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      • KCI등재

        문학교육과 영어교육, 양자택일의 문제인가?

        차은정(Cha Eunjeong) 새한영어영문학회 2010 새한영어영문학 Vol.52 No.2

        This paper aims to examine that literature-based instruction is necessary for integrated language arts. It’s not a matter of choosing either literary education or english education. For this, we have to focus on reading, critical literacy, and literature-based instruction. What is the nature of reading? What are its social functions and effects? How is it learned? Reading is actually done in the public and private spaces of everyday community, occupational and academic institutions. The readings include a stance toward socially responsible literacy. Reading literature requires students to respond to book emotionally as well as cognitively. Students respond affectively to the literary text as a whole. These feelings are unique and tied to each reader’s life experiences. Emphasizing personal involvement in literature develops in students an imagination, a sense of wonder, and an active participation through the literary experience. The students valued literature as a means of enlarging their knowledge of the world, because through literature they acquired not so much additional informations as additional experiences. Literature provides a living through, not simply knowledge about. Critical literacy involves understanding the ways in which language and literacy are used to accomplish social ends. It also requires understand literacy as a tool for social action and understanding the ways in which that tool works, and it involves consciously reexamining comfortable cultural practices and values. We can empower students to read and write for social practice with the intended ends of changing the world. Teaching students to look critically at texts and the world around them can be fostered through reading and writing. Teaching and learning critical literacy takes shape by asking questions, seeking answers through the critical reading. So Reading is redefined at the outset as ‘a critical social practice.’

