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      • KCI등재

        인간 삶의 도덕적 좋음과 정치원리

        오수웅(Ohrr Sue Woong) 한국정치사상학회 2010 정치사상연구 Vol.16 No.1

        이글의 목적은 장 자크 루소의 좋음과 좋은 삶의 관념을 추론하고 그것이 어떻게 정치원리에 반영되고 있는지를 살펴보는 것이다. 루소의 좋음의 관념은 그의 취향개념을 매개로 하여 미학을 발견함으로써 추론하고자 했으며, 좋은 삶은 인간 본성에 있는 이성과 감성 외에도 쾌락과 고통, 욕망과 능력, 행복과 존재 등의 관념들과 같은 구성인자들과 그 관계들에 대해 살펴봄으로써 정의하고자 했다. 그 결과 루소는 좋음을 활동 중인 아름다움으로 간주하고 있다는 것을 발견하였으며, 아름다움은 비례균형과 조화로 간주하고 있다고 추론하였다. 그리고 아름다움을 아는 능력으로서 취향은 비례균형과 조화를 아는 능력과도 같으며, 도덕(moeurs)에 연계됨으로써 인간관계 속에서 도덕적 좋음을 알 수 있는 능력과도 같다고 추론하였다. 따라서 취향은 인간으로 하여금 개인적 존재는 물론 사회적 존재로서도 행복한 삶을 살 수 있게 해주는 능력이며, 그러한 행복한 삶은 활동 중인 아름다움, 즉 좋음이 반영된 삶이라는 것을 밝혀내었다. 그리고 사회적 존재의 네 가지 유형에 대해 살펴봄으로써, 이러한 그의 관념이 사회적 존재로서의 삶을 행복한 삶으로 이끌도록 유도하고 있다는 것을 확인하였으며, 또한 그가 『사회계약론』에서 논의하고 있는 정치원리와 정치체의 구성에 그의 미학이 반영되고 있음을 확인하였다. This study aims to conceptualize Rousseau’s ideas of the good itself and a good life, and to explain how such ideas appear in the four types of a social existence that can be found in his works and in the political principles that he suggested in Social Contract. The concept of the good was conceptualized on the basis of his ideas of the beautiful. His ideas of the beautiful, so to speak, his aesthetics was inferred from the concept of taste considering theories on it in his times. The concept of a good life was conceptualized by the relationships between constituent elements of a life such as pleasure and pain, desires and faculties, reason and sentiments in human nature, including happiness and existence as well. Eventually his idea of the good itself is identical to the idea of the beautiful that can be defined as ‘proportional balance and harmony.’ And then a good life can be achieved when each antithesis of the constituent elements reaches to the state of ‘proportional balance and harmony.’ Therefore it can be said that Rousseau suggests that each person as a social existence reach to the state of ‘proportional balance and harmony’ of the antitheses in both private and public life in order to achieve true happiness in a state. In Social Contract, the evidences of his aesthetics as such can be found in his explanations on the relationship between utility and justice as political principles, and in his designs on a political body mainly consisting of power division among the parts of it.

      • KCI등재

        플라톤의 ‘좋음의 이데아’

        오수웅(Sue Woong Ohrr) 21세기정치학회 2015 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.25 No.1

        The aims of this article are two. The first is to define ‘the idea of the Good’ in Republic of Plato. The second is to highlight the implications of Plato`s idea of the Good on political education and politics. In doing so, this article analyses the relationship of 5 subjects and dialectics to ‘the idea of the Good’, and investigates what philosopher king should do, and what sort of arts as a practical knowledge he/she should have. As the result, this article argues that ‘the idea of the Good’ in Plato`s works can be defined as “the measure with proportional balance and harmony,” by analysing the relationship of 5 subjects and dialectics to ratio(proportion), balance and harmony which can be convergent to the measure. And this article also argues that ‘the idea of the Good’ and 6 subjects have a remarkable implication on political education of the citizens these days, by proving their relationship to the jobs and the arts of philosopher king/queen.

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