by human sins. A few features of the church government described presbyterian church order are as follows. Firstly, It is democratic in which sovereignty belongs to church members. Secondly, It is a representative government governed by elders. Thirdly, there is ministerial equality between teaching elder and ruling elder. Lastly, it has a principle of unity of the church as Christ's body which has three instances of a system in church courts. Church discipline, defined in the Westminster Confession of Faith, shows the independence and legitimacy of the Church government. The aim of Church discipline is spiritual and various means of discipline should be exercised “according to both character of sins and fault of a sinner.” Lastly, there are three points for reformation in the presbyterian church government in Korea. Firstly, the tri-trial system in church courts should be recovered. Secondly, the right understanding of the office of deacon should be regained. Thirdly, the right attitude towards the decisions of church meetings should be recognized. 교회정치란 신적 권세(jus divinum)의 질서로서 교회의 임금과 머리이신 그리스도께서 교회를 친히 통치하시는 정치이다. 교회정치가 필요한 까닭은 인간의 타락으로 인한 구원의 필요와 복음 전도의 필요 때문이다. 장로교 헌법에 제시된 교회정치의 특성은 첫째, 주권이 교인에게 있는 민주정치이며, 둘째, 장로들에 의한 대의정치(代議政治)이며, 셋째, 강도 장로와 치리 장로 사이의 교역의 동등성이며, 마지막으로 3심제의 치리회를 지님으로써 그리스도의 몸된 교회의 연합성의 원리를 지닌다. 웨스트민스터 신앙고백서가 제시하는 교회권징은 교회 통치권의 독립성과 합법성을 보여준다. 교회 권징의 목적은 영적인 것이며, 권징의 다양한 수단들은 “범죄의 성격과 죄인의 과실을 고려하여” 시행되어야 한다. 마지막으로 한국 장로교 정치에서 개혁이 필요한 사항은 세 가지이다. 첫째, 전통적인 치리회 3심제의 회복이 필요하다. 둘째, 집사의 직분에 대한 올바른 개념의 회복이 필요하다. 셋째, 치리회의 결정들에 대한 올바른 자세의 회복이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 장로교 정치원리와 그 실제

        박태현 한국복음주의실천신학회 2020 복음과 실천신학 Vol.54 No.-

        교회정치란 신적 권세(jus divinum)의 질서로서 교회의 임금과 머리 이신 그리스도께서 교회를 친히 통치하시는 정치이다. 교회정치가 필 요한 까닭은 인간의 타락으로 인한 구원의 필요와 복음 전도의 필요 때 문이다. 장로교 헌법에 제시된 교회정치의 특성은 첫째, 주권이 교인에 게 있는 민주정치이며, 둘째, 장로들에 의한 대의정치(代議政治)이며, 셋째, 강도 장로와 치리 장로 사이의 교역의 동등성이며, 마지막으로 3 심제의 치리회를 지님으로써 그리스도의 몸된 교회의 연합성의 원리를 지닌다. 웨스트민스터 신앙고백서가 제시하는 교회권징은 교회 통치권 의 독립성과 합법성을 보여준다. 교회 권징의 목적은 영적인 것이며, 권징의 다양한 수단들은“범죄의 성격과 죄인의 과실을 고려하여”시 행되어야 한다. 마지막으로 한국 장로교 정치에서 개혁이 필요한 사항 은 세 가지이다. 첫째, 전통적인 치리회 3심제의 회복이 필요하다. 둘 째, 집사의 직분에 대한 올바른 개념의 회복이 필요하다. 셋째, 치리회 의 결정들에 대한 올바른 자세의 회복이 필요하다. Church government is an order of divine right(jus divinum) that Christ as the king and head of church rules church Himself. Church government is necessary for both evangelism and salvation, for people should be presented caused by human sins. A few features of the church government described presbyterian church order are as follows. Firstly, It is democratic in which sovereignty belongs to church members. Secondly, It is a representative government governed by elders. Thirdly, there is ministerial equality between teaching elder and ruling elder. Lastly, it has a principle of unity of the church as Christ’s body which has three instances of a system in church courts. Church discipline, defined in the Westminster Confession of Faith, shows the independence and legitimacy of the Church government. The aim of Church discipline is spiritual and various means of discipline should be exercised “according to both character of sins and fault of a sinner.” Lastly, there are three points for reformation in the presbyterian church government in Korea. Firstly, the tri-trial system in church courts should be recovered. Secondly, the right understanding of the office of deacon should be regained. Thirdly, the right attitude towards the decisions of church meetings should be recognized.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회개발을 위한 교회의 참여와 협력

