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      • KCI등재

        공중보건의 역할변화와 보건소의 기능

        배상수 한국보건행정학회 2001 보건행정학회지 Vol.11 No.1

        Public health system and public health practice have changed over the past decades as the result of social and epidemiologic changes. New public health concept emphasizes leadership, strategical thinking, systematic planning and effective performance to identify and solve complex health problem In Korea, the role of Health Center has been expanded rapidly. However there is strong suspicion that Health Center can achieve their mission. This paper aims at understanding what is the needed functions of Health Center and which of its aspects needs improvement. The main results of this study are summarizes as follows. District Health Law does not address the core functions of Health Center. The staffs of Health Center have difficulties in prioritizing their services. The recent attempt to restructure Health Center and change delivery pattern of public health services ended with only limited success. To effectively confront threats to the public's health, the three major function of Health Center must be ${\circled}1$ modifying individual behavior and lifestyle, ${\circled}2$ improving social and economic conditions, and ${\circled}3$ reforming health policies. Better results do not come from setting new functions only; they come from understanding and improving the processes that will then leads to better outcome. We recommend that policy-makers focus economic evaluation of public health programs, building and spreading of the scientific evidence of programs, linkage of public health research and public health program. The criteria of delegation of public health service to private sector is urgently needed. Making community health information data available on a routine basis to providers, managers and researchers of public health services helps promote the efficiency of the overall operation of public health system.

      • KCI등재후보

        인력수급 대책을 위한 치과기공사의 보건지소 진출에 관한 연구 - 2012년 틀니보험화 정책을 중심으로 -

        이종도,김정숙,박광식,Lee, Jong-Do,Kim, Jeong-Sook,Park, Kwang-Sig 대한치과기공학회 2010 대한치과기공학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        Purpose: This study evaluated the manpower planning of dental technicians. Methods: Methods : Survey was conducted regarding subject's general characteristics, characteristics of dental technician's occupational view and working conditions, and reason to enter into branches of the public health enter. The survey sample consisted of 323 dental technicians (221 male/ 102 female). Survey was conducted for one month from August 1 to September 1 in 2010. Following results were obtained. Results: 1. Regarding general characteristics of the subjects, there was a slight male predilection with 68.4%. Subjects in their 40s occupied the highest proportion of 32.2%. Majority of subjects worked in the big cities (71.5%). Favored working places were dental laboratory (57.6%) and dental hospital or dental clinic (19.5%). Although no position is available in the public sector such as public health center or health care civil servant, 9.3% preferred working in the public health center. Public sector is more favored than 2-year technical colleges or dental supply and equipment companies. In respect to education, 57% of the subjects graduated college. 67.8% were married. Subjects who specialize in the porcelain or all-ceramic were 57.9%. With regard to current position, head of the dental laboratory was most common. 2. Following occupation characteristics were found. Economic reason took the highest proportion when deciding their occupation (39.9%) followed by gaining social experience (36.5%). Majority of the subjects (76.5%) wanted to work as dental technicians until their retirement. 71.5% pursuit to become a manager of the dental laboratory. 76.1% agreed on opening a dental technician position in the public health center. Regarding an authority to lead developing the dental technician position in the public sector, majority of the subject chose ministry of health and welfare (35.6%) and Korean dental technologist association (34.7%). Employment (average, 30%) and turnover rate (average, 36.5%) of dental technology college graduates ranged from 40% to 60%. Most important factors for the employment were practical experience (41.2%) and competency (34.4%). With regard to job satisfaction, so-so as 46.7% and satisfactory was 42.7% 3. In respect to the reason for opening a position in the public health center, 'It is needed to continue denture rogram for elderly patients' obtained the highest score (4.14 point). 'Institutional devices are required to open a position for dental technicians as a public healthcare provider' received high score (4.11 point). 4. Concerning the working conditions, 'professional knowledge is required' received the highest score (4.23) followed by 'too short maternity and parental leave' (4.21). 5. Relationship between general characteristics of the subjects and favor of working in the public health center was investigated. Significant differences were found according to the current and favored working area, favored occupation, education level, marital status, and specialty. Working in the public health center was favored by following subjects: working in mid- or small-sized cities (4.16 point, p<0.05); PhD degree-holder (4.59 point, p<0.01). 6. Among general characteristics of the subjects, significant difference of working conditions was found in the following factors: gender; working areas; favored working areas; favored working positions, and education level. Majority of subjects favored working in big cities and currently work in big cities although satisfaction was comparatively low (3.75 score). 7. Future plan to work in public health center was evaluated according to occupational characteristics. Subject's intention to work in the public healthcare center was significantly affected by opening of dental technician position, leading authority, average turnover rate, and factors affecting employment. Working in the public health care center was favored by the following subjects: Dental technicians who actively suppo

