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      • KCI등재

        전세금과 전세권(傳貰權)의 관계 -전세권(傳貰權) 요소의 법적 의미와 전세권(傳貰權)의 법적 성질-

        남효순 ( Hyo Soon Nam ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2008 서울대학교 法學 Vol.49 No.3

        전세금은 傳貰權의 법률관계에서 중요한 의미를 갖는다. 그러면 전세금의 지급이 있어야 傳貰權이 성립하고 또 용익기간 중에는 전세금의 반환채권은 확정적 분리양도가 허용되지 않는가? 민법은 이 문제에 대하여 명확한 언급을 하고 있지 않다. 전세금을 지급하는 것은 전세물의 사용·수익에 대한 대가를 지급하기 위한 것이다. 민법이 전세물의 인도를 傳貰權의 성립요건으로 규정하고 있지 않은 이상, 전세금의 지급도 傳貰權의 성립요건으로 보지 않는 것이 공평에 부합한다. 또 傳貰金返還請求權은 용익기간 종료시에 그 반환이 이루어지고, 또 채무불이행이 있으면 손해상당액을 공제한 후 잔액을 반환하는 것을 조건으로 하는 조건부채권이다. 따라서 용익기간 중 傳貰金返還債權의 확정적 분리양도를 허용하더라도, 민법이 예정하고 있는 전세권의 유상성, 손해배상금의 공제 그리고 전세금의 증감청구는 얼마든지 유지될 수 있다. 한편 전세권제도에 부동산을 담보하고 신용을 수수하는 기능이 있다는 점을 고려할 때, 전세권제도에 담보제도로서의 기능(담보물권성 또는 우선특권성)을 인정하지 않을 수 없다. 다만, 담보물권성 또는 우선특권성의 성립시기와 용익기간 중의 존속 문제는 민법이 이를 구체적으로 해결하고 있지 않다. 판례는 전세금을 傳貰權의 성립요건으로 하고 또 엄격한 의미에서 존속요건으로 하고 있다. 그 결과 傳貰權은 성립시뿐만 아니라 용익기간 중에도 용익물권성과 담보물권성을 모두 겸유하게 된다. 이처럼 판례는 전세금을 가장 강력한 의미에서 傳貰權의 요소로 파악하고 있다. 그러나 민법이 傳貰權의 법률관계에서 구체적으로 전세금에 어떠한 법적 의미를 부여하고 또 傳貰權을 어떻게 운용할 것인가는 전적으로 개방하고 있다는 점에 비추어 볼 때, 판례는 傳貰權의 법률관계를 가장 제한적으로 운용하고 있다는 문제점을 안고 있다. Selon l`article 303(alinea 1er), le droit du bail rel sur depot(ou le bail reel sur depot) est le droit d`user et jouir de l`immeuble et d`etre paye en preference avant les creanciers garantis inferieurs et les autres creanciers, en payant le depot dont l`interet sert du loyer du bail reel. Ainsi, le depot du bail reel a un role tres important dans le bail reel sur depot. Quelles significations juridiques le depot du bail reel a-t-il? Le bail reel sur depot ne peut-til etre constitue avant le paiement de ce depott?(le probleme de l`element constitutif)? La creance de restitution du depot peut-elle etre cedee definitivement pendant la duree du bail reel?(le probleme de l`element substituant) Le depot du bail reel constitue la contrepartie d`usage et d`jouissance de l`immeuble. Il sera donc equitable de ne pas constituer le paiemnent du depot comme un element constitutif du droit du bail a moins que la delivrance de l`immeuble ne soit consideree comme un element constitutif. Il ne sera pas suffisant de constituer le paiemnent du depot du bail reel comme un element necessaire pour la constitution du droit du bail, a la seule raison que le depot du bail reel est un element du droit du bail reel. Le probleme de savoir si la creance de la restitution du depot du bail reel peut etre cedee definitivement pendant la duree du bail reel sur depot ne peut etre resolu, a notre sens, sans savoir si le droit du bail reel peut rester, meme apres la cession de cette creance, comme le droit regle par le Code civil, notamment par les articles 303, 312-2 et 315. La creance de la restitution du depot du bail reel ne peut etre excercee qu`a la fin de la duree du droit de bail. Elle est egalement un droit avec une condition suspensive qui en permet la deduction en compensation des dommages causes par le titulaire du bail reel sur depot. En vertu de ces caracteres ci-dessus, le bail reel sur depot maintient le caractere a titre onereux meme apres la cession de cette creance. Et egalement, le contituant du bail reel sur depot peut toujours deduire du depot les dommages causes a son immeuble et les parties ne perdent pas le droit de l`augmenter ou le reduire. En consequence, il en resulte, au moins, que le Code civil ne prohibie pas la cession de la creance la restitution du depot. En ce qui concerne le caractere juridique du bail reel sur depot, les opinions sont divisees entres les auteurs. Selon une partie des auteurs, le bail reel sur depot est seulement un droit d`usufruit ou un droit de surete reelle. Cependant, suivant les autres auteurs majoritaires, il est en meme temps un droit d`usufruit et un droit de surete reelle. Le Code civil ne dit pas d`une maniere evidente si le depot du bail reel constitue un element constitutif ou un element subsistant. A notre sens, il n`est pas decide definitivement par le Code civil. Il est mis a la decision de la jurisprudence. Cependant; selon la jurisprudence coreenne, le depot du bail reel est un element constitutif et subsistant du bail reel sur depot. Et le bail reel sur depot est en meme temps un droit d`usufruit et un droit de surete reelle. A la decheance du terme du bail reel sur depot, selon la jurisp dence elle, le droit du bail reel sur depot maintient seulement le caractere du droit de surete reelle. On pourrait dire que la jurisprudence garde une notion la plus etroite de la notion d`element du bail reel sur depot, ce qui cause des deavantates a l`egard du titulaire de ce droit.

