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      • KCI등재

        침입범죄 방지를 위한 타겟하드닝 CPTED에 관한 준실험설계 연구: 안산시 주민 설문조사를 중심으로

        김강일,조준택,박현호 한국셉테드학회 2019 한국셉테드학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        Invasion crimes are serious crimes that violate the core elements of safety and serenity in residential spaces, which are one of the basic elements of people's lives, through means of breaking into houses and other structures. In relation to this, the first prevention and performance certification facility was installed in the target Hardening CPTED project in Ansan, in order to combat invasions. As a result, a semi-experiment design (Quasi-After design) was established to verify the effect of actual crime reduction and reduction of crime fear among residents by installing the prevention performance certification facility. Among the quasi-experimental designs, a single group pre-post measurement was utilized to test variable by comparing a dependent variable to a particular measurement after policy intervention in a group. The findings showed that in the pre-post survey of the experimental area, the actual crime reduction and the fear of incursion by residents were reduced, and the differences between buffer and control areas were identified. In addition, if we look at the differences in perception before and after the targeted Hardening project policy implementation, the entire installation area has created a high overall score range, showing a slightly higher positive perception in the post-survey. Finally, local residents conducted a target hardening project The local police and neighbors were concerned about the reduction in the presence of the police, community ties, local disorder, and collective effectiveness.

      • KCI등재

        현대영어교육에 실린 준 실험연구 논문의 개관

        류란,황선유 현대영어교육학회 2010 현대영어교육 Vol.11 No.2

        This paper reviewed and analyzed quasi-experimental research conducted for the past 10 years in the journal of Modern English Education. Out of a total of 241 papers, 40were selected from Volumes one to ten. These papers were then subject to investigation from various perspectives: (1) historical trends, (2) main topic areas, (3)language skills, and (4) research design. As for the research design, the paper includes analysis of subjects, proficiency levels of participants, data collection, and the statistical methods used in the research interpretation. The analysis reveals that the research has been productive in the areas of computer-assisted language learning,reading-related language learning, integrated language skills as well as communicative language teaching. It is noticeable that most experimental research has targeted college students and was conducted for one semester. T-tests were the most frequently used statistical tool in interpreting experimental data. For future study of English education,it is recommended that experimental research be more sophisticated and balanced in terms of topic areas, language skills and research design using both quantitative and qualitative ways.

      • KCI등재후보

        여가치료의 관점으로 본 관광 체험의 심리적 효과

        고동우 한국호텔관광학회 2008 호텔관광연구 Vol.10 No.1

        This study was to explore the psychological effects of tourism experience with the leisure therapeutic perspective. Data collection method was into a quasi-experimental design including experimental group of 81 undergraduates to be compared to control group of 68 students. The two groups were divided as to whether weekend pleasure travelling or not. Three kinds of psychological variables with 8 dimensions were adopted as the criteria of travelling effects; affects(positive mood, depression, and anxiety), cognitive competency(involvement to travel, courage to travel, and traveller's identity), and social ability(social skill and social identity). The differences of the 8 psychological dimensions between pre and post travelling were applied as the ultimate dependents. 7 dimensional travelling experiences were measured as the predictors to the dependents in final analysis on experimental group. It was identified that weekend travelling group(i.e., experimental group) showed significantly more and higher improvement effects on the three psychological states or competencies compared to the control group as results. These results imply that the pleasure travel has psychological therapeutic effects.

      • KCI등재

        교육기부 프로그램이 중학생의 진로개발역량에 미치는 효과 -교육기부 모델학교를 중심으로-

        정숙희,신온유,이주은 학습자중심교과교육학회 2020 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.20 No.12

