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      • KCI등재

        한글보급과 민족형성의 양상 - 심훈의『상록수』를 중심으로

        김화선(Hwa-seon Kim) 어문연구학회 2006 어문연구 Vol.51 No.-

          The enactment of the spelling system of Hangeul was a modern event in the aspect of the unification and propagation of letters. The standardization of language was reflected in modern thought. Many intellectual of Joseon, the colony had practiced the propagation of Hangeul as means of resistance against colonization power, on the other hand Japanese imperialism had intended the political measures of propagation of letters to make the national language of Japanese.<BR>  Therefore An Evergreen Tree(Sangloksu) by Sim Hun is very important text which reflected in spread of Hangeul in 1930"s, especially in the center of DongA Ilbo. The writer, Sim Hun considered the matter of the language and nation, not the state. Because he was not experienced modern state. But that was a historical irony in our history.<BR>  An Evergreen Tree(Sangloksu) was shown the intelligentsia as a media who had tried to the diffusion of Hangeul to mass. Dong-Hyeok Park and Yeong-Sin Cha, the intellectual characters of An Evergreen Tree(Sangloksu) used the discourse of Hangeul to enlighten people. Hangeul as letters has connected discourse of knowledge with novel and newspaper. An Evergreen Tree(Sangloksu) was a literary discourse that was found our hometown in 1930"s.

      • KCI등재후보

        백용성스님의 민족운동

        한태식 대각사상연구원 2010 大覺思想 Vol.14 No.-

        Master Baek, Yong-seong(1864-1940) has been studied mainly in Buddhism. This paper expanded the view to the national movement under Japanese imperialism. Followings are some of the essential facts. First, he played a main role in the national movement for independence. He started it by writing 『Guiwong-jungjong 歸源正宗』. He criticized the prevalence of Christianity as invading Korean traditional religion. Next, he was against Won Order, which attempted to merge Korean Buddhism with Japanese Buddhism, and participated in the propaganda section as a president. Furthermore, he was one of 33 representatives in 3.1 Independence Movement. As a result, he had suffered in the prison for a long time, but never surrendered, and continued the movement. Second, Master exerted developing the national spirit. The Japanese government tried to make Korean Buddhism like that of Japan. It declared the temple law nationwide, and formed the structure of 31 main temples. Japan deleted the requirement that monks had to be remained single, making Korean monks got married. Master submitted a white paper warning twice. which became the origin of Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism after emancipation. Third, Master conducted a movement for propagation of Korean Language (Hangeul). During the prohibited period of Hangeul, he translated sutras into Hangeul and propagated them widely. His translation of sutras was not limited in Buddhism, but also was a national independence movement. Last, Master Baek, Yong-seong exerted himself to national economic independence movement. He participated in the minor business, while managing farm in order to practice Seon(Zen)-agriculture Buddhism. Temples' economic independence and farm production were a part of independence movement. Therefore, all of his activities were evaluated that they were not limited to Buddhism, but also were the process of national independence movement. 백용성스님(1864-1940)에 대해서 지금까지는 불교의 범주 안에서 그의 행적을 조명하였으나 그 범위를 넓혀 민족이라는 차원에서 몇 가지로 요약하여 살펴보았다. 첫째는 민족독립운동이다. 그의 독립운동의 시작은 『歸源正宗』의 저술에서 부터라고 할 수 있다. 서구 기독교의 범람은 우리 민족의 고유 종교의 침략으로 보았다. 다음으로 조선불교를 일본 조동종에 병합하려던 圓宗에 반대하여 臨濟宗中央布敎堂의 개교사장으로 참여하여 활동한 것도 민족운동의 하나로 보인다. 마지막으로 그가 민족대표로 된 것은 3,1독립운동의 33인으로 참여한 것이다. 이로 인하여 오랜 옥고를 치르고 고통을 겪었지만 그는 평생토록 지조를 지키고 끝까지 독립운동을 전개하였다. 둘째는 민족정신 진흥운동이다. 일제는 민족정신말살정책의 하나로 한국불교를 왜색화하려고 하였다. 따라서 전국에 사찰령을 발표하여 전국의 사찰을 31본사제도로 만들었다. 그러면서 주지의 자격에서 독신비구조항을 삭제하여 한국승려들을 대처화하였다. 이에 반대하여 대처의 부당함을 지적하고 비구승단이 되어야 함을 주창하는 불교정화운동의 건백서를 2차에 걸쳐 제출하였다. 이것이 해방이후 대한불교조계종 탄생의 시원이 되기도 하였다. 이러한 활동은 민족전통불교의 회복운동이며, 민족운동의 일환이라고 볼 수 있다. 셋째는 한글보급운동이다. 그는 일제가 한글 사용을 금지하던 시기에 불경을 한글로 번역하여 보급하는데 적극적으로 노력하였다. 이러한 경전번역사업은 단순한 불교적인 차원이 아니라 일제에 저항하는 민족운동 차원에서 이루어졌다고 볼 수 있다. 넷째는 민족경제 자립운동이다. 그는 광산업에 참여하기도 하였으며, 직접 농장을 개간하여 禪農佛敎를 실천하였다. 사원경제의 자립과 생산불교의 실천은 민족경제의 자립을 통한 독립운동의 일환으로 볼 수 있다. 따라서 그의 모든 활동은 단순히 불교적인 차원이 아니라 민족의 독립운동과 연관되지 않음이 없는 민족운동의 전개과정으로 평가하고 한다.

      • KCI등재

        백용성스님의 민족운동

        한보광(태식) 대각사상연구원 2010 大覺思想 Vol.14 No.-

        Master Baek, Yong-seong(1864-1940) has been studied mainly in Buddhism. This paper expanded the view to the national movement under Japanese imperialism. Followings are some of the essential facts. First, he played a main role in the national movement for independence. He started it by writing 『Guiwong-jungjong 歸源正宗』. He criticized the prevalence of Christianity as invading Korean traditional religion. Next, he was against Won Order, which attempted to merge Korean Buddhism with Japanese Buddhism, and participated in the propaganda section as a president. Furthermore, he was one of 33 representatives in 3.1 Independence Movement. As a result, he had suffered in the prison for a long time, but never surrendered, and continued the movement. Second, Master exerted developing the national spirit. The Japanese government tried to make Korean Buddhism like that of Japan. It declared the temple law nationwide, and formed the structure of 31 main temples. Japan deleted the requirement that monks had to be remained single, making Korean monks got married. Master submitted a white paper warning twice. which became the origin of Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism after emancipation. Third, Master conducted a movement for propagation of Korean Language (Hangeul). During the prohibited period of Hangeul, he translated sutras into Hangeul and propagated them widely. His translation of sutras was not limited in Buddhism, but also was a national independence movement. Last, Master Baek, Yong-seong exerted himself to national economic independence movement. He participated in the minor business, while managing farm in order to practice Seon(Zen)-agriculture Buddhism. Temples' economic independence and farm production were a part of independence movement. Therefore, all of his activities were evaluated that they were not limited to Buddhism, but also were the process of national independence movement.

      • KCI등재

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