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      • KCI등재

        Regional Borders and Trade in Asia

        Lee, Woong(이웅),Bae, Chan-Kwon(배찬권) 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2014 남아시아연구 Vol.19 No.3

        이 논문은 아시아의 각 지역 간 교역에 관한 연구이며, 이를 위해 “지역 간 국경무역”(regional border trade)이라는 개념을 도입 한다. 지역 간 국경무역이란 한 지역에 속한 국가와 다른 지역에 속해있는 국가 간의 교역을 의미한다. 예를 들면 동아시아에 속해있는 한국과 남아시아에 속해있는 인도와의 교역이 이에 해당된다. 본 연구에서는 아시아의 주요 3개 지역인 동아시아, 동남아시아, 남아시아의 지역국경효과(regional border effect)를 분석한다. 지역국경효과가 양(+)의 부호를 보이면 지역 내 국가 간 교역을 촉진 시키는 고유한 요소들이 존재함을 보여준다. 본 연구는 중력모형을 기반으로 각 지역의 국경효과를 추정한다. 본 연구의 주요 결과로는 아시아에서의 지역국경효과는 비대칭적으로 나타난다는 것이다. 남아시아의 값이 가장 크며 양(+)의 값을 가지는 반면, 동남아시아는 지역국경효과가 거의 없으며, 동아시아는 지역국경효과가 음(-)의 추정계수를 취한다. 가장 큰 규모의 양(+)의 부호를 가지는 남아시아의 지역국경효과는 남아시아 국가 간 교역을 촉진시키는 고유의 요소들의 영향이 크다는 것을 의미한다. 동남아시아의 경우, 지역 내와 지역 간의 교역이 별반 차이가 없음을 나타내며, 동아시아가 가지는 음(-)의 추정계수는 동아시아 국가들과 동남아시아 또는 남아시아 국가 사이에 지역국경교역이 동아시아 내 교역보다 활발히 이루어짐을 의미한다. This paper investigates the effect of regional borders on trade in Asia. The regional borders define the three regions of Asia: South, Southeast, and East Asia. Regional trade indicates the flows of trade within a region, whereas regional border trade means trade across regions. A gravity model is augmented with the region dummies to estimate the regional border effects that capture any and all time-invariant factors promoting or impeding regional trade. The main finding is that regional border effects are asymmetric on the three regions in Asia. There is a large and significant regional border effect on South Asia, small on Southeast Asia, and negligibly negative on East Asia. The significant and positive regional border effect in South Asia suggests that countries share intrinsic factors facilitating trade between the countries in this region. Although the regional border effect of Southeast Asia is positive, its magnitude shows little difference between its regional trade and regional border trade. Finally, the estimate on East Asia presents a completely different picture from the actual data. It implies that there exist some factors leading to active regional border trade between East Asia and other Asian regions.

      • KCI등재

        Intra-regional trade of ASEAN+3: Trends and issues for the economic integration of East Asia

        나희량 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2015 International Area Studies Review Vol.18 No.2

        This paper examined the structures and characteristics of ASEAN+3 intra-regional trade through an analysis of intra-regional trade share, the intra-regional trade intensity index, and the regional trade introversion index in terms of primary goods, intermediate goods, and final goods. We could see that the economic integration of ASEAN+3 would be enlarged and deepened through the progress and advancement of intra-regional trade. However, we found that although the volume and share of intra-regional trade has been growing, this may not indicate or guarantee the inherent advancement of the economic integration of the region. In particular, since the global financial economic crisis in 2008–2009 the introversion of the EU and NAFTA has grown, while that of ASEAN+3 has reduced. In this respect, it would be vital to make and practice innovative plans to develop intra-regional trade so that the foundation of the FTA among ASEAN+3 countries could be the catalyst for substantial development of intra-regional trade. Furthermore, in order for intra-regional trade to continue to develop, a more comprehensive and higher level of intra-regional economic integration is required. This can be realized through regulation, specific plans, and practical effort. Finally, to maximize the effect of intra-regional trade liberalization this needs to go beyond the boundary of intermediate goods and expand into final goods, especially consumption goods.

