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      • Microbial succession and metabolite changes during fermentation of saeu-jeot: Traditional Korean salted seafood

        Jung, J.Y.,Lee, S.H.,Lee, H.J.,Jeon, C.O. Academic Press 2013 Food microbiology Vol.34 No.2

        Saeu-jeot is made by the fermentation of highly salted [approximately 25% (w/v)] shrimp in Korea. Saeu-jeot samples were prepared in triplicate and their cell number, bacterial community, and metabolites were monitored periodically for 183 days. Quantitative PCR showed that bacterial populations were much more abundant than archaeal populations during the entire saeu-jeot fermentation period, which suggested that bacterial populations, not archaeal populations, might be primarily responsible for saeu-jeot fermentation. Pyrosequencing analysis revealed that Proteobacteria were dramatically replaced with halophilic Firmicutes as the fermentation progressed and members of Pseudoalteromonas, Staphylococcus, Salimicrobium, and Alkalibacillus were sequentially dominant and, eventually, Halanaerobium predominated after 66 days of fermentation. Halophilic archaeal genera, Halorubrum, Halolamina, Halobacterium, Haloarcula, and Haloplanus belonging to Euryarchaeota, were dominant, but their communities were relatively constant over the entire fermentation period. Metabolite analysis using a <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR spectroscopy showed that the amount of metabolites including amino acids, glycerol, and nitrogen compounds rapidly increased during the early fermentation stage, but their levels were relatively constant or they decreased after approximately 49 days of fermentation. A statistical analysis based on bacterial communities and metabolites demonstrated that members of Halanaerobium might be responsible for the production of acetate, butyrate, and methylamines after 66 days of fermentation, which could be considered as a potential indicator to decide the appropriate seafood fermentation time. This study will provide insights into the microbial succession and metabolites of fermented seafood and allow for a greater understanding of the relationships between the microbial community and metabolites in seafood fermentation.


        Effects of temperature on microbial succession and metabolite change during saeu-jeot fermentation

        Lee, S.H.,Jung, J.Y.,Jeon, C.O. Academic Press 2014 FOOD MICROBIOLOGY Vol.38 No.-

        To investigate the effects of temperature on saeu-jeot (shrimp) fermentation, four sets of saeu-jeot samples with approximately 25% (w/v) NaCl were fermented at 10 <SUP>o</SUP>C, 15 <SUP>o</SUP>C, 20 <SUP>o</SUP>C, and 25 <SUP>o</SUP>C. The pH values of the 10 <SUP>o</SUP>C and 15 <SUP>o</SUP>C samples were relatively constant during the entire fermentation period, whereas those of the 20 <SUP>o</SUP>C and 25 <SUP>o</SUP>C samples gradually decreased after 25 days of fermentation. Quantitative PCR showed that the maximum bacterial abundance was greater in higher temperature samples, and the bacterial abundance in the 10 <SUP>o</SUP>C samples steadily decreased during the entire fermentation period. Community analysis using pyrosequencing revealed that the initially dominant Proteobacteria including Pseudoalteromonas, Photobacterium, Vibrio, Aliivibrio, and Enterovibrio were replaced rapidly with Firmicutes such as Psychrobacter, Staphylococcus, Salimicrobium, Alkalibacillus, and Halanaerobium as the fermentation progressed. However, Vibrio, Photobacterium, Aliivibrio, and Enterovibrio, which may include potentially pathogenic strains, remained even after 215 days in the 10 <SUP>o</SUP>C samples. Metabolite analysis using <SUP>1</SUP>H NMR showed that amino acid profiles and initial quick increases of glucose and glycerol were similar and independent of bacterial growth in all temperature samples. After 25 days of fermentation, the levels of glucose, glycerol, and trimethylamine N-oxide decreased with the growth of Halanaerobium and the increase of acetate, butyrate, and methylamines in the 20 <SUP>o</SUP>C and 25 <SUP>o</SUP>C samples although the amino acid concentrations steadily increased until approximately 105 days of fermentation. Statistical triplot analysis showed that the bacterial successions occurred similarly regardless of the fermentation temperature, and Halanaerobium was likely responsible for the production of acetate, butyrate, and methylamines. This study suggests that around 15 <SUP>o</SUP>C might be the optimum temperature for the production of safe and tasty saeu-jeot.

