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      • KCI등재

        아라가야 수혈식석곽묘의 유형화를 통해본 신분질서

        최경규 ( Gyong Kyu Choi ) 동아시아문물연구학술재단 2012 文物硏究 Vol.- No.22

        가야제국에 대한 연구는 그간 김해의 금관가야와 고령의 대가야 중심의 연맹체적 해석으로 이루어져 왔으며, 이 때문에 아라가야에 대한 연구는 미흡한 실정이었다. 하지만, 아라가야의 중심고분군인 도항리고분군에는 4세기 중엽 이후에 대형 목곽묘가 조영되기 시작하고, 이어서 5세기 초엽~중엽에는 대형봉토고분의 매장주체부로 수혈식석곽묘가 축조되는데, 동시기 금관가야에 비해 탁월하며, 대가야와 비교해도 대등한 수준이다. 아라가야의 성장과 발전은 묘제의 변화과정에 나타나 있으며, 아라가야의 최전성기의 묘제인 수혈식석곽묘의 연구를 통해 당시 아라가야 발전기의 대외정세와 지배층의 모습을 파악할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 하지만, 그간의 연구경향은 유물중심의 편년연구가 대부분이었으며, 묘제는 목곽묘에서 횡혈식석실묘에 이르는 통시적인 연구경향이 강하였다. 따라서 본고에서는 아라가야 수혈식석곽묘를 중심으로 성장과 발전을 논하기 위해, 앞 시기의 목곽묘와 수혈식석곽묘를 관곽의 개념을 적용하여 유형화 작업을 시도하였다. 유형화 결과, 목곽묘와 수혈식석곽묘는 각각 4개의 유형으로 구분할 수 있었으며, 수혈식석곽묘의 상위위계인 Ⅰ·Ⅱ유형은 다시 규모, 순장형태, 부장유물의 질적 차이 등에 따라 Ⅰ유형은 3개의 소유형, Ⅱ유형은 2개의 소유형으로 세분할 수 있었다. 아라가야의 5세기 대 수혈식석곽묘 Ⅰ유형에는 순장이 시행되었으며, 마갑과 철제 갑주류 등의 상당한 위세품의 부장되었다. 이는 아라가야 성장의 외적표현이 수혈식석곽묘의 축조와 동시에 나타난 것을 말하는 것이다. 수혈식석곽묘 Ⅰ유형의 유형분화 양상은 아라가야의 王과 그 아래에 上·下旱岐층의 존재와 대응되는 것으로, 수혈식석곽묘의 유형화를 통해 파악된 지배층의 분화양상은 아라가야의 정치적 성장을 보여주는 중요한 고고학적 현상으로 파악된다. The research on the Gaya Empire has been interpreted as confederacies of the center of Geumgwan Gaya in Gimhae and Dae Gaya in Goryung, due to that, Ara Gaya has been lacking research. However Dohangri tombs which is center of Ara Gaya`s tombs started up construcitng the large wooden outer coffin since the middle of the 4th century and then the beginning of the 5th century, As the principal part of large fief of burial tumulus, stone - lined pit burial tomb was constructed. That is excellent compared to Geumgwan Gaya and is the same level compared to Dae Gaya. The growth an development of Ara Gaya appeared in the process of change of burial. By researching of the stone-lined pit burial which is the peak of Ara Gaya, 1 could look through the foreign situation and the ruling class of Ara Gaya in those days. However, the recent studies tend chronological study of the artifact-centric and the research of the burials have tendency to be diachronic study from wooden outer coffin to stone chamber tomb with tunnel entrance. Therefore in this paper, I tried to make typology by applying to the previous wooden outer coffin and stone-lined pit burial as the concept to coffin to discuss the growth and development of stone-lined pit burial in Am Gaya. As a result of typology, wooden outer coffin and stone-lined pit burial could be divided into 4 types,1,2 I, I II type of upper hierarchy in stone-lined pit burial tomb subdivided into two types, depending on the scale, the form of burial of the living with the dead, the qualifies of director`s remains: I type into three small types, II type into two small types stone-lined pit burial tomb I type in Ara Gaya in the 5th century was performing burial of the living with the dead and was buried with considerable prestige goods such as bard and iron armor. This is to say that the outward expression of Ara Gaya growth appeared simultaneously with the construction of stone-lined pit burial tomb. The differentiation type of stone-lined pit burial tomb is corresponding to the presense of king(王) of Ara Gaya and the below strata(上-下旱岐層). At last, the differentiation of the elites through the typology of stone-lined pit burial tomb is realized important archaeological phenomenon which was showing the political grow go Ara Gaya.