      • KCI등재

        Regular Papers : Does Regional Innovation Policy Match Regional Innovation System?: The Case of Local Public Technology Centers in Japan

        ( Nobuya Fukugawa ) 한국중소기업학회 2011 中小企業硏究 Vol.33 No.2

        [Background] Local public technology centers, administrated by the prefectural and municipal government, have engaged in technological support for small local firms. The initiation of this regional innovation policy dates back to the modern economic growth in the 1880s. Local public technology centers offer various kinds of technological services such as testing, inspection, usage of experimental equipments, workshops for technology diffusion, technological consultation, funded research and joint research. They also conduct their own research, patent inventions and license out their patents chiefly to small local firms. Recently two structural changes forced local public technology centers to redefine their strategies in regional innovation systems. First, after a prolonged recession in the 1990s, the local authorities became highly cost-conscious, which led them to cut centers` budgets and to evaluate them more rigorously. Second, the reform of national innovation systems, symbolized by the incorporation of national universities in 2004, made knowledge interactions between small local firms and national universities more active, which has created a new source of knowledge for small local firms that performed R&D. [Purpose] Under such circumstances, local public technology centers are required to establish their own strategies that match the characteristics of regional innovation systems. Since local public technology centers are administrated by local authorities, their strategy development represents regional innovation policy. Their strategies are predicted to be most effective when they are developed in accordance with the characteristics of regional innovation systems. Using a comprehensive database on local public technology centers, this study aims to quantitatively examine whether regional innovation policy represented as centers` resource allocation strategies during 2000 and 2008 is contingent on, or regardless of, the characteristics of regional innovation systems. [Structure] First, I established the model to describe the characteristics of regional innovation systems. The model conceptualizes the local market for public technological services, such as technological consultation, workshops for diffusion of new technologies, material inspection, and joint research, from demand-side and supply-side perspectives. Demand-side factors are represented as the absorptive capacity of small local firms. Regions with more R&D-active small firms would exhibit more needs for high-quality public knowledge and more interactive channels, such as joint research, for knowledge transfer. Supply-side factors are represented as the activeness of national universities in the region to interact with small local firms via joint research. Regions with a national university willing to interact with small local firms would require local public technology centers to establish distinct strategies that do not overlap with the universities` role in the local market for public technological services. Second, I identified two key strategies that characterize technology transfer channels offered by local public technology centers. Based on factor analysis, various technological services provided by centers were integrated into two factors: the tendency to enhance the centers` own research capabilities; and the tendency to directly support small local firms. Then, I developed theoretical predictions about the relationships between regional innovation policy represented as resource allocation strategies of the centers and the characteristics of regional innovation systems where the center is located. Third, using a comprehensive dataset of local public technology centers, a statistical analysis was conducted to test whether centers` strategies were developed so that they would match the characteristics of regional innovation systems. [Method] Based on the model that describes the characteristics of regional innovation systems, I introduced a proxy variable for demand-side factors of the local market for public technological services, i.e., the ratio of R&D-active small firms to the whole small firms in the region. A proxy variable for supply-side factors was the ratio of joint research projects between small local firms and national universities to all joint research projects conducted by national universities in the region. Two proxy variables were enabled to draw a scatter chart, where vertical axis denotes demand-side factors and horizontal axis denotes supply-side factors, representing the location of the 47 local authorities in Japan. [Result] Four quadrants were identified by dividing a scatter chart by introducing averages of demand- and supply-side factors in the chart. For instance, a region (prefecture) in Quadrant II has small local firms with above-average absorptive capacity while universities in that region have below-average activity in knowledge interactions with small local firms. This implies that in such region, local public technology centers with high-quality technological knowledge can act as a significant spillover pool for small R&D-intensive firms in that region. An analysis of variance was conducted to test whether local public technology centers` strategies adopted between 2000 and 2008 aligned with the regional environmental characteristics identified as four quadrants. The results show that there is no statistically significant difference in centers` resource allocation strategies according to the characteristics of regional innovation systems. This implies that local public technology centers` resources may not have been fully utilized as an engine for regional economic development. [Contributions] Theoretical and policy implications derived from empirical results are as follows. First, based on the previous literature on regional knowledge spillovers, a model to describe the characteristics of regional innovation systems was developed. The model pictures the local market for public technological services from demand-side and supply-side perspectives. Linked to two distinct centers` strategies identified by factor analysis, this model enables us to infer theoretical relationships between regional innovation policy represented as resource allocation strategies of local public technology centers and the characteristics of regional innovation systems, which can be quantitatively examined. The newly developed model to understand regional innovation systems and empirical approach to examine the relationships between regional innovation policy and regional innovation systems can be applied to the assessment of regional innovation policy in other geographies. This constitutes the strength of the study. Second, with a comprehensive dataset of the centers, the aforementioned approach enabled us to quantitatively evaluate regional innovation policy on local public technology centers for the first time. This makes a clear contrast to the existing studies on local public technology centers based on case studies, where the generality of their implications are limited. Although local public technology centers have been considered to play an important role in regional economic development, the results suggest that they need to make their strategies more efficient so that their resources will be allocated in concord with the characteristics of the regional innovation system. The policy implications of this study are that local authorities and local public technology centers should precisely recognize their relative advantage in the region. Then it would be possible for them to rebuild guidelines that would help local public technology centers to contribute to the regional economic development in a more relevant manner.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 경제위기와 지역 탄력성

