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      • KCI등재

        러시아어 화자가 발음한 한국어 파찰음의 음향·음성학적 특징

        최영미 한말연구학회 2019 한말연구 Vol.- No.51

        This study analyses how Russian speakers produce Korean affricative acoustically and phonetically, in comparison with the sound production of Korean native speakers. Focusing on why Russian speakers made pronunciation errors in a particular way, we made an experimental comparison of two different kinds of Korean affricative produced by Russian speakers and Korean native speakers. For our experiment, the voice onset time of closure and fricative at the Word-initial position and pitch value of the following vowel were measured. The closer duration, the voice onset time of closure and fricative, and the pitch value of the following vowel were also measured and computed at the word-medial position. By contrasting the pronunciation of 10 Russian speakers with 10 Korean native speakers, we have drawn the following results: Of all the affricative that Russian speakers produced, the feature of aspiration /ㅊ/ was similar to that of Korean native speakers except that the voices onset time of the sound was extremely long in the word-initial position and the word-medial position. But on the other hand, when Russian speakers pronounced /ㅈ/, they tended to have short voices onset times and to pronounce it with a voiced sound. So it appears that the Russian speakers pronounce a lenis affricative /ㅈ/ like a fortis affricative /ㅉ/. When the Russian speakers pronounced /ㅉ/ in word-medial position, they showed a strong tendency to pronounce it as voiceless affricative We contend that these pronunciation errors by Russian speakers are caused by the different phonological system. That is, unlike Korean affricative system, there are only two distinctive consonants in Russian affricate system; thus, when Russian speakers pronounce a lenis affricative /ㅈ/, they perceive it as having [+constricted glottis] in a lenis affricative /ㅈ/.

      • KCI등재

        <언어,교육> : 수수동사 “くれる,くださる”에 관한 고찰 -에도기부터 다이쇼기의 작품속의 여성화자의 사용례를 중심으로-

        양정순 ( Jung Soon Yang ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2013 비교문화연구 Vol.31 No.-

        This study aims to know word forms and usages according to personal relationships of ``KureruㆍKudasaru`` by analyzing dialogues of female speakers. Novels of the Meiji period when there were attempts of a language revolution were mainly used for this study as well as novels of Edo period and the taisho Period. First, the number of examples according to gender differences in the novels was as follows. In case of ``Kureru``, female speakers showed a high usage rate in the novels of the Edo period. ``Kureru`` was mostly connected with female languages such as ``Naharu``, ``Namasu``, ``Nansu``. These expressions were not used in the novels of the Meiji Period and the Taisho Period. Although ``Okureru`` and ``Okurenasaru`` were used in the novels of the Meiji Period, the number of examples of ``Kureru`` by female speakers was decreased in the novels of the Meiji Period and the Taisho Period. ``Kudasaru`` was predominantly used by female speakers. Especially, female speakers used clearly to show vertical relationships in the novels of the Edo Period and 『Doseishoseikatagi』of Meiji 10s. After 『Ukigumo』, the usage rate of female speakers was decreased but the usage rate of male speakers was increased. Gender differences became gradually smaller. Female speakers in the novels were increased from geisha and relatives such as wife, sister, mother and children to young women, teacher and student. Aspects of benefactive verbs` used clearer and more typical expressions according to vertical relationships and gender differences in the novels of The Edo Period than the novels of The Meiji Period and the Taisho Period. In the novels of the Meiji Period, female speakers in a sophisticated social group used benefactive verbs to show respect and concern for the other person according to their areas of outside activities. In the novels of the Meiji Period, female speakers used ``Okureru`` when the other person was younger than them and was socially and psychologically close to them. Also, ``O~Nasaru`` which was one of respect expressions was used by female speakers. Female speakers used it to older people in the Edo period but they also used it to younger people in the Meiji Period. Examples were not shown in the novels of the Taisho period. Usages of ``Kureru`` ``Kudasaru`` according to vertical relationships were as follows. If ``a giver`` was an older person, ``Kureru`` in the novels of the Edo Period. However, many examples of ``Kudasaru`` were shown on the novels of the Meiji Period and the Taisho period. In the novels of the Meiji period, ``Okureru`` and ``Okurenasaru`` which were expressions included in ``Kureru`` were shown. Female speakers used them to older people who were socially and psychologically close to them like family. There were not many examples of ``a giver`` and ``a receiver`` around the same age. However, ``Kureru`` and ``Okureru`` were used in a yonger group and ``Kudasaru`` was used in an older group in the novels of the Meiji Period. If ``a giver`` was an younger person, ``Kureru`` was mainly used in the novels of the Edo period and 『Doseishoseikatagi』in Meiji 10s. However, ``Kudasaru`` was used many times in the novels of the latter Meiji Period and the Taisho Period.

