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      • Perspective Towards Women’s Sexuality in Nepal

        Chanda Devi SUNAR 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2018 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 학술대회자료집 Vol.2018 No.1

        Sexuality is an inevitable part of human life; its about expressing oneself as sexual being. It is about conveying innate attributes such as sexual desires, roles, identities and orientations. According to World Health Organization (WHO), sexuality is a central aspect of being human throughout life and encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction. Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, values, behaviours, practices, roles and relationships. As the definition suggests sexuality is every human beings strong need and desire. However, in the contest of South Asian countries like Nepal the power of sexuality is only limited to men and women are only the victims of mens sexuality. We can see that control of womens bodies and sexuality has been one of the central concerns of all major civilizations. Nepal, a historically and predominantly patriarchal society, has culturally prescribed codes and behavioural norms for women that focus on modesty and fidelity, emphasizing, apart from a few exceptions, firstly virginity and later chastity, which are valued above all other qualities in women. In this paper, I have included some major concerns of sexuality and women’s empowerment in relation to the social construction of Nepal, its understanding and practices. Also, I have highlighted the connection between sexuality and empowerment, responsibility of state towards the issue of sexuality, positive steps in legislation and way forward with recommendation.

      • KCI등재

        발달장애 성인의 성과 성교육에 대한 장애복지기관 종사자의 경험 및 인식

        김유리 ( Kim Yu-ri ),표윤희 ( Pyo Yunhui ),서민경 ( Suh Minkyung ),조당을 ( Cho Dangeul ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2021 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.22 No.1

        [Purpose] This study aims to understand and explore subjective experiences and perceptions of disability service providers regarding discussions on sexuality and sexuality education, as well as any issues that they believe are important in such matters. [Method] Ten disability service providers participated in semi-structured interviews. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all interviews were conducted via webcam using a video-conferencing platform. Data were transcribed and then coded for themes as part of a thematic analysis. [Results] Nine sub-themes under four themes emerged from the data: the nature of sexuality and love, attitudes to sexuality and love, sexuality education practices and related support, and support for needs relating to sexuality education. This study concluded that disability service providers understand individuals with developmental disabilities to be sexually motivated and have sexual needs and desires regardless of their disability. Disability service providers plan, coordinate, and deliver sexuality education in collaboration with other professionals, but they do not feel supported in the workplace. They also stressed the importance of including a wide range of topics, such as intimate relationships, marriage, and having children. Given the sensitive nature of the topic, disability service providers thought that it was more important that parents should be motivated to improve sexuality knowledge and attitudes toward sexuality. [Conclusions] The identification of these themes highlights the significance of understanding disability service providers’ perception and the need to facilitate support system and program development.