        김원배,신혜원 국토연구원 2013 국토연구 Vol.79 No.-

        As economic globalization deepens, economic crises occur frequently and thus the internal and external environment surrounding regional economies constantly fluctuates. Regional strategies to guarantee the long-term development of a region with adaptability to crisis and change are more than necessary. This study makes a preliminary investigation on how regions have been affected by the two crises, what structural changes regions have gone through, and why regions have had different experiences. Borrowing the concept of regional resilience, this study attempts to classify regional types. According to the time periods set up around the two crises, regional changes are explained by regional value added and employment. Simple correlation test is performed to find out which factors are responsible for the differential results by region. Based on changes in regional value added and employment, regions are classified into four types: thriving, stagnant, transformative and faltering. Finally, preliminary policy implications are derived from the above results. 경제의 세계화가 심화되면서 경제위기가 점점 빈번해지고, 지역을 둘러싼 내˙외부 환경도 부단히 변화해가고 있다. 위기에 대한 탄력성을 갖추고 장기발전을 담보할 수 있는 지역 전략이 무엇보다 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 두 차례의 경제위기에 따라 국내 지역이 어떤 영향을 받았으며, 어떤 구조적 변화를 겪었는지, 그리고 왜 지역에 따라 상이한 결과를 낳게 되었는지를 탐색하고 있다. 또한 최근 서구에서 논의되고 있는 지역 탄력성의 개념을 빌려 정책의 틀을 짜기 위한 지역유형 구분을 시도하고 있다. 구체적으로 두 차례의 위기를 중심으로 한 시기 구분에 맞추어 지역 총부가가치 및 고용의 증감률을 중심으로 지역경제의 변동을 설명하고, 상이한 결과에 영향을 미치는 인자들과의 상관관계를 분석하였다. 또한 총부가가치 및 고용 증감률을 기준으로 하여 지역 탄력성을 번성, 침체, 변환, 추락의 네 가지 유형으로 구분하였다. 이와 같은 지역경제의 탄력성에 대한 초보적 분석을 통해 지역경제의 장기 탄력성을 제고하기 위한 정책 시사점을 도출하고 있다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        입원의료의 진료권별 자체충족도에 관한 연구

        한달선,권순호,Han, Dal-Sun,Kwon, Soon-Ho 대한예방의학회 1990 예방의학회지 Vol.23 No.3

        The utilization of medical care services has been partly regionalized with the implementation of referral requirement by the government since July 1, 1989 when the health insurance coverage was extended to all the people. For the purpose of regionalization, the whole country has been primarily divided into tertiary care regions, and each of them again into secondary care regions. This study investigates the self-sufficiency for in-patient care services of secondary care regions focusing on why it varies among the regions. In doing so, analysis is performed to examine a model which embodies three sets of hypotheses as follows : 1) The regional self-sufficiency for medical care services would be subject to direct influences of regional characteristics, amount of available services and structural properties of regional medical care system ; 2) The regional characteristics would have indirect effects on the self-sufficiency which are mediated by medical care services ; and 3) The amount of available services would indirectly affect the self-sufficiency by influencing the structure of regional medical care system. The results of analysis were generally consistent with the model. The findings have some practical implications. The regional self-sufficiency for medical care services partly depends upon basic properties of each region which cannot be changed in a short period of time. Thus the self-sufficiency for medical care services can be improved mainly by health policy measures. In some of the regions the self-sufficiency for in-patient care services was much higher or lower than can be predicted from the bed-population ratio. Indication is that the allocation of health resources should be made considering a variety of factors bearing upon the supply of and demand for health care ; not on the basis of just a single criterion like the availability. The self-sufficiency of a certain region is related to not only its own characterstics but also the characteristics of neighboring regions. Therefore, attention should be also directed to the inter-regional relationships in health care when the needs for investment of health resources in a region are assessed. However, it should be noted that this study used the data collected before the referral requirement was imposed. A replication of this analysis using recent data would provide an evaluation of the impact on the self-sufficiency of the referral requirement as well as a confirmation of the findings of this study.

