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        초기 성인기 사회불안 수준에 따른 자기 참조적 주의편향 및 기억편향에서의 차이

        김다선,이종선 한국임상심리학회 2021 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.40 No.2

        The present study aimed to investigate self-referential attention bias and memory bias according to social anxiety levels in early adulthood. Participants (N=110) were divided into four groups: high social anxiety (HSA), middle social anxiety (MSA), low social anxiety (LSA), and healthy control (HC). Attention bias was measured using spatial cueing task, and memory bias was measured using a source monitoring task. Stimuli of the tasks were presented under three conditions for the tasks: self-reference (SR1), perception of self by others (SR2), and other-reference (OR). Disengagement bias scores (DBS) were used as an attention bias. Conditional Source Identification Measure (CSIM) was used to measure the ability to recognize the source of the words learned and guess indicator (g) was used to measure the ability to guess the source of words not learned. According to the attention task results, the HSA group had difficulty disengaging attention (DBS) from negative stimuli at SR2 compared to the HC group. In the memory task, the MSA group showed higher accuracy for positive stimulus of OR than the HC group (CSIM). This reflects the result that, unlike the HC group that avoided positive stimulus of OR, the MSA group showed no attention bias. The clinical significance of the findings in this study on the relationship between attention and memory processing in social anxiety groups was discussed by introducing self-referential conditions.

      • KCI등재

        국부펀드의 해외투자편향과 공간적 파급효과

        김희호 ( Heeho Kim ),장홍하 ( Zhang Hongxia ),김용구 ( Yongku Kim ) 한국국제경제학회 2016 국제경제연구 Vol.22 No.3

        본 연구는 세계 금융위기인 2008년부터 2014년까지 주요 국부펀드 투자국들이 6개 투자대상국(호주, 캐나다, 중국, 독일, 영국, 미국)에 행한 315건의 해외투자 자료를 사용하여 국부펀드의 해외투자편향(foreign bias) 결정요인과 해외투자편향의 공간적 파급효과를 추정하였다. 공간적 파급효과는 공간적으로 가까운 국가의 해외투자결정이 자국의 투자결정에 미치는 파급효과이다. 이를 위해 국부펀드의 해외투자편향(foreign bias)모형을 이론적으로 도출하였고, 공간적 파급효과를 추정하기 위해서 투자대상국별 문화적 요인을 사용하여 공간(가중)매트릭스(spatial weight matrix)를 설정하였다. 추정결과에서 수익률과 위험은 국부펀드의 해외투자편향에 중요한 결정요인이며, 수익률의 경우 문화가 유사한 투자국 간에 공간적 파급효과를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 하지만 위험의 경우 영국을 제외하고 공간적 파급효과가 크지 않았다. This study derives a model of foreign bias to examine the determinants of cross-border investment of sovereign wealth fund. Based on the model of foreign bias, we analyze the spatial spillover effects of cultural and geometric distances on the degree of foreign bias of sovereign wealth fund. We build the spatial weight matrix, which is specific to the foreign countries invested by sovereign wealth fund, for the spatial panel analysis. Using 315 cases from the panel data of foreign investment by sovereign wealth fund during the year 2008~2014, we empirically examine (1) whether the relationship between return, risk and foreign bias of sovereign wealth fund are statistically significant, and (2) whether this relationship depends on the spatial spillover effects of cultural and geometric distances. The evidence strongly supports our hypotheses across 6 different foreign investment countries (Australia, Canada, China, Germany, the United Kingdom, the United States).