      • KCI등재

        성, 자본, 권력 성(sexuality)의 메타신학

        김선종 한국구약학회 2017 구약논단 Vol.23 No.2

        Sexuality is essential to human beings. Human history began and has been preserved by sexual activities. In a narrow sense, sex satisfies on of the basic desires and pleasures of the creatures, and in a broad sense it brings them security and happiness in relation to the family system. However, when sexuality is abused, many problems arise. Sexuality concerns not only an individual but also a community. How sexuality is treated in theology? Sexuality is not a main topic of theology, being compared with the other discipline. Although biblical studies deal with the issues related to sexuality, they are limited to specific subjects and the biblical scholars failed to reach an agreement. It is no exaggeration to say that the church does not touch the issue of sexuality. It seems to put a taboo on the subject. The Bible considers sexuality as a source of happiness and holiness (Gen 2; Lev 18-20; Song) as well as that of evil (Deut 22:21), but the church sometimes takes an ambivalent attitude to sexuality. Christians have a choice of two extremes, either secretly indulging in sex or living abstinent lives. This paper tries to investigate the theology of sexuality in the Old Testament in a holistic manner. Sexuality shows an aspect of the religion of ancient Israel in that individuals and their community are closely bound up with capital and power through sexuality. Written in an ancient language, the Bible is not an old document that is abrogated today. But it can serve as the rules of life. Therefore, we have to provide a theoretical basis to solve sexual problems brought up in the real life. 성은 인간에게 본질적이다. 인류 역사는 성행위로 말미암아 시작하고 유지된다. 좁은 뜻의 성(sex)은 사람에게 기본적인 욕망과 쾌락을 만족시켜 주고, 넓은 뜻의 성(sexuality)과 관련된 제도로서의 가족은 사람에게 안전과 행복을 가져다준다. 그러나 성이 잘못 사용될 때에는 여러 문제를 일으킨다. 성은 개인의 문제일 뿐 아니라 공동체의 문제이며, 인류의 시작에서부터 마지막까지 인간과 함께 한다. 그런데 성에 대한 관심사를 신학에 제한할 때, 과연 어떠한가? 성이 다른 일반 학문 분야에 비해 주된 관심사를 이루지 못하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 일반 신학을 비롯하여 성서학에서 성과 관련된 문제를 다루고 있기는 하지만, 그 연구가 특정 주제에 제한되어 있으며 합의가 이루어져 있지 않기도 하다. 교회 현장에서는 성의 문제를 거의 다루고 있지 않다고 해도 지나친 말은 아니다. 이 문제를 다루기 거북스러워하는 듯 보인다. 성경은 성에 대하여 행복과 거룩함의 원천이라고 말하는 동시에(창 2; 레 18-20; 아가) 악의 근원으로도 여긴다(신 22:21). 그런데 교회는 성을 금기시하며, 때로는 이중적인 태도를 보이기도 한다. 그리스도인들은 양 극단 가운데 하나를 선택하는 경우가 있는데, 남몰래 성에 탐닉하거나, 성을 천한 것으로 여겨 금욕적인 태도를 갖는 것이 그것이다. 이 연구는 구약성경에 나타난 성의 신학을 통전적으로 살펴보려고 시도한다. 성은 고대 이스라엘의 종교의 한 단면을 보여주는데, 개인과 공동체는 성을 통하여 자본과 권력에 밀접하게 연관되어 있기 때문이다. 성경이 고대에만 적용할 수 있는 고착화된 문서가 아니라 오늘날에도 삶의 규범으로 작용할 수 있다면, 고대 언어로 기록된 성의 프리즘을 통하여 기술된 의도와 함께 성이 가지고 있는 이론과 신학을 파악하고, 과거와 현재 사이의 연속성과 불연속성을 고찰함으로써 현실에서 벌어지는 성과 관련된 문제들에 대한 해결책을 제시할 수 있도록 이론적 기초를 마련해 주어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        현대 문화 속의 성(sexuality) 담론에 대한 철학적 고찰 ― 성 정치학의 관점에 따른 영화 분석을 중심으로

