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        사계 김장생의 예학과 사회정치사상

        김태완 (사)율곡학회 2010 율곡학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Kim Jang-saeng was the most famous scholar who succeeded in following Yi-i(李珥)'s studies and established the Ki-ho Schools or Yul-gok Schools in Cho-seon dynasty. In the Rye-hak(禮學 or a study of Rites), his academic achievements were distinctively demonstrated. He explored Yi-i's Neo-confucian theory and Song Ik-pil(宋翼弼)'s Rye-hak and accomplished his own system of Rye-hak. His theories of Rye-hak were appeared in Sang-rye bi-yo(喪禮備要),Ka-rye jip-ram(家禮輯覽), Ui-rye mun-hae(疑禮問解) and Jeon-rye mun-dap(典禮問答) of a tetralogy. In the tetralogy, Kim demonstrated his practical, rational,and subjective theories of the Rye-hak. As an ideologue of Seo-in party, which held the political power of Cho-seon after the revolution of the King In-jo, Kim aspired to set up a new political system of Cho-seon in the pursuit of the Rye. He also tried to reform the severe socio-economic problems issues and matters that the Cho-seon was facing in those years. Kim particularly tried to harmonize the universality and peculiarity of Rye and in so doing it, he attempted to combine unify the individual or private with the public sides of Ryes. He also made developed a comprehensively full-fledge theory of Rye for the royal. He dreamt of a society which could had been possibly governed by the In-ui(仁義 or Humanity and Justice) and the Rye. What Kim's Rye-hak envisioned, therefore, a master-plan of new society of Cho-seon. 김장생은 이이의 학맥을 이어서 기호학파 또는 율곡학파의 문호를 연 인물이다. 그의 학문적 업적은 특히 예학에서 두드러지게 드러난다. 김장생은 이이의 성리학과 송익필의 예학을 계승하여 자신의 예학체계를 완성하였다. 김장생의 예학이론은『상례비요』, 『가례집람』, 『의례문해』, 『전례문답』의 사부작에 들어 있다. 김장생은 이들 예서에서 자신의 실용적, 합리적, 주체적 예학 이론을 피력하였다. 김장생은 인조반정 뒤 집권한 서인의 정신적 지주로서 새로운 조선의 기틀을 예로써확립하려고 노력하였다. 당시 점점 심각해지던 사회경제적인 모순에 대해서도 개혁을 시도하였다. 김장생 예학의 특성은 예의 보편성과 현실성의 조화를 이루고 국가전례에서도종통을 확립함으로써 사적 예와 공적 예를 일관된 정신으로 묶으려고 한 것이다. 김장생은 종법의 확립을 통한 예제질서를 구축하여 인의와 예가 지배하는 사회를꿈꾸었다. 그런 점에서 김장생의 예학은 조선사회를 새로이 구성하는 기획이었다.