      • KCI등재후보

        충청남도 지역집중도와 지역불균형의 상관관계

        이관률 부경대학교 지방분권발전연구소 2021 지역과 정치 Vol.4 No.2

        The object of the study is to analyze the regional centralization and the regional inequality with a case of ChungNam, and finding the correlation between the regional centralization and the regional inequality. The study selects 11 fields and 37 variables based on four times of 2003, 2008, 2013 and 2018. The summaries of the major findings are as follows. First, the regional centralization in the north of ChungNam is very serious and has been increasing constantly in the last 15 years. Especially, the high centralization of population, economy, jobs, crimes, disasters, regional finances, and political powers is high. Second, it has been analyzed that the level of the regional inequality is serious. andthe level has been increasing constantly in the last 15 years. The the number of variables of which the imbalance index in a total of 37 detailed variables is over 0.4 is 20. Also, the field where the level of the regional inequality is high has been the same as the section having the high regional centralization. Third, according to the canonical correlation analysis between the regional centralization and the regional inequality, both have very strong positive correlation. Also, the level of the correlation between both has been getting much stronger since 2003. It means that there is a structure formed that the higher the regional centralization in the north of ChungNam, the stronger the regional inequality in ChungNam Region. 본 연구의 목적은 충청남도를 사례로 하여 지역집중도와 지역불균형을 분석하고, 충남의 지역집중도와 지역불균형의 상관관계를 규명하는데 있다. 본 연구에서는 2003년, 2008년, 2013년, 2018년 4개 시점을 기준으로 11개 영역 37개 변수를 선정하였다. 연구의 주요결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 충남 북부의 지역집중도는 매우 심각한 수준이고, 최근 15년간 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 인구, 경제 및 일자리, 범죄 및 재난, 지방재정, 정치권력의 충남 북부지역 집중도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 충남의 지역불균형의 수준도 심각한 것으로 분석되었고, 최근 15년간 지속적으로 증가하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 총 37개의 세부변수 중에서 불균형 지수가 0.4 이상인 변수는 20개인 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 지역불균형도가 높은 영역은 충남 북부의 지역집중도가 높은 분야와 일치하였다. 셋째, 충남의 지역집중도와 지역불균형의 정준상관분석에 의하면, 양자는 매우 강한 양(+)의 상관관계를 가지는 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 2003년 이후 양자의 상관관계의 정도가 더욱 강화되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 충남 북부의 지역집중도가 높을수록 충남의 지역불균형이 더욱 강화되는 구조를 형성하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Overlapping regionalism around the world: Introducing the overlapping regionalism dataset

        Panke Diana,Stapel Sören 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2023 International Area Studies Review Vol.26 No.4

        Regional cooperation often leads to the establishment of regional international organizations (RIOs). Due to the increasing number of RIOs, their growing membership size and their broadening policy scope, RIOs frequently overlap with each other with regard to membership and mandate. Overlaps may lead to conflicts amongst affected organizations and potentially limit the prospects for regional prosperity and peace. Although overlapping regionalism has become ubiquitous in many regions, we do not systematically know the extent of the phenomenon. Therefore, the paper presents an original dataset about overlapping regionalism and introduces a typology of overlaps between two RIOs. The OVREG dataset includes both raw data of shared member states and policy competencies and information about distinct types of overlap between affected RIOs for 73 RIOs, 193 states and 344 policy competencies in the period between 1945 and 2020. A descriptive analysis of trajectories and patterns shows that overlapping regionalism in general and the different overlap types have spread over time and across world regions. Nevertheless, regional particularities persist. Thus, the OVREG dataset allows for examining the causes of overlaps, the potential negative consequences of overlapping regionalism and the variety of coping mechanisms at the disposal of affected RIOs.