      • KCI등재

        급부행정의 공공성 - 한국과 일본의 공공의료법제 비교를 중심으로 -

        황지혜 한국토지공법학회 2021 土地公法硏究 Vol.94 No.-

        The social benefit administration(Leistungsverwaltung) is directly related to the lives of the people, such as social security, electricity, and water, and seeks high publicity. In the 1980s, privatization(Privatisierung) led to the deterioration of public service quality, which led to problems of publicity(Öffentlichkeit) in social benefit administration. It is the public health sector that has recently become more problematic. Contrary to our perception, damage caused by COVID-19 is serious in developed countries with well-equipped medical environments. According to a report published by the Lancet commission on February 2021, the reduction of public health care was cited as the reason for the most damage caused by COVID-19. This article aims to draw discussions on the publicity of public health care from the paradoxical situation where damage caused by COVID-19 is significant in U.S. and advanced medical countries of Europe. Public health care system includes Public health insurance and Public health agencies, and among them, discussions in Korea will be centered on public health agencies. Because Korea has a universal public health insurance system unlike the U.S., there seems to be little need for discussion. On the other hand, public health agency system has experienced the closure of Jinju Medical Center in 2013 and the resulting medical vacuum in Korea. Therefore, among legal institutions of public health, public health agencies will be discussed mainly, and more specifically, local medical centers that function as local central hospitals will be discussed. In order to do a more timely research, we would also discuss the relationship between the reform of local medical centers and countermeasure to the COVID-19. The main method of reforming local medical centers were the reduction of public health care through privatization(Privatisierung), which, as seen in the U.S. case, is related to countermeasure to the COVID-19. In order to develop the discussion, the writer would like to compare the legal institution of local medical center and the reform of local medical centers in Korea and Japan. The reason why Japan is a target country is because it has legal institution of local medical center that is very similar to that of Korea and experienced the most active local medical center reformation among East Asian countries. The aim of comparing legal institution of local medical center between Korea & Japan; and comparing the reform of local medical center between Korea & Japan is, in the midst of COVID-19 Pandemic, to find ways how local medical center in Korea can function as the main institution to countermeasure to COVID-19 Pandemic in Korea 급부행정은 사회보장, 전기, 수도 등 국민의 생활과 직접적으로 연관되는 것으로, 높은 공공성을 추구한다. 1980년대에 민영화 또는 사화(私化, Privatisierung)로 인해 서비스 질이 저하되면서 급부행정에서 공공성의 문제가 제기되기 시작했다. 최근 더욱 문제가 되기 시작한 것이 바로 공공의료 분야이다. 우리의 인식과 달리, 의료 환경이 잘 갖춰진 선진국에서 코로나 19에 의한 피해가 심각하기 때문이다. 2021년 2월의 랜싯 위원회 보고서(the Lancet commission report)에 의하면, 미국에서 코로나 19 피해가 가장 많이 발생한 근본적인 이유로 공공의료의 축소를 들고 있다. 본 논문은 미국을 비롯하여, 유럽의 의료 선진국에서 코로나 19 피해가 큰 역설적인 상황에서부터 공공의료의 공공성 논의를 이끌어내고자 한다. 공공의료(public health care)는 공공의료보험과 공공의료기관을 그 구성 요소로 하는데, 이 중 한국에서의 논의는 공공의료기관을 중심으로 하고자 한다. 왜냐하면 한국은 미국과 달리 보편적 공공의료보험 체계를 가지고 있기 때문에 논의의 필요성은 적어 보인다. 반면, 공공의료기관은 한국에서 2013년 진주의료원 폐업과 이로 인한 의료 공백이 꾸준히 발생하고 있는 상황이다. 따라서 공공의료 법제 중 공공의료기관을 중심으로 논하며, 더욱 구체적으로는 지역 거점 병원으로 기능하는 지방의료원을 중심으로 논하고자 한다. 또한 보다 시의적절한 연구가 되기 위하여, 지방의료원 개혁과 코로나 19 대응 간의 관계에 대해서도 논하고자 한다. 지방의료원 개혁의 주요 수단이 사화(私化)를 통한 공공의료의 축소였고, 이는 미국의 사례에서 보는 바와 같이, 코로나 19 대응과 관계가 있기 때문이다. 논문 필자는 논의를 전개하기 위해 한국과 일본의 지방의료원 법제와 지방의료원 개혁을 비교하고자 한다. 일본을 대상 국가로 하는 이유는, 한국과 매우 유사한 지방의료원 법제를 가지고 있으며, 동아시아 국가 중 가장 활발하게 지방의료원 개혁을 하고 있기 때문이다. 이와 같이 한국과 일본의 지방의료원 법제 및 지방의료원 개혁을 비교함으로써, 향후 한국에서 지방의료원이 적절하게 코로나 19에 대응할 수 있는 공공의료기관으로 기능할 수 있는 것이 기대된다. 또한 이 논의를 통해 공공의료의 확충에 기여할 수 있는 효과가 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        공공의료에 있어서 보건소장의 자격범위 확대에 관한 소고