      • KCI우수등재

        창녕지역 횡구식 석곽의 축조 방법과 출현 배경

        강승규 한국고고학회 2019 한국고고학보 Vol.0 No.113

        The horizontal entrance style tombs used during the initial stage in Changnyeong, unlike stone chamber tombs, were based on notions of ‘sacrificial burial’ and ‘generous burial style,’ having the basic structure of an elongated rectangle-shaped stone-lined tomb. Indeed, actual cases of additional burial are rarely found, except for a few in the later periods. This fact clearly demonstrates that the notion of this tomb differed fundamentally from that of the stone chamber tomb. It suggests that the ‘horizontal entrance style tomb’, distributed around the Gyo-dong and Songhyeon-dong burial sites in Changnyeong, was best suited to ‘stone-lined tombs with horizontal entrances’. The appearance of the ‘stone-lined tomb with horizontal entrance’ seems to have been influenced by the stone chamber tombs of the Goguryeo or Baekje kingdoms, which appeared earlier. However, although a large number of ancient tombs in Changnyeong were investigated until recently, archaeological data relating to Goguryeo and Baekje have been hardly found. In addition, differences with the stone chamber tomb can also be observed in terms of ancient tomb construction. In particular, it has been repeatedly confirmed that no additional burials were undertaken. This study investigated the process of constructing a stone-lined tomb with horizontal entrance to identify the actual purpose and function of the horizontal entrance. This eventually made it possible to deduce how a stone-lined tomb with horizontal entrance appeared and spread in the Changnyeong region. As a result of comprehensive investigation on the process of constructing a stone-lined tomb with a horizontal entrance, it is judged that a lateral entrance facility (or a horizontal entrance) for stone-lined tombs was designed for the efficient construction of large stone-lined tombs, as well as to function as a ‘work passage’ in the actual construction process. Consequently, based on the above reasoning of how the stone-lined tomb with horizontal entrance style appeared, its appearance can also be seen to have been closely related to the appearance of ancient tombs with huge burial mounds and huge burial facilities. The stone-lined tomb with horizontal entrance spread through the interactions of adjacent groups, which was mediated by the Nakdong River and its tributaries.