        김재기 대동철학회 1999 大同哲學 Vol.5 No.-

        I. 요즘 들어 성에 관한 담론이 폭발적으로 증가하고 있으며, 우리는 다양한 문화 매체들 속에서 그 구체적인 모습을 확인할 수 있다. 이 글은 이러한 현상에 주목하여, 현대 문화 속의 성 담론을 철학적 고찰의 대상으로 삼고 일종의 예시적 분석을 시도하였다. 이를 위해 나는 성 정치학의 시각을 받아들였는데, 그 이유는 성에 대한 전통적(생물학적 또는 형이상학적) 견해들이 지닌 난점을 극복하고 성을 역사적��E��D사회적 구성물로 파악하기 위해서이다. 따라서 이 글이 다루는 ‘성’(sexuality)은 생물학적 의미의 ‘섹스’나 좁은 의미의 성 행위가 아니라, 우리가 ‘성적인 것’(the sexual)으로 이해하고 있는 총체다. 구체적인 논의 자료로는 영화를 선택했다. 영화는 현대 문화를 대표하는 대중적 텍스트 중 하나이며, 영화 속에서 성은 풍부하고 다양한 방식으로 다뤄지고 있기 때문이다. II. ‘성 정치학’은 한 마디로 권력에 의해 구성되는 성의 다의성에 대한 인문학적 통찰이며, 더 나아가 현존하는 권력 투쟁의 장을 넘어서서 우리가 성이라는 이름으로 총칭하는 것, 즉 본능, 욕망, 관계, 관습, 구체적 행위, 그리고 이념들의 구조와 의미에 대한 통찰이기도 하다. 이런 관점에 따라 나는 보이지 않는 미시 권력을 작용을 ‘타자의 개입’으로 명명하고, 이를 다시 두 측면에서 서술하였다. 첫째로 나는 먼저 두 편의 성애 영화를 골라, 그 속에서 권력이 어떤 형태로 어떤 담론을 따라 성의 의미를 구성하는지 살펴 본 뒤에, 둘째로 미시 그러한 권력이 관능성의 형성에 어떤 역할을 하는지를 간략히 논하였다. III. 권력이 성의 의미를 어떻게 구성하는지를 분석하기 위하여 내가 선택한 영화는 “감각의 제국”과 “파리에서의 마지막 탱고”다. 두 영화 모두 노골적인 성애 영화이며 사적인 성 관계를 소재로 삼고 있지만, 어떤 의미에서는 정치적인 메시지를 담고 있다고 해석될 수도 있다. 더구나 두 영화 속에서 성은 평범하거나 아름답게 묘사된 것이 아니라 극단적이고 자기파괴적인 모습으로 나타나는데, 이런 모습의 의미는 보이지 않는 권력의 작용과 연관시킬 때에야 비로소 제대로 이해될 수 있다. “감각의 제국” 속의 성 담론은 쾌락의 담론이지만, 극단적인 새도매저키즘의 양식으로 표현되는 그 쾌락은 사실 권력의 은유이자 환유다. 하지만 그 권력이 유미주의(��D��E��D��E��D��E��D��E)적으로 묘사되기 때문에 권력에 대한 비판과 반성은 약화된다. 반면 “파리에서의 마지막 탱고” 속의 성 담론은 부정(��D��E��D��E)의 담론이며, 그 부정은 직접적으로는 부정을 통한 역설적 자아 성찰로, 간접적으로는 숨어 있는 권력에 대한 냉소와 환멸로 형상화된다. IV. 영화 속의 성을 논할 때 빼 놓을 수 없는 또 하나의 주제가 ‘관능성’의 문제다. 시각 이미지의 위력에 의해 좌우되는 관능성은 얼핏 보면 권력의 작용과 무관한 듯하다. 그러나 관능성을 가능하게하는 구조 자체를 분석해 보면 여기서도 권력의 개입이 , 중요하다는 사실이 드러난다. 관능성은 육체와 시선의 만남을 통해서 형성되며, 여기서 중요한 것은 육체 그 자체가 아니라 시선이다. 시선은 일정한 틀에 따라, 일정한 전략에 따라, 코드화된 쾌락에 따라 관능을 생산한다. 흔히 관능성이나 에로티시즘을 남성적 시선(남성적 관음주의)으로 설명하지만, 사실은 남성도 진정한 주체가 아니다. 가부장적 문화 속에서 관능성을 즐기는 남성은 수혜자임이 틀림없지만, 남성 또한 보이지 않는 권력에 의해 조종되는 게임에 참여하고 있을 뿐이다. 따라서 에로틱한 영화를 보는 것은 어떤 자아 성찰도 허용하지 않는 수동적 놀이에 지나지 않는다. V. 성은 단순한 호기심의 대상이 아니라 인간 존재 자체와 인간 삶의 조건을 좀 더 깊이 성찰하도록 해 주는 기호학적 지표이며, 이 글 또한 그러한 사실을 확인하는 작업의 일환으로서만 가치를 지닐 수 있을 것이다. 성 담론에 대한 철학적 고찰의 결과는 다음과 같다: 성은 잘 정돈된 화학식이나 원자 구조같은 어떤 불변의 본질로서 드러나는 게 아니라 사회적��D��F역사적��D��F정치적으로 구성되는 복잡한 축조물, 여러 힘들이 상호작용하는 미로 같은 그물망이다. 현대 문화 속의 수많은 성 담론들은 그 기둥이고 들보이며, 씨줄과 날줄인 것이다. 그리고 앞에서 강조한 바와 같이 이러한 통찰이야말로 성 정치학의 출발점이다. 영화 속의 성애 묘사나 그 묘사를 통해 진술되는 담론들은 권력의 은유이자 환유이며, 또 그러한 권력을 은밀하게 미화하기도 하고 냉소적으로 성찰하기도 한다. 이런 면에서 영화 속의 성은 문자 그대로 기호학적 독해를 필요로 하는 것이다. 그러면 관능성의 경우에는 사정이 어떠한가? 관능성의 구조를 가능하게 하는 권력의 작용은 현실의 성 관계에서 더 거세게 작용하지만, 이 영역에는 우리의 실천의 몫이 남아 있다. 기존 권력에 대해 성찰하고 저항하면서 새로운 성 관계와 커뮤니케이션의 양식을 만들어 갈 수 있는 가능성이 주어져 있는 것이다. 그리고 성에 대한 진지한 영화가 존재한다면 바로 이러한 공간이 그 무대가 될 것이다. 영화에서 순수한 에로티시즘의 미학 같은 것은 존재할 수 없다. 관능적 영상이나 성애의 묘사는 성애의 다양한 의미와 그 속에 작용하는 권력에 대한 성찰과 연결될 때에만 간접적으로 가치를 획득할 수 있기 때문이다. I. These days the discourses of sexuality are expanding and exploding, so we can see their concrete appearances in various media. This essay gives attention to this phenomena, makes the discourses of sexuality in the contemporary culture a subject of philosophical study and tries to make an exemplary analysis. For this work I introduce the viewpoint of ‘sexual politics’ because I think it enables for us to surmount the difficulties of the traditional(biological or metaphysical) views on human sexuality and to understand human sexuality as a historical and social construct. Therefore ‘the sexuality’ in this essay is neither the ‘sex’ in biological sense nor the sexual actions or relations in usual sense, but a totality that is composed of what we call ‘the sexual’. I select some films as material for more concrete analysis. I think the film is one of the best popular text in the contemporary culture and in the film human sexuality is dealt with very abundantly and diversely. II. ‘Sexual Politics’ is in a word an insight into the ambiguity of human sexuality that is constructed by many micro-powers, moreover an insight into the structure and meaning of what we call ‘the sexual’, that is instincts, desires, relations, customs, concrete actions and ideas. From this point of view I name the working of micro-powers ‘the intervention of the Other’ and describe this in two aspects. Firstly, I select two erotic movies and see how the power makes the meaning of