      • KCI등재

        日韓接触場面における緩和表現の使用様相 - 発話機能との関連を中心に -

        NAGASHIMANORIKO 한국일어교육학회 2020 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.53

        本稿は発話の強度を和らげる表現、即ち「緩和表現」に着目し、日本語母語話者と日本語非母語話者 (韓国語母語話者)が相手の言語で書いた作文を推敲する際の接触場面の会話において、両者の緩和表 現の用い方にどのような共通点及び相違点があるのかを発話機能と関連付けて比較・分析した。 その結果、緩和表現の使用は発話内容に影響されることが明らかになった。「提供」に関する発話機能 においては、日本語母語話者の発話と日本語非母語話者の発話ともに緩和表現の出現率が最も高く、 その差も大きかった。更に、「提供」に関する発話機能を詳細に分析した結果、同じ「提供」に関する発話 機能でも「意見提供」において日本語母語話者の発話と日本語非母語話者の発話間の緩和表現の出現率 の差が大きく、日本語非母語話者が日本語母語話者に意見を伝える際に、断定的な物言いによって日 本語母語話者が押し付けがましく感じる可能性があることが示唆された。また、相手の発話の意味や 意図を確認する発話機能である「内容確認」に限っては、日本語非母語話者のほうが緩和表現の出現率 が高かった。これは日本語非母語話者が相互理解の不成立を言語的な主導権を握る日本語母語話者に ソフトに伝えることで、日本語母語話者と良好な関係を維持しながら相互理解を成立させようという 姿勢の表れではないかと推察される。 このように緩和表現の使用を発話機能と関連付けたことで、どのような発話をする際に緩和表現が 多く使われるのか、そして日本語母語話者と日本語非母語話者間で緩和表現の使い方に差が出るのは どのような発話なのかを把握することが可能になった。 The study focuses on expressions that soften the intensity of utterances, that is, “hedges”, and compares and analyzes the differences in the use of hedges in the contact situations between native Japanese speakers and non-native Japanese speakers (native Korean speakers) in associating with functions of utterance. The result shows that the appearance rate of hedges in the functions of utterance related to “providing” was the highest for both in the utterances of native Japanese speakers and in one of non-native Japanese speakers. It also shows that the difference in the appearance rate of hedges between them was large. Furthermore, the result of detailed analysis shows the difference in the appearance rate of hedges was largest in between the utterances of native Japanese speakers and one of non-native speakers in “providing opinions”. This suggests that native Japanese speakers might be offended by straightforward expressions when non-native Japanese speakers tell their own opinion to native Japanese speakers. In addition, only in the utterances concerning “confirmation of contents” that confirm the intention of utterances, the appearance rate of hedges was higher in the utterances of non-native Japanese speakers. It is presumed that non-native Japanese speakers try to establish mutual understanding by a soft manner of communication. By associating the use of hedges with functions of utterance, it has become possible to understand in what kind of utterances hedges are often used and what kind of utterances make a difference between native Japanese speakers and non-native Japanese speakers in the use of hedges.

      • KCI우수등재

        Effects of Pitch on the Perception of English Stress by Japanese Speakers

        Young Hee Chung(정영희) 한국언어학회 2016 언어 Vol.41 No.2

        Effects of pitch on the perception of English stress by Japanese speakers were investigated in this paper. For the purpose, an English stress perception experiment was conducted on Japanese speakers. The results of the experiment showed that Japanese speakers had little difficulty identifying stress if the stressed syllable had higher pitch than the unstressed one, whereas they had a lot of difficulty if the stressed syllable had lower pitch than the unstressed one. The Japanese speakers’ dependency on pitch in stress perception is argued to be due to the effects of the prosodic system of the Japanese language, which uses pitch at the lexical level. Next, Japanese speakers were compared to Seoul Korean, North Kyungsang Korean and Chinese speakers in English stress perception. Japanese speakers did not show signigicant difference from Chinese speakers in pitch dependency. However, they depended less on pitch than North Kyunsgang Korean speakers, while depended more on pitch than Seoul Korean speakers.