      • KCI등재

        사계 김장생의 예학과 사회정치사상

        김태완 ( Tae Wan Kim ) 율곡학회 2010 율곡학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        김장생은 이이의 학맥을 이어서 기호학파 또는 율곡학파의 문호를 연 인물이다. 그의 학문적 업적은 특히 예학에서 두드러지게 드러난다. 김장생은 이이의 성리학과 송익필의 예학을 계승하여 자신의 예학체계를 완성하였다. 김장생의 예학이론은 『상례비요』, 『가례집람』, 『의례문해』, 『전례문답』의 사부작에 들어 있다. 김장생은 이들 예서에서 자신의 실용적, 합리적, 주체적 예학 이론을 피력하였다. 김장생은 인조반정 뒤 집권한 서인의 정신적 지주로서 새로운 조선의 기틀을 예로써 확립하려고 노력하였다. 당시 점점 심각해지던 사회경제적인 모순에 대해서도 개혁을 시도하였다. 김장생 예학의 특성은 예의 보편성과 현실성의 조화를 이루고 국가전례에서도 종통을 확립함으로써 사적 예와 공적 예를 일관된 정신으로 묶으려고 한 것이다. 김장생은 종법의 확립을 통한 예제질서를 구축하여 인의와 예가 지배하는 사회를 꿈꾸었다. 그런 점에서 김장생의 예학은 조선사회를 새로이 구성하는 기획이었다. Kim Jang-saeng was the most famous scholar who succeeded in following Yi-i(李珥)`s studies and established the Ki-ho Schools or Yul-gok Schools in Cho-seon dynasty. In the Rye-hak(禮學 or a study of Rites), his academic achievements were distinctively demonstrated. He explored Yi-i`s Neo-confucian theory and Song Ik-pil(宋翼弼)`s Rye-hak and accomplished his own system of Rye-hak. His theories of Rye-hak were appeared in Sang-rye bi-yo(喪禮備要), Ka-rye jip-ram(家禮輯覽), Ui-rye mun-hae(疑禮問解) and Jeon-rye mun-dap(典禮問答) of a tetralogy. In the tetralogy, Kim demonstrated his practical, rational, and subjective theories of the Rye-hak. As an ideologue of Seo-in party, which held the political power of Cho-seon after the revolution of the King In-jo, Kim aspired to set up a new political system of Cho-seon in the pursuit of the Rye. He also tried to reform the severe socio-economic problems issues and matters that the Cho-seon was facing in those years. Kim particularly tried to harmonize the universality and peculiarity of Rye and in so doing it, he attempted to combine unify the individual or private with the public sides of Ryes. He also made developed a comprehensively full-fledge theory of Rye for the royal. He dreamt of a society which could had been possibly governed by the In-ui(仁義 or Humanity and Justice) and the Rye. What Kim`s Rye-hak envisioned, therefore, a master-plan of new society of Cho-seon.