      • KCI등재후보

        멸실과 보존 사이 : 충청남도 홍성군 성촌토기의 새우젓독 제작용 ‘조대불통가마’

        주영하,황진서,박성우 청계사학회 2024 청계사학 Vol.27 No.-

        This paper examines the ‘Jodae Bultong Kiln’ at Seongchon Village, Dongseong-ri, Galsan-myeon, Hongseong-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, to reveal its cultural heritage value. ‘Jodae’ refers to the bent head of a tobacco pipe, and ‘Bultong’ refers to the barrel in which the fire is contained. The name comes from the shape of the kiln, which was mainly used to produce Onggi(Korean earthenware). Seongchon Village's Jodae Bultong Kiln is operated by Seongchon Onggi factory located at Dongseong-ri. This Jodae Bultong Kiln has been used to make shrimp jars since the 1950s. Its existence was first recognized by professor Jung Myung-ho in 1970, and since then, it has received much attention from researchers in art history and folklife studies. In 1991, Lee Jong-gak of Seongchon Onggi factory was designated as a holder of the National Intangible Cultural Property Onggi in recognition of the value of the Jodae Bultong kiln. However, due to the specification of the Onggi industry and changes in the environment, the ‘Jodae Bultong Kiln’ has not been used since the 2010s. Currently, Seongchon Onggi factory implements temporary management and maintenance, but the kilns are directly exposed to the risk of collapse because they have not been used for so long and have not undergone professional conservation treatment. Since the 2000s, policy and social awareness of modern cultural heritage has increased, and as a result, many modern cultural heritage sites have been designated as registered cultural properties and protected. However, Onggi kilns have been in the blind spot of this modern cultural heritage policy and have not received institutional protection, and many Onggi kilns have been destroyed since the 1970s, when the Onggi industry became a speculative industry. This study examined the need for preservation through a multidisciplinary approach to the Jodae Bultong Kiln. To this end, the interdisciplinary study of archaeology and folklife studies revealed the kiln’s cultural heritage value in detail. In Chapter 2, the current status and features of the Jodae Bultong kiln were recorded in detail using archaeological methods, and the background of the Jodae Bultong kiln, Seongchon Onggi factory and Seongchon Village, were described. Chapter 3 examines the structural characteristics of the Jodae Bultong kiln. In particular, the characteristics of the Seongchon Onggi factory’s Jodae Bultong Kiln were revealed through a comparison with similar Jodae Bultong Kilns in South Korea. Chapter 4 revealed that the Seongchon earthenware Jodae Bultong kiln was used to make Saeu-jeot(salted shrimp jars). Finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the academic significance of the Jodae Tongtong Kiln and suggests the need to preserve it. 이 논문은 충청남도 홍성군 갈산면 동성리 성촌마을 소재 ‘조대불통가마’를 학술적으로 조망하여 문화유산적 가치를 밝혀내기 위한 연구다. ‘조대’는 담뱃대의 굽은 대통[雁首], 불통은 불이 들어가는 통을 가리킨다. 옹기를 주로 생산했던 이 가마의 형태가 대통을 닮아서 생긴 이름이다. 성촌마을 조대불통가마는 동성리에 위치한 옹기점 ‘성촌토기’에서 운영하는 옹기가마다. 이 조대불통가마는 1950년대 이후 새우젓독 제작용으로 쓰였다. 성촌토기의 조대불통가마는 1970년 정명호에 의해 그 존재가 학계에 처음으로 알려졌으며, 이후 미술사학과 민속학 관련 연구자들의 많은 관심을 받았다. 1991년 조대불통가마의 가치를 인정받아 성촌토기의 이종각(1915~1993)은 국가무형문화재 옹기장 보유자로 지정되었다. 그러나 옹기산업의 사양화와 환경의 변화로 인하여 이 가마는 2010년대 이후 더 이상 사용되지 않는다. 현재 이 가마는 성촌토기에서 임시적인 관리와 보수를 지속하고 있지만, 워낙 오래 사용되지 않은 데다가 전문적인 보존 처리를 거치지 않았으므로 붕괴의 위험에 놓여있다. 2000년대 들어와서, 근대문화유산에 대한 정책적・사회적 인식이 높아졌고, 그에 따라 수많은 근대문화유산이 등록문화재로 지정되어 보호를 받아왔다. 그러나 옹기가마는 이러한 근대문화유산 정책의 사각지대에 놓여 제도적인 보호를 받지 못하였다. 1970년대 이후 옹기업이 사양산업이 되면서 지금까지 수많은 옹기가마가 사라졌다. 본 연구는 성촌토기 조대불통가마에 대한 다각적인 학술적 접근을 통해 보존의 필요성을 살폈다. 이를 위해 고고학과 민속학의 학제적 연구를 통해 가마의 문화유산적 가치를 상세히 밝혀냈다. 2장에서는 성촌토기 조대불통가마의 현황과 그 특징을 고고학적 방법을 활용하여 상세히 기록했으며, 가마의 배경이 되는 옹기점 성촌토기와 옹기점촌 성촌마을에 관해서 서술하였다. 3장에서는 조대불통가마의 구조적 특성과 관련된 내용을 검토했다. 특히, 국내에 존재하는 다른 조대불통가마 및 뺄불통가마와의 비교를 통해 성촌토기 조대불통가마의 특징을 밝혔다. 4장에서는 성촌토기 조대불통가마가 새우젓독 제작용이었음을 밝혔다. 마지막으로 5장에서는 성촌토기 조대불통가마의 학술적 의의를 정리하고 보존의 필요성을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        다른 종류의 소금들로 제조한 새우 젓갈의 특성