      • KCI등재

        용익기간 중 전세물의 양도와 전세김반환의무(傳貰金返還義務)의 이전 여부 -물권(物權) 및 물권적청구권(物權的請求權) 개념에 대한 새로운 이해의 단초-

        남효순 ( Hyo Soon Nam ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2008 서울대학교 法學 Vol.49 No.4

        용익기간 중 전세물의 양도와 그에 따른 傳貰金返還義務의 이전 여부에 대하여는 현재 전세금반환의무불이전설(승계부정설)과 전세금반환의무이전설(승계긍정설)이 대립하고 있다. 판례는 후자의 입장을 취하고 있다. 판례에 의하면, 용익기간 중 전세물이 양도되면, 傳貰金返還義務는 전세물의 신소유자에게 이전된다. 그런데 용익기간 중 전세물이 양도되면, 전세물의 소유권을 상실한 구소유자가 전세금을 보유하고 있는 반면, 자신의 소유물에 대하여 사용·수익권을 제한받고 있는 신소유자는 전세금을 수령한 적이 없다는 변화에 직면하게 된다. 따라서 傳貰金返還義務의 이전 여부는 이러한 변화를 어떻게 법률적으로 설명할 것인가 하는 문제라고 할 것이다. 이 문제는 민법이 규율하고 있는 전세금에 관한 법률관계에 좇아 해결되어야 할 문제이다. 또 이 문제는 현재 학설과 판례에 의하여 확립된 법리 즉, 전세금은 傳貰權의 요소라는 법리와의 관계에서도 검토되어야 할 문제이다. 한편 전세물의 양도(대표적으로 매매)시에는 매매의 목적물이 傳貰權의 제한을 받고 있다는 사실을 참작하여, 많은 경우 매매대금에서 전세금상당액의 공제가 이루어진다. 이 경우 전세금상당액의 공제는 전세물의 신소유자에게 전세금을 교부하는 실질적인 의미를 갖는다. 이처럼 전세물의 양도에 따른 傳貰金返還義務의 이전의 문제는 단순히 물권법상의 문제가 아니라, 매매라는 계약법(채권법)의 관점에서도 검토되어야 할 문제이다. 용익기간 중 전세물이 양도되면, 누가 傳貰金返還義務의 주체가 되는가 하는 문제는 그 밖에 아주 어려운 물권법상의 법적 쟁점들과 연계되어 있다. 예를 들면, 전세금 관계를 포함하여 권리의무관계를 내용으로 하는 전세권관계는 채권관계인가 아니면 물권관계인가, 지배권으로서의 傳貰權과 권리의무관계로서의 전세권관계는 어떠한 법적 관계에 있는가, 전세권관계를 채권관계라고 한다면 어떠한 법리에 의하여 전세권관계는 신소유자에게 이전이 되는가 하는 것 등과 같은 중요한 법적 쟁점들과 연계되어 있다. 이러한 쟁점들은 물권 전반에서 제기되고 있는 쟁점들이다. 이 논문에서는 이상의 쟁점들을 논의하면서, 용익기간 중의 傳貰金返還義務의 이전 여부에 대한 쟁점을 검토하고자 한다. Si l`immeuble greve du bail reel sur depot est cede pendant la duree du bail reel, l`obligation de la restitution du depot en fin de la periode se pose-t-elle sur l`ancien proprietaire ou le nouveau proprietaire? Le Code civil coreen ne dit pas d`une maniere evidente a l`egard de cette question. Les opinions sont divisees entres les auteurs. Selon la jurisprudence, c`est le nouveau proprietaire qui est du de cette obligation. Par la cession de l`immeuble il apparait une situation inattendue selon laquelle celui qui doit recevoir la contrepartie d`usage et d`jouissance de son immeuble n`est pas celui qui a recu le depot dont l`interet servira du loyer. La question de savoir si le nouveau proprietaire est du de l`obligation de la restitution du depot ne peut etre resolue, a notre sens, sans savoir si le droit du bail reel peut rester, meme apres la cession de l`immeuble, comme le droit regle par le Code civil. En d`autres termes, il faut resoudre cette question suivant le principe etabli du bail reel selon lequel le depot du bail reel constitue un element necessaire du droit du bail reel. Lorsqu`il y a la vente de l`immeuble greve du bail reel sur depot, il est tres souvent que le prix est reduit du montant du depot. Cette reduction du prix constitue la compensation du depot a etre paye par le nouveau proprietaire a la fin du bail reel sur depot. Cela rend evident que la question du sujet de l`obligation de la restitution du depot est d`une part celle de droit reel et d`autre part celle du droit du contrat. Pour resoudre la question de savoir si le nouveau proprietaire est du de l`obligation de la restitution du depot il faut en meme temps envisager d`autres quesitions importantes: l`obligation de la restitution du depot est-elle de la nature de droit reel ou de droit personnel?; quelle est la relation entre le bail reel et l`obligation de la restitution du depot?

