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      • KCI등재

        영남지역 청동기시대 조기와 전기의 취락구조

        김권구(Kim, Gwon Gu) 영남고고학회 2021 嶺南考古學 Vol.- No.90

        이 논문의 목적은 영남지역 청동기시대 조기와 전기의 취락구조를 밝히고 사회적 특성을 검토하는 것이다. 청동기시대 조기와 전기의 취락의 전모가 잘 나타난 취락자료를 분석대상자료로 선택하였다. 이 논문에서는 사회최소구성단위로서의 주거지의 규모와 수, 가구와 거주방식, 취락 속의 주거지 수와 배치양상, 저장시설 배치양상, 취락의 구성요소에 대한 분석을 통하여 청동기시대 영남지역 취락구조와 사회양상을 밝혀 보고자 한다. 또 이 논문에서는 영남지역 청동기시대를 조기(돌대문토기단계), 전기전반(가락동식토기단계, 흔암리식토기단계), 전기후반(구순각목문토기단계, 공열토기단계)으로 구분하고자 하며 검단리식토기단계와 송국리식토기단계는 청동기시대 후기로 설정하고 이 논문에서는 분석대상에서 제외하였다. 이 논문의 주요내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째 청동기시대 조기에는 대체로 10기 내외의 대규모 주거지가 열상배치(列狀配置)되는 모습을 보인다. 취락은 소규모 취락의 경우가 많으며 대형 주거지 1-2기가 함께 조사되는 사례가 다수 확인된다. 조기의 취락형태는 1-2km 거리에 걸친 분산연계형 취락(分散連繫型 聚落)으로서 이주확산형 취락(移住擴散型 聚落)일 가능성이 크다. 둘째 청동기시대 전기전반에는 10기 내외의 대규모 주거지나 중간 규모 주거지가 취락 내에 열상 배치되는 양상이며 취락은 대부분 소규모이다. 물론 조사된 주거지 모두가 거주용 시설이라고 생각할 수는 없다. 그러나 지역에 따라서는 김천 송죽리유적의 경우처럼 취락 내 주거지의 배치가 점차 환상배치양상(環狀配置樣相)을 띠기 시작한다. 또 대규모 주거지 1-2기에 사람들이 거주하였고 가구단위는 확대가족이면서 취락구조는 이주확산형 취락구조였던 것으로 추정된다. 셋째 청동기시대 전기후반에는 100기 내외의 중소규모 주거지들이 환상(環狀)으로 배치된 주거군(住居群)이 여럿분포하는 취락모습을 띠며 취락규모상 취락위계가 발생하고 중심취락도 출현한 것으로 보인다. 넷째 청동기시대 전기전반에서 전기후반으로 가면서 가구의 안전을 중시한 대규모 주거지에서의 공동생활방식과같은 거주방식에서 사생활보호(私生活保護)를 강조하는 개별적 거주방식으로의 변화가 발생한 것으로 추정된다. 청동기시대 전기후반의 취락구조와 분포양상은 정착심화형 취락(定着深化型 聚落)의 양상이며 집단영역의 배타적 점유를강조하여 지석묘와 선돌이 적극적으로 축조되는 양상이며 청동기시대 후기로 들어가면 이러한 경향이 더욱 심화되어지석묘가 다양한 방식으로 축조된다. This thesis aims to trace settlement patterns of Youngnam Region during the Initial Bronze Age to the Early Bronze Age along with settlement structures to review its social features. Relatively well preserved settlements have been selected as research data. The methodologies adopted will review the size of dwelling sites and the number of clustered dwelling sites as a minimum social unit, household and dwelling style, the number of dwelling sites in a settlement and their distributional patterns, the arrangement of storage facilities, compositions of a settlement, and so on, to trace the structures of the settlements and their social features in Youngnam Region during the related Bronze Age. In this thesis the Bronze Age of Youngnam Region has been subdivided into the Initial Phase characterized by the culture of the coarsely plain pottery with raised band, the Earlier Early Phase featured by the culture of the Garak-dong-styled coarsely plain pottery and the culture of the Heunam-ri–styled coarsely plain pottery, the Later Early Phase notified by the culture of the coarsely plain pottery with notched strip on rim and the culture of the rim-perforated coarsely plain pottery, and the Late Phase identified by the culture of the Songguk-ri-styled coarsely plain pottery or the culture of the Geomdan-ri-styled coarsely plain pottery. However the late Phase has been excluded because it is not the period this thesis deals with at all. The main research results of this thesis can be summarized as follows: Firstly, the Initial Phase of the Bronze Age witnessed the emergence of small settlements consisting of less than ten large-sized dwelling sites, of which layout was similar to a linear distributional pattern. Mainly the number of dwelling sites are one or two. The distributional pattern among settlements shows the sparsely scattered distributional types within roughly one or two km radius, which might be related to the migration-spread distributional settlement type.Secondly, the Earlier Early Phase of the Bronze Age also witnessed the appearance of small settlements within ten or so large-sized or medium sized dwelling sites, of which layout within settlements were similar to a linear patterns as well. Of course all of the pit houses excavated from a settlement were not to be used as a dwelling space. However some settlements such as Songjuk-ri site, Gimcheon, began to have circular distributional patterns in cluster within each settlement. Villagers seemed to have lived in one or two large-scaled dwelling sites. The household unit of this phase have been thought to be related to an extended family and its settlement structure seems to be related to the migration-spread distributional settlement type. Thirdly, during the Later Early Phase of the Bronze Age one hundred or so small-sized or medium-sized dwelling sites began to be appeared, of which layout in cluster inside settlements showed circular distributional patterns. In addition a settlement consisted of various clusters of dwelling sites and some kinds of settlement hierarchy emerged along with a large-scaled central village. Fourthly, the Later Early Phase of the Bronze Age was estimated to witness changes in dwelling styles from a communal dwelling style in a large-sized dwelling site emphasizing household safety to an individualistic dwelling style focusing privacy protection. The settlement structures of the Later Early Phase of the Bronze Age and its distributional patterns are considered to be a kind of sedentary intensification-type distributional settlement emphasizing the exclusive occupation of a group territory by way of active uses of dolmens and menhirs. During the Late Phase of the Bronze Age such a trend to build up megalith monuments had been intensified, which had yielded enormous spread of various dolmens in diverse way.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 초 상해 공공조계의 보산현 확장 문제-1908년 확장 교섭을 중심으로