      • KCI등재

        一般系 高等學校 漢文敎育의 問題點 및 改善 方向

        李殷光 한국한자한문교육학회 2004 漢字 漢文敎育 Vol.12 No.-

        한문교육의 문제점에 대해서는 학회 등을 통하여 다양한 관점에서 논의되어 왔는데, 본 고에서는 일반계 고등학교에서의 교육과정 운영의 문제점, 교과서 내용과 체계의 문제, 수행평가의 실태 및 문제점, 교수-학습의 문제점 및 개선 방향, 대학수학능력 시험 및 한자능력검정시험의 실태 및 개선방향에 대해서 살펴보았다. 일반계 고등학교 한문교육의 문제점을 알아보기 위해 '한국한자한문교육학회', '한국한문교육학회'에서 발표되었던 사례들과 '전국 한문 교사 모임', '경기도 중등 한문교육 연구회' 등에서 방학 중 연수회를 갖고 논의되었던 사례들을 참고하였으며, 경기도내 일반계 고등학교의 교육 과정 운영 실태와 본교 학생들의 설문을 참고하여 문제점을 도출하고 개선 방향을 모색해 보았다. 첫째, 교육과정 운영상의 문제점으로는 7차 교육 과정에서 한문 과목이 선택 과목으로 편성되어 학교에 따라 많은 차이가 있고, 입시 위주의 교육과정 운영으로 한문 수업 시수가 줄어드는 경향이 나타나게 되었다. 개선방향으로는 한문 교사들이 변화되는 교육과정을 정확하게 이해하고 한문 교육의 당위성을 설명할 수 있는 논리를 확고히 하여 학교 관리자나 교육과정 운영회 등에 적극적으로 개진하여 정상작인 교육 과정이 이루어질 수 있도록 해야 한다. 둘째, 교과서 내용상의 문제로 학생들의 설문을 조사한 결과로는 한문 교육의 필요성에 대해서는 70% 이상의 학생이 비교적 긍정적인 답을 하였지만 교과서 내용에 대해서는 과반수 이상의 학생이 부정적인 답을 하였다. 교과서 내용 체제에 있어서는 한문 교과의 특성에 맞는 전통적이고 고전적인 요소들을 뽑아내어 교과서를 구성하는 것이 장기적인 안목에서는 더 바람직할 것이라 여겨진다. 셋째, 수행평가의 문제점으로는 학생이나 교사 모두 좋은 취지에도 불구하고 부담이 너무 크다는 것이다. 개선 방향으로는 타 교과와 중복이 되지 않는 시기에 평가를 할 수 있도록 하고 수업 시간을 적절하게 활용할 수 있는 방안을 강구해야 하리라고 본다. 넷째, 교수-학습의 문제점으로는 학생들의 수준이 일정치 않아 지도하기에 어려움이 많다는 것이다. 개선 방향으로는 수준이 일정치 않은 학생들의 실력을 향상시키는 방법으로 입학 전 방학 기간을 이용한 '한자 익히기' 과제를 부여하거나, 학교 내 '한자 한문 경시대회' 등을 통해 관심을 증대시키고 수행평가 등을 활용하는 방법이 있다 하겠다. 교수-학습 형태에 대해서 '칠판 수업을 주로 하고 ICT 활용은 홍미유발을 위한 도구로'라는 의견에 50% 이상의 학생이 회망하였다. ICT를 활용한 다양한 교수-학습의 자료가 개발되어야 하겠으며 수업 형태도 학생들은 교사 위주의 강의식(43%)을 더 선호하고 있었으나, 교과 내용에 따라서 다양한 형태의 교수-학습이 이루어져야 하겠다. 다섯째, 대학수학능력 시험 및 기타 문제점으로는 '한문' 교과가 대학수학능력 시험에서 '제2외국어/한문' 영역에 포함되어 있는 관계로 학생들이 얼마나 '한문'을 선택할 지가 초미의 관심사이며, 한문 교과의 장래와도 중요한 요인으로 작용할 수 있다고 여겨진다. 개선방향으로는 대학입학전형시 보다 많은 대학에서 학교생활기록부 및 한문 영역의 반영을 높일 수 있도록 하여야 하겠으며, 각급 학교에서는 대입 수능에서 '한문'영역을 선택할 수 있도록 적극 홍보를 하고 교사들의 의견이 대입수능 시험에 잘 반영될 수 있도록 하여야 하리라고 본다. 마지막으로 한자능력검정 시험에 대한 문제인데 일부에서는 한자능력검정 시험이 지나치게 상업성을 띠고 있는 것에 대하여 우려하고 있고, 한문보다 한자만을 강조해서는 안 된다는 의견이 조심스럽게 제기되고 있다. 개선방향으로는 한자, 한문과 관련된 학회, 또는 대학 교 수, 일선 학교 교사들이 함께 참여하는 한자와 한문이 고루 출제된 한문능력검정시험을 주관하는 단체를 만들어 한자, 한문 교육 및 보급에 더 많은 노력을 기울여야 하리라고 본다. Although the problems of the education of Chinese Literature have been discussed in various view points through Chinese Literature Academy, etc. in this thesis, I have researched as to the problems of the management of the curriculum in academic high school, the contents of the text of Chinese Character, the actual situation of the performance test and its problem, and the way of improving the test of the probation of the ability of the Chinese Literature. In order to catch the problems in education of the Chinese Literature, by referring the examples made public by 'The Academy of the Education of Korean Chinese Characters and Chinese Literature' and The Academy of the education of Korean Chinese Literature' and those discussed by The National Chinese Character Teachers' Meeting and Kyung-gi provincial Secondary School Academy of the Education of Chinese Literature held during summer vacation. I have tried to find out the way of improving those problems abstracted by means of questionnaire done to students. First, as the problems of the management of the curriculum, because Chinese Literature was organized as the optional subject, there have been many differences depending on schools and the tendency of lessening the amount Chinese Character is taught. As one of the ways of improving those problems, by understanding the curriculum of the education of the Chinese Literature correctly, and establishing the reason that can explain why the Chinese Character should be taught in high school through stating their views positively to the organization of school curriculum or school master, we should try to make the educational curriculum carry out normally. Second, as the problems in the contents of the text of Chinese Character, Seeing the results of questionnaire done to students, though more than 70% of students gave comparatively positive answers, regarding the contents of the text of Chinese Literature, more than half of the students gave a negative answers. .In the system of the contents of the text of Chinese Literature, I think it more desirable to compose the text by abstracting the traditional and classical elements suitable for the features of the Chinese Literature. Third, as the problems of performance test, in spite of the good purpose of the test, students and teachers feel burdensome too much. As one of the methods of improving the problems, the test should not be done in the period of overlapping with other subjects, and the method of utilizing the school hours properly should be considered. Fourth, as one of the problems of teaching and learning that subject, it is very difficult to instruct the students due to their various levels. As one of the ways of improving their ability of reading and writing Chinese Characters among various levels of students, I think there are many ways like assigning the students to learn Chinese Characters before entering high school, the increase of interest in that subject through contest of reading and writing of Chinese Characters in school and making good use of the results in the performance test. Regarding the type of learning and teaching the subject the opinion that centering on the lesson using blackboard and the utilization of ICT can be an instrument of raising the interest was approved by more than over 50% of the students. I think various materials of learning and teaching using ICT should be developed and the method of lecturing centered on teachers was preferred(43%), however, various types of teaching and learning should be done depending on the contents of the text. Fifth, as the problems of SAT test and other test, because this subject is included in the 2nd foreign language, it is the imminent interest how many students will choose that subject, and I think it will be an important factor. As the way of improving the problem, I think more universities should raise percentage of reflecting the subject of Chinese Character and the record of school life. I think teachers should inform positively to make students select Chinese Character and make teachers opinions reflect well in the SAT Finally, as for the test of the ability of reading and writing Chinese Characters, some are worried that the test takes on commerciality too extremely. The idea is cautiously proposed that the education of Chinese Character should not be emphasized more than Chinese Literature. As one solution , much more endeavor for supplying of Chinese Characters and Chinese Letter should be done through making organization held by the association related with Chinese Characters and Chinese Literature or the meeting composed of professors, school teachers and the test made up Chinese Characters and Chinese Literature evenly.