        심재민 ( Jae Min Shim ),이강욱 ( Kang Wook Lee ),야오좡 ( Zhuang Yao ),김정아 ( Jeong A Kim ),김현진 ( Hyun-jin Kim ),김정환 ( Jeong Hwan Kim ) 한국미생물생명공학회(구 한국산업미생물학회) 2017 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.45 No.3

        정제염(PS), 1년 숙성천일염(SS), 3회 죽염(BS)들을 사용하여 새우젓갈들을 제조하였다(소금농도 25%). 젓갈들은 22주간 15℃에서 숙성하였다. 바실라이들과 해양세균들은 6주차 이후 검출되었고 고세균들은 천일염 젓갈에서만 처음 8주간 저농도로 관찰되었다. 죽염젓갈은 타 젓갈들 보다 pH는 높고 적정산도는 낮았다. 아미노태질소는 발효 중 증가했고 특히 2주와 6주 이후 증가 정도가 컸으며 천일염젓갈이 발효초기부터 종료시 까지 타 젓갈들보다 함량이 높았다. 암모니아태 질소함량도 발효 중 증가했다. 천일염젓갈이 가장 높은 휘발성염기질소 함량을 나타내었다. 염도는 4주차 이후 일정하게 유지되었다. 시료의 단백질가수분해측면에서 볼 때 천일염이 타 염들보다 우수하였다. Saeu (shrimp) jeotgal (SJ) was prepared by mixing with 25% salt with different types: purified salt (PS), solar salt aged for 1 year (SS), and bamboo salt. SJ was fermented for 22 weeks at 15℃. Bacilli and marine bacteria were detected throughout the entire fermentation period, and marine bacteria were present in the largest numbers. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were detected only during the first 8-10 weeks, but yeasts appeared at the sixth week and later. Archaea were detected in low numbers only from SS-SJ during the first 8 weeks. BS- SJ showed higher pH and lower titratable acidity (TA) values than other SJs because of strong alkalinity of bamboo salt. Amino-type nitrogen (ANN) contents of SJs increased during fermentation, especially, after 2 and 6 weeks. SS-SJ showed the highest ANN content from the beginning to the end of fermentation. Ammonia-type nitrogen (AMN) contents also increased like the amino-type nitrogen during fermentation. The highest volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) was also observed in SS-SJ. Salinity was kept constant after 4 weeks. SS was better than other salts for SJ fermentation in terms of protein hydrolysis.