        The purpose of this study is to verify whether the donation for education programs are effective in improving the career development competencies of middle school students. To this end, the middle school selected as the model school for donation for education in the Gyeong-sang region through the Quasi-Experimental Design was set up as a experimental group and the middle school that did not conduct the donation for education programs as a comparative group, and the results of the study were conducted pre-post test using the Career Development Competencies Index(CDCI). The study was conducted from May to December 2018. The results are as follows. First, the 'self-concept', 'self-reliance', 'sociality' and 'citizenship' areas of the experimental group in the personal and social areas were statistically significantly higher than those of the comparative groups. Second, the 'career exploration' of the experimental group in the career area increased statistically compared to the comparison group. Third, it was found that the 'daily/school life satisfaction' of the experimental group was higher than that of the comparative group. Fourth, no difference between the experimental group and the comparative group was found in the areas of career recognition, career planning, academic achievement, academic design, and study attitude. Based on this, the government made suggestions to expand donation for education programs and enhance quality level to enhance the career capability of middle school students. 본 연구의 목적은 교육기부 프로그램이 중학생의 진로개발역량을 향상시키는데 효과적인지 검증하는 것이다. 이를 위해 유사실험설계(Quasi-experimental design)를 통해 경상권역에서 교육기부 모델학교로 선정된 중학교를 실험집단으로, 교육기부 프로그램을 실시하지 않은 중학교를 비교집단으로 선정하여, 진로개발역량지표 도구를 사용하여 사전-사후검사를 실시하였다. 연구는 2018년 5월부터 12월까지 실시하였고, 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 개인‧사회 영역에서 실험집단의 개인·사회영역의 ‘자아개념’, ‘자기 주도성’, ‘사회성’, ‘시민의식’이 비교집단에 비해 통계적으로 유의미하게 높았다. 둘째, 진로 영역에서 실험집단의 ‘진로탐색’이 비교집단에 비해 통계적으로 유의미하게 높았다. 셋째, 부가 영역에서 실험집단의 ‘일상·학교생활 만족’이 비교집단에 비해 높은 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 진로 영역 중 ‘진로인식’, ‘진로계획’과 학업 영역인 ‘학업 성취’, ‘학업 설계’, ‘학습 태도’에서 실험집단과 비교집단의 차이가 발견되지 않았다. 따라서 교육기부 프로그램이 참여한 중학생의 ‘자아개념’, ‘자기주도성’, ‘사회성’, ‘시민의식’을 향상시키는 데 효과적이었고, ‘진로탐색’에 영향을 미쳤으며, ‘일상·학교생활’ 만족도를 높이는 데 기여하였음을 알 수 있었다. 이를 바탕으로 중학생의 진로개발역량을 증진시키기 위한 교육기부 프로그램 확대와 질적 수준 제고를 위해 제언하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        부동산감정평가에 있어서의 피드백 영향

        서동기 ( Seo Dong Ki ),홍기용 ( Hong Ki Yong ) 한국부동산학회 2004 不動産學報 Vol.22 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES This study aims to evaluate how much an appraiser is psychologically and behaviorally influenced by another appraiser in the process of an appraisal. A quasi-experimental design was employed in this study. First, we presented data on two commercial real estate properties in Seoul and requested appraisal from 120 appraisers to measure the behavioral and psychological variation. After one month we requested re-appraisal for the same real estate. We asked the appraisers to rate weather they thought their appraisal for the two properties was low, high, average relative to the other appraisers. And divided the appraisers into 3 groups classifying low(or high) valuation feedback group the feedback which was 30% lower(or higher) than primary appraisal expected average price, and also did not present any feedback to non valuation feedback group but requested re-appraisal. (2) RESEARCH METHOD quasi-experimental design (3) RESEARCH RESULTS As a result of the re-appraisal, 18.8% of the 80 appraisers who rather then appraisers as high or low adjusted their appraisal. We analyzed if the appraisers had been influenced psychologically and behaviorally. There were no changes in factors influencing the real estate price. So, it can be estimated that the appraisers were influenced psychologically and behaviorally, not by other environmental effects. It was also revealed that there were no statistical differences between before and after modification. Therefore, the appraisers who modified their original prices were influenced by the price that the other appraisers made, but the price difference was very negligible. An interesting the point is that appraises who modifies their appraisal were generally younger and had been in their career a shorter time than those who did not modify their appraisers. 2. RESULTS It is estimated that appraisers can be given a certain amount of feedback about the market transaction price and the appraisal price of other appraisers in the process of an appraisal. However, the result of the quasi-experimental design show that the appraisers were seldom influenced psychologically or behaviorally by the price appraised by the other appraisers: we can conclude that most appraisers have confidence in their appraisal price.