        김성태 인문사회 21 2022 인문사회 21 Vol.13 No.2

        공공의료에 있어서 보건소장의 자격범위 확대에 관한 소고김 성 태* 요약: 본 논문의 연구목적은 지역보건법 시행령에서 보건소장을 오직 의사 면허를 가진 자에게만 한정하여 의사 자격을 가진 보건소장을 구하는데 어려움을 발생시켜 국가가 지금과 같은 코로나19의 국가재난 상황에서 적절한 방역대책을 시행하는데 걸림돌이 되고 있는 보건소장의 자격 범위를 확대 검토하는 것이다. 이를 위하여 국가인권위원회의 2006년, 2017년의 2차례 권고 사항과 지역보건법 시행령을 중심으로 보건소장의 자격을 살펴보았고, 감염병예방법, 의료법 등을 통하여 공공의료의 의미와 보건소장의 역할 등을 확인하였다. 그래서 본 논문에서는 지역보건법 시행령의 개정안을 통하여 의사 이외에 추가로 치과의사, 한의사와 같은 의료인에게도 보건소장이 될 수 있는 자격을 확대하여 보건소장을 안정적으로 확보하는데 주된 연구를 진행하였다. 코로나19로 인해 특히 공공의료의 중요성이 더욱 부각되고 있는 지금, 보건소 등과 같은 공공의료의 역할에 의료인을 포함하여 우리 모두가 깊은 관심을 가져야 할 것이다. 핵심어: 공공의료, 코로나19, 감염병, 지역보건법 시행령, 보건소장 □ 접수일: 2022년 3월 11일, 수정일: 2022년 3월 25일, 게재확정일: 2022년 4월 20일* 숭실대학교 국제법무학과 조교수(Professor, Soongsil Univ., Email: sungtae@ssu.ac.kr) A Study on the Expansion of the Qualifications of the Head ofthe Public Health Center in Public HealthSungtae Kim Abstract: The purpose of this study is to review the scope of qualifications of the head of the public health center, which is an obstacle to implementing appropriate containment measures in the current Covid-19 national disaster situation because the Enforcement Decree of the Regional Public Health Act limits the heads of the public health centers to only those who have a doctor’s license thereby causing difficulties in obtaining the heads of the public health centers with a doctor’s license. To this end, the qualifications of the head of the public health center were reviewed centering on the two recommendations of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea in 2006 and 2017 and the Enforcement Decree of the Regional Public Health Act, and the meaning of public health and the role of the head of the public health center were identified through the Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act and the Medical Service Act. Therefore, in this paper, the expansion of the qualifications of healthcare workers such as dentists and oriental doctors to become the head of the public health center in addition to doctors through the revision of the Enforcement Decree of the Regional Public Health Act were reviewed thereby examining a way for public health centers to stably hire the heads of the public health centers. Now when the importance of public healthcare is being highlighted more due to Covid-19, all of us, including healthcare workers should take a profound interest in the role of public health. Key Words: Public Health, Covid-19, Infectious Disease, Enforcement Decree of the Regional Public Health Act, Head of the Public Health Center