      • KCI등재후보

        백제 금동관모출토 무덤의 검토

        이남석(Lee Nam-Seok) 한국고대학회 2007 先史와 古代 Vol.26 No.-

          금동관모의 중요성은 소유자의 사회, 정치적 위계를 가늠할 수 있는 유물이란 점이다. 최근 백제지역의 고고학 조사 증가와 함께 동시다발적으로 발견된 다량의 금동관모 자료는 이를 통하여 백제사에 대한 폭넓은 이해를 도모할 수 있다는 점에서 커다란 의미를 부여할 수 있을 것이다. 특히 이들은 모두가 백제의 지방사회에서 발견되었고, 유적 자체가 수장급에 해당되는 무덤이란 공통점이 있으면서 각각의 유적은 지역차이를 반영할 수 있는 차별적 속성도 드러내고 있다. 나아가 이들은 대체로 4세기-5세기대를 벗어나지 않는다는 시간적 공통성도 있다.<BR>  본고는 이처럼 백제사 해명에 커다란 관건을 지닌 금동관모 이해의 전제로 이를 출토한 유적인 분묘를 검토하기 위하여 마련하였다. 논의는 금동관모를 출토한 분묘가 포함된 유적의 환경을 개관하고, 동반유물 및 금동관모의 내용을 정리하여 그에 대한 종합적 현황을 고찰하였으며, 나아가 금동관모가 출토된 무덤의 묘제 특징을 정리하여 그것이 백제의 묘제환경에서 어떤 위상을 갖는가를 가늠한 다음에 각 분묘의 피장자가 어떤 성격의 인물인가를 유추하여 보았다.<BR>  백제의 금동관모 및 관식이 출토된 유적은 나주 신촌리 9호분을 필두로 무령왕릉, 익산 입점리 1호 석실분, 천안 용원리의 9호 석곽묘, 공주 수촌리의 1호 토광묘와 4호 석실분, 그리고 부장리 5호 분구묘, 고흥의 안동 석곽묘를 꼽을 수 있다. 이중에서 무령왕릉만 관식이 출토되고 나머지는 금동관모가 출토되었는데 도읍지와 지방, 그리고 6세기대와 5세기대라는 차이를 지적할 수 있지만 금동관모는 대체로 4세기말에서 5세기대의 유물임을 지적할 수 있다. 그리고 금동관모가 출토된 유적은 모두 고분군으로 토광묘와 분구 옹관묘, 분구 토광묘, 석곽묘, 석실분이란 묘제구분이 가능하다. 이들을 백제의 묘제 범주에서 보면 지방사회의 고유전통을 간직한 토착묘제가 대부분이지만 석실분처럼 신래의 묘제도 있다. 다만 각각의 금동관모가 출토된 무덤은 지방의 고유전통을 간직한 묘제환경에서 벗어나지 않는 특징이 있다. 비록 석실분처럼 새로운 묘제가 사용되었다 하더라도 토착의 전통환경에 바탕을 두면서 새로운 묘제를 수용하였음이 확연하게 나타난다. 결국 이러한 현황은 금동관모를 출토한 무덤들은 모두 백제 지방사회에서 널리 사용되었던 묘제환경에서 벗어나지 않았다는 것을 알게 하고, 나아가 이는 금동관모의 소유자인 피장자가 그 지방에 뿌리를 둔 토착세력인 것을 단적으로 보여주는 것으로 결론된다.   The historical significance of the Golden Crowns of the Baekje Dynasty lies in the fact that these crowns allow a researcher to approximate the social or political status of its owner with a high degree of certainty. The current boom in archaeological research of Baekje"s history and the simultaneous accumulation of research materials regarding the Golden Crowns are both positive trends that compliment our understanding of Baekje"s history. It is interesting that each and every Golden Crown was discovered in Baekje"s rural society and that while every one of these tombs had the common purpose of burying only the authorities who were of higher status than the provincial chief, each body was buried according to local ancestral rites. Another noteworthy fact is that the graves, artifacts, and the Golden Crowns all dated back to the 4th and 5th century.<BR>  Based upon this understanding of the importance of these Golden Crowns, this research aims to evaluate the relation between the central government and the owners of the crowns by making a thorough analysis of the tombs themselves. And by systematically organizing all information regarding the setting and background of the tombs,the Golden Crowns, and all other relevant articles, this research provides a general understanding of burial sites. It also evaluates the characteristics of the ancestral rites used for the burials in order to unearth various clues that might reveal the social/political status of the body.<BR>  Archaeologists discovered artifacts from the following locations: Najoo Shinchonli tomb site number 9, the tomb of King Mooryung, Iksan Ipjumli stone chamber tombs site number 1, Cheonan Yongwonli stone-lined tombs site number 9, Gongju Soochonli Pit tombs tomb site number 1 and stone chamber tomb site number 4, Boojangli burial mound number 5, and the stone tomb of Goheung located in the city of Andong. Gold ornaments that were used to decorate the tomb itself were discovered only in the burial site of King Mooryung, while Baekje"s Golden Crowns were discovered in all of the other tombs. Some of the crowns were located in populous areas near the capital while others were found in the rural provinces. Some were found to be 5th century works of art while others dated back to the 6th century. The tombs were classified into tombs of baked earth, burial stone vases, burial pit tombs, stone-lined tombs, and stone camber tombs, each with its own ancestral burial rites. Overall, we can see that Baekje buried their dead according to regional style, but we can also glimpse its use of modern tombs such as the stone chambertomb. Likewise, even though the burial grounds in which the Golden Crowns were discovered did not differ much in style from its traditional heritage, the Baekjae burial culture also exhibited the flexibility to receive and apply modern versions as well. But nevertheless, the tombs were an inherent part of the provincial culture. Upon this assumption, we can presume that the owners of the Golden Crowns were authorities whose roots were based in regional and provincial power.