      • KCI등재

        Critical Reading Strategy: Teaching Literature with Rewriting Instruction in Higher Education

        Kim, Hyejin(김혜진),Chang, Sun Young(장선영) 새한영어영문학회 2020 새한영어영문학 Vol.62 No.2

        This study considers the use of rewriting instruction as a critical reading strategy to foster students’ critical thinking abilities in literature learning. For this study, rewriting instruction was used in an EFL higher education environment: students read a novel, rewrote a scene from the text, and presented their final products in class. To examine the students’ responses to the rewriting approach, a learner recognition survey was conducted and 41 questionnaires were analyzed. The results showed significant differences in students’ learning satisfaction between traditional instruction methods and rewriting instruction. Through rewriting instruction, the students’ development of critical thinking was shown to significantly affect their learning satisfaction. Students with a higher level of recognition of the development of critical thinking as an effect of the rewriting instruction had a higher level of learning outcomes. Thus, it was concluded that the students’ recognition of their development of critical thinking positively affected their learning outcomes.

      • KCI등재

        Probing Cultural Elements within Literature: A Lesson Plan to Expand Understanding

        ( Kim¸ Haeyoung ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2017 영어권문화연구 Vol.10 No.2

        The integration of language, literature, and culture in the foreign language classroom is a challenge to educationists who struggle to devise a way to achieve the goal of raising individuals equipped with communicative skills founded on solid intercultural understanding. This paper explores teaching strategies that move away from the traditional teacher-centered foreign language literature instruction model and embrace more actively a learner-centered model in which groupwork and workshop-style presentation were introduced to the classroom. Using 9.11.01: The Skyscraper and the Airplane by Adam Goodheart as the main reading text, students engaged in close reading of the literary text, group projects in preparation for class presentation, and workshop-style class discussions. The process enabled students to reflect upon their reading strategies used in understanding the text, method of research for information, and interpersonal and presentation skills. Incorporating cultural factors related to literary texts with learner-centered group projects proved an effective way for students to become motivated learners and critical thinkers in addition to building knowledge on cultural matters and communicative skills.

      • KCI등재

        Making Connections from Language Learning to Life Experiences Through Literature-Based EFL Instruction

        김혜리 한국영어교육학회 2013 ENGLISH TEACHING(영어교육) Vol.68 No.1

        The study aims at implementing a literature-based approach in an EFL course for university students. The students in this study read the text outside of the class and met regularly to do reading related activities throughout the semester. Data collection consisted of audio-recordings of classroom conversations and interviews,both the students’ and the instructor’s journals, and pre- and post-class surveys. Research questions were set up to explore the dynamic aspects of foreign language learning. Data analysis revealed the following results: The first finding was that students could refine their language skills based on communicative language use by improving English production skills while as learning how to use text structures in developing language skills. The second finding was that students changed their perceptions of language learning. Students started to take ownership toward their learning and thus they could grow as language learners by showing their voluntary work in learning the new language. The third finding was that students in this study could extend experiences through dynamic reading transaction by identifying themselves with the characters from the texts and nurturing reflective responses. Based on the results, the implications of the findings and suggestions for follow-up studies were provided.