      • KCI등재

        공중보건한의사의 효율적인 활용방안에 대한 보건소장의 인식 및 태도

        박재산,장동민,문옥륜,Park Jae-San,Chang Dong-Min,Moon Ok-Ryun 대한예방한의학회 2002 대한예방한의학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        The proportion and role of public sector in health care industry is very small in Korea. Asymmetric distribution of health care resources is one of the major health care concerns. This issue is so important that it raises a question of accessibility, availability, continuity of care and equity of rural area people's health care utilization. To solve these problems and to satisfy the basic demand of oriental medical service in rural areas, the oriental public health doctors were placed in rural health centers since 1998. The main objectives of this study are twofold: to measure the cognition and attitude of health center directors on the strategies for utilizing oriental public health doctors and to provide basic data for improving the health manpower management program. Data have been collected by way of the self-administrative questionnaires. Developing the questionnaire, the literature review on the previous studies and delphi method were carried out. The response rate was 38.7%. The results of this study are summarized as follows; 1. community people respond positively on the oriental medical service activity in health center. 2. In regard to workloads of oriental public health doctor, 'appropriate' was 81.1% and 'burdensome' was 18.2%, respectively. 3. The 94.0% of respondents thought that the oriental medical service will be continued. 4. To activate oriental medical service in health center, the sufficient budget and provision of aid workers is a necessity. 5. The 75.5% of health center directors respond positively on the allocation of oriental public health doctor to health sub-centers. 6. Health center directors agreed that oriental public health doctor should perform the clinical service as well as prevention and health promotion activity. These results recommend that oriental medical service in health center should be continued gradually, and oriental public health doctors working at health center perform their work efficiently. Undoubtedly, their activity should be more focused on health promotion and disease prevention than daily patient care. For achieving this objective, more support of governmental policy is essential for utilizing oriental public health doctor and better health of the rural area community people.

      • KCI등재

        Current Issues in Evaluating Health Promotion Programme Using Traditional Korean Medicine in Korea