        김승래 고려대학교 역사연구소 2024 사총 Vol.111 No.-

        The negotiation about extension of the Shanghai International Settlement had started when Shanghai Municipal Council formally asked to Shanghai Consular Body for cooperation. However, since French Concession also tried to extend its boundary into Xujiahui and Pudong, where many British and American company was located, French objected to extension of the Settlement. Moreover, Qing government never allowed to include Zhabei area into newly extended area of the Settlement, while they allowed the extension itself. In early 1908, there were constant clash between Shanghai Municipal Police and Chinese Police for jurisdiction of Zhabei area. This situation made great discontention among foreginers in the Settlement, which resulted into retrying settlement extension into Zhabei. British Consul- general Pelham Warren suggested to John Jordan, the British minister in China, that Chinese attempt to build municipal government in Zhabei is actually aiming to prevent extension of the Settlement into that way. Though the British Foreign Office and Jordan thought that developing the question of police jurisdiction into the settlement extension will not be so successful, and suggested that seeking status quo by negotiation is more preferable. However the Governor of Nanking, Tuan Fang, about the question of extension of the Settlement, made extension of 1899 into final one, so that no more extension of the Settlement will be allowed. Jordan explained about this view that China want to control foreigners in the area outside of the Settlement, while limit their privileges. Jordan never opposed to settlement extension itself, but he thought more possible way is to ask and negotiate to improve Zhabei’s new municipality. Finally, in the negotiation of extension of the Shanghai International Settlement in 1908, the question of the settlement extension in 1899, especially about the question of Zhabei area, was important point. From this, we could understand that the development of municipality in Zhabei had effectively blocked the influences of the Settlement to infiltrate into inner China. 1899년의 공공조계 확장과 관련된 교섭은 1896년 1월 공부국 동사회가 상해 영사단에 조계 확장과 관련된 협조를 요청하면서 시작되어, 1898년까지 지속하여 추진되는 과정에 있었다. 그러나 1898년 사명공소 사건을 계기로 프랑스 조계도 서가회와 포동 방면으로의 확장을 시도하면서, 영국 및 미국과 충돌하게 되었다. 한편 청은 조계측이 제안한 확장 범위의 대부분이 받아들여졌음에도 불구하고 보산현 방향으로의 확장안은 허용되지 않았는데, 이것은 갑북의 철도역이 외국인에게 장악당하는 것을 피하려는 목적이었다. 1908년 초가 되면 갑북의 월계로 구간에서 공부국 경찰과 중국 경찰의 반복적인 관할권 분쟁이 발생하였다. 따라서 조계 외국인은 갑북의 경찰 행정에 대해 큰 불만을 가졌으며, 이는 보산현 방면으로의 확장을 다시 시도 하는 계기가 되었다. 영국 총영사 펠햄 워렌은 영국 공사 조던에게 보산현 방향의 확장 필요성을 주장하며, 중국의 갑북 지방 행정 기구 설립 시도는 조계 확장을 저지하기 위한 것이라고 주장하였다. 또한 중국협회는 보산현 내 외국인의 거주가 허용되어 있으며, 이들을 위한 적절한 경찰 서비스의 제공을 위하여 조계의 확장이 필요하다고 주장하였다. 그러나 영국 외무성과 조던 공사는 경찰 관할권 문제를 조계 확장으로 연결하는 것은 설득력이 떨어지는 방법이라고 보고, 실력 행사보다는 통상적 협의 절차에 따른 현상 유지를 추구해야 한다고 보았다. 한편 양강총독 단방은 조계 확장 요구에 대한 답변에서 1899년의 조계 확장을 최종안으로 확정하고, 보산현의 중국 경찰은 차차 개선될 것이라고 보았다. 여기에 대해 조던은 중국 측이 외국인의 특권 확장을 저지하고자 하는 한편, 조계 외부에 거주하는 외국인을 통제하고자 하고 있음을 지적하였다. 조던은 조계 확장의 가능성은 열어두면서, 방법론상으로 우선 갑북의 시정 운영 개선을 요구하는 것이 순서라는 견해를 가지고 있었다. 이처럼 1908년의 교섭에서는 1899년의 조계 확장과 그 교섭 내용에 대한 인식이 중・서간의 인식 차를 가져온 중요한 지점이었다. 또한 갑북에서 지방 행정 기구의 운영과 발전은 조계 경찰과의 관할권 분쟁 등을 통하여 조계 행정의 영향력이 좀 더 내지 깊숙한 곳까지 침투하는 것을 저지하였으며, 나아가 조계 확장의 저지에도 영향을 미쳤음을 알 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중부지역 신석기~청동기시대 취락의 공간 구조와 그 의미