human sexuality in what figures and with what discourse in these movies. Secondly, I discuss what role the power plays in making sensuality or eroticism in the film. III. For analysing how the power make the meaning of human sexuality, I select two movies, “In the Realm of the Senses” and “Last tango in Paris”. Both are naked erotic movies and deal with the private sexual relations, but in some senses can be interpreted as having the political messages. Besides in these movies human sexuality is not described as something plain or beautiful but is expressed as something extreme and self-destroying. I think the real meaning of these aspects can be understood well only in relation to working of the power that we cannot see directly in the screen. The discourse of sexuality in “In the Realm of the Senses” is a kind of discourse of pleasure, but in fact the pleasure expressed in the extreme sadomasochism is a metaphor and metonymy of the power. But in this movie the critic or reflection of that power is weakened because it is described as something very esthetic. On the contrary, the discourse of sexuality in “Last tango in Paris” is a kind of discourse of negation. This negation is directly embodied in the self-reflection through self-negation, and indirectly embodied in the cynicism and disillusion at the hidden power. IV. We have to deal with another theme, ‘the sensuality’ when we discuss human sexuality in films. The sensuality much influenced by visual images seems like foreign to working of the power. But if we analyse the structure itself that makes the sensuality, we will find that the intervention of the power is very important here also. The sensuality is made through meeting of the body and the gaze, and it is not the body but the gaze that is important here. The gaze produces the sensuality according to the established rules, the strategies, and the encoded pleasures. It is usually said that the sensuality is made by the gaze(voyeurism) of the men, but in fact the men are not the real subjects. Of course the beneficiaries are the men who can enjoy the sensuality in the patriarchic culture, but they also participate only passively in the game that is controlled by the invisible micro-powers. Therefore to see the erotic movies is nothing but a passive play that doesn't allow any self-reflection. V. The sexuality is not a subject of simple curiosity but a semiotic index that enables us to reflect more deeply upon what the human being is and how the situation surrounding them is. This essay also have some values only if it serves such reflection. The result of the philosophical consideration is as follows: Human sexuality cannot be understood as a immutable essence but have to be understood as a intricate construct that is made by many social, historical and political factors or a complicated network in which many micro-powers interact one another. Many discourses of sexuality in the contemporary culture are pillars and crossbeams of that construct. And the insight into this fact is the beginning point of sexual politics. The descriptions of sexuality in the film or the discourses expressed in those descriptions are metaphors or metonymies of the power. And they sometimes beautify the power in secret or sometimes reflect upon it sarcastically. In this aspect the sexuality in the film need a literal semiotic reading. How is the situation in the case of the sensuality? The influence of the power that make the sensuality works much more strongly in the real sexual relations, but there is something for us to do in this real realm. We have to reflect upon and resist the existing power and we can make the new sexual relations and the new mode of communication. If there are any films that deal with human sexuality sincerely, they must be these ones that deal with these problems. There cannot be any pure aesthetics of eroticism in the film. Because the sensual images and the discriptions of human sexuality will get some values indirectly only if they are connected to the reflections upon the various meanings of the sexuality and the power that works in it.