      • KCI등재

        Using ‘classic reading instruction’ to raise students’ gender awareness: Students’ perceptions of their learning experiences at a Taiwanese university

        Yi-lin Yu 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2018 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.24 No.1

        Although much research has focused on exploring different pedagogies for cultivating students’ awareness and competencies, few studies have actually looked into how this can be done to develop their gender awareness by exploring the dynamics of classroom interaction. In this paper, I examine the effects of a method, referred to as ‘classic reading instruction,’ used in a gender and literature course, via a qualitative interview study. Forty-one male and female student participants from a Taiwanese university were interviewed and five themes were identified in the data. The findings revealed that most participants affirmed the effectiveness of classic reading instruction for raising their awareness about gender. They were also able to extend this to recognize the influences of family education on them and to comment on sexism in society. In addition, both male and female participants recognized the existence of male privilege, their identification with feminism and its relevance to daily life.

      • KCI등재

        문학에 바탕을 둔 읽기/쓰기 통합의 방법과 의의

        김상욱 한국초등국어교육학회 2008 한국초등국어교육 Vol.38 No.-

        7차교육과정에 이어 2007년 교육과정이 개편되었다. 애초의 수정, 보완하겠다는 취지와 달리 고시된 교육과정은 이전의 국어과 교육과정과 판이하게 달라졌다. 교육과정에 내재된 관점 자체가 달라진 것이다. 이전의 국어과 교육과정은 행태주의적 교육관과 심리주의적 언어관에 바탕을 둔 기능주의로 평가할 수 있다. 반면 새로운 ‘2007 교육과정’은 할러데이의 체계기능론에 바탕을 두고, 상황맥락과 장르를 중시하는 새로운 실험이다. 체계기능론의 핵심은 언어의 본질뿐만 아니라 언어의 기능 또한 중시하며, 무엇을 의미하는가와 함께 어떻게 의미하는가를 전면에 내세우는 관점이다. 이 경우 언어는 문화적 맥락과 분리될 수 없으며, 장르론의 토대가 되며, 사용된 언어는 언제나 주제field, 양식mode, 태도tenor 등 언어사용의 주체들의 성격에 따라 상황 맥락에 관여한다. 따라서 할러데이의 체계기능론에 따르면 언어는 정태적이라기보다 한층 역동적이다. 이러한 새로운 관점에 부응하기 위해서는 국어교육의 실제 또한 달라져야 한다. 현재 듣기, 말하기, 읽기, 쓰기, 국어지식, 문학 등으로 엄격하게 구획된 영역 구분은 사라져야 한다. 대신 문학작품을 바탕에 두고 다양한 활동을 통합함으로써, 언어교육이 실질적이고, 유의미하며, 효과적인 방향으로 진행되어야 한다. 이를 위해 이 연구는 먼저 읽기/쓰기의 통합을 모색하고자 한다. 다양한 방법들이 있을 수 있으나, 우선적으로 ‘읽기 과정/쓰기 과정에 따른 통합’과 ‘활동의 성격에 따른 통합’을 상세하게 제시하였다. 나아가 이들 새로운 읽기/쓰기의 통합적 활동이 어떻게 현실의 국어교육을 변전시켜 나갈 수 있는지, 구체적인 함의들을 제시하였다. The seventh National Curriculum was revised although it seems to be considerably different from what it used to be. The most noticeable difference is the perspective which the curriculum based on. The original curriculum took the functional perspectives consisted of behaviorism in education and psychology in language. On the other hand, the revised one is experimental in that it focuses on the situational context and genres coming from Halliday's systemic functionalism. Systemic functionalism gives even weight on function as well as form, and it also emphasizes how to represent along with what to represent. In this framework, language cannot be separated from cultural context and the used language is always related with situational context according to the characteristics of subject of language use such as field, mode and tenor. Thus, the language becomes more dynamic rather than static in systemic functionalism. The practice of Korean education should be changed to cope with this shift of perspectives in language teaching. Current strict division of language teaching like reading, speaking, writing, listening, language knowledge and literature should be reconsidered. Language teaching can be effective, authentic, and meaningful by taking an integrative approach using literary work. As a first step, the present study tried to show the ways of integrating reading and writing. Two integrative methods, the integration by reading and writing process and integration by characteristics of activities were presented in detail. The pedagogical implications showing how these integrative activities can transform Korean education practically were provided.