      • KCI등재

        중국인 화자가 발화한 한국어 파찰음의 음향음성학적 특성

        레이레이(Lei, Lei),김영주(Kim, Youngjoo) 한국음운론학회 2010 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.16 No.3

        This study generally analyses Chinese speakers’ production of Korean affricates acoustically and phonetically, compared with Korean native speakers. Aiming at finding the reasons why Chinese speakers make pronouncing errors in a certain way, this essay creates an experimental comparison of the two different kinds of Korean affricates produced by Chinese speakers and Korean native speakers. In the experiment, the voice onset time of closure and frication at the word-initial position and pitch value of the following vowel are measured; at the wordmedial position, closure duration, voice onset time of closure and frication, and pitch value of the following vowel are also measured or computed. By contrasting the pronunciation of 45 Chinese speakers and 14 Korean native speakers, the conclusion was drawn as follow: in all the affricates that Chinese speakers produced, the characteristics of fortis /ᄍ/ and aspiration /ᄎ/ were similar with those which Korean native speakers phonated. However, when Chinese pronounced /ᄌ/ and /ᄎ/, there is tendency to have a high pitch value, which was distinguishing from Korean native speakers. The study assumed that errors were caused by the different phonological system. Since there are two distinctive consonants instead of three in Mandarin affricate system, Chinese speakers are tend to be more sensitive to the existence of aspiration, which is also the primary feature to recognize affricates when pronouncing them.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of Pitch on the Perception of English Stress by Japanese Speakers

        정영희 한국언어학회 2016 언어 Vol.41 No.2

        Chung, Young Hee. 2016. Effects of Pitch on the Perception of English Stress by Japanese Speakers. Korean Journal of Linguistics, 41-2, 341-358. Effects of pitch on the perception of English stress by Japanese speakers were investigated in this paper. For the purpose, an English stress perception experiment was conducted on Japanese speakers. The results of the experiment showed that Japanese speakers had little difficulty identifying stress if the stressed syllable had higher pitch than the unstressed one, whereas they had a lot of difficulty if the stressed syllable had lower pitch than the unstressed one. The Japanese speakers’dependency on pitch in stress perception is argued to be due to the effects of the prosodic system of the Japanese language, which uses pitch at the lexical level. Next, Japanese speakers were compared to Seoul Korean, North Kyungsang Korean and Chinese speakers in English stress perception. Japanese speakers did not show signigicant difference from Chinese speakers in pitch dependency. However, they depended less on pitch than North Kyunsgang Korean speakers, while depended more on pitch than Seoul Korean speakers. (Sejong University)