      • KCI등재

        수리산 순교자 이성례와 이 에메렌시아의 생애와 신앙생활

        김정숙 수원교회사연구소 2009 교회사학 Vol.0 No.6

        수리산에서 살다가 체포되어 순교한 이성례와 이 에메렌시아는 1830년대 천주교 신앙을 지킨 여성의 삶을 보여주는 대표적 사례이다. 특히 이성례는 최양업 신부의 모친이며, 그 순교의 장면이 극적이어서 인구에 많이 회자되어왔다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이들에 대한 연구는 이루어지지 않았다. 본고에서는 우선 이성례와 이 에메렌시아에 대한 사료를 검토하였다. 이성례에 관하여는 모방 신부의 편지를 비롯하여 모두 15개의 사료가 있으며, 이 에메렌시아에 관하여는 모두 4개의 사료가 남아 있다. 관변측 사료를 이성례가 철저한 천주교 신자로서 끝까지 신앙을 증거했음을 보여 준다. 교회측 사료에서는 그가 모성애에 의해 배교했다가 나중에 당당히 순교했음을 전한다. 이 에메렌시아는 상대적으로 자료가 빈약하지만 그러나 두 사람의 생애와 순교를 찾을 수는 있었다. 기존의 이해되어 왔던 것과는 달리 최경환은 1804년생이어야 하고, 이 에메렌시아는 1800년생이어야 할 것이다. 그리고 이성례가 경주이씨라고 생각되는 것도 재고되어야 한다. 이성례는 전주 이씨일 수 있다. 또한 이 에메렌시아는 그의 묘가 현재 명동 지하성당에 있게 된 과정까지를 보면서 최양업 신부네와 외척간일 것임도 추적했다. 그리고 수리산이 최경환을 중심으로 하는 연고가 있는 사람들이 모여서 살던 교우촌일 가능성도 보았다. 이어 이성례가 회장의 부인으로서, 신학생의 어머니로서 신앙생활을 해 나간 과정을 보았다. 그는 남편을 절대로 존경했으며 남편과 함께 사회에 애긍을 베풀었다. 모방 신부로부터는 신학생의 모친이 되기에 충분한 모범적 신자라는 평을 받았다. 그리고 이 에메렌시아가 가정박해를 딛고 남편을 개종시켰으며, 과부가 된 뒤에는 친정쪽 교우촌을 찾아가 사는 모습도 살폈다. 1830년대 전형적인 조선여교우들의 생활 모습이었다. 마지막으로 이성례의 순교가 당대 시성대상에서 빠지게 된 이유들을 살폈다. 최양업은 본인의 모친이며, 다블뤼는 동료 신부의 어머니의 순교라는 사실에서 무척 고려했을 것이다. 이 과정에서 배교란 회두하면 용서되는 것이지만, 사회적 영향이 크게 고려되고 있는 점을 보았다. 그리고 이 에메렌시아는 그 행적이 뚜렷한 만큼 시성대상에 포함되어야 함을 주장했다. Yi Seung Rye and Yi Emerencia are the most representative ladies who lived in Mt. Surisan, were arrested and died for their Catholic belief in the 1830s. Especially, Yi Seung Rye is mother of Father Choi Yang Up. And her martyrdom was very dramatic, so she was well known to people. Nevertheless, studies on them have not been conducted yet. In this paper first I examined documents related to Yi Seung Rye and Yi Emerencia. There are a total of 15 documents about Yi Seung Rye including a letter of Father Maubant. As for Yi Emerencia four historic materials remain. Based on analysis of those historic documents I made four different tables: <Contents comparison of documents on Yi Seung Rye>, <Contents about Yi Seung Rye which are shown in 〈Notes on Korean Martyrs History〉and《Korean Catholic Church History》>, <Comparison of historic documents of Yi Emerencia> and <Contents about Yi Emerencia in 〈Notes on Korean Martyrs History〉and《Korean Catholic Church History》. The government's documents show that Yi Seung Rye as devout Catholic maintained her belief to the end. The church material shows that she renegaded because of mother's affection, later she died a martyr. I thoroughly examined about their comings and goings from documents. Records on Yi Emerencia were relatively limited, I, however, could put together pieces of their lives and martyrdom. While I was arranging their births and lives, I found out several points. First, it was necessary to confirm their ages. Unlike what was believed, Choi Gyeong Hwan must be born in 1804, and Yi Emerencia was born in 1800. And Yi Seung Rye was considered Gyeongju Yi family line, however, this fact should be also reconsidered. Yi Seung Rye might be Jeonju Yi family line. In addition, while following up how Yi Emerencia was buried in Myungdong Cathedral, I found another fact that she must have maternal relation with Father Choi Yang Up. This is to reveal a closer relationship between Yi Emerencia and Yi Seung Rye, and to utilize more materials in the future as well. And there is a possibility that Mt. Surisan was Gyouchon(Christian village) where people who had connection with Choi Gyeong Hwan lived together. To find out martyrs' hometowns or family relations might not be that important. If their hometowns are not mentioned, then it is ok. However, we should correct if the martyrs' hometowns are wrongly stated. Moreover, Korea is the country where genealogical tables are well preserved. To properly utilize those documents, first we should confirm these facts. Only when we know family line, we can use information on same hometown. In the future studies on church history should carefully research this information, too. Now, we can extensively use information of Jeongju Yi or Gyeongju Yi family line in research for Yi Seung Rye or Yi Emerencia. I closely examined Yi Seung Rye's religious life as wife of president and mother of divinity student. She absolutely respected her husband and gave alms with him to community. Father Maubant praised her a model of devotee to be mother of divinity student. However, those days the church did not care for parents of divinity student, and they did not seem to contact to son. Despite religious persecution, Yi Emerencia converted her husband to Catholic. After becoming widow, she went to Gyouchon where her family members lived. It was typical female believer's life in 1830s. Lastly, I tried to find out reasons why Yi Seung Rye's martyrdom was excluded from canonization. She was Choi Yang Up's mother, and Daveluy must highly considered his colleague priest's mother's martyrdom. In this process her apostacy was forgiven when she returned. However, they had to consider a social effect. And since Yi Emerencia's contribution is clearly known, I insisted that she should be included one of nominees for canonization.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Reaction of Global Collection of Rye (Secale cereale L.) to Tan Spot and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Races in South Dakota

