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      • KCI등재

        스마트팜 농산물 수출활성화를 위한 수출정보 분석연구

        하지영 ( Ha Ji-young ),이승현 ( Lee Seung-hyun ),김덕현 ( Kim Deok-hyeon ),이혜림 ( Lee Hye-rim ) 한국식품유통학회 2017 食品流通硏究 Vol.34 No.3

        ICT-based smart agriculture services of overseas major agricultural countries are spreading. Smart farms that are capable of stable production of high quality agricultural products are competitive in the export market for fresh agricultural products. On the other hand, the FTA market economy system is expanding into overseas markets for agricultural products. This study attempts to derive specific information to be provided to the exporting site for the activation of export of smart farm fresh agricultural products, and to obtain policy implications to link the exported results to the export of smart farm agricultural products. The Delphi technique was used for the research method in this study. The subjects of the survey are 40 respective field experts in the export related field of exporting fresh agricultural products, including producers-distributors, domestic buyers, representatives of export related organizations, and export related academic scholars. As a result of Delphi survey, the categories of export information for fresh agricultural products were derived from four areas of production-commodity, logistics-customs clearance, market exploration, and publicity marketing, and a total of subsequent 20 sub-items were derived. As for policy implications for export activation of smart farm fresh agricultural products, firstly, it is necessary to provide stepwise integrated information of export and to communicate information with exporting sites. Secondly, it is necessary to provide customized information according to the information consumer. The limitations of this study are first, there is a lack of in-depth discussion on stakeholder's opinions in the export process by applying a standardized value to the opinions of export-related groups. And second, there is no systematic approach for practical measures to the export information of fresh agricultural products.