      • KCI등재

        지역주의와 선거

        김태일(Kim, Taeil),남지민(Nam, Ji-min) 한국지역사회학회 2013 지역사회연구 Vol.21 No.1

        This paper has focused on characteristics and changes of the "Daegu Regionalism" especially appeared in 8 general elections and 7 presidential elections after 1970"s. Daegu Regionalism, which first appeared in the 7th presidential election, was not serious at the beginning. In the 13th presidential election in 1987, however, it had heavily relied on emotional ties with prominent political leader from Daegu region and negative awareness about other regions. After the 13th presidential election, there have been changes in Daegu Regionalism"s characters. First, Daegu Regionalism has appeared in psychological and emotional aspects. After the 15th presidential election in 1997, Daegu Regionalism, which has shown intensive support for the political leader from non-Youngnam region and his party, has changed into even a form of party identification. And after Roh Moo-hyun government, Daegu Regionalism has had more ideological aspects, leading to more conservative election results. Now Daegu Regionalism has been mixed with emotional regionalism, and internalized in regional people as an ideological value through the 19th general election and the 18th presidential election in 2012.


        Delineation of the climatic rainfall regions of South Korea based on a multivariate analysis and regional rainfall frequency analyses

        Nam, Woosung,Shin, Hongjoon,Jung, Younghun,Joo, Kyungwon,Heo, Jun‐,Haeng John Wiley Sons, Ltd 2015 International journal of climatology Vol.35 No.5

        <P><B>ABSTRACT</B></P><P>Regional frequency analysis (RFA) may provide more accurate estimates of rainfall quantiles than at‐site frequency analysis (ASFA), especially in regions with short records. In this study, RFA is applied to 1‐, 2‐, 3‐, 6‐, 9‐, 12‐, 15‐, 18‐, 24‐, and 48‐h annual maximum rainfall series at 67 sites in South Korea. Procrustes analysis is used to select 33 rainfall‐related and geographical variables that represent most of the statistical information from among 42 candidate variables. Both factor analysis and cluster analysis, such as fuzzy c‐means (FCM) and Ward's method, are used to identify the homogeneous regions, and five regions are identified through heterogeneity measures. It is found that FCM‐based regions are more appropriate to the precipitation in South Korea in terms of the homogeneity of the identified regions. To investigate the effectiveness of FCM‐based regions, region‐of‐influence approach was applied. It is shown that the spatial pattern of rainfall is affected by main mountain ranges, the prevailing Westerlies, and the proximity of the coast. Six distributions are applied, and the generalized extreme value distribution is selected as the best‐fit distribution from goodness‐of‐fit measures. RFAs, such as the index flood method (IFM) and regional shape estimation based on the regional L‐moments algorithm, are applied to determine the growth curves of regions. Using Monte‐Carlo simulations, it is concluded that RFA is more accurate than ASFA for the annual maximum rainfall data of South Korea. The IFM provides more accurate estimates than regional shape estimation in homogeneous regions, while regional shape estimation is more appropriate for use in heterogeneous regions and in homogeneous regions with a lower L‐CV (coefficient of L‐variation) and for the estimation of quantiles in higher tails over a 100‐year return period for the applied data.</P>

      • 행정감독이 새마을금고 공간확산에 미친 영향

        이춘식(Lee, Chunsik) 한국지역개발학회 2020 한국지역개발학회 학술대회 Vol.2020 No.10

        Regional Finance provides financial services to residents and businesses within a certain area of space and interacts with the local economy. Therefore, Regional Finance is subject to administrative supervision by the public sector in promoting regional development. The demand for regional finance is limited to local residents, local enterprises and local public organizations. In this context, regional finance is a means of regional development planning and a measure of regional development. After all, regional finance has conflicting functional characteristics of public interest and profitability by connecting the public and private sectors. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of administrative supervision on the spatial diffusion of regional finance focusing on the case of Saemaul Geumgo. The creation and adoption of innovation or new systems are both the cause of regional disparities and the comparative advantage of advanced areas. Thus, regional finance is also used as a means of driving or triggering regional development, forcing accountability for public interest. On the other hand, due to the survivability of the organization, regional finance also grows on profits and gains. Organizational survivability of these regional finance can have a negative impact on the local economy through space monopoly and excessive competition. The administrative supervision system was introduced to prevent space monopoly and excessive competition among regional finance, and to promote sound capital market in the region. However, administrative supervision on the side of the public sector does not fully reflect the private sector"s capital market, which can often distort the sound competition or adaptation process among regional finance. Therefore, this paper diagnoses the impacts of administrative supervision authority on the spatial diffusion of regional finance and regional development through the change in the number of branches and asset of Saemaeul Geumgo.

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