        한동운,김유금,이영호 대한한의학회 2008 대한한의학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        Purpose:The aim of this study is to identify current situation and issues of outcome measures to evaluate the public health programs using traditional medicine by public health centers in Korea. Method:This study analyse and review existing data and documents related to traditional Korean medicine and health policy using contents analysis method. To collect the information on outcome measures evaluating the programmes, this study reviewed annual reports for health promotion programmes using traditional Korean medicine(HP-TKM) of Hub public health centers, as pilot public health centers, which have implemented the health promotion programmes collectively. Additionally, the review included research articles, government documents and book chapters on the topics related assessments in health promotion. Results:HP-TKM are stroke prevention education, smoke free program, health promotion according to Four Constitutional Medicine, home visiting treatment, etc. However, there are only a few studies of traditional medicine focused health promotion evaluation strategies. The benefits of health promotion programs using TKM can be categorized as non-health benefit, physiological, psychological and physical effects. To manage and monitor the intervention programmes efficiently, attention should be given to developing relevant and valid outcome measures for evaluating the programmes by government and public health center. Conclusion:Up to now, considering number of researchers, research projects undertaken or published articles and reports, within traditional Korean medicine there is a lack of capacity in research. Thus, government should pay more attention to developing relevant and valid outcome measures for evaluating the programs. Purpose:The aim of this study is to identify current situation and issues of outcome measures to evaluate the public health programs using traditional medicine by public health centers in Korea. Method:This study analyse and review existing data and documents related to traditional Korean medicine and health policy using contents analysis method. To collect the information on outcome measures evaluating the programmes, this study reviewed annual reports for health promotion programmes using traditional Korean medicine(HP-TKM) of Hub public health centers, as pilot public health centers, which have implemented the health promotion programmes collectively. Additionally, the review included research articles, government documents and book chapters on the topics related assessments in health promotion. Results:HP-TKM are stroke prevention education, smoke free program, health promotion according to Four Constitutional Medicine, home visiting treatment, etc. However, there are only a few studies of traditional medicine focused health promotion evaluation strategies. The benefits of health promotion programs using TKM can be categorized as non-health benefit, physiological, psychological and physical effects. To manage and monitor the intervention programmes efficiently, attention should be given to developing relevant and valid outcome measures for evaluating the programmes by government and public health center. Conclusion:Up to now, considering number of researchers, research projects undertaken or published articles and reports, within traditional Korean medicine there is a lack of capacity in research. Thus, government should pay more attention to developing relevant and valid outcome measures for evaluating the programs.

      • KCI등재

        보건소 보건교육사업의 분석

        최은진 ( Choi Eun-jin ) 한국보건사회연구원 2003 保健社會硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 보건소의 보건교육사업을 조사분석하여 보건교육사업의 종류별 특성을 고찰하는 데 있다. 주요 연구문제로는 첫째, 보건교육사업의 주제, 교육대상, 예산 등의 제한점에 대한 것이고, 둘째 보건교 육사업에 활용된 보건교육자료의 현황에 대한 것이다. 연구방법은 보건 교육사업현황 설문조사, 보건교육담당자의 보건교육사업 및 교육훈련요구도 조사를 기초로 한 데이터 분석을 시도하였다. 조사대상은 전국의 시군구 보건소 보건교육담당자였다. 설문에 응답한 보건소(181개소) 중에서 2001년도에 수행된 보건교육사업의 건수는 한 보건소당 평균 8.6 개로 1개 사업을 수행한 보건소도 있었고, 많게는 34가지의 보건교육사 업을 수행한 보건소도 있었다. 건강증진 또는 보건교육사업의 주제는 금연사업이 22.71%, 고혈압당뇨사업 등 만성퇴행성 질환예방관리사업이 22.59%, 비만관리를 포함한 영양사업이 12.52%, 성교육 5.55%, 모자보건 사업 5.94% 등을 나타내었다. 기타 사업주제로는 전염성 질병예방, 장애 예방, 일반건강교실 등이 있었다. 사업의 대상은 일반성인 51.9%, 청소년 21.50%, 모성 9.00%, 영유아 8.60% 등임. 기타 대상은 장애인, 환자, 교육담당자, 전문가 등으로 나타났다. 보건소에서 개발한 교육자료는 팜플렛 및 리플렛 종류가 반 이상을 나타내었으며, 비디오자료는 자체 개발보다는 구입한 경우가 대부분이었음. 보건소에서 실시하는 사업의 형태가 행사 및 1회성 강연이 많았다는 점을 비추어 볼 때 홍보사업이 중 심이 되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 보건교육 사업 중 호응도가 높았던 사업은 금연사업 및 고혈압당뇨관리사업이 각각 21%로 나타났다. 보건교 육담당자들은 보건교육사업의 문제점으로 인력부족, 시설 및 장비부족, 전문적 훈련부족 등을 지적하였다. 지역단위에서 보건교육이 다양한 계층을 상대로 하므로 이들의 특성과 보건문제에 맞는 다양한 교육자료들 이 활용될 수 있어야 한다. 최근 보건교육사업의 주제들이 건강생활이 강화된 경향이 있는데 효과적 추진을 위해서는 정부에서 인력과 훈련프로그램을 뒷받침하여야 할 것이며, 체계적인 보건교육지침이 개발되어야 하고, 주기적인 프로그램평가가 뒷받침되어야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyse health education programs in public health centers. Major research issues were the themes of health education programs, target population, budget, and the use of health education materials. Research methods included survey of health education programs and preparation of workforce in public health centers. Officers in the public health centers who are in charge of health education were asked to respond to the survey. Among 244 public health centers, 181 public health centers responded to the survey questionnaire. An average of 8.6 kinds of health education programs were implemented for each public health center in 2001. The number of the types of health education programs varied widely across public health centers (from 1 to 34). The themes of health promotion and education were anti-smoking (22.71%), hypertension and diabetes control (22.59%), nutrition and weight management (12.52%), sex education (5.55%), and maternal and child health (5.94%). Other relevant topics included prevention of infectious diseases, prevention of disability, and general health class. Target population included adults (51.9%), adolescents (21.50%), mothers (9.00%), infants and young children (8.60%). Other target population were disabled people, patients, health workers, and other health professionals. More than half of the health education materials produced by the public health centers were pamphlets and leaflets. They tend to buy videotapes developed by other institutes. Most prominent type of health education was one-time health lecture, and this showed that health education programs in public health centers were focused on publicity. Anti-smoking and hypertension & diabetes control were popular topics which rated 21% respectively. Staff members who are in charge of health education pointed out that major barriers to health education are shortage of manpower, facility and equipments, and professional training. Local health education programs should be made more diversified so as to meet the needs of various target groups. Realizing the current vision of healthy lifestyle would require governmental efforts to train and increase manpower, develop systematic education guidance, and conduct periodic program assessment.