      • KCI등재

        시각탐색에서 시간적 맥락에 따른 위치 확률 학습

        김윤경,김민식 한국인지및생물심리학회 2023 한국심리학회지 인지 및 생물 Vol.35 No.4

        위치 확률 학습(Location probability learning) 효과란 시각탐색 시 표적이 특정 위치에 빈번하게 출현할 때 해당 위치로의 공간 주의가 편향됨으로써 탐색이 빨라지는 현상을 일컫는다(Jiang et al., 2013). 본 연구는 결합(conjunction) 탐색에서 시간적 맥락에 따라 공간 주의가 유연하게 편향되는지 알아보고자 수행되었다. 실험 1에서 표적은 응시점 이후 시간적 맥락(300 ms / 1300 ms)에 따라 두 개의 특정 사분면에서 높은 빈도로 출현하였다. 실험 1의 결과, 맥락과 상관없이 공간 주의가 두 개의 고빈도 사분면으로 편향되었다. 실험 2에서는 시간적 맥락을 강화하여 표적이 첫 번째 또는 두 번째 탐색 화면부터 제시되었으며 그 결과, 맥락 특정적인 공간 주의 편향이 관찰되었다. 실험 3은 실험 2에 혼입되어있는 순서와 길이의 효과 크기 비교를 통해 순서의 영향력을 재확인하였다. 본 결과는 위치 확률 학습에서 탐색 화면이 시간적 순서(temporal order) 정보를 지닐 때 강력한 시간적 맥락으로 사용되며, 시공간이 존재하는 역동적 환경에서 인간의 학습 기전에 시간적 맥락이 작동하는 방식에 대한 새로운 통찰을 제공하고 있다. The location probability learning effect refers to the phenomenon where spatial attention is biased towards a specific location, resulting in faster visual search, when a target appears frequently at that location (Jiang et al., 2013). This study aimed to investigate whether spatial attention is flexibly biased by temporal context in conjunction search. In Experiment 1, the target appeared with high frequency in two specific quadrants depending on the temporal context (300 ms / 1300 ms) after fixation. The results of Experiment 1 showed that spatial attention was biased towards the two high-frequency quadrants regardless of the temporal context. In Experiment 2, by reinforcing the temporal context, the target was presented from either the first or second search display depending on the context, and the results showed that context-specific spatial attention bias occurred. Experiment 3 reaffirmed the influence of the order to investigate specifically the effect sizes of the temporal order and duration confounded in Experiment 2. These results imply that the search display with temporal order information is used as a powerful temporal context in location probability learning, and provide new insights into the way temporal context operates in the human learning mechanism in dynamic environments where space and time coexist.

      • KCI등재

        특성불안과 방어성향에 따른 정서자극에 대한 주의편향

        김형준,오수성 한국심리학회 2012 한국심리학회지 일반 Vol.31 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate effect of trait anxiety and defensiveness and the time-course of attentional biases about emotional stimulus. 389 undergraduate students took pre-experimental test consisting of STAI-T and SDS, and four different groups were selected based on the test scores. They were low anxiety(n=14), repressor(n=14), high anxiety(n=14), and defensive-high anxiety group(n=13). We used Posner's spatial cueing task to study the attentional bias for emotional stimulus. Three different types of stimulus(aversive, neutral and pleasant pictures) were selected from IAPS so that they have different affective ratings but similar arousal level. The emotional valence of the pictures affected response times at 300ms SOA only, not at 960ms SOA. Low anxiety, high anxiety, and defensive high anxiety group showed attentional avoidance of threat at 300ms SOA. Also, high anxiety, defensive high anxiety group showed attentional avoidance of pleasure. But, repressor group did not show attentional bias according to emotional value. Based on these results, implications and limitations are discussed. 본 연구의 목적은 특성불안과 방어성향이 정서적 자극에 대한 주의편향에 미치는 효과가 시간 경과에 따라 어떻게 달라지는지 알아보는 것이다. 대학생 389명을 대상으로 특성불안 척도와 사회적 바람직성 척도를 사용하여, 저불안 집단(14명), 억압자 집단(14명), 고불안 집단(14명), 방어적 고불안 집단(13명)을 선정하였다. 정서자극에 대한 주의편향을 연구하기 위하여 Posner의 공간단서과제를 사용하였다. 단서자극으로는 국제정서사진체계에서 정서가와 각성가에 따라 긍정자극, 중립자극, 부정자극을 각각 64장씩 뽑아 사용하였다. 실험결과, 300ms SOA 조건에서 억압자 집단을 제외한 저불안, 고불안, 방어적 고불안 집단에서 부정자극에 대한 주의회피가 나타났다. 특히, 고불안 집단과 방어적 고불안 집단은 부정자극 뿐만 아니라 긍정자극에 대해서도 주의를 회피하였다. 그러나 960ms SOA 조건에서는 모든 집단에서 정서가에 따른 주의편향이 나타나지 않았다. 이러한 결과를 중심으로 시사점과 제한점에 대해 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        주의 편향 수정 훈련이 사회불안 증상에 미치는 영향: 작업기억 용량을 중심으로

        장한비,이종선 한국임상심리학회 2020 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.39 No.3