        이형원(Lee, Hyung-won) 중부고고학회 2012 고고학 Vol.11 No.2

        중부지역의 선사시대 취락에 대한 연구는 자료의 양적·질적 수준을 고려하면, 지금부터 본격적인 연구가 이루어질 수 있는 환경이 만들어지고 있는 상황이다. 다만, 현재의 편년연구 수준에서는 취락의 일시적 경관을 파악하기 어려운 것이 사실이다. 신석기시대에서 청동기시대에 이르기까지의 시기구분에서 한 시기는 최소한 100년 이상 되는 긴 기간을 동시기로 분류하고 있는 것이 현실이기 때문이다. 이로 인해 주거지가 밀집 분포하는 유적을 대규모 취락으로 인식하거나, 장기간에 걸쳐 지속된 취락으로 해석하는 오류를 범할 개연성이 매우 높다. 본고는 이와 같은 현실적 한계를 인식하면서 중부지역의 선사취락을 살펴본 결과, 집단의 정주도 및 이동성은 취락의 공간구조와 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 이해하였다. 개별 주거의 확장이나 개축 현상을 심도 있게 검토해야 하며, 특히 무덤이나 묘역의 존재는 취락과 집단의 이동성과 정주도를 평가하는 데 중요한 지표가 될 수 있다고 보았다. 그리고 신석기시대에서 청동기시대에 걸치는 광범위한 시기의 취락에 대해서는 거시적인 측면에서 선행 연구를 적절히 인정하면서, 비판적 관점에서 새롭게 해석한 부분도 있다. 신석기시대 취락에서는 열상배치론을 비판했고, 무덤이 전혀 발굴되지 않은 점에서 집단의 정주도는 낮았으며 수렵·채집·어로와 초보적 농경을 병행한 이동성이 매우 높았던 사회로 이해했다. 청동기시대 취락의 공간구조는 시간이 경과하면서 취락의 규모가 점점 커지고, 전기에는 상징적·영역표시적 성격의 분묘가 조성되고 집단묘가 등장한다. 중기는 취락 공간의 다양화와 기능분화, 그리고 분묘공간의 확대를 특징으로 하는데 이것은 정착 농경과 관련이 깊다. 후기가 되면 고지성 취락과 의례공간이 부각되는데, 이는 수장의 권력과 종교적 제의를 행사하는 방식에서 지역적 특성이 반영된 것이다. 이와 같은 선사취락의 구조는 그것을 영위한 집단의 생계방식이나 사회조직의 운영원리가 공간성에 반영된 결과이다. This study examines the settlement structure in the Central Region during the period of the Neolithic to Bronze Age. From the results, it can be argued that a group’s settlement and migration are closely related to settlement space structure. Expansion of an individual’s residence and housing reconstruction must be examined in depth, and the presence of tombs and grave regions is an important marker in evaluating settlement and group movement and settlement. During the expansive period of the Neolithic to Bronze Age, settlement was preliminarily researched from a macroscopic perspective and was also interpreted from a critical standpoint. Neolithic Age settlement criticized the theory of line type arrangement. Since no graves were excavated, the settlement can be understood as having low settlement. Instead, the people would migrate often, supporting themselves through primitive agriculture, such as hunting, gathering, fishing, etc. In terms of Bronze Age settlement structure, settlements grew larger in size as time passed. During the early years of the Bronze Age, symbolic and territory-marking tombs were established and grouped tombs appeared. Mid-Bronze Age saw the diversification and differentiation of function of settlement space and the expansion of tomb areas. The late Bronze Age was characterized by villages appearing on high land and the existence of ceremonial grounds. This was a reflection the regional characteristic where the communal head would impose his power and make religious suggestions. Like such, settlement structure during the prehistoric age shows how space is a reflection of the residing group’s way of life and social organization.

      • KCI등재

        주제별 논단 : 지급결제제도의 법적 문제점과 과제 ; 지급결제제도의 결제완결성

        박구용 ( Gu Yong Park ) 한국금융법학회 2006 金融法硏究 Vol.3 No.1

        In accordance with Act on Bankruptcy and Rehabilitation of Debtors (entry into effect on April 1, 2006, hereinafter referred to as "Unified Insolvency Law"), the Bank of Korea decided to designate 5 payment and settlement systems, including BOK-Wire, the Interbank CD/ATM System, the Interbank Funds Transfer System, the Electronic Banking System, and the CLS System, as the payment and settlement system to be guaranteed settlement finality effective from August 21, 2006. Settlement finality means that payments made through the systems designated as above upon orders of the payment system participants are unconditionally binding and irrevocable under operational rules of the payment and settlement system, notwithstanding any other circumstances or laws. This legally and practically rules out the application of clauses in Unified Insolvency Law, which hampers settlement finality, such as avoidance power of trustees in bankruptcy and regulations on presumption, in order to ensure finality of individual transfer orders (payment) and interbank net settlement. Guarantee of settlement finality has been taken for granted in the past and there have not been any serious problems involving a lack of relevant legal framework. Recently, however, the EU and other advanced countries established or amended relevant laws to guarantee settlement finality of payment and settlement systems, as there are more frequent cross-border financial transactions, and international organizations, such as the Bank of International Settlements(BIS), recommended establishment of legal grounds for guaranteeing settlement finality. In recognition of such a global trend, the Bank of Korea made a request to the Government and the National Assembly during the legislation process of the Unified Insolvency Law to set up legal basis for guaranteeing settlement finality of payment and settlement systems. As a result, the Unified Insolvency Law includes the special provisions(Articles 120 and 336) which guarantee the validity of payment orders or settlements related to these orders made through the payment and settlement systems designated by the Governor of the Bank of Korea in consultation with the Minister of Finance and Economy. As settlement finality of the five payment and settlement systems is legally guaranteed, it ensures normal operation of these systems as well as stability of financial market even in case of bankruptcy of financial institutions. Moreover the legal framework complying with the global standards is expected to contribute significantly to the advancement of payment and settlement systems and to globalization of the financial market.