      • KCI등재

        단기수출보험(농수산물패키지)의 법적 문제점에 관한 연구

        박영준,정웅 한국무역보험학회 2017 무역금융보험연구 Vol.18 No.4

        Agricultural and fishery products are the most basic commodities, but they are also the most difficult to trade. But if it make trade, it is also the most profitable item for the national economy. Korea has been actively promoting the export of agricultural and fishery products in order to respond to the opening of the agricultural and fishery products market after the Uruguay Round. However, agricultural and fishery products exporters who are generally small and lack of export experts, so they were hard to use export insurance, which is a specialized insurance product. Therefore, in November 1994, the “Export Insurance for Agricultural and Fishery Products” was introduced to ensure that agricultural and fishery products export companies are exposed to risks during export. It changes it’s name to “Short-term Export Credit Insurance (Agricultural and Fishery Products Program)” in October 2011. The Short term Export Credit Insurance (Agricultural and Fishery Products Program) covers losses of exporters that provide export credits but cannot recover their export proceeds from importers in those export transactions with one year repayment periods. The risk covered include credit risks posed by importers such as export contract cancellation, bankruptcy, payment default, or payment refusal. Political risk in the importing countries, including war, riots, currency inconvertibility and other risks are also covered, In this paper, the author examine terms and conditions of the Short term Export Credit Insurance (Agricultural and Fishery Products Program), and analyze legal issues of terms and conditions of that insurance contract. And the author suggest some amendments of the terms and conditions of the Short term Export Credit Insurance (Agricultural and Fishery Products Program). 농산품은 가장 원초적인 상품이면서 가장 비교역적인 물품이기도 하다. 그러나 다른 측면으로는 농산물은 다른 재화와는 다른 비탄력적인 특성을 지니고 있어 생산량에 따른 가격변동이 심하고, 국가적으로 보면 농산품의 수출은 과잉 생산된 농산품을 해외에 소비하게 함으로써 국내가격을 지지하는 효과가 매우 크므로 수출이 국내가격의 안정성 확보라는 차원에서 농산물 생산자에게 상당한 효과를 줄 수 있는 상품이기도 하다. 우리나라는 우루과이 라운드 이후 농수산물 시장의 개방에 대응하기 위하여 우리 농수산물의 수출을 적극 진흥하게 되었다. 그러나 대체적으로 영세하고 수출전문인력이 부족한 농수산수출기업의 입장에서는 전문적인 보험상품인 수출보험에 가입하기가 사실상 어려운 면이 있었다. 때문에 1994년 11월 “농수산물수출보험” 상품을 도입하여 농수산수출기업이 수출시 노출되는 위험을 보장받을 수 있도록 하였다. 이후 2009년 4월부터는 농수산물 수출과정에서 발생하는 위험을 종합적으로 관리하는 “농수산물수출보험(패키지형)”을 도입하였다. 그리고 2011년 10월부터는 보험내용을 보다 정비한 “단기수출보험(농수산물패키지)”을 농수산수출기업이 이용할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 본고에서는 그동안 우리나라에서 농수산수출기업을 위하여 이용된 수출보험상품들을 연혁적으로 살펴보고, 이어서 현행 단기수출보험(농수산물패키지)의 주된 내용에 대해서 설명하였다. 그리고 현행 단기수출보험(농수산물패키지)의 약관상 여러 법적 문제점에 대하여 고찰한 후 이에 대한 개선방향으로 아래 6가지를 제시하였다. 첫째, “단기수출보험(농수산물패키지)”라는 명칭은 이 보험이 “단기수출보험”과 비슷한 내용일 것으로 예측되기 때문에 적절치 않다고 본다. 따라서 과거 사용했던 “농수산물수출보험”과 같이 독자적인 명칭을 사용하는 것이 좋다고 생각된다. 둘째, 현행 약관은 다른 수출보험약관과 비교할 때 그 조문체계가 정리되지 못하고 혼란스러움을 준다. 약관 내용에 대한 체계정비가 시급하다. 셋째, 국내 농산품의 수출진흥을 위하여 만든 제도임에도 “국내기업의 해외현지법인이 생산․가공한 물품 또는 국내기업이 위탁하여 외국에서 가공한 물품을 수출하는 거래”를 포함하는 것은 지나치게 범위가 넓다고 생각된다. 넷째, 보험계약 체결후 공사가 수입자에 대한 신용조사를 실시하여 수입자 신용조사 결과가 R등급으로 나오는 경우에는 그 이후 해당 수입자와 “신규로 체결하는 수출계약”에 대해서 보험보장을 중지하는 것으로 규정하는 것이 적절할 것이다. 다섯째, 약관 제4조 제1항 제2호의 변형된 연속거래 면책약관은 보험소비자에게 혼란을 주고, 현행 약관의 해석상 고지의무 규정에 의거하여 악의의 계약자에 대한 면책은 충분히 가능하기 때문에 삭제하는 것이 좋다고 본다. 여섯째, 현행 수입국 검역위험의 책임금액은 최대 1천만원으로 지나치게 낮다는 의견이 많다. 때문에 대폭 상향시킬 필요가 있다고 생각된다.


        Insik Jeong,Jong-Ho Lee,Eunmi Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2017 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2017 No.07