        Abdullah, Sidrat,Sehgal, Sunish K.,Glover, Karl D.,Ali, Shaukat The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2017 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.33 No.3

        Rye (Secale cereale L.) serves as an alternative host of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (PTR) the cause of tan spot on wheat. Rye is cultivated as a forage or cover crop and overlaps with a significant portion of wheat acreage in the U.S. northern Great Plains; however, it is not known whether the rye crop influences the evolution of PTR races. We evaluated a global collection of 211 rye accessions against tan spot and assessed the diversity in PTR population on rye in South Dakota. All the rye genotypes were inoculated with PTR races 1 and 5, and infiltrated with Ptr ToxA and Ptr ToxB, at seedling stage. We observed 21% of the genotypes exhibited susceptibility to race 1, whereas, 39% were susceptible to race 5. All 211 accessions were insensitive to both the Ptr toxins. It indicates that though rye exhibits diversity in reaction to tan spot, it lacks Ptr ToxA and ToxB sensitivity genes. This suggests that unknown toxins or other factors can lead to PTR establishment in rye. We characterized the race structure of 103 PTR isolates recovered from rye in South Dakota. Only 22% of the isolates amplified Ptr ToxA gene and were identified as race 1 based on their phenotypic reaction on the differential set. The remaining 80 isolates were noted to be race 4. Our results show that races 1 and 4 are prevalent on rye in South Dakota with a higher frequency of race 4, suggesting a minimal role of rye in the disease epidemiology.

      • KCI등재

        Reaction of Global Collection of Rye (Secale cereale L.) to Tan Spot and Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Races in South Dakota

        Sidrat Abdullah,Sunish K. Sehgal,Karl D. Glover,Shaukat Ali 한국식물병리학회 2017 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.33 No.3

        Rye (Secale cereale L.) serves as an alternative host of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (PTR) the cause of tan spot on wheat. Rye is cultivated as a forage or cover crop and overlaps with a significant portion of wheat acreage in the U.S. northern Great Plains; however, it is not known whether the rye crop influences the evolution of PTR races. We evaluated a global collection of 211 rye accessions against tan spot and assessed the diversity in PTR population on rye in South Dakota. All the rye genotypes were inoculated with PTR races 1 and 5, and infiltrated with Ptr ToxA and Ptr ToxB, at seedling stage. We observed 21% of the genotypes exhibited susceptibility to race 1, whereas, 39% were susceptible to race 5. All 211 accessions were insensitive to both the Ptr toxins. It indicates that though rye exhibits diversity in reaction to tan spot, it lacks Ptr ToxA and ToxB sensitivity genes. This suggests that unknown toxins or other factors can lead to PTR establishment in rye. We characterized the race structure of 103 PTR isolates recovered from rye in South Dakota. Only 22% of the isolates amplified Ptr ToxA gene and were identified as race 1 based on their phenotypic reaction on the differential set. The remaining 80 isolates were noted to be race 4. Our results show that races 1 and 4 are prevalent on rye in South Dakota with a higher frequency of race 4, suggesting a minimal role of rye in the disease epidemiology.