        This study examined Attention Bias Modification (ABM) training for college students’ with social anxiety tendencies and compared the degree of improvement of social anxiety symptoms and attention bias scores depending on the level of working memory capacity. Social avoidance and distress scale (SADS) was used to measure social anxiety symptoms, and scores above 64 in were considered as having social anxiety tendencies. Participants were divided into high, intermediate, and low working memory groups, depending on their working memory capacity. A total of 99 data points were used for analysis. The effects of ABM training were identified as changes in the attention bias scores (ABS) and the social anxiety symptom scales (SADS, SIAS, SPS, B-FNE). The ABM training was conducted in a single session, and the ABS and social anxiety symptoms were measured before and after the training. The results showed that ABS, SADS, SIAS, SPS, and B-FNE significantly decreased after training. This means that ABM training was effective in reducing social anxiety symptoms. In addition, after training, the higher the working memory capacity, the greater the decrease in SADS, SIAS, SPS, and B-FNE. This suggests that the effects of ABM training may vary depending on working memory capacity. Finally, the therapeutic implications and limitations of this study are discussed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        The Effects of Variety and Visual Cue on Perceived Quantity and Consumer Attitude toward Participation into Sales Promotion Events

        이창현,김영찬 한국마케팅학회 2019 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.21 No.1

        Most studies on how people perceive a given quantity of items were conducted with visual cues exclusively and only offered spatial area based explanations, such as spatial estimation and perceptual grouping theories. This article establishes how people perceive a given quantity when only a written description is provided without any visual cues. Across two studies we show that variety decreases perceived quantity when a variety cue is given, while variety increases perceived quantity when a visual cue is not given. This is because people tend to rely heavily on spatial areas when a visual cue is present and because people are prone to confirmation bias when they are provided with no visual cues but only written descriptions. Furthermore, we highlight that quantity perception has a mediation effect on consumers’ attitude―the intention to participate in sales promotional events. Lastly, we summarize the article and discuss its contributions, implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research

      • KCI등재

        한국의 중앙 집중화의 동인에 관한 검토

        안영진 국토지리학회 2006 국토지리학회지 Vol.40 No.1

        This study analyzes the main causes of central concentration in and around the national capital of Korea, Seoul. The causes have been recently discussed in relation to the planning and construction of the new administrative capital and the multi-functional administrative city. Especially, my analysis focuses on structural mechanisms and dynamics of the central concentration rather than the indicators and partial factors of it. Therefore, the paper firstly undertakes the theoretical discussion for the analysis of the problematic spatial phenomenon, and secondly examines the historical, political, economic and socio-cultural dimensions of the problem. This article finds out that the central concentration has been driven by not only the unitary state system which was dominant in Korea but also by the accumulative agglomeration of the headquarters and related core managerial functions of major business conglomerates in Seoul and its surrounding areas. A spatial bias, a deep-rooted cultual-psychological orientation toward the Capital Region of Korea, also has aggravated the central concentration in the region. 이 글은 최근 신행정수도와 행정복합중심도시의 건설을 둘러싸고 제기된 우리나라의 중앙 집중화의 발생 동인과 배경을 밝히고자 한다. 특히 수도권의 과대과밀에 대한 현상적인 설명과 그 실태에 대한 지표적 분석보다 수도권 집중의 구조적 역학을 검토하고자 한다. 이에 따라 이 글은 먼저 중앙 집중화를 설명할 수 있는 지리학 안팎의 이론을 검토하고, 뒤이어 그 동인과 관련된 다양한 배경과 구조, 동학을 설명한다. 우리나라의 중앙 집중화는 기본적으로 관료주의적 중앙집권체제의 발달에 기인하며, 또한 1960년대 이후 산업화 과정에서 등장한 대기업 본사의 입지 등에 따른 서울로의 경제력 집중과 연계되면서 가속화되어 왔다. 더군다나 중앙 지향적 공간편향과 서울이 제공하는 각종 자원과 가치를 공유하려는 사회문화적 심리구조가 중앙 집중화를 강화시키는 상승작용을 불러왔다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        The geography of intercity technological proximity: evidence from China

        Yingcheng Li,Weiting Xiong,Xiaowu Hu 서울시립대학교 도시과학연구원 2023 도시과학국제저널 Vol.27 No.3

        In the context of a globalizing knowledge economy, cities have become more technologically proximate due to the increasing exchanges of people, information, and knowledge. However, technological proximity at the city level has gained relatively little attention within the vast literature on proximity. Drawing upon detailed address information on nearly 3.6 million invention patents that were applied in China between 2012 and 2016, this paper investigates the geography of intercity technological proximity among 286 Chinese cities. Technological proximity is measured by comparing cities’ technological profiles which are represented by the distribution of different classifications of patenting activity in which cities specialize. The empirical results show that the level of intercity technological proximity among Chinese cities has been generally on the rise. Moreover, there is strong spatial political bias in the geography of intercity technological proximity, with geographical proximity and institutional proximity having played a significantly positive role in facilitating intercity technological proximity.

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