      • 발견되는 성, 전시되는 성 -식민지 근대와 섹슈얼리티의 접속-

        김양선 ( Yang Sun Kim ) 시학과 언어학회 2011 시학과 언어학 Vol.21 No.-

        This thesis intends to examine the formation of sexuality concept in the colonial period. The analytic model is based on the ``will to know`` of people. The increase of discourse about sexuality was one of dramatic changes in colonial Chosun. The modern institution like education and medical science, popular culture strengthen people`s will to know. In the ``sexualized modernity``, the simultaneous process can be noticed in the field of knowledge and popular culture. The knowledge system like science of sexuality, hygiene discourse, feminism could come close to popularization of knowledge. Also the female`s body and sexuality are ``discovered``, ``exhibited`` and told in the popular cultures and media. Kiseng exhibited at the exhibition ground and the discourse exhibition about cafe waitress are similar to ``exhibited sexuality``. In the way of discoursed sexuality, how the ``eroticism`` is told was important. The sad or pathetic stories, sensational stories about sexuality overwhelmed the colonial Chosun since late 1920`s. This absorption about strange grotesque sexuality is both the people`s will toward secularized knowledge and manipulation of people`s will to know by media. In conclusion, the increase of discourse about sexuality is interrelated with the self formation of colonial modernity.

      • KCI등재

        한국연극 무대 위에 재현된 섹슈얼리티 -1988년 대본사전검열 폐지를 전후한 시기를 중심으로

        이진아 ( Chin A Lee ) 한국연극학회 2009 한국연극학 Vol.0 No.39

        In Korean society, the issue of sexuality and representation of sexuality has arisen to the surface after the late 1980s when political oppression was dissolved and the potential of democratization grew. After about ten years, issues concerning sexuality heated up Korean society more than any other political issues. The situation was not different in the field of Korean theatre. Harlotry performed in Jan. 1988 was the first Korean theatre production provoking an obscenity dispute and became the hottest issue of the year with a series of chained events of: the banning of the performance; production company`s denial against banning; authority`s forced shutting down of the theatre; and a signature-collecting drive in the field of Korean theatre. Although the dispute around the performance Harlotry was mainly about controversy over obscenity, at the same time it was about the right to freedom of expression connected to the matters of the abolition of censorship on a script before a public performance and the revision of the law for the performing arts. Nonetheless, in that situation the production could receive a huge spotlight from the press and public and achieved a gigantic commercial success. Harlotry`s success continued in producing successive productions like Harlotry 2 and Trading Harlotry, etc, and it also triggered the emergence of the works with taking sexuality as a main subject or representing sexuality after for years. It is a commonly agreed view of Marcuse, Foucault, Giddens, and Butler etc. that sexuality and discourse about sexuality are closely related to the establishment of modern society and rules. Even though the stance of each varies, they all agree sexuality`s close relationship with the constitution of modern rules, regulations and discourses. Particularly, sexuality induces cultural senses with maintaining its discrepancy and discrimination depending on the sex (female and male), age (taboos against sexuality of children, juveniles, and elderly people), and causes hierarchization of reproductive sexuality and un-reproductive sexuality (which becomes a branching point of the matters of normal vs. abnormal, and homosexuality etc. concerning wife and prostitute, motherhood, ethics, and sexual activities). Furthermore, this discrepancy and discrimination on sexuality create a social inverse reaction (fear and grotesque) against its representation. Nowadays, among Korean theatres it is not difficult to find the works dealing with sexuality seriously or having it as a main subject matter. Especially, it is worth noticing that recent plays try to tell stories about women`s sexuality, homosexuality, and children`s sexuality, etc. which have been forced to be alienated and kept silent for a long time. However, the problem is whether they have achieved the only meanings which they intended to. And, it should be examined by following three standards: first, the perspective of free expression and social responsibility (censorship and self-censorship); second, the unintended meanings which can be achieved by stage art`s distinct characteristics of visible representation and physical existence; third, author`s ideology (sprit and body, love and pleasure, and the hierarchical relationship of the uterus and vagina) which is revealed through the process of representation of sexuality; etc. Representation of sexuality, especially representing sexuality on the stage, is not an easy matter, since it is tied with the family system, cultural authority, gender identity, and sexual politics, etc. Without a concrete critical awareness to overcome the conventional perception of sexuality and a critical questioning on the extrinsic nature of the identity of sexuality, we will achieve the thing totally different from what we intend to.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 성 인식에 대한 탐색적 연구