      • 「서애선생연보」에 나타난 류성룡의 국가 인재 등용 관점 분석

        권대봉,현영섭 서애학회 2022 서애연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Success and failure of an organization or nation depend on the talented. For that reasons, all prime minister and government officials pat attention to engagement of the talented about nearly any period of art history. In order to cope with the Japanese Invasion of Korea and normalize the Joseon, engagement of the talented was a core policy to Rye Seong-ryong as a prime minister of the Joseon. The purpose of this study was to explore Rye’s backgrounds and perspectives of national engagement of the talented based on the theory of planned behavior. For the purpose, 「The chronology of Seoae」 by Rye Young-ha used for our analyses. According to the results showed in 「The chronology of Seoae」, Rye’s main perspectives about national engagement of the talented was based on ‘talent’, or ‘competency’, which were the criteria for selecting a person fitting to a job. His perspectives were based on the poor pool of the talent, and that was the reason of the war. For Rye’s, engagement of the talented was one of the planned behaviors for normalizing the Joseon. Also, Rye’s understandings about talent contained experience, insight and personality rather than academic backgrounds or degree. This understandings shared the common contexts with empirical tradition and whole-person education. And Rye asserted that social status and regional discrimination should be abolished for engagement of the talented. Beyond engagement, 「The chronology of Seoae」 showed that Rye’s principles in evaluation and management of human resources based on strength-centered management and innovation of collectivism. Rye’s perspectives about engagement of the talented were not only the outputs of the times but also similar with Yi Whang and Yi I in the point of empirical tradition. And Rye’s perspectives showed the connected points with the modern view of human resource development and human capitalism. Therefore, Rye’s perspectives on the engagement could be re-interpretable in today’s Korean society. But more studies and discussions about Rye’s perspectives need to be followed based on a wide range of historical records.

      • KCI등재

        중부지역에서 호밀, 트리티케일과 두과 사료작물 혼파에 따른 생산성, 사료가치 및 가축사육능력 비교

        박상수,노진환,박준혁,윤기용,이주삼,Park, Sang-Soo,Noh, Jin-Hwan,Park, Jun-Hyuk,Yoon, Ki-Yong,Lee, Ju-Sam 한국유기농업학회 2012 韓國有機農業學會誌 Vol.20 No.1

        본 실험은 중부 지방에서 Rye(곡우)와 Triticale(신영)의 단, 혼파 실험을 통하여 생산성, 사료가치 및 가축사육능력을 조사하여 중부지방에 적합한 초종을 선별하고자 하였으며, 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 동계 사료작물의 건물수량은 밭토양에서는 R+R이 5.20ton/ha로 가장 많았으나 R, T+R과 유의한 차이는 없었고, 논토양에서는 R+H가 5.20ton/ha로 가장 많았지만 T+H, R과의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 또한 모든 시험구에서 단파구에 대한 혼파구의 상대수량이 1.00보다 높아 혼파효과가 입증되었다. 상대사료가치는 밭토양, 논토양 모두 Triticale 혼파구에서 다른 시험구와 유의한 차이를 보였다. 가축사육능력은 $K_{CP}$와 $K_{TDN}$의 평균값으로 비교해 보았을 때, 밭토양에서는 R+R이 2.75, 논토양에서는 T+H가 2.84로서 가장 높은 값을 보였다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때 중부 지방에서 동계 사료작물 생산에 있어서 가장 적합한 초종은 밭토양에서는 Rye+Red clover 혼파이며, 논토양에서는 Triticale+Hairy vetch 혼파라고 판단된다. This experiments was conducted to investigate the influence on growth of rye, triticale with legume and investigated their productivity, feed value and stock carrying capacity in order to select the appropriate forage species in the central region of Korea. In the results, Rye+Red clover showed 5.2ton/ha of dry matter yield. But there was no significant difference with Triticale+Red clover and Rye in upland field. In paddy field, Rye+Hairy vetch showed 5.2ton/ha, but there was no significant difference with Triticale+Hairy vetch and Rye. Mixture effects with Rye, Triticale and Red clover, Hairy vetch by relative yield were more than 1.00 compared to monoculture, and their mixture effect was recognized in upland and paddy field. Relative feed value was highest in the applications of Triticale mixture in upland and paddy field. The average value of $K_{CP}$ and $K_{TDN}$ showed the highest one as 2.75head/ha/yr in Rye+Red clover in upland field and 2.84head/ ha/yr in Triticale+Hairy vetch in paddy field. According to the results, Rye+Red clover in upland field and Triticale+Hairy vetch in paddy field were considered to be the most appropriate winter forage crops for the central region of Korea in terms of productivity, feed value and stock carrying capacity.


