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        The Effects of Semi-Permanent Eyebrow Make-Up Execution on Appearance Perception and Self-Efficacy of Female Breast Cancer Patients

        Jina You,Eunjoo Choi J-INSTITUTE 2023 Public Value Vol.8 No.-

        Purpose: In this study, the effect of the eyebrow semi-permanent makeup procedure was verified by paying attention to the side effects of anti-cancer and the psychological and social burden caused by hair loss that may occur in female breast cancer patients. To this end, the difference in perception of eyebrow semi-permanent makeup, appearance recognition, and self-efficacy before and after eyebrow semi-permanent makeup was analyzed to identify relevance and influence. Through empirical analysis, we expect that our quality of life improvement and protective aesthetic contributions will be repaid. The purpose of this study is to contribute to beauty protection and adaptation to the lives of patients and to obtain useful data for the market expansion of semi-permanent makeup in the industrial aspect. Method: This study was conducted on female breast cancer patients suffering from hair loss as a side effect of chemotherapy, and 64 questionnaires were collected for verification of research questions. For empirical statistical analysis, SPSS 25.0 program was used, and frequency analysis and descriptive statistical analysis were used. To identify the difference in effectiveness, t-test and ANOVA were analyzed for the pre- and post-differences. In the statistical analysis, statistical significance was judged based on the significance level of 0.05. Results: First, when comparing before and after eyebrow semi-permanent makeup, it was found that appearance awareness and self-efficacy improved significantly from the starting point of eyebrow semi-permanent makeup. Second, as a result of an independent sample t-test analysis to confirm the average difference in major variables according to the location of the current hospital, the difference in appearance perception according to the classification of the metropolitan area and non-metropolitan area was found to be significant. Third, the difference in appearance recognition according to the current health status was significant, and the improvement score was found to be higher in the group with better health. Conclusion: The eyebrow semi-permanent makeup procedure is increasing everyone's appearance awareness and self-efficacy, and giving positive effects. This study contributed to expanding the beneficiaries of beauty services not only to the general public but also to female breast cancer patients. Through empirical analysis, it was verified that the eyebrow semi-permanent makeup procedure affects the perception of appearance and the increase in self-efficacy in female breast cancer patients. In the future, based on this study, the eyebrow semi-permanent makeup procedure of female breast cancer patients can be used as useful data in the industrial and policy aspects of beauty service, and it can be expected to have a positive effect on the expansion of the domestic beauty industry and the semi-permanent makeup market.

      • KCI등재

        트랜스아이덴티티 인물형상의 표상들

        임대근 한국비교문학회 2020 比較文學 Vol.0 No.81

        This paper argues some representations of the transidentity characters that represented in narratives. Jorge Luis Borges has created a character Funes who cannot fully recognize, perceive, and remember the world in a short story, “Funes the memorious”. He could be a archetype of human being. Funes formally shows the concept of the contemporaneity of the uncontemporary by Ernst Bloch. He can be further explained by the concept of ‘the identity of the non-identity’. He is also a person who lacks the cognition of ‘object permanence’ as Jean Piaget said. Object persistence is an important concept that explains whether an object’s identity can be recognized. The character of a person who has completed the transformation of identity within a specific narrative must reveal a representation that can deny his object persistence. The typical representations are costumes, transformations, renaming, (pseudo) masks, or specific materials such as water or fire. Through these representations, readers and audiences can obtain information such as the characters in the narrative being acquired a new identity or concealing the identity, and naturally understand the development of the narrative. Therefore, the way in which the narrative reveals its representation in the process of changing the identity of the character can determine the attitude of the reader and the audience to accept the narrative, which is also related to the genre issue of the narrative. In the case of Funes, the perception of ‘self permanence’ also has a problem. In this regard, the transidentity situation is achieved in such a way that the self permanence of the self or the other’s object permanence is eventually cut off. In this context, this paper discusses some representations that break the other’s permanence toward self. 이 글은 서사체 내부에서 드러나는 트랜스아이덴티티 인물형상의 표상들을 다룬다. 호르헤 루이스 보르헤스(Jorge Luis Borges)는 「기억의 천재 푸네스」(Funes the memorious)라는 단편소설에서 세계를 온전히 인식, 지각, 기억할 수 없는 인간의 불완전성에 대한 역설적 묘사를 위해 인간 자신의 전형인 푸네스라는 인물형상을 창조한다. 에른스트 블로흐(Ernst Bloch)가 제시한 ‘비동시성의 동시성’ (the contemporaneity of the uncontemporary)을 형상적으로 보여주는 인물의 특징은 ‘비동일성의 동일성’(the identity of the non-identity)이라는 개념으로 설명할 수도 있다. 이는 장 피아제(Jean Piaget)가 말하는 ‘대상영속성’(object permanence)의 인지 결핍 상황이기도 하다. 대상영속성은 대상의 정체성 인지가능 여부를 설명하는 중요한 개념으로서, 특정한 서사체 내부에서 정체성 전환을 완수한 인물형상은 반드시 자신의 대상영속성을 부정할만한 표상(representation)을 드러내야만 한다. 그 표상은 대표적으로 복장(코스튬), 변신, 개명, (유사)가면 등, 또는 물이나 불과 같은 특정한 요소와 더불어 드러난다. 독자와 관객은 이러한 표상을 통해서 서사체 내부의 인물형상이 새로운 정체성을 획득했다거나, 정체성을 은폐하고 있다거나 하는 등의 정보를 얻게 되고, 자연스럽게 서사의 전개를 이해하게 된다. 따라서 서사체가 인물형상의 정체성 전환과정에서 그 표상을 드러내는 방식은 독자와 관객이 서사를 수용하는 태도를 결정할 수 있고, 이는 서사체의 장르화 문제와도 관련된다. 대상영속성 개념은 다른 측면에서 ‘자기영속성’(self permanence)이라는 개념을 떠올리게 한다. 이와 관련하여 우리는 트랜스아이덴티티 상황이 결국 자신에 대한 자아영속성을 단절하거나 자아에 대한 타자의 대상영속성을 단절하는 방식으로 이뤄진다는 사실을알게 된다. 이런 맥락에서 이 글은 자아에 대한 타자의 대상영속성을 단절하는 표상들을 논의한다.