      • KCI등재

        중국인 한국어 중급 학습자의 어두 성문 마찰음에 대한 음향음성학적 연구

        쉬진위엔,남영자 어문연구학회 2024 어문연구 Vol.119 No.-

        중국인 한국어 학습자는 원어민 한국어 화자와 같이 한국어 자음을 발음하는데 어려움이 있다는 것은 익히 알려진 바 있으나 아직까지 중국어 화자의 한국어 성문 마찰음 /ㅎ/에 대한 발음 양상에 대해 알려진 바는 적다. 본 연구는 중국인 한국어 중급 학습자와 원어민 한국어 화자가 음절 어두에서 발화한 성문 마찰음 /ㅎ/에 대한 음향적 특징을 고찰하였다. /ㅎ/의 음향적 자질은 /ㅎ/ 마찰길이 및 강도, 무게중심, 후행모음의 음높이와 강도, 그리고 전체 음절 길이와 관련하여 통계 분석을 실시하였다. 통계 분석 결과 /호, 후, 헤/의 /ㅎ/ 마찰길이, /하, 호, 후, 헤/의 /ㅎ/ 강도, /하, 호, 후, 헤/의 무게중심, 그리고 /호, 후, 헤/의 후행모음의 강도에 있어서 원어민 한국어 화자와 비원어민 중국어 화자 간에 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 가령 /호, 후, 헤/의 경우 중국어 화자의 /ㅎ/ 마찰길이는 한국어 화자에 비해 유의미하게 긴 것으로 나타났다. 또한 /하, 호, 후, 헤/의 경우 중국어 화자는 /ㅎ/ 강도는 한국어 화자에 비해 유의미하게 강한 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 이러한 차이는 후행모음에 따라 다르게 나타났기도 한다. 가령 한국어 화자는 후행모음이 /ㅗ/일 때 마찰길이가 가장 짧은 반면 중국어 화자는 /ㅔ/일 때 가장 짧은 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 중국어 화자는 한국어 /ㅎ/을 강한 기식성을 가진 연구개 마찰음으로 발화하는 경향이 있었다. 특히 이런 양상은 /후/에서 뚜렷하게 관찰되었다. 전반적으로 이러한 결과는 중국어 화자의 발음 양상은 중국어 마찰음 /h/의 음향음성학적 속성을 반영하고 있음을 시사한다. 더하여 이러한 발음 양상은 중국어의 /h/를 발음할 때의 조음 양상과 그것의 변이음의 음향음성학적 특성이 한국어 음소 /h/를 발화할 때 영향을 미치고 있음을 제시하는 것으로 보인다. It is well-known that Chinese learners of Korean have difficulty producing native-like Korean consonants, little is known about Chinese speakers’ pronunciation patterns of Korean glottal fricative consonant /h/. This study examined the acoustic characteristics of pronunciation of the Korean /h/ in syllable-initial positions in intermediate Chinese learners of Korean and native Korean speakers. The acoustic properties of /h/ productions were statistically analyzed with respect to the duration, intensity, and center of gravity of fricative noise portion, the pitch and intensity of the following vowels, and the entire syllable duration. The results of statistical analysis showed that there were significant differences between non-native Chinese speakers and native Korean speakers in terms of fricative noise duration for /ho, hu, hɛ/, /h/ intensity for /ha, ho, hu, hɛ/, center of gravity for /ha, ho, hu, hɛ/, and following vowel intensity for /ho, hu, hɛ/. For instance, with respect to for /ho, hu, hɛ/, the frication duration of /h/ was significantly longer for Chinese speakers than Korean speakers. In addition, with respect to for /ha, ho, hu, hɛ/, the intensity of /h/ was significantly stronger for Chinese speakers than Korean speakers. However, the results also showed that such differences between two language groups varied depending on the following vowels. For instance, the frication duration was shortest when the following vowel was /o/ in native Korean speakers, whereas the frication duration was shortest when the following vowel was /ɛ/ in Chinese speakers. The results also revealed that Chinese speakers tended to realize the Korean glottal fricative as various velar fricatives with strong aspiration. This pattern was particularly evident for the Korean /hu/. Overall, these results suggest that Chinese speakers’ pronunciation patterns reflect the acoustic-phonetic characteristics of the Chinese fricative /h/. Moreover, these results suggest that the articulatory implementation patterns for native Chinese /h/ and its allophonic variants affect the pronunciation of non-native Korean phoneme /h/.

      • KCI등재

        한국인과 미국인이 발화한 영어전설모음의 상대적 거리 비교

        양병곤(Yang, Byunggon) 한국음성학회 2013 말소리와 음성과학 Vol.5 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to examine the relative distances among English front vowels in a message produced by 47 Korean and American speakers in order to better instruct pronunciation skills of English vowels for Korean English learners. A Praat script was developed to collect the first and second formant values(F1 and F2) of eight words in each sound file which was recorded from an internet speech archive. Then, the Euclidean distances were measured between the three vowel pairs: [i-?], [i-?], and [?-æ]. The first vowel pair [i-?] was set as the reference from which the relative distances of the other two vowel pairs were measured in percent in order to compare the vowel sounds among speakers of different vocal tract lengths. Results show that F1 values of the front vowels produced by the Korean and American speakers increased from the high front vowel to the low front vowel wih differences among the groups. The Korean speakers generally produced the front vowels with smaller jaw openings than the American speakers did. Secondly, the relative distance of the high front vowel pair [i-?] showed a significant difference between the Korean and American speakers while that of the low front vowel pair [?-æ] showed a non-significant difference. Finally, the Korean speakers in the higher proficiency level produced front vowels with higher F1 values than those in the lower proficiency level. The author concluded that Korean speakers should produce the front high vowels distinctively by securing sufficient relative distance of the formant values. Further studies would be desirable to examine how strong the Korean speakers’ English proficiency correlate with the relative distance of target words of comparable productions.