      • 저온감압 자견법에 의한 재조합 형광누에고치의 조사

        박종화 ( Jong Hwa Park ),김성완 ( Sung Wan Kim ),정영훈 ( Young Hun Jeong ),이종길 ( Jong Kil Lee ),고영미 ( Young Mi Go ),이상찬 ( Sang Chan Lee ),최광호 ( Kwang Ho Choi ),김성렬 ( Seong Ryul Kim ),구태원 ( Tae Won Goo ) 한국잠사학회 2013 한국잠사곤충학회지 Vol.51 No.2

        The fluorescent proteins are generally denatured by heat treatment and thus lose their color. The normal reeling method includes processing by drying and cooking the cocoons near 100oC before reeling. Therefore, the usual processing method cannot be used for making colored fluorescent silks. To develop a method that is applicable to producing transgenic silk without color loss, we develop reeling methods adequate for a recombinant fluorescence cocoons. It was found that the fluorescence cocoons keep their native color when dried at temperatures lower than 60oC for 15 h. Also, a new cooking method to soften the fluorescent cocoons was developed: the cocoons were soaked in a solution of 0.2% sodium carbonate (Na2CO3)/0.1% nonionic surfactant (Triton X100) at 60oC and then placed under vacuum. The repeated vacuum treatments enabled complete penetration of the solution into the cocoons, and the cocoons were thus homogenously softened and ready for reeling. In this state, the cooked cocoons can be reeled by an automated reeling machine. Our results suggest that drying and cooking of the cocoons at low temperature enables the subsequent reeling of the colored fluorescent silks by an automatic reeling machine without color loss and can produce silks that can be used for making higher value-added silk materials.

      • KCI등재

        RF-스퍼터링법을 이용하여 Ni-W 금속기판에 연속공정으로 증착된 Y2O3 완충층 특성 연구

        정국채,정태정,최규채,김영국,X.L.Wang,S.X.Dou 한국초전도학회 2010 Progress in superconductivity Vol.11 No.2

        Reel-to-reel deposition of Y2O3 has been performed on Ni-5%W metal substrates using the RF-sputtering method. The epitaxial orientation of Y2O3 buffer layers to the base bi-axially textured substrate was well identified using θ-2θ,out-of-plane (ω), and in-plane (φ) scans in X-ray diffraction analysis. The optimization of Y2O3 seed layers in reel-to-reel fashion were investigated varying the deposition temperature, sputtering power, and pressure for its significant roles for the following buffer stacks and superconducting layers. Y2O3 were all grown epitaxially on bi-axially textured metal substrates at 380 watts and 5 mTorr in the temperature range of 600-740 oC with higher Y2O3 (400) intensities at ~710 oC. It was found that the Δω values were 1-2o lower but the Δφ values were above 1o higher than that of Ni-W substrates. As the sputtering power increased from 340 to 380 watts, Δω and Δφ values showed decreased tendency. Even in the small window of deposition pressure of 3-7 mTorr, the Y2O3 (400) intensities increased and Δω and Δφ values were reduced as sputtering pressure increased.