        Performance of Broiler Chicks Fed Normal and Low Viscosity Rye or Barley with or without Enzyme Supplementation

        He, T.,Thacker, P.A.,McLeod, J.G.,Campbell, G.L. Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2003 Animal Bioscience Vol.16 No.2

        This experiment was conducted to measure nutrient digestibility and performance in broiler chicks fed diets based on normal and low viscosity rye or barley fed with and without enzyme (pentosanase and $\beta$-glucanase) during a 17 day growth trial. A total of 150 one-day old, male broiler chicks (5 birds per pen and 5 pens per treatment) were randomly assigned to one of six dietary treatments in a $3{\times}3$ factorial design experiment (3 cereals${\times}$2 enzyme levels). Digestibility coefficients were determined using chromic oxide. Digestibility coefficients for dry matter and crude protein were significantly (p=0.0001) higher for the barley-based diets than for any of the rye-based diets. Digestibility coefficients for gross energy did not differ (p>0.05) due to cereal grain. There were no differences in the digestibility coefficients for dry matter and gross energy between chicks fed normal and low viscosity rye. However, the digestibility coefficient for crude protein was higher (p=0.01) for the low viscosity rye compared with the normal viscosity rye. Addition of enzyme to the diet significantly (p=0.0001) increased digestibility coefficients for dry matter, crude protein and energy. There were no significant differences in weight gain, feed intake or feed conversion between birds fed barley or rye or between birds fed normal or low viscosity rye. Enzyme supplementation significantly improved (p=0.0001) weight gain, intake and feed conversion. The overall results of this experiment indicate that unsupplemented barley and rye do not support adequate growth rates in poultry. Enzyme supplementation dramatically improved broiler performance. In addition, genetic selection to reduce the viscosity of rye had only a modest effect on the nutritive value of rye for broilers.

      • KCI등재

        『윤인관척독(閏人觀尺牘)』과 『풍고관소독(楓?觀小牘)』을 통해 본 김려(金?)와 김조순(金祖淳)의 교유 양상

        강혜선 ( Kang Hye-sun ) 한국한문학회 2018 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.0 No.69