      • KCI등재

        Isolation of Bacillus subtilis SJ4 from Saeu (Shrimp) Jeotgal, a Korean Fermented Seafood, and Its Fibrinolytic Activity

        Zhuang Yao,Yu Meng,Huong Giang Le,김정아,김정환 한국미생물·생명공학회 2019 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.47 No.4

        A Bacillus strain, SJ4, exhibiting strong fibrinolytic activity was isolated from saeu (shrimp, Acetes chinensis) jeotgal, a Korean traditional fermented food and was identified as B. subtilis. The B. subtilis SJ4 strain can grow at a NaCl concentration of up to 15% (w/v). The fibrinolytic activity of B. subtilis SJ4 (152.0 U/ml) cultured in Luria-Bertani (LB) broth for 48 h at 37℃ with aeration was higher than that of B. subtilis SJ4 cultured in TSB (124.5 U/ml) under same culture conditions. The major proteins in the LB culture supernatant of B. subtilis SJ4 were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, which revealed three major bands (23, 25, and 28 kDa). The band (23 kDa) with strong fibrinolytic activity, analyzed on fibrin zymogram, was observed at 60−96 h of cultivation. The aprESJ4 gene encoding the major fibrinolytic enzyme, AprESJ4, was cloned by PCR. The aprESJ4 gene sequence exhibited high similarities with the fibrinolytic gene sequences of other Bacillus species. The amino acid sequence of AprESJ4 exhibited 98.9 and 98.4% similarity with subtilisin NAT and AprE2 of B. subtilis, respectively. Hence, B. subtilis SJ4 can be a potential starter culture for jeotgal products.


        Properties of a fibrinolytic enzyme secreted by Bacillus subtilis JS2 isolated from saeu (small shrimp) jeotgal

        Yao, Zhuang,Kim, Jeong A,Kim, Jeong Hwan Korean Society of Food Science and Technology 2018 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.27 No.3

        Bacillus species were screened to be used as starters for jeotgals, salted and fermented Korean sea foods. A strain, JS2, showing strong fibrinolytic activity was isolated from saeu (small shrimp) jeotgal, and identified as Bacillus subtilis. Bacillus subtilis JS2 grew well at 20% (w/v) NaCl concentration. SDS-PAGE of culture supernatant from JS2 showed 3 major bands of 27, 29, and 60 kDa in size. Fibrin zymography showed that the 27 kDa band was the major fibrinolytic protein. The gene, aprEJS2, was cloned and introduced into B. subtilis WB600 using pHY300PLK. A B. subtilis transformant harboring pHYJS2 showed higher fibrinolytic activity than B. subtilis JS2. aprEJS2 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). The optimum pH and temperature for AprEJS2 were pH 8.0 and $40^{\circ}C$, respectively. Km and $V_{max}$ values were determined. AprEJS2 has strong ${\alpha}$-fibrinogenase activity and moderate ${\beta}$-fibrinogenase activity.

      • KCI등재

        Properties of a fibrinolytic enzyme secreted by Bacillus subtilis JS2 isolated from saeu (small shrimp) jeotgal

        Zhuang Yao,김정아,김정환 한국식품과학회 2018 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.27 No.3

        Bacillus species were screened to be used as starters for jeotgals, salted and fermented Korean sea foods. A strain, JS2, showing strong fibrinolytic activity was isolated from saeu (small shrimp) jeotgal, and identified as Bacillus subtilis. Bacillus subtilis JS2 grew well at 20% (w/v) NaCl concentration. SDS-PAGE of culture supernatant from JS2 showed 3 major bands of 27, 29, and 60 kDa in size. Fibrin zymography showed that the 27 kDa band was the major fibrinolytic protein. The gene, aprEJS2, was cloned and introduced into B. subtilis WB600 using pHY300PLK. A B. subtilis transformant harboring pHYJS2 showed higher fibrinolytic activity than B. subtilis JS2. aprEJS2 was overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). The optimum pH and temperature for AprEJS2 were pH 8.0 and 40 C, respectively. Km and Vmax values were determined. AprEJS2 has strong a-fibrinogenase activity and moderate b-fibrinogenase activity.

      • KCI등재

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