      • KCI우수등재

        공공기관 이전에 따른 비수도권 인재 채용 효과 분석

        김유현,김석은 한국행정학회 2022 韓國行政學報 Vol.56 No.2

        Using quasi-experimental designs, this study examines the effects of the relocation of public institutions on the employment of local talents. We collected a balanced panel dataset from All Public Information In-One (ALIO), in which a sample of 224 public institutions with 2,464 observations from 2011 to 2021 was used for difference-in-differences (DID) analysis. For the DID analysis, data were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group includes public institutions that relocated outside the Capital Region between 2013 and 2018. The control group consists of those that did not relocate during the same period. We secured at least three years of data before and after the relocation period for both groups to conduct the DID analysis. In addition, conditional DID analysis was conducted after matching both groups using the distance function. Results found that relocated public institutions hired 7.3 percentage points more local talents than those that did not move. Further research is needed to measure the impacts of recruiting local talents on regional development and reducing economic inequality. 본 연구는 공공기관 이전의 비수도권 인재채용 효과를 준실험 설계 방식을 활용한 이중차이분석(Difference in Differences, DID)을 통해 검증했다. 그동안 공공기관 이전에 따른 사회・경제적 효과 분석과 인재 채용 결정요인 등에 대한 연구가 진행되었으나, 공공기관 이전의 핵심 목표중의 하나인 비수도권 인재채용 효과에 대한 체계적인 연구는 없었다. 분석을 위해 2011년부터 2021년까지 공공기관 경영정보 시스템(ALIO)에서 총 224개 기관의 11개년도, 2,464개의 관측점을 가진 균형패널데이터를 구축했다. DID기본 모델 적용을 위해 공공기관 이전 전후 최소3년의 기간을 확보할 수 있도록 2013년부터 2018년까지 이전을 완료한 기관을 처방그룹으로하고, 통제그룹의 정책처방 시점은 처방그룹의 최초 이전 시점인 2013년으로 했다. 이에 더해처방그룹 개체별 이전시점에 부합하는 통제그룹 매칭 대상기관을 선별하기 위해 거리함수를 활용하였다. 그 결과 DID 기본모형과 거리함수를 이용한 매칭방식을 적용한 모델에서 이전 대상공공기관들의 비수도권 인재 채용 비율이 그렇지 않은 공공기관에 비해 이전 시점을 기준으로각각 약 7.3%포인트, 7.7%포인트 증가된 것으로 나타났다. 다만, 비수도권 인재 채용 증가가 지역사회 발전과 경제적 불평등 완화에 미친 영향에 대해서는 추가적인 분석이 필요함을 밝힌다.

      • KCI등재

        웹 기반 정책도구 효과의 준실험 서베이에 의한 추정

        박흥식(Heungsik Park) 한국정책분석평가학회 2015 政策分析評價學會報 Vol.25 No.3

        A quasi-experimental design is a research method that allows causal inferences in assessing the impacts of policy interventions through treatment-control comparisons while some survey participants but not others are naturally exposed to the intervention. In this study, we traced both the policy impacts of the OK system developed by the Yeongdeungpo-Gu office and some limitations of the evaluation based on a simple survey design that did not have an experimental or a comparison group, applying a quasi-experimental survey design. The OK system survey data were used to evaluate the effects of the system; they included questionnaire items that naturally assigned respondents either to a treatment or to a comparison group. We assigned 348 respondents to three groups: “don’t know the system,” “know but didn’t use the system,” and “used the system.” The results revealed that the differences both between the treatment group (“used the system”) and the comparison group (“don’t know the system” and “know but didn’t use the system”) and between the treatment group (“know but didn’t use the system”) and the comparison group (“don’t know the system”) were significant. These results may be evidence that policy effects obtained from a survey with no comparison group could bedetermined not by the survey participants’ actual experiences but by public awareness of the system, which may mislead researchers into making the wrong decisions. These findings contribute to our understanding of how inferences from a survey can be biased in estimating the effects of a policy tool.

      • KCI등재

        농업교육강사를 위한 퍼실리테이션 프로그램의 효과성 분석

        이연주,이희수 한국농·산업교육학회 2014 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.46 No.1