        손강숙 ( Shon Kang Suk ),정소미 ( Jeong So Mi ) 한국청소년복지학회 2016 청소년복지연구 Vol.18 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the way college students perceive sexuality. Based on the ecological model, perception of sexuality among college students was examined by three ways: micro, intermediate and macro system. Perception of sexuality viewed as one`s own sexuality was explored in the microsystem. Others` perception of sexuality was examined in the intermediate system. Perception of social phenomenon related to sexuality was surveyed in the macroscopic system. Four-year college students in Gyeonggi-do Province completed questionnaires and 80 collected data were analyzed by using Consensual Qualitative Research-Modified (CQR-M) method. The results showed that three different types of the perception of sexuality such as the perception of sexuality on oneself, the perception of others` sexuality, and perception of social phenomenon relevant to sexuality had 9 sub-domains and 46 categories in terms of perception of sexuality. This research provided the primary study in which college students` perception of sexuality was considered as a preventive method. On top of that, it offered primary sources which are guidelines on the sexuality education for adolescents and the development of the sexuality education program.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 성 담론과 한문소설에 재현된 섹슈얼리티

        김경미 ( Kyoung Mi Kim ) 한국한문학회 2008 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.0 No.42

        This paper examined how discourses of sexuality were constructed and how sexuality was represented in the novels written in Chinese letters in the 18th and 19th Chosun dynasty. The concerns and discussions on sexuality had been seen since the former Chosun dynasty, but it was only in the latter Chosun dynasty when these concerns and discussions of sexuality developed into the discourse of sexuality. This phenomenon was closely connected to historical circumstances such as the accelerated development of commerce, the flows and influences of Japanese and Chinese culture, and the development of city pleasures. The characteristics of discourses of sexuality in this period were as follows; first, the sexual desire between men and women was more positively recognised. Second, there were more concerns about female sexuality, as we can find in the increase and decrease of Yolnyojun(烈女傳). Third, discourse of other sexual orientations such as homosexuality began to be found. Finally, the Confucian controls on sexuality weakened. These discourses of sexuality were reflected in novels. Novels dealt sexuality as subject matters or theme. Scenes of sexual behaviour appeared and sexuality came to be the object of knowledge in novels. Bodies were more directly described and women`s sexuality was in the foreground although it was seen as object. In the other side of the representations of women`s sexuality, we can find the sort of consciousness that tends to see sexuality as the object of trade, rationalize the violent aspect of sexual desire, and turn sexuality into hierarchical structure. The subjects of representations of sexuality were generally male writers, although we can find some rare examples of female speakers. The representations of sexuality by male writers enlarged while women were still strongly constrained by Confucian ideology. Discourses on sexuality in the latter Chosun dynasty demonstrates that Confucian male subjects grew to be weakened and those process of discourse was made through seeing female as objects and others. This phenomenon helps us to understand how the premodern society came to be under deconstruction.