      • RF-스퍼터링법을 이용하여 Ni-W 금속기판에 연속공정으로 증착된 $Y_2O_3$ 완충층 특성 연구

        Chung, K.C.,Jeong, T.J.,Choi, G.C.,Kim, Y.K.,Wang, X.L.,Dou, S.X. 한국초전도학회 2010 Progress in superconductivity Vol.11 No.2

        Reel-to-reel deposition of $Y_2O_3$ has been performed on Ni-5%W metal substrates using the RF-sputtering method. The epitaxial orientation of $Y_2O_3$ buffer layers to the base bi-axially textured substrate was well identified using ${\theta}-2{\theta}$, out-of-plane ($\omega$), and in-plane ($\phi$) scans in X-ray diffraction analysis. The optimization of $Y_2O_3$ seed layers in reel-to-reel fashion were investigated varying the deposition temperature, sputtering power, and pressure for its significant roles for the following buffer stacks and superconducting layers. $Y_2O_3$ were all grown epitaxially on bi-axially textured metal substrates at 380 watts and 5 mTorr in the temperature range of $600-740^{\circ}C$ with higher $Y_2O_3$ (400) intensities at ${\sim}710^{\circ}C$. It was found that the $\Delta\omega$ values were $1-2^{\circ}$ lower but the $\Delta\phi$ values were above $1^{\circ}$ higher than that of Ni-W substrates. As the sputtering power increased from 340 to 380 watts, $\Delta\omega$ and $\Delta\phi$ values showed decreased tendency. Even in the small window of deposition pressure of 3-7 mTorr, the $Y_2O_3$ (400) intensities increased and $\Delta\omega$ and $\Delta\phi$ values were reduced as sputtering pressure increased.

      • KCI등재후보

        해저관로의 대변형 굽힘에 의한 소성 모멘트 추정

        이종현(JONG-HYUN LEE),최한석(HAN-SUK CHOI),이승건(SEUNG-KEON LEE) 한국해양공학회 2003 韓國海洋工學會誌 Vol.17 No.2

        The reel-lay method of submarine pipelines uses a continuous string of pipe coiled onto a reel. Assembly of this pipe that is string is accomplished onshore by welding, and nondestructive testing is carried out prior to coiling the pipe. The total length of pipes on the reel depends on the reel and pipe diameters. Pipeline installation is accomplished by uncoiling, straightening the pipe, and laying out the pipe string onto the seabed as the barge moves forward. Installation associated with coiling and uncoiling is related to the bending moment and strain relationship of the pipeline. A highgrade pipe material is required when the reel-lay method is used. This paper is concerned with the highly plastic bending moment of the pipeline, including the effect of ovality. Moment calculation in the pipe is accomplished by the numerical method, including the variable ovalities during the plastic bending of the pipe string. The new calculation method of the high plastic bending moment was applied to the reel-lay method.

      • KCI등재

        페로의 텍스트에서의 환상과 사실

        한용택 ( Yong Taek Han ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소(구 건국대학교 중원인문연구소) 2006 동화와 번역 Vol.12 No.-