      • Enhancing Trade Settlement: A Meta- Analysis and VAR Model Approach to RMB Activation in International Transactions

        Jianshuo-Wei,박영현 한국무역학회 2023 Journal of Korea trade Vol.27 No.6

        Purpose – This paper aims to empirically analyze factors associated with international trade settlement methods and cross-border Renmingbi (RMB) settlement. RStudio was employed to perform an empirical analysis of prior research via meta-analysis, and to examine research trends pertaining to international trade settlement. Following the preceding research, factors such as economic scale, trade scale, RMB exchange rate forecast, money supply, inflation rate, and overseas financial market development have been identified as influential factors on RMB settlement. This study aims to investigate the impact on international RMB settlement. This paper provides a summary of the research areas pertaining to trade settlement methods by Chinese scholars, and examines deficiencies in China's research in this field. Design/methodology – The empirical model takes into account both direct and indirect factors that influence RMB settlement. Utilizing the established theoretical framework to ascertain the correlation between different factors and the influence on RMB settlement, with the aim of offering recommendations for the facilitation of RMB settlement is the goal of the study. Findings – The study reveals that RMB settlement transaction volume has a significant impact, while other factors such as economic scale, exchange rate, and trade scale also exert influence. Among these factors, economic scale exerts the most significant influence. However, over time, economic growth may reach a point of saturation, leading to a gradual reduction in its impact on RMB settlement. Originality/value – This research aims to conduct a meta-analysis to statistically analyze the current research status and trends of trade settlement methods. This approach seeks to provide an objective and quantitative understanding of the research context and direction. Furthermore, the findings of the meta-analysis served as foundational data to employ a Vector Autoregression (VAR) model in a comprehensive analysis to simulate and forecast the interrelationships and effects of diverse factors.