      • KCI등재

        중등영어수업에서 그림책의 활용 방안

        이진경(Jin Kyong Lee) 한국영미문학교육학회 2017 영미문학교육 Vol.21 No.3

        Based on the theoretical discussions of literature-based instruction, this study explores the ways to incorporate picturebooks in the secondary school English classrooms and it addresses the validity and effectiveness of picture books in the context of EFL. The picturebooks can be used to help students develop language skills as well as the visual literacy which is recently emphasized notion of the information age. Teaching activities exploiting the picture book The Gardener are presented following the general reading instruction procedure, pre-while, and post reading stages. In the pre-reading stage, illustrations can be used to motivate students to read like other visual aids. Students can make predictions and speculate about the setting, the atmosphere and characters by looking through pictures. As while-reading activities, the ways to foster deeper comprehension using both linguistic expressions and illustrations are discussed. At the final stage, genre-based writing activities are presented to engage students in the use of natural, authentic and personalized language. Other sample activities that students can be actively involved in are presented.

      • KCI등재

        문학교육에서 바라본 시민 혁명의 기억과 체험 : 문학교육과 민주주의

        김상욱 ( Sang Wook Kim ) 한국문학교육학회 2010 문학교육학 Vol.32 No.-

        Democracy operates on the assumption of members` participation. Educational democracy also should orientate to the active meaning construction and participation of learners. However, for the current Korean education, having the students get the holistic perspectives through language activities seems to be secondary to delivering separate knowledge. The content domain was separated from skills. Teachings are divided by schools, and the criteria of accomplishment. The literary education has a great effect on the overcoming this segregation. Literature itself is the resource which can integrate language activities and a work of art which actively reflect the life and realities. Thus, authentic Korean education should be reorganized with the central axis of literature. To do this, the arbitrary distinction of the content domain in the National Curriculum should be reconceptualized. The criteria of accomplishment needs to be established accordingly. Further, it needs to be clarified that the orientation of literature education is formation of subject. For the restoration of readers, we should make an effort to establish the literature discussion as a major learning activities and integrate the reading and writing through the integration of active language activities.

      • KCI등재후보

        우리나라 장애아동 음운중심 읽기지도 연구방법 및 결과 분석

        전병운 ( Byung Un Jeon ),고진복 ( Jin Bok Koh ) 한국특수아동학회 2007 특수아동교육연구 Vol.9 No.2

        이 연구의 목적은 1996년부터 2006년까지 특수교육 요구아동 관련 국내 논문 및 학술지 중 음운중심 읽기지도에 관한 실험연구들을 바탕으로 연구대상, 도구, 프로그램, 처치, 연구설계, 자료처리 및 결과를 분석하여 연구의 동향을 알아보는데 있다. 연구결과 선정된 30편의 논문 가운데 연구대상은 읽기장애 아동이 43.90%로 가장 많았으며, 읽기능력을 측정하기 위한 도구는 국내의 선행연구를 수정한 도구를 가장 많이 사용하였다. 또 중재 프로그램은 음운인식 훈련과 단어재인 훈련이 가장 많이 사용하였다. 처치는 16-20주, 시간은 31-40분, 총 처치회기 수는 31회기 이상이 가장 많았다. 연구 설계는 음운중심 읽기지도 프로그램 중재 후 그 효과를 알아보기 위한 연구 43.33%로 나타났다. 자료처리는 추리통계가 52.50%로 가장 많았다. 이러한 연구결과와 음운중심 읽기지도 연구결과의 서술적 분석결과를 바탕으로 연구 동향에 대해 논의를 하고자한다. The purpose of this study was to find out the recent trends and future direction on that experimental studies have been deal with phonics-centered reading instruction for children with special education need which published at domestic research and an academic journal from 1996 to 2006. what were analysis the experimental subjects, experimental instruments, programs, interventions, experimental design, data analysis, research conclusion. The results showed that the 43.90% participants in 30 papers selected were students with learning disabilities and the experimental instrument which modified on preceding domestic research were mostly used. Also mostly the programs based on phonological awareness, word-recognition training were used, the intervention duration were 16-20 weeks, the total sessions were over 31 sessions, not mostly. the 43.33% interventions were the phonics-centered reading instruction, the 52.50% data analysis were inference statics. Future study trends would be discussed about that based on research conclusion, descriptive research analysis about phonics-centered reading instruction.

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