      • KCI등재

        경기지역 고려 분묘 조성의 확대와 사후관

        전경숙 한국중세사학회 2015 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.41

        The study examined the change of tomb of Goryeo focusing on stone lined tomb pit burial and conjectured the view of the after-death by reviewing features of tomb relics. There were 38 excavation reports of Goryeo tomb in Gyeonggi. By region, it includes Yongin(8), Hwaseong(5), Pyeongtaek(5), Anseong(3), Goyang, Paju, Ansan, Yeoju and Hanam (2) and Namyangju, Yangju, Osan, Uiwang, and Seongnam(1). It was total 286 including 76 stone lined tomb, 200 pit burials, 1 ja burial, 8 coffin wood and 1 stone coffin. The tomb of Goryeo was enacted at the first year of reign of King Gyeongjong and was complete at the 37th year of reign of King Munjong. And the size of tomb for the Commoners’ Class was added. In principle, burial was the ordinary method of disposal of dead body and tomb was not only for a specific class. But, since the reign of King Seongjong, those who constructed tombs and performed rite sincerely were given the official hierarchy, and tombs were constructed for many war dead and defense troops during the war against the Jurchen at the reign of King Munjong other than noble hierarchy. Therefore, tomb size regulation was complete in order to ensure the discrimination of the laity against the noble hierarchy. The Commoners’ Class seems to be the class of Paekjong who resided in Gunhyeon, paid tax and services and had no barrier for official posts. At the mid-Goryeo period, huge death took place due to natural disaster, 122 한국중세사연구 제41호epidemics and battles against the Jurchen. The disposition of the dead had to be made by the national level, and the Commoners’ Class was in a condition of developing tombs. As the condition of the time was not sufficient economically for cremation or stone lined tomb, it seems that pit burial was selected for easy construction with less finance. Meanwhile, Buddhism that engaged in the ritual during Goryeo deeply came to be away from the desire of the Commoners’ Class due to its strong noble Buddhism trend after the mid-Goryeo period. At the later Goryeo period, a new introduction of Confucianism led to vitalize the construction of pit burial. Tomb relics were combination of pottery, porcelain, bronze implement, and iron implement after the mid-Goryeo period which continued to the later Goryeo period. Relics such as coins and sickles were for invocation of safe protection of the dead and bowl was for the remembering the way to the other world by offering food. And, relics that were favorite goods of the dead were buried together in order to separate the space between the dead and the living.

      • KCI등재

        영남지역 장방형 수혈식석곽과 봉분 구축 공법

        홍보식(Hong Bo sik) 중부고고학회 2017 고고학 Vol.16 No.1

        본 논문은 삼국시대 영남지역에 분포한 중심 고분군의 대형 수혈식석곽 중 평면형태가 장방형인 수혈식석곽의 사용 석재 및 구축기술의 공통적 특징, 그리고 단위 고분군의 사용 석재와 석곽 및 봉분 구축 기술의 특징을 구명하고자 하였다. 분석 결과 장방형 수혈식석곽은 뚜껑 또는 뚜껑 및 봉분의 하중압으로부터 석곽 벽체가 앞뒤로 밀려나지 않도록 벽체 뒷부분에 돌과 점토 또는 돌을 뒷채움 하였고, 내면에는 벽체에 밀착하여 목곽을 설치하였다. 목곽은 주검과 부장품을 격납하는 시설임과 동시에 상부 하중압에 의해 벽체가 밀려나지 않도록 지지하는 기능을 하였다. 그리고 사용 석재의 종류와 강도 차이에 의해 단위 지역마다 석곽의 구축 위치와 높이, 뚜껑 상면에서 분정부까지의 봉분 높이 등에 차이가 존재하였다. 이 지역적 차이는 벽체 및 뚜껑에 사용한 석재가 재하하중에 견디는 강도의 차이가 결정적 요인으로 작용하였는데, 사용 석재의 특성을 인지하고, 석곽의 안정과 견고 및 고분의 과시성을 높이기 위해 다양한 토목공법이 적용되었음이 확인되었다. 이 연구를 통해 삼국시대의 고총고분은 당시 사람들의 경험과 기술, 자연 조건, 획득 가능한 재료, 건축・토목 지식 등이 복합된 구조물임을 새롭게 인식하는 계기가 되었다. This study analyzed stone-lined pit burial tombs of the Three Hans Period in Yeongnam region whose horizontal plan forms rectangular shape to examine their building materials, stone chamber and grave mound building techniques. This analyzation process will help us specify the common characteristics of construction techniques, type of stone materials, building method of stone chambers and grave mounds of rectangular-shaped stone-lined pit burial tombs. The research found out that rectangular-shaped stone-lined pit burial tombs were solidly built by backfilling outside of the walls with trimmed stones and clay and by attaching the woapen coffins closely to the walls. These techniques were applied to avoid collapsing of the walls caused by the heavy weight of the grave mound and cover stones or the loading pressure of grave mounds. Woapen chambers which housed dead bodies and funerary objects have an additional function to prevent the walls from being pushed out by the loading pressure of the grave mounds. The study also revealed that the location and the height of stone chambers, and the length of the grave mounds from the cover stones to the top of the mounds vary according to the types and strength of bedrocks located in each unit area. These regional differences in building techniques were mainly derived from the diverse types of stone materials, more specifically, the stone materials’ strength to stand the loading weight of the entire stone walls. On the basis of this acknowledgment about the characteristics of stone materials, people of the period applied various civil engineering techniques to enhance the conspicuousness of the tumulus as well as to improve stability and solidity of stone chambers. This study gave us an opportunity to convert a way of thinking on relationship between human experiences and techniques, natural conditions, attainable materials and natural science knowledge.

      • KCI등재

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