      • KCI등재

        한국 보건간호의 이상과 현실: 미국 간호자문관의 활동과 그 영향, 1945~1961

        이경희,정준호 대한의사학회 2024 의사학(醫史學) Vol.33 No.2

        해방 후 한국의 국가 의료 체계는 경찰 중심의 위생행정에서 보건 중심으로 전환된 것으로 평가받는다. 미군정은 ‘보건’이라는 개념을 한국의 대중에게 전달하기 위한 주요한 매개체로 보건간호(public health nursing)를 도입했다. 이는 일제강점기 보조적 위치에 놓여 있던 간호를 보건 사업의 독립적이며 주도적인 전문적 대행자로 의료체계 내에 위치시켜야 함과 동시에, 새롭게 구상되고 있던 보건소 행정체계 내에 보건간호를 위한 직위를 마련하고, 대중에게는 간호인력이 보건 활동의 주요한 매개체임을 인식시켜야 하는 복합적인 임무가 주어졌음을 의미했다. 동시에 한국이 가지고 있던 자원의 한계는 국제사회에서 통용되던 보건간호의 임무보다 크게 축소된 역할만을 부여하게 만들었다. 가정방문을 통해 기관에서 지역사회 전반으로 확대된 보건사업을 추진하려던 초기의 계획은 모자보건과 전염병 예방 등 한국 사회가 당면한 문제를 해결하는 것으로 바뀌었다. 동시에 무리하게 추진된 보건소 확대 사업은 각 지역정부의 보건체계 내에서 보건간호의 위치를 축소시켰고, 이는 점진적으로 행정 요원들로 대체되었다. 미군정과 미국 원조 당국에서 주요한 보건의 매개자로 양성했던 보건간호는 1960년대 그 활동이 크게 축소되었지만, 이후 지역사회간호 및 보건의료 활동의 기틀을 마련했다. 동시에 보건간호는 이념적, 제도적 차원을 넘어 해방 후 한국에서 ‘보건’이라는 새로운 개념과 실천들이 지역사회 곳곳에 실질적으로 어떻게 전달되었는지를 살필 수 있도록 해준다. South Korea's national healthcare system after liberation often described as transformation from ‘sanitation’ to ‘public health’. The U.S. military government introduced public health nursing as the primary vehicle for communicating the newly introduced concept of public health to the Korean public. This meant that nursing, which had been in a subordinate position within the healthcare system during the Japanese occupation, had to be repositioned within the healthcare system as an independent and leading professional agent of healthcare. At the same time creating positions for public health nurses within the newly envisioned health center system, and convincing the public that nurses were the primary agents of public health activities. Yet, in resource limited setting, the role of public health nurses was significantly scaled back. Initial plans for institutionalized, community-wide health care through home visits shifted to addressing the challenges facing Korean society, including maternal and child health and infectious disease prevention. Ironically, the expansion of health centers during late 1950s diminished the position of public health nurses within local government health systems, who were gradually replaced by male administrative staff. The role of public health nurses was greatly curtailed in the 1960s, but they laid the groundwork for later community nursing and health care efforts. At the same time, public health nurses were assigned with new role of ‘visiting’ local health centers for observation, education, and management. Public health nursing allows to look beyond the ideological and institutional dimensions to examine how new concepts and practices of "public health" were actually transmitted to communities in post-liberation Korea.