      • KCI등재

        통감부의 재한일본인 정책과 거류민단의 변화

        천지명 한국민족운동사학회 2014 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.79

        이 글에서는 일제의 이주ㆍ식민정책, 궁극적으로는 대한정책과 관련하여 재한일본인 정책이 변경되는 양상을 거류민단의 변화를 통해 보고자 하였다. 재한일본인 거류민단은 공식적으로는 1906년부터 1914년까지 존재한 한국에 ‘진출’해 있던 일본인들의 자치기구이다. 재한일본인 거류민단은 사업과 관련하여서는 적극적인 지원을 받으면서도, 표면상으로 통감부와 재한일본인 사회는 대한정책을 두고 마찰하였다. 통감부는 1908년 재한일본인 정책과 관련하여 두 차례 크게 규칙 개정을 하였다. 첫째는 1908년 5월 관리의 거류민회 의원 피선거권, 둘째는 7월 발표된 민장관선령이다. 특히 민장관선령에 대해서는 거류민단 측에서 자치제의 퇴보를 이유로 크게 반발하여 통감부와 거류민단은 극단적인 마찰을 노정하였다. 통감부가 공식적으로 표명한 민장관선령 발포의 이유는 민선 민장 선거 시 권력 쟁탈적 양상, 경비 등 거류민단 운용상의 문제였다. 그러나 민장관선령에 대한 비공식적인 통감부 측의 입장을 보면, 이 문제가 일제의 이주ㆍ식민과 관련된 대한정책 및 재한일본인 정책과 밀접하게 관련된 것임을 알 수 있었다. 민장관선령은 척식회사의 성립에 따른 민장 적임자 선정, 한국 병탄 이후 한일 공동의 행정조직을 실시할 경우, 제도상의 首長 선출권을 관측에서 장악해두겠다는 것이었다. 이시기 통감부가 이미 한국 병탄을 염두에 두고 있었음도 확인할 수 있다. 그리고 통감부에서는 민장관선 문제가 재한일본인들의 자치권을 박탈하기 위한 것은 아니라는 입장을 표명하였으나, 민장관선령은 일본의 대한정책 관련 문제 외에도 실제 통감부 시기 이후 재한일본인 관민 간의 갈등을 표출한 사건으로서 통감부가 일정 재한일본인 세력과 거리를 두려고 하였던 것도 확인되었다. 즉 그간의 통감부와 재한일본인 세력 간의 갈등으로 통감부에서는 재한일본인 세력에 대한 불신으로 민장을 관리로까지 임명하려고 계획하고 있었다. 한편 민간 측에서는 이 문제를 자신들의 생존과 관련하여, 일제의 식민정책과 관련한 대한정책 문제, 대륙경영문제와 연결시켜 이해하려고 하였고, 민장관선령에 대한 재한일본인 사회의 움직임을 보면 단순히 이를 거류민단만의 문제로 보지 않고 거류민전체의 문제로 파악하고 대응한 측면이 확인된다. 민장관선문제는 재한일본인 전체의 민의를 전달해야 되는 문제로 재한일본인 사회에 파악되고 있었다. 또한 거류민단은 민장관선령 문제를 일본 본국에서까지 논의될 수 있게 하는 영향력을 갖고 있었다. 거류민단은 민장관선령 문제를 일본의 대륙경영 문제로 부각시킴으로서 제국의회에서의 논의를 이끌어내고, 대륙경영자로서 자신들의 위치를 확보하였다. 민장관선령 이후, 거류민회 의원 선거의 결과를 보면 통감부의 재한일본인 정책에 반발하여 거류민단 측이 압도적으로 승리한 사실이 확인된다. 단 반대파에서도 일부 의원을 냄으로써 재한일본인 거류지 사회의 유지 세력의 분화를 보여준다. 이후 민장 임명의 내용을 보면, 관선이라고는 하나 통감부의 의지가 관철되지 않고 거의 민선과 같은 형태였음이 확인된다. 이는 거류민단의 재한일본이 사회에서의 위상이 견고하였음을 보여주는 것이라 하겠다. 결국, 민장관선령은 진행되었고, 일본 제국의회에서 개정법률안이 논의되기는 하였으나 개정은 실패하였다. 그러나 재한일본인 거류 ... In this article, through changes of Japanese Settlement Corporation in Colonial Korea, we considered movement policy, colonial policy, and foreign policy toward korea, ultimately. Japanese Settlement Corporation in Colonial Korea was independent organization that had been advanced into Korea (1906~1914). With respect to the business while being active support, ostensibly Residency-General and Japanese residents in Korea had been conflicted about policies toward Korea. In 1908, the Residency-General had revised rules for Japanese settlement in twice. At first, the Residency-General had revised eligibility for election in May. Second, the Residency-General had announced about ‘election for the head of the Japanese Residents Association in Korea’ in July. Especially, on account of ‘election for the head of the Japanese Residents Association in Korea’, settlement corporation had conflicted with the Residency-General for retrogression of self-governing system. The