      • KCI등재

        위반의 타자성

        김미현(Mi Hyun Kim) 한국현대소설학회 2002 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.17

        As we are called `Homo Sexus`, sex is becoming more important to us. Expecially word `sex` in literature sometimes has a political, social, and cultural meaning to it which makes it more closer to the word `sexuality`. And when the word sexuality gets related to gender it becomes `gendered sexuality`. It is because the sexuality between men and women are different. Therefore in a feminist novel the sexuality women that is dominated by men is being focused. In this study the aspects and violation of `gendered sexuality` can be looked mainly within the novels of Seo Young Eun`s , , . In Seo Young Eun`s novel the sexuality beyond the system is where the problem can be seen in both the positive and negative sides of gendered sexuality. Being more detail, in the novel women`s sexuality is related to the pursuit of capitalism or civilization whereas the men`s sexuality is linked with `primitivism`. Thus, the women`s sexuality is degraded. Moreover, in women rejecting to marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, and child care are considered as witches. However, only when women are witches, they can reject the patriarchy. In desexualized sex can be seen from two women who fell into lesbianism. This is to show `gendered sexuality` sublimated by spiritual and aesthetic thing. Seo Young Eun`s novels show both contradiction and dissension of `gendered sexuality` with dangerous sexuality. `Gendered sexuality` itself contains `Otherness`. Therefore the phenomenon of being criticized whether a women acts like a women or a men is the so-called double image of `gendered sexuality`.