      • KCI등재

        A Speed Control of Stepping Motor Using a Self-Tuning Regulator

        Young-Tae Kim,Sei-Yoon Kim 한국조명·전기설비학회 2009 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.23 No.11

        In this paper, a self-tuning regulator for a speed control of a permanent magnet type stepping motor is proposed. The self-tuning theory provides a nonlinear modeling of a stepping motor drive system and can provide the controller with information regarding the reference variation and parameter variation of the stepping motor through the on-line estimation. The proposed self-tuning regulator organize the positive feedback loop and IP(Integral-Proportional) type. Therefore, the proposed self-tuning regulator has a robust control capabilities during dynamic operation. The availability of the proposed controller is verified through experimental results.

      • KCI등재

        영구자석의 자속을 고려한 영구자석 동기 전동기의 자속 포화 모델 및 자기 식별 방법

        우태겸,윤영두 전력전자학회 2024 전력전자학회 논문지 Vol.29 No.1

        This paper describes the flux saturation model and self-identification methods for flux saturation, considering the flux saturation phenomenon in a permanent magnet synchronous motor. The flux saturation data are obtained by injecting d-q axis voltages individually or simultaneously. Here, the d-axis self-saturation data can be obtained when only the d-axis voltage is injected. When only the q-axis voltage is injected, cross-saturation occurs because of the q-axis flux and the d-axis permanent magnet flux. Q-axis self-saturation data require generating a d-axis current, such that the d-axis flux becomes zero. However, this process can be difficult to execute depending on the system. configuration Thus, to solve this problem, this paper proposes a flux saturation model and estimation method that considers the cross-saturation effect of permanent magnets. The proposed algorithm was then verified using an 11kW IPMSM.

      • KCI등재

        영구임대주택에 거주하는 장애인의 신체적 자기개념 및 취업 욕구와 구직 효능감

        우희순,장기연 한국장애인고용공단 고용개발원 2012 장애와 고용 Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구는 상대적으로 장애 인구 비율이 높은 영구임대주택에 거주하는 장애인들의 신 체적 자기 개념과 취업 욕구 및 구직 효능감을 알아보고, 신체적 자기 개념에 따른 취업 욕구 및 취업 욕구에 따른 구직효능감과의 상관관계 등을 알아보고자 진행되었다. 연구 의 대상으로 대전 지역 내에 있는 영구임대주택 중 4개 단지를 임의로 추출하여, 20세 이상 60세 미만의 장애인 가구 58세대를 대상으로 1:1면담하였다. 대상자들의 신체적 자기 개념을 조사한 결과 건강, 체력, 운동 유능감 영역에 비하여 외모, 신체감각능력은 보다 낮게 인식하고 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 취업 욕구를 조사한 결과 구직활동의 적극성과 일자리 수용자세 두 가지 측면에서 보통 정도의 적극성을 보 이고 있었다. 또한 대상자들의 구직 효능감은 영역별로 약간의 차이는 있었지만 평균적 으로 보통 정도의 구직 효능감을 보이는 것으로 나타났으며, 구직 효능감과 취업 욕구의 경우 모든 하위 항목에서 서로 간의 유의한 상관관계가 드러난 바 구직 효능감이 높은 장애인들이 취업욕구가 보다 고취되어 있음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구 결과 구직 효능감이 높은 장애인들에게서 취업 욕구가 높음을 알 수 있었던 만큼, 신체적 자기 개념 및 자기 효능감 향상 방안을 다각도로 모색하여 영구임대주택 주거 장애인들이 효율적 구직 활동 및 안정적인 취업을 통해 보다 적극적인 사회적 참여를 이뤄내도록 고민해야 할 것이다. This study aimed to identify the physical self-concept, desire for employment and job seeking efficacy of disabled persons dwelling in permanent rental housing which has higher percentage of disabled population, and to identify the correlation between desire for employment according to the self-concept and job seeking efficacy according to the desire for employment. 4 complexes in permanent rental housing in Daejeon were randomly extracted and 58 households with disability from 20 years to 60 years were conducted a one-onone interview. The results of this study were as follows. First, the subjects had moderate drive(initiative) in activeness of job-seeking and attitude toward job acceptance. Second, the subjects showed lower recognition in appearance and ability of body sensation than health, fitness, exercise competence in physical self-concept. Third, the subjects had a little difference in job seeking efficacy areas but normally they showed moderate job seeking efficacy. In job seeking efficacy and desire for employment, they showed significant correlation in all subitems. These results implied that the disabled persons with higher job seeking efficacy had higher desire for employment. As the disabled persons with higher job seeking efficacy had higher desire for employment, it is needed a study of improvement plan of physical self-concept and self-efficacy by investigating from various angles to achieve more active social participation in disabled persons dwelling in permanent rental housing through the effective job seeking activity and stable employment.