      • KCI등재

        일 지역사회 보건의료요구 및 보건소 서비스 만족도

        김미혜,박윤지 한국생활환경학회 2022 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.29 No.5

        This study was conducted to identify residents’ health care needs and satisfaction with public health center services in a community. Data were collected from 682 adults from June 20 to August 10, 2022 and analyzed with frequency analysis, mean and standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, scheffé test, pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple linear regression analysis, using IBM SPSS WIN 25.0 program. As a result, 86.8% of subjects had experience in public health care services, and ‘infectious disease prevention and management’ was the most frequently used service. Satisfaction was the highest in ‘mental health’, and the most needed service was ‘emergency medical system’. Residents over 60 years old, middle school graduates or below, unemployed or employed in primary industry, living in the community for more than 30 years, and living in rural areas were most satisfied with public health center services. There were statistically significant correlations between health status and economic status, and between health status and experiences with public health care services. Variables affecting satisfaction with public health center services were occupation, peoriod of residence and experiences with public health center services. In conclusion, public health center should reflect residents’ health care needs on regional health care plan.

      • KCI등재

        BSC 기법을 이용한 보건소 성과평가지표 - K시보건소 건강증진팀을 대상으로

        신의철,손혜숙,고광욱,신준호,이무식,나백주,최수미,김예순,정종섭,이기효 한국보건행정학회 2006 보건행정학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        Researchers indicates several issues as to performance evaluation methods for public health centers. Firstly, health centers are passively involved in the evaluation process, the performance indicators are activity-oriented, and mostly unrealistic. Balanced Scorecard is one of the methods for evaluating organizational performance, which is utilized at current in many industries including public sector. The purposes of this study is to apply balanced scorecard approach to a public health center and to develop performance indicators as well as their vision and strategies. For developing performance indicators, researchers selected K City Public Health Center and implemented brainstorming with members of health promotion team. Through team process they suggested goals, strategies and several indicators they considered proper to accomplish their shared vision. And then appropriateness of the indicators were evaluated by professional researchers in health promotion field for consensus building by email questionnaire. Based on survey and professional consensus meeting, 11 performance indicators were tailored in four perspectives as well as 6 strategies and 10 strategic goals, which are steps for accomplishing shared vision of health promotion team. For details, refer to the paper. Most members of health promotion team were satisfied with the indicators. However issues such as low level of recognition and familiarity with a new concept of BSC, and cultural resistance to strategic approach in public organizations should be addressed for future application and dissemination of BSC technique to public health organizations.

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