representing reason of ‘election for the head of the Japanese Residents Association in Korea’ was practical problem, like a struggle for authority and public expenditure, etc. However, this problem had become closely intertwined with policies for Japanese immigration and Japanese settlement. The government had a purpose to gain control of election right for the head. Also, we can assume that the Residency-General already concerned with Annexation of Korea. The Residency-General ostensibly indicated their stance not to deprive right of autonomy. But, The Residency-General kept their distance from Japanese residents, actually. In other words, they had plans to appoint the head of Japanese residents in Korea as a government official employee. Japanese settlement corporation understood this problem as matters of mutual concerns. A settlement corporation had led to a discussion that emerged as the continent management problems using ‘election the head of the Japanese Residents Association in Korea.’ After ‘election the head of the Japanese Residents Association in Korea’, looking at the results of the parliamentary elections settlement corporation, this fact that won an overwhelming victory against Japanese policy in Korea of Residency- General. By finding some opposition lawmakers in the settlement of Japanese society shows the differentiation of keeping forces. After this, the head was mostly elected by the people. This shows firm status of the Japanese settlement corporation in Japanese society. Fianally, ‘election for the head of the Japanese Residents Association in Korea’ was enforced and amendment bill was failed though confessed at Japan parliament. But Japanese Settlement Corporation in Colonial Korea accomplished influence in process of the development of the apposite situation, confirmed it was closely connected position with a immigration and colonial policy. The Japanese Diet look discussion process, Japanese Settlement Corporation in Colonial Korea performed well ‘colonialism’ which was a national policy than the Residency-General and the corporation was to consolidate their phase that the Residency-General seemed to be evaluated disturbing it. Mean age at the time of the ‘election for the head of the Japanese Residents Association in Korea’, it was identified that Japanese Settlement Corporation in Colonial Korea had the initiative hegemony than the Residency-General at society of Japanese residents in Korea. In conclusion, Japanese Settlement Corporation had raised trouble with the Japanese Government General of Korea and the Residency-Geneal ostensibly. But, on the other hand, Japanese Settlement Corporation had conducted invasion policies in other ways.