        농업교육에서 강사의 역량은 교육효과를 높이는 중요한 요소이다. 특히, 소규모 그룹의 참여형, 실습형 교육을 선호하는 농업인의 특성을 고려한 강사의 퍼실리테이션 역량이 더 없이 요구되고 있다. 이러한 맥락에서 본 연구는 농업교육강사들을 대상으로 하여 퍼실리테이션 프로그램을 실시하고 퍼실리테이션 역량 향상에 효과가 있는 지를 검증하고자 하였다. 연구방법은 동일 피험자 사전 사후 검증으로 설계 하였으며, 경기도 소재 농업기술원의 강사반 참석자 30명을 대상으로 실시하였다. 연구결과, 퍼실리테이션 프로그램을 체험한 참가자들의 퍼실리테이션 역량이 전체적으로 유의미하게 향상된 것으로 나타났다. 퍼실리테이션의 각 하위 역량 중 조직화 역량, 분위기 조성 역량, 과업 역량에서 큰 향상이 나타났고, 전문가적 태도 역량에서는 향상이 크지 않았다. 이는 농업교육강사 양성 시 퍼실리테이션 역량 향상을 위한 프로그램의 개발과 실행에 있어서 각 역량에 따라 전략적인 시간과 접근 방법이 필요하며, 각각의 하위 역량의 향상을 위해 차별적인 시도를 할 필요가 있다는 것을 시사한다. The importance of agricultural facilitator has been increasingly attracting more attention recently. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of facilitator training program to train agricultural facilitators. For this purpose, a facilitation program was developed with five sub-competencies: communication, task, relationship or climate, organization, and professional attitude. Also a two week facilitation program was designed to offer total fifteen hours of agricultural facilitator training. Thirty agricultural facilitators participated in this quasi-experimental study. Their competence on facilitation was measured before and after they received the facilitation program by using structured questionnaires. The comparison of the pre- and post-test scores showed that the improvement of participants’ facilitation capacities was statistically significant. Based on the major findings, this research concludes as follows: First, agricultural facilitators need to have excellent facilitation competence to improve agriculture education effectiveness. The agricultural facilitation program, in fact, was turned out to be effective in improving the facilitation competence on organization, task and relationship or climate competence. However, professional attitude was difficult to improve with the same condition compared with other components. Second, the developed facilitation program needs to have strategic approaches to each sub-facilitation competence. Finally, more specific education program needs to be developed that meets the needs of agricultural facilitators.

      • KCI등재

        행정학・정책학 연구에서의 이중차분 추정기법의 활용과 쟁점

        손호성,이재훈 한국국정관리학회 2018 현대사회와 행정 Vol.28 No.3

        The purpose of this study is twofold. First, we examine the concepts and issues inherent in the difference in difference (DiD) estimator, a quasi-experimental research design widely used in empirical research in social sciences. Second, we analyze whether the DiD estimator is used appropriately in existing public administration and policy research with an aim to promote reliability and transparency of empirical research that use the estimator. We conclude the paper by emphasizing the importance of testing the “parallel trend” assumption, the identifying assumption of the DiD estimator, statistically and practically. 본 연구의 목적은 두 가지이다. 첫째, 최근 사회과학 실증연구에서 광범위하게 활용되고 있는 준실험 연구설계 기법의 하나인 이중차분 추정기법의 개념과 쟁점을 논의하는 것이다. 둘째, 행정학・정책학 분야에서의 이중차분 추정기법 활용 정도를 분석해서, 이중차분 추정 기법을 활용하는 정책학 연구의 신뢰성과 투명성을 도모하는 것이다. 특히, 본 연구를 통해 이중차분 추정기법을 올바로 활용하기 위해서는 이중차분 추정기법의 식별조건인 “평행 추세 가정”을 통계적으로 그리고 실질적으로 검정해야 함을 강조하였다.

      • KCI등재

        코칭을 통한 심리적 자본의 성장에 대한 연구

        최명원 ( Choi Myungweon ),윤혜준 ( Yoon Hea Jun ) 한국인력개발학회 2023 HRD연구 Vol.25 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 코칭의 경험이 개인의 심리적 자본의 성장을 가능하게 하는가를 검토하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 국내 대학에 재학중인 학부생 참여자 108명을 대상으로 준실험설계 연구를 수행하였다. 실험집단에 속한 참여자들의 경우, 각각 한 명의 코치와 짝을 이루어 이들에게 10주간의 코칭을 받는 과정을 거쳤다. 한편, 통제집단에 소속된 참여자들의 경우, 동일 기간 중 경력안내 세션에 참여하는 기회를 가졌다. 실험집단과 통제집단에서 수집한 사전 응답과 사후응답을 분석한 결과, 해당 기간 중 심리적 자본의 유의미한 변화는 실험집단에서만 관찰되었다. 자료 분석 결과를 근거로, 훈련된 전문코치로 부터의 코칭은 개인의 심리적 자본을 성장시킨다는 결론을 도출하였다. 연구 결과를 바탕으로, 학문적 의의, 실무적 시사점, 향후 연구를 위한 제언을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether coaching can foster psychological capital, a composite factor of self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience. For this purpose, we employed the quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design, and recruited 108 undergraduate students from a university in South Korea. 58 of the participants were assigned to the treatment group, where they received a series of one-on-one coaching sessions with qualified coaches over the course of 10 weeks. Another 50 students were assigned to the control group and participated in career information sessions. As expected, analyses of the data collected before and after the interventions revealed that changes in psychological capital were observed in the treatment group, but not in the control group. The findings support that coaching interventions can help individuals build psychological capital.

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