        Le conte de fees se caracterise par la presence des elements surnaturels qui ne provoquent pourtant aucune surprise. Dans ce sens il est tout naturel que Histoires ou contes du temps passe avec des moralites de Perrault soient consideres comme contes de fees. Mais aborder le texte de Perrault en tant qu`une version de conte de fees n`est pas suffisant. Bien qu`il partage les caracteristiques de conte populaire et qu`il comporte la possibilite detre interprete comme fable, le conte de Perrault est aussi une oeuvre personnelle et autonome. Notre etude a pour but donc d`une part d`analyser le fantastique et le reel dans le conte de Perrault considere comme un texte personnel et auto-suffisant et d`autre part d`eclaircir son sens dans l`histoire de narration. Le texte de Perrault se constitue, comme le souligne le titre, de deux parties: contes et moralitees. La partie textuelle correspondante aux contes s`appuie sur la tradition de conte populaire. Les elements surnaturels familiers et les traits discursifs typiques font entendre que les contes font partie du genre de conte de fees. Le monde narre du conte de fees est d`ailleurs un monde `accepte qui ne demande aucune justification. C`est un monde qui existe en tant que tel, c`est-a-dire sans aucune relation avec le monde reel. Il en est de meme pour le texte de Perrault. Le monde narre de Perrault existant comme un monde autonome et isole du monde reel, le fantastique ou l`irreel devient le caracteristique principal des contes de Perrault. Mais si nous abordons une autre partie de texte, c`est-a-dire les moralites, cette interpretation n`est pas definitive. Car les moralites ajoutees a la fin de chaque conte donne a l`histoire narree une signification bien reelle. La partie textuelle des moralites joue en effet un role de cle ``magique`` qui desenchante le monde feerique. Le fantastique, en gardant toujours son autonomie, devient une metaphore du reel. D`ailleurs c`est dans ce contexte que nous appelons la litterature de Perrault celle de transition, dans laquelle la tendance traditionnelle au fantastique depuis l`antiquite se change en l`accentuation du reel.

      • KCI등재

        호스걸이형 소방호스와 호스릴 소방호스의 전개시간 비교 분석

        홍석환,김서영,공하성 대한안전경영과학회 2021 대한안전경영과학회지 Vol.23 No.4

        The objective of this study was to understand which type of fire hose should be placed in indoor fireplug box upon analyzing the preparation time between rack-type fire hose and reel-type one. With respect to the type of hose, rack-type stacking method was used and hose preparation time was measured with 5 times of repeat test, separating men and women. Study results reveal that preparation time of reel-type fire hose took longer than that of rack-type one in both men and women. For both rack-type hose and reel-type hose, preparation time by two persons took shorter than that by one man. Also, preparation time by three persons took shorted than that by two women. Preparation time for both rack-type hose and reel-type one by men took shorter than that by women. In summary, it was confirmed that rack-type hose could be prepared within shorter time than reel-type one. Since the size of drum set in the reel-type fire hose is relatively small, it had some difficulty in preparation of fire hose timely.

      • KCI등재

        코일 내경 통합 적용형 PAY OFF REEL 개발

        박정호(Jeong-Ho Park),박현진(Hyoun-Jin Park),이대희(Dae-Hee Lee),김순경(Soon-Kyou Kim) 한국기계가공학회 2010 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Pay off reel is the device to release in the form of coil. Every time the device becomes a hassle to exchange, each diameter of two forms has been applied to the coil reel. There is the change of reel diameter of the sleeve portion to be the part of segment geometry. This unit is conducting on 3-dimensional modeling design. The basic strength and deformation of the device could be checked in advance by the basis of 3-d modeling data to perform simulations. The production of each part can be completed and assembled. Conducted for the final product which is tested and measured, all items are satisfied within the limits of targets. Due to the development of this device, the efficiency on operations can be increased and the production time becomes shortened.

      • KCI등재

        R2R Hall sensor 측정 장치를 이용한 비접촉식 성능평가

        오재근,오상수,하동우,하홍수,고락길,김호섭,송규정,이남진,문승현 한국초전도.저온공학회 2008 한국초전도저온공학회논문지 Vol.10 No.3

        For the effective evaluation of superconducting properties of a coated conductor, with a long length, a non destructive characterization technique including a reel-to-reel (R2R) Hall measuring system have been developed. A non-contact R2R Hall sensor array system was particularly designed to measure the superconducting property of coated conductors. The superconducting properties of long length coated conductors were measured by using this device. It was demonstrated that this system was convenient to measure the intensity and distribution of the magnet field applied perpendicular to the surfaces of the coated conductors. Using this device, the defect and low critical current density(Jc) area of coated conductors could be detected in real-time measurement. For the effective evaluation of superconducting properties of a coated conductor, with a long length, a non destructive characterization technique including a reel-to-reel (R2R) Hall measuring system have been developed. A non-contact R2R Hall sensor array system was particularly designed to measure the superconducting property of coated conductors. The superconducting properties of long length coated conductors were measured by using this device. It was demonstrated that this system was convenient to measure the intensity and distribution of the magnet field applied perpendicular to the surfaces of the coated conductors. Using this device, the defect and low critical current density(Jc) area of coated conductors could be detected in real-time measurement.

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