        장남혁(Jang, Nam-hyuck) 한국선교신학회 2008 선교신학 Vol.18 No.-

        Korean society has experienced a significant change during the last couple of decades. The importance of community life to the well-beings of the inhabitants has increased. A community is an area where inhabitants get together with other peoples. A community development is a process by which the inhabitants improve their leaderships to solve problems which are imminent to the people in the same area. The central government entrusts much of its job related to the social welfare to the local government. And the local government has to draw abundant resources from its community for the well-beings of the inhabitants. Korean churches are required to be involved in the process of community development. During last couple of decades, Korean churches have not been active in contributing to their communities. Nowadays people do not have positive opinions towards the Church. The younger generation especially has an anti-Christian attitude towards the Church. It tends to be very hard to evangelize the non-believers because of such bad reputation. To change this situation, Korean churches have to reconsider their responsibilities concerning their participation in their communities. Seoul Jangsin University is located in Kwang-ju, which is nearby Seoul. In comparison to neighboring cities around Seoul, Kwang-ju city is underdeveloped. That is because the government put many regulations to preserve drinking water for the people of Seoul area. When churches located in Kwang-ju city try to participate in the community development ministry, they have to understand the situations related to the welfare system. If they can cooperate with the local government, their services will be more effective and their influence more broad. CHE mission, a mission agency which has lots of experiences related to community development in an international scale, can help the local churches obtain much information and skill related to community development. The churches can cooperate with CHE Mission. In cooperation with CHE Mission, Seoul Jangsin University held a seminar for community development named “Salt and Light Training.” It is to prepare the leaders of the local churches with the necessary concepts and methods needed for community development. The purpose of the seminar is to facilitate the participation of the local churches in the process of community development in Kwang-ju. When the leaders of the local churches cooperate with the three sectors mentioned above, which are the local government, CHE Mission and Seoul Jangsin

      • KCI등재

        기독교학교의 조직과 경영에 있어서 교회의 역할 - 기독교학교를 설립한 교회를 중심으로 -

        홍창남,이종철 기독교학문연구회 2013 신앙과 학문 Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to examine the relation between ‘church as a founding institution’ and ‘school as a specialized agency’ in the organization and management of Christian schools. With the research results about school control system(governance) in educational administration, the church-founded Christian school officials interview data were analyzed. The results are as follows: First, the church and school, all members of the Christian make clear identity and goal of the school obviously and it must be shared. Founding ideals and the educational goals of sharing is the foundation and the starting point for cooperative governance of the church and school, Second, the independence of the education and the uniqueness of the school organization fully understand and guarantee. Educational unique properties inevitably requires a high degree of autonomy granted to the teacher. Third, with the utmost respect of the autonomy of educational experts, supporting system that they perform their jobs is needed. And the roles and cooperation of the church and the school should be systematized. In the field of Input, Process, Output, it is important to define their roles. and the relationship between the roles can outperform in the flow, so that should be institutionalized. In Input dimension such as faculty selection or a financial investment, the role and importance of the church to be strengthened. In Process dimension such as organization's operations and educational programs, the school's autonomy should be respected. And joint effort in trying to reduce uncertainty in the long-term perspective is needed in Ouput dimension. 본 연구의 목적은 교회가 설립한 기독교학교의 조직과 경영에 있어서, ‘설립 주체인 교회’와 ‘전문기관으로서의 학교’ 사이의 관계가 어떠해야 하는지를 살펴보는 것이다. 이를 위해 교육행정학 논의에서의 학교 통제 방식에 대한 연구 결과들과 함께, 교회가 설립한 기독교학교 관계자들의 면담 자료를 분석하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기독교학교의 정체성과 이념을 분명히 하고, 교회와 학교 구성원 모두가 그것을 공유해야 한다. 건학이념 내지 교육목표의 공유는 교회와 학교의 협력적 거버넌스 구축을 위한 토대이자 출발점이 된다. 둘째, 교육의 자주 성과 학교조직의 특수성을 충분히 이해하고 보장해야 한다. 교육이 지닌 독특한 속성은 불가피하게 교사에게 고도의 자율성을 부여하도록 요구한다. 셋째, 교육전문가들의 자율성을 최대한 존중하는 가운데 그들이 책임을 다하도록 지원시스템을 마련하는 것이 중요하다. 이를 위한 교회와 학교의 역할 분담과 협력을 시스템화해야 한다. 투입, 과정, 산출의 측면에서 각자의 역할을 규정하고 그러한 역할 관계들이 유기적인 흐름 속에서 성과를 낼 수 있도록 제도화해야 한다. 교직원 선발이나 재정 투자와 같은 투입 차원에서는 교회의 역할과 비중이 강화되어야 하고, 교육 프로그램 및 학교조직의 운영과 같은 과정 차원에서는 학교의 자율성이 존중되어야한다. 교육의 성과 측면에서는 장기적인 관점에서 불확실성을 줄여가려는 공동의 노력이 필요하다.

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