        This study employs the resource-based view to understand how product strategy influence export performance. According to the organizational learning perspective, moreover, the ability to manage existing assets and capabilities and the development of new capabilities are arguably among the most relevant innovation success factors. Based on these theoretical backgrounds, a model is proposed to analyze the effects of cost leadership and differentiation strategy on export performance, as well as the moderating effects of exploitative and exploratory innovation capability. Using survey data from Korean exporters, the findings indicate that the cost leadership and differentiation strategy enhance export performance. While exploitative innovation capability strengthens the relationship between cost leadership strategy and export performance, exploratory innovation capability enhances the link between differentiation strategy and export performance. Introduction The trade-off between cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy is of importance and presents a key challenge to exporters because it is intrinsically related to innovation (Gebauer, 2008; O’Cass et al., 2014). Nevertheless, resources are limited, and firms must make choices in their allocation and determine the extent to which they will emphasize one strategy over another (Danneels, 2007; Lant, Milliken, & Batra, 1992). Although the individual roles of product strategies or innovation capabilities on export performance have attracted considerable attention (e.g., Hortinha, Lages, & Lages, 2011; Lages, Silva, & Styles, 2009; Molina-Castillo, Jimenez-Jimenez, & Munuera-Aleman, 2011), few studies have assessed their integrating impact - that is, the difference in the strengths of the relationships between cost leadership or differentiation strategy and innovation. Drawing on resource based view, we examine how innovation capabilities related with the relationship between cost leadership and differentiation strategies and exporters’ performance. Thus, we consider the moderating role of two distinct capabilities - exploratory innovation and exploitative innovation - on the relationships between product strategies and export performance. Exploratory innovation includes activities aimed to enter new product-market domains, while exploitative innovation activities improve existing product-market domains (He &Wong, 2004). The objectives of this study are to explore (1) impacts of cost leadership strategy and differentiation strategy on export performance, (2) moderating effects of exploitative and exploratory innovation capability on the relationship between product strategy and export performance, and (3) these relationships in the context of Korean exporters. The Korean exporting firms are more concentrated on international markets because of limited size of domestic market (Nugent & Yhee, 2002). These characteristics of Korean exporters are more useful to examine the effect of product strategy and product innovation capability of firms on export performance in international markets. Conceptual Background Product Strategy and Competitive Advantage Porter (1980) argues that a firm can achieve a higher level of performance over a rival in one of two ways: either it can supply an identical product or service at a lower cost, or it can supply a product or service that is differentiated in such a way that the customer is willing to pay a price premium that exceeds the additional cost of the differentiation. A cost leadership strategy is designed to produce goods or services more cheaply than competitors by stressing efficient scale of operation. When a firm designs, produces, and sells a comparable product more efficiently than its competitors as well as its market scope is industry-wide, it means that the firm is carrying out the cost leadership strategy successfully (Campbell-Hunt, 2000). Thus, the primary thing for a firm seeking competitively valuable way by reducing cost is to concentrate on maintaining efficiency through all activities in order to effectively control every expense and find new sources of potential cost reduction (Dess & Davis, 1984). The differentiation strategy provides value to customers with the unique attributes or perceptions of uniqueness, and characteristics of a firm’s product other than cost. The firm pursuing differentiation seeks to be unique in its industry along some dimension that is valued by customers, which means investing in product R&D and marketing (Porter, 1980). Rather than cost reduction, a firm using the differentiation needs to concentrate on investing in and developing such things that are distinguishable and customers will perceive (Gebauer, 2008). Overall, the essential success factor of differentiation in terms of strategy implementation is to develop and maintain innovativeness, creativeness, and organizational learning within a firm (Dess & Davis, 1984; O’Cass et al., 2014; Porter, 1985). Innovation Capability in International Markets A firm’s ability to compete in the long term may lie in its ability to integrate product strategy and its existing capabilities, while at the same time developing fundamentally new ones (Lavie & Rosenkopf, 2006). Simultaneous investments in the exploitation of existing product innovation capabilities and the exploration of new ones may help create a competitive advantage (Soosay & Hyland, 2008). Organizational learning represents the development of knowledge that influences behavioral changes and leads to enhanced performance (Crossan, Lane, & White, 1999; Fiol & Lyles, 1985). Product innovation is a tool for organizational learning and, thus, a primary means of achieving its strategic renewal (Danneels, 2002; Dougherty, 1992; O’Cass et al., 2014). Exploration pertains more to new knowledge - such as the search for new products, ideas, markets, or relationships; experimentation; risk taking; and discovery - while exploitation pertains more to using the existing knowledge and refining what already exists; it includes adaptation, efficiency, and execution (March, 1991). Exploration and exploitation compete for the same resources and efforts in the firm. With a focus on exploring potentially valuable future opportunities, the firm decreases activities linked to improving existing competences (Levinthal & March, 1993; March, 1991). In contrast, with a focus on exploiting existing products and processes, the firm reduces development of new opportunities. However, firms must develop both exploratory and exploitative capabilities because returns from exploration are uncertain, often negative, and attained over the