      • 노인의 성(性)생활 인식도와 생활만족도의 관계에 관한 연구

        윤재실(Jae-Sil Yun) 한국교정사회복지학회 2013 교정사회복지연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Traditionally, we have thought that sex life between man and woman was more for childbirth than for expression of their love or affinity in Korea. Also, we have considered seniors have no sexuality, therefore, they should have controlled their sexual instinct. But dissimilar to our thought, the seniors have libido and sexual prowess, and actually, they have enjoyed their sexual life. So, my paper is aimed at the old prejudice - sexuality is only for young people - should be swept off. And then, I would like to lay out an educational and theoretical basis for awareness about the senior's sexuality as a human right. To approach my purpose, from 16th April to 27th April 2010, I carried out a survey targeting 130 seniors over 65 years using Elderly Care Centers and 100 seniors over 65 working on Job Creation for older people in Incheon. Through data retrieval and encoding process using SPSS statistical software, I collected data and summarized them as below. First, I got an analysis of relationship between sexuality awareness of seniors and general variables - sex, age, academic background, physical condition, whether have sex or not, frequency of sex act and satisfaction of sex life - . Male senior is more aware of sexuality than female. But, there is no point of correlation between sexuality awareness and age, academic background and physical condition. This means sexuality awareness have something with sex, but nothing to do with age, academic background or physical condition. Meanwhile, the analysis was shown seniors, the more have sex, the more aware of sexuality. And comparatively, there is no significance between sexuality awareness of seniors and whether have sex or not. But in doing their sex acts, have more aware of sexuality than in nothing. Furthermore, the more satisfied their sex life, they have higher sexuality awareness. Second, the data was shown significance between sexuality awareness of seniors and their life satisfaction. That is, higher sexual awareness of seniors means better life satisfaction of them. The sexual awareness of seniors has three branches - attitudes toward sex, interest in sex and importance of sex - . There is most significant correlation between life satisfaction of seniors and attitudes toward sex. Number 2 is interest in sex. And the last is importance of sex. The life satisfaction has four branches - attitudes toward aging, self-achievement, reality satisfaction and self-worth - . The most important correlation is between sexuality awareness of seniors and self-achievement. No.2 is reality satisfaction, no.3 is self-worth and the last is attitudes toward aging. Thus, from those analysis, I define that happy golden life is influenced by sexual awareness - and its branches - . This research lead me to overcome the old korean prejudice - sexuality is only for the young - and to change my perception to disallow the senior's sexuality. Despite their old, I recognized the seniors have libido and sexual prowess, and also they can enjoy their energetic sexual life. Modern medical technology has given the seniors longer expectancies of life. Such rise of older people lead us more to try to improve senior's quality of life. The seniors need to be understood and to deserve respect as human beings in our communities. For more worth and happier old life, we try to make better organized institutional improving. We will have to prepare for our happier and healthier old life. Don't forget all of us are getting old. 본 논문은 노인의 성(性)생활을 바라보는 우리나라 전통적인 가치관에 대한 인식을 고찰하여 성(性)생활을 남녀 간의 사랑과 친밀감의 표현으로 바라보기 보다는 자녀 출산이라는 의미로 보고, 성(性)에 대한 욕구 억제를 기본 미덕으로 삼아온 노인들이 사회적 편견과는 다르게, 노인에게도 성욕과 성적능력이 있으며, 또한 실제적으로 성(性)생활을 하고 있는 실태를 파악하여 성을 젊은이들의 전유물로만 생각했던 과거의 문화를 불식시키고 노인의 성(性)생활을 인간의 권리로 볼 수 있는 문화 형성에 있어 교육적, 이론적 근거를 제시하는데 목적을 두었다. 이러한 연구 목적을 달성하기 위해 2010년 4월16일부터 4월27일까지 인천소재 노인복지회관을 이용하는 65세이상 노인 130명과 노인일자리창출에 참여하고 있는 65세이상 노인 100명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 자료는 자료 검색과정과 부호화 과정을 거쳐 SPSS 통계프로그램을 이용하였으며, 연구에 대한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 성생활인식에 대해 영향을 미칠 수 있는 변수 중 먼저 성(性)생활인식과 성별 간에는 정(+)의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 성(性)생활인식과 연령, 최종학력, 건강상태와는 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 이는 성(性)생활을 인식함에 있어서 연령이나 배움에 차이라든지 건강상태의 좋고 나쁨은 무관한 것으로 해석될 있다. 성(性)생활인식과 성(性)생활 빈도는 정(+)의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났는데, 이를 해석하면 성(性)생활 빈도가 많을수록 성(性)생활인식 수준이 상대적으로 높은 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 성(性)생활인식과 성(性)생활여부와는 유의미한 차이를 보이지 않았지만 성(性)생활을 하고 있는 경우 하고 있지 않는 경우에 비해 성(性)생활인식 수준이 높은 것으로 나타났다, 또한 성(性)생활인식과 성(性)생활만족도는 정(+)의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났는데, 이를 해석하면 성(性)생활에 대해서 만족하는 경우 성(性)생활인식 수준이 상대적으로 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 성(性)생활인식과 생활만족도의 상관관계에 대해서는 정(+)의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 생활만족도와 성(性)생활인식 하위영역 간 상관관계에서는 3개 하위영역에서 유의미한 정(+)의 상관관계를 나타냈는데, 성태도가 1순위, 성관심도가 2순위, 성중요도가 3순위로 나타났다. 그리고 성(性)생활인식과 생활만족도 하위영역 간 상관관계에서는 4개 하위영역에서 유의미한 정(+)의 상관관계를 나타냈는데, 자아성취감이 1순위, 현실만족도가 2순위, 자아존중감이 3순위, 노화태도가 4순위로 나타났다. 따라서 성(性)생활인식도 즉 하위 영역들로 인해서 행복한 노후생활을 유지하는데 효과가 있다고 하겠다. 이러한 연구 결과로 성(性)욕구와 성(性)생활이 노인이 되어서도 적극적이고 지속적으로 유지되고 있음을 알 수 있다. 의료기술의 발달로 생명연장과 노인 인구의 증가로 인해 삶의 기간이 길어진 만큼 노년기의 삶과 질을 향상시키기 위한 올바른 지식과 이해를 증진시키며 동시에 지역사회 안에서 동일한 인격체로서 노인이 존중받을 수 있는 노인인권 및 인식개선 프로그램 개발 및 활성화 되어 노후의 삶이 보람되고 행복하게 유지 될 수 있도록 제도적 보완과 체계적인 노력이 있어야 할 것이다. 이것은 곧 미래의 우리 모두의 삶이라는 것을 인식하고 건전하고 건강한 노후를 보낼 수 있도록 실질적인 대책 마련이 필요하다고 본다.

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