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      • KCI등재

        ‘해’체 어미의 의문법 실현 양상

        이소흔 사단법인 한국언어학회 2018 언어학 Vol.0 No.82

        The study investigated the realization of interrogative forms of ‘Hae’ style endings. Most of ‘Hae’ style endings, which were developed in various ways after the late 19th century, have modal meanings divided into act modality and epistemic modality. However, it should be examined if the sentences that are realized as interrogative endings are to be interrogative sentences in the true meaning of the word, as they are not directly related to modality but represent a ‘request for information’. In other words, it is necessary to distinguish between interrogative sentences which demand the informational answers and the pseudo-interrogative sentences which do not. Final endings with epistemic modality are mostly realized as declarative endings. In this case, the declarative endings have meanings such as [confirmation], [speculation], it could lead into realizing interrogative sentences meaning interrogative or pseudo-interrogative. Accordingly, not all the endings with epistemic modality are realized as interrogative endings, even if these are realized, these are not all realized as interrogative endings representing ‘request for information’. Therefore, an interrogative ending with epistemic modality differ in realization as a declarative sentence, an pseudo-interrogative sentence, or an interrogative sentence according to the context, and it is distinguished by intonation in usage.

      • KCI등재

        질문 화행이지만 하강 억양으로 실현되는 ‘-지’ 종결문은 의문문인가? - 의사의문문 개념을 중심으로

        박지은 한국어학회 2023 한국어학 Vol.100 No.-

        This study discusses the sentence type determination of '-ji' realized in a falling boundary tone but capable of performing the question. It also discusses the discrepancy between the form and speech acts revealed in such sentences. Since '-ji' is a polysemous ending, it is marked as interrogative by its rising intonation. It raises the question of whether it should be considered a 'declarative' based on form or an 'interrogative' based on speech act. In this discussion, we have considered these '-ji' statement to be the declarative sentences, which is a case where there is a mismatch between the form and speech act. In this study, this phenomenon is discussed from the perspective of 'pseudo-interrogative sentences'. A pseudo-interrogative sentence is a discourse phenomenon that occurs when a speaker uses H% or !L% intonation to elicit a response from a listener by some endings conveying grammatical meanings related to the hearear’s information structure and speaker’s knowledge state. In the case of '-ji', it is the same as other pseudo-interrogative sentences in terms of information structure and intonation, but due to the meaning of [already known], it can be said that it is a type that functions differently from other endings to request confirmation or agreement on the fact that the speaker already knows. 본 연구는 하강 억양으로 실현되지만 질문의 화행을 수행할 수 있는 ‘-지’ 종결문의 문장유형 판단 및 해당 문장에서 드러나는 형식과 화행 간의 불일치 현상에 대해 다룬 논의이다. ‘-지’는 범용어미인 만큼 상승 억양에 의해 의문문임이 표시된다. 이로 인해 형식을 기준으로 이를 ‘평서문’으로 볼지, 아니면 화행을 기준으로 ‘의문문’으로 볼지에 대한 의문이 야기된다. 본 논의는 이러한 ‘-지’ 종결문을 평서문으로 보아 문장유형의 형식과 화행이 불일치하는 경우라고 하였다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 현상에 대해 ‘의사의문문’의 관점에서 논의하였다. 의사의문문이란 정보구조의 측면에서 ‘청자-구정보’인 명제를 대상으로, ‘청자-구정보’와 어울림과 동시에 ‘화자의 불학실한 앎’과 관련되는 문법적 의미를 전달하며, 청자의 반응을 유도하는 H%나 !L% 억양을 사용할 때 발생하는 화용론적 현상이다. ‘-지’는 정보구조나 억양 측면에서는 다른 유사의문문들과 동일하지만, [이미 앎]의 의미로 인해, 다른 어미들과는 다르게 화자가 알고 있는 사실에 대해 확인이나 동의를 요청하는 기능을 하는 유형이라고 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        인식 양태와 의문문의 상관관계에 대하여

        박재연 서울대학교 어학연구소 2005 語學硏究 Vol.41 No.1

        The aims of this paper are to investigate the correlation of epistemic modality and interrogative, and to describe some linguistic phenomena in Korean. I recognize that the semantic domain of epistemic modality and that of interrogative have an overlapping part. The meaning of 'Interrogative' can be characterized as 'to demand an information from hearer' in communicative respect, and can also be characterized as 'to express speaker's ignorance' in modal respect. In Korean, it is observed that epistemic forms like '-ne, -guna, -gun, -damyeonseo(sentence final endings)' sometimes invoke a pseudo-interrogative effect. That's because the epistemic expressions used in the declarative sentences make the sentences to be less informative. I also observe that the meanings of interrogative endings like '-eunga, -eulgga' are apt to be interpreted as epistemic judgement. I think that these are endings of soliloquy, so they are not so much expressing speaker's demand for an information from hearer as expressing the state of speaker's knowledge.

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