      • KCI등재

        An Acoustic Study on English Tense-Lax Vowel Pairs Produced by Chinese and Korean Speakers

        이건화,이숙향 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2017 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.18 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to compare the spectral and temporal characteristics of English tense and lax vowels produced by Chinese and Korean speakers. 10 Chinese and 10 Korean speakers served as subjects and read 3 pairs of words heed/hid/-hid/hɪd/, had/hæd/-head/hɛd/, who’d/hud/-hood/hʊd/ 3 times. The first two formants and vowel duration were measured. The results showed that Chinese speakers differentiated tense-lax vowel pairs mainly with temporal characteristics while Korean speakers mostly with spectral characteristics. With respect to spectral characteristics, Chinese speakers tended to differentiate tense from lax vowels in some pairs with the difference only in F1 while Korean speakers did with difference both in F1 and F2. Both Chinese and Korean speakers had difficulty in differentiating /u/ from /ʊ/. With respect to temporal characteristics, Chinese speakers differentiated the tense from lax vowels in all three vowel pairs while Korean speakers distinguished only in /i-ɪ/ but not in /æ-ɛ/ and /u-ʊ/ pairs. L1 negative transfer was suggested as one of the factors for the results that Chinese and Korean speakers did not use all the spectral and temporal features in tense vs. lax vowel contrast in English.

      • KCI등재

        An Acoustic Study on English Tense-Lax Vowel Pairs Produced by Chinese and Korean Speakers

        Li, Jian Hua(이건화),Lee, Sook Hyang(이숙향) 원광대학교 인문학연구소 2017 열린정신 인문학연구 Vol.18 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 중국어화자와 한국어화자의 영어 긴장모음과 이완모음 산출의 스펙트럼 특성과 시간 특성의 화자집단 간 비교·분석이다. 피험자로 참여한 10명의 중국어모국어화자와 10명의 한국어모국어화자가 3쌍의 단어 heed/hid/-hid/hɪd/, had/hæd/-head/hɛd/, who’d/hud/-hood/hʊd/를 3번 반복으로 읽었다. 각 모음의 제1포만트(F1)와 제2포만트(F2) 및 지속시간을 측정하였다. 실험결과, 중국어화자는 주로 시간 특성에서 긴장모음과 이완모음을 구분한 반면 한국어화자는 주로 모음의 스펙트럼 특성에서 긴장모음과 이완모음을 구분하는 경향을 보였다. 스펙트럼 특성상 일부 단어쌍에서 중국어화자는 F1값에서만 긴장모음과 이완모음 간 차이를 보인 반면 한국어화자는 F1값과 F2값에서 차이를 보였다. /ʊ-u/ 단어쌍에서는 두 집단 모두 긴장모음과 이완모음 간 차이를 보이지 않았다. 시간 특성에서는 중국어화자는 세 단어쌍 모두에서 긴장모음과 이완모음의 지속시간 간 차이를 보였지만 한국어화자는 /i-ɪ/에서만 차이를 보였다. 두 집단이 영어의 긴장모음과 이완모음 대조에 스펙트럼 특성과 시간 특성을 동시에 이용하지 못하는 결과에 대한 한 가지 요인으로 L1의 부정적 간섭의 가능성을 논의했다. The purpose of this study is to compare the spectral and temporal characteristics of English tense and lax vowels produced by Chinese and Korean speakers. 10 Chinese and 10 Korean speakers served as subjects and read 3 pairs of words heed/hid/-hid/hɪd/, had/hæd/-head/hɛd/, who’d/hud/-hood/hʊd/ 3 times. The first two formants and vowel duration were measured. The results showed that Chinese speakers differentiated tense-lax vowel pairs mainly with temporal characteristics while Korean speakers mostly with spectral characteristics. With respect to spectral characteristics, Chinese speakers tended to differentiate tense from lax vowels in some pairs with the difference only in F1 while Korean speakers did with difference both in F1 and F2. Both Chinese and Korean speakers had difficulty in differentiating /u/ from /ʊ/. With respect to temporal characteristics, Chinese speakers differentiated the tense from lax vowels in all three vowel pairs while Korean speakers distinguished only in /i-ɪ/ but not in /æ-ɛ/ and /u-ʊ/ pairs. L1 negative transfer was suggested as one of the factors for the results that Chinese and Korean speakers did not use all the spectral and temporal features in tense vs. lax vowel contrast in English.

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