        『?庭叢書』 소재 『閏人觀尺牘』과 『楓皐觀小牘』은 기본적 성격은 알려져 있으나, 구체적으로 수록 척독들을 세밀하게 검토한 적이 없는 자료이다. 이에 본고는 두 척독집을 충실하게 검토하는 과정을 통해 金?와 그의 평생의 벗인 金祖淳의 교유 양상을 조명하고자 하였다. 먼저, 두 척독집의 제작 배경을 이해하기 위해 김려와 김조순의 교유 양상을 두 사람의 시문을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 『楓皐集』에는 비록 유배 중인 김려와 관련한 시문이 전하지 않지만, 김려의 시문을 통해 김조순이 김려에게 변함없는 우정을 보여주었으며, 김려 해배 이후 김조순과 김려가 활발하게 교유하였음을 알 수 있었다. 『윤인관척독』에는 89편의 척독이 수록되어 있는데, 제작 시기는 김려가 삼청동으로 옮겨온 1811년부터 의금부 말단직, 정릉 참봉 등을 지낸 시기를 거쳐 1817년 12월에 걸친 시기이다. 주요 내용은 일상의 안부를 묻고 집안일을 전하고 있어, 문예적인 성격보다 실용적인 성격이 강하다고 판단된다. 특히 편지마다 일정한 물품 - 식량과 각종음식 재료, 건축 자재, 각종 약재와 문방구류 - 이나 돈을 보낸 것을 보아, 김조순이 오랜 유배 생활로 경제적으로 몰락한 김려를 지속적으로 후원하였음을 알 수 있었다. 『윤인관척독』에서 주목할 척독들로는, 먼저 일상의 가족사를 정감 넘치게 전한 예, 김조순의 玉壺精舍에서 趙學殷, 金照 등과의 교유를 보여주는 예, 단풍나무를 애호한 김조순을 위해 김려가 단풍나무를 여러 차례 구해 준 예, 김려와 김조순, 권상신 등이 서로의 시문을 주고받으며 검토하는 예, 김려가 최고의 위치에 있는 김조순에게 정치적 조언을 하고 그 조언에 김조순이 대응하는 예 등을 주목할 만하다. 『풍고관소독』은 김조순이 1801년에서 1804년에 걸쳐 李復鉉에게 보낸 척독 15편과, 김려가 연산현감을 지내던 시기와 체직되어 돌아온 뒤인 1818~1819년에 김려에게 보낸 척독 30편으로 이루어져 있다. 이 척독집 역시 실용적인 성격이 강하지만, 여기에도 주목할 만한 척독들이 보인다. 김려의 요청으로 김조순이 연산 동헌의 風雷軒과 酌廉閣 편액 글씨를 써주었으며, 金正喜가 동헌 기둥의 주련 글씨를 써주었음을 알 수 있었다. 특히 체직되어 서울로 돌아온 뒤 김조순과 김려의 문학적 교유를 보여주는 척독들은 주목할 만하다. 그 중 대표적인 예가 바로 1819년 3월 김조순, 김려 일행의 奉元寺雅會의 정경을 고스란히 전하는 척독들이다. 세 편의 척독은 김조순의 「記奉元寺遊」와 짝을 이루어 당시 이들 문인 그룹의 문예 활동 및 취향을 잘 보여주고 있다. This paper tried to extract the friendship of Kim Rye and Kim Jo-soon shown in the two collection of letters. The two collection named 'Yunningwan Chokdok' and 'Punggogwan Sodok' are contained in 'A Series of DamJeung'. Those are the letters that Kim Jo-soon sent to Kim Rye after Kim Rye was returned from exile. As they usually send daily greetings and convey family relationships, they are more practical than literary characters. Especially, Kim Jo-soon sent Kim Rye various items along with the letter. For example, he sent food, various food materials, building materials, various medicines, and stationery, and money. This shows that Kim Josoon was the economic supporter of Kim Rye. Remarkable letters include the literary activities of Kim Jo-soon and Kim Rye. For example, the letters show Kim Jo-soon, Kim Ryeo, Jo Hak-eun, and Kim Jo‘ s literary activities in Kim Jo-soon's beautiful house named Okhojeongsa. It is also noteworthy that Kim Rye gave political advice to Kim Jo-soon, who actually led contemporary politics at the top, and Kim Jo-soon responded to the advice. The most notable letters from the collection 'Punggogwan sodok' are : First, when Kim Rye was working as a town governor of Yeonsan, Kim Jo-soon wrote calligraphy on the two framed pictures of the government office, and Kim Jeong-hee wrote calligraphy on the government office's pillars. Second, when several writers such as Kim Jo-soon, Kim Rye and Kim Jo visited Bongwonsa Temple in March 1819, Kim Jo-soon described his experiences of the day's traveling in his letters to Kim Rye. The three letters are paired with Kim Jo-soon's travel essay of Bongwonsa, which shows the literary activities and tastes of the writers' group at the time.

      • KCI등재

        호밀 염색체 도입 밀 계통 선발을 위한 RAPD, GISH 및 FISH분석

        이준옥,고종민,박순기,도금숙,신동일,한상익,현종내,서봉보,정일경 한국육종학회 2003 한국육종학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        Rye (Secale cereale L.) is known as an important source of useful genes for the improvement of resistance to rust, powdery mildew and tolerance to drought and cold on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). We describe the identification and utilization of rye genome- specific DNA markers, OPH20-1494 bp and OPC10-1012 bp, by RAPD analysis. These markers were used to detect rye chromatin among 467 BC1F6 lines derived from the backcross of the F1 hybrid of wheat cv. Olmil and rye cv. Paldanghomill. Thirty-two lines out of 467 BC1F6 population possessed the part of rye genome. Moreover GISH and FISH analysis confirmed the presence of rye chromosome fragment on wheat background in these lines. Therefore these rye-specific markers can be used effectively in the breeding program for introgression of rye chromatin into wheat.

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