      • 생명보험전매(生命保險轉賣)에 관한 日本判例에 대한 고찰 -보험자의 동의를 중심으로-

        이승환 ( Seung Hwan Lee ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 글로벌비즈니스와 법센터 2011 연세 글로벌 비즈니스 법학연구 Vol.3 No.2

        Viatical settlement was developed around the 1980`s in the U.S. in order to aid those who were facing shortened life expectancy, particularly the patients with AIDS. Viatical settlement has since then became a trading security and been used for busin ess purposes. In Japan, the first viatical settlement was established in April 2004 and the first settlement contracts were drawn in December 2004. In Korea, viatical settle ments have not been implemented despite numerous discussions. This Thesis analyz es the laws in Japan who share similar legal system with Korea and the feasibility of implanting the viatical settlement system in Korea. Viatical settlement transaction aims to support the holder of an insurance policy, who is facing shorter life expectancy and financial difficulties due to medical bill or expenses, and cannot pay the insurance policy premiums. In general, the policy hol der who is terminally ill and cannot live for much longer offers his or her policy to a buyer company through a viatical settlement. The purchase price of the policy is determined by the remaining life expectancy of the holder, and the holder and the buyer of the policy notifies the insurance company of the changes in the name of the holder as well as of the beneficiary. Once the changes take place, the buyer company pays the holder the purchase price, and continues to pay the premiums to the insurance company during the payment period. Once the holder dies, the buy ing company collects on the policy. In Japan, viatical settlement was unsuccessful from the first case. The Japanese co urt rejected the settlement based on the insurance policy provision that in order to change the policy holder and the beneficiary, the insurance company must consent to such change. The Tokyo District Court set the precedent by ruling that the insuran ce company may not concur with the change and can reject the settlement. Similar to Japan, Korea does not yet have concrete laws and regulations that gover n viatical settlement, but many have discussed the necessity for them. Although there are numerous concerns such as moral hazards and corruption in insurance contracts, a thorough review of the viatical settlement as well as pertinent, if not necessary, legislations is imperative because the babyboomers who are getting older will look for an opportunity to convert their high premium insurance policies to cash payment.