      • KCI등재

        추구이미지에 따른 남성중심의 세미퍼머넌트 연구 -20~50대 남성의 외모관리동기 및 세미퍼머넌트 메이크업 선호도, 재시술의도를 중심으로-

        서란숙 ( Ran Sug Seo ) 한국미용학회 2013 한국미용학회지 Vol.19 No.3

        This study analyzed difference in motive for outer appearance management each group and preference for semi permanent make-up, satisfaction, intention for medical re-treatment, purchasing intention of self-medical treatment program according to pursued image. And then, tried to figure out correlation between each variable and main cause. Questionnaire survey was carried out with men in twenties~ fifties who live in Seoul and the capital area. As a result, five groups were classified according to pursued image, that is, refined, individual/attractive, cute/young, dignified, natural man`s image. There were statistically significant results in motive for outer appearance management and preference for semi-permanent make-up, satisfaction, intention for medical re-treatment, and purchasing intention of self-medical treatment program each group according to pursued image. And satisfaction, intention for medical re treatment, and purchasing intention of self-medical treatment program were examined in this order purchasing intention of self medical treatment program, intention for medical re-treatment, and satisfaction. When one is satisfied with medical treatment, intention to recommend medical re-treatment or treatment to others were high; purchasing intention of self-medical treatment program was also high. In the results of analyzing improvements of semi-permanent make-up, whole image groups put priority on improvements about safety so that necessity for concrete and continued study on development of safe self-medical treatment semi-permanent program was raised.

      • KCI등재

        A Speed Control of Stepping Motor Using a Self-Tuning Regulator

        Kim, Young-Tae,Kim, Sei-Yoon The Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrica 2009 조명·전기설비학회논문지 Vol.23 No.11

        In this paper, a self-tuning regulator for a speed control of a permanent magnet type stepping motor is proposed. The self-tuning theory provides a nonlinear modeling of a stepping motor drive system and can provide the controller with information regarding the reference variation and parameter variation of the stepping motor through the on-line estimation. The proposed self-tuning regulator organize the positive feedback loop and IP(Integral-Proportional) type. Therefore, the proposed self-tuning regulator has a robust control capabilities during dynamic operation. The availability of the proposed controller is verified through experimental results.

      • Self-Shielding Magnetized vs. Shaped Parallel-Magnetized PM Brushless AC Motors

        Pang Y.,Zhu Z. Q.,Howe D. The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2005 KIEE International Transactions on Electrical Mach Vol.b5 No.1

        The performance of two designs of permanent magnet brushless motor, by having self-shielding magnetized magnets or sinusoidally shaped parallel-magnetized magnets with essentially sinusoidal airgap flux distributions, are compared. It is shown that the parallel-magnetized motor with shaped sintered NdFeB magnets can result in a higher airgap flux density and torque density than that of a self-shielding magnetized motor equipped with an anisotropic injection moulded NdFeB ring magnet.


        Self-Commissioning for Surface-Mounted Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors

        Urasaki, Naomitsu,Senjyu, Tomonobu,Uezato, Katsumi The Korean Institute of Power Electronics 2003 JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS Vol.3 No.1

        This paper presents the self-commissioning for surface-mounted permanent magnet synchronous motor. The proposed strategy executes three tests with a vector controlled inverter drive system. To do this, synchronous d-q axes currents are appropriately controlled for each test. From the three tests, armature resistance, armature inductance, equivalent iron loss resistance, and emf coefficient are identified automatically. The validity of the proposed strategy is confirmed by experimental results.

      • KCI등재

        회전자 위치추정을 위해 자기적 돌극성을 고려한 표면 부착형 영구자석 동기 전동기 설계

        조정현(Jeonghyun Cho),이치우(Cheewoo Lee) 대한전기학회 2017 전기학회논문지 Vol.66 No.5

        This paper presents concurrent design methods of surface permanent magnet synchronous machines for saliency-tracking self-sensing position estimation. Magnetic saliency for the self-sensing is created by stator pole saturation due to the rotor zigzag leakage flux. The power conversion properties such as saliency ratio, torque ripple, and efficiency vary according to motor design. The property change due to design modification is analysed by using finite element analysis, and with the appropriate design modification, proper saliency is created while preserving their power conversion capabilities.

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