      • KCI등재

        생명보험 정산거래와 한국 보험시장에서의 가용성

        김석영 ( Seog Young Kim ),김해식 ( Hae Sik Kim ) 보험연구원 2010 보험금융연구 Vol.21 No.3

        생명보험 계약자는 자신의 보험증권을 해지를 통해 보험회사에 되팔 수도 있지만 제3의 투자자에게 판매할 수도 있다. 본 연구는 후자의 보험계약자와 투자자 간의 거래인 생명보험 정산거래를 다루고 있다. 이론적으로 정산거래는 보험계약자에게 선택의 폭을 넓혀주는 만큼 사회적 후생이 증가한다고 알려져 있으며, 미국의 사례는 해약환급금보다 많은 정산금액을 받는 보험계약자와 자본시장보다 높은 수익률을 얻을 수 있는 투자자 모두에게 윈-윈 게임임을 보여준다. 미국의 정산시장은 초기의 시한부 정산시장이 보험금선지급특약 등 보험회사의 적극적 대응으로 쇠퇴하였다가 고령층으로 거래 대상을 확대하면서 최근 빠른 성장을 보이고 있다. 국내 보험시장에서도 보험수익자 변경 등에 대해 보험회사가 거부권을 행사하지 않는 한 정산거래가 가능하지만, 그렇다 하더라도 투자자의 관점에서 과연 정산거래를 시장에 제공할 만한 여건인지는 확실하지 않다. 본 연구는 이 점에 주목하여 정산거래의 경제적 타당성을 분석하였다. 종신보험과 국립암센타 데이터를 이용하여 정산거래의 경제적 체결조건을 충족하는 지를 분석한 결과, 국내에서 고령층 정산시장이 형성될 가능성은 희박한 반면, 일부 종신보험의 경우에는 시한부 정산거래가 가능한 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 국내 보험시장에서 이미 시한부 정산거래를 대체할 수 있는 보험금선지급특약 등이 다양한 형태로 제공되고 있어 정산거래가 생명보험 유통시장의 활성화를 가져올 것이라고 기대하기는 어려워 보인다. There are secondary life insurance markets where a policyholder can sell her insurance policy to her insurance company or a third party. The paper focuses on the trade between a policyholder in the life insurance market and a third party who is an investor in the capital market. The trade is called a life settlement. Theoretically, life settlements are expected to raise the level of social welfare. In practice, it is shown that both policyholders and investors can earn more profits in life settlements than otherwise they could earn; as a result, life settlements have grown well in the U.S. There are two types of life settlements: viatical settlements for terminally ill insureds and senior settlements for impaired insureds who are 65 years old or more. In the U.S., the latter is booming while the former has disappeared as its alternatives such as advanced death payments are provided by insurers. In the Korean insurance market, life settlements could be available with an insurer`s consent. However, it is not guaranteed that Korean life settlements can grow well even though they are legally possible. It is because the economic availability of life settlements depend on the level of mortality of the insured. The paper tests the economic viability of life settlements in Korean insurance market. Based on whole life critical illness insurance data and national statistics on cancer, our cash flow simulation results indicate that only viatical settlements can be viable in some cases while senior settlements are not in Korean insurance market. Given that Korean life insurers are also providing alternatives to life settlements which has smothered viatical settlements in the U.S., our results suggest that life settlements are not expected to grow well in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Groundwater Level Variation on Residual Settlement of Korean High-Speed Railway on Soft Ground

        이일화,최영태,이민수,윤찬영 대한토목학회 2018 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.22 No.9

        Groundwater drawdown is one of the factors that inducoe settlement in soft ground. However, the drawdown usually does not lead to a large settlement, and thus is not considered at the design stage. A few sites along the Honam High-Speed Railway experienced relatively large residual settlements, judging from residual settlement criterion of 30 mm in Korea. This settlement occurred during the dry season in Korea; accordingly, groundwater drawdown was pointed out as a cause of the settlement. This study focuses on the effect of groundwater level variation on residual settlement by field measurement and numerical analysis. The numerical simulation produced reasonably similar settlement behavior to that of the field measurements, which proves that the numerical analysis represents field performance. The comparison of numerical analysis between the constant and variable groundwater level clearly shows the effect of groundwater variation on the settlement of soft ground. The drawdown only leads to additional residual settlements of 7.3 and 8.3 mm at the surface of the natural ground and embankment. The total residual settlement is approximately 21.9 mm; thus, more than 33% of the settlement was caused by groundwater drawdown. Therefore, the groundwater variation should be considered at the design and construction stages to reduce residual settlement in the case of strict criterion.

      • KCI등재

        A New Calculation Method for Tunneling-Caused Stratum Settlement

        Junbao Wang,Pengyuan Zhou,Zhanping Song,Shihao Li,Qiang Zhang 대한토목학회 2022 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.26 No.6

        To improve the prediction accuracy for the stratum settlement induced by tunnels and obtain a theoretical method for determining the influence radius of settlement, a new empirical formula for the surface settlement curve is proposed in this study, and the slice method is introduced into the calculation of the influence radius of settlement. It is assumed that the disturbance boundary of the tunnel is a circular arc surface, the disturbed soil is divided into multiple slices, and the sliding force and resistance on the circular arc are obtained through a stress analysis of the slices. An arc with the same values of the sliding force and resistance can be determined as the actual disturbance boundary of the overlying strata as formed by the subsurface tunneling. On this basis, the influence radius of settlement and maximum settlement at different depths can be determined, and the settlement curve can be depicted by substituting the influence radius and maximum settlement into the expression of the settlement curve. The rationality of the proposed method is verified based on four sets of measured data. The surface settlement curves and the settlements at different depths on the center line of the tunnel obtained by the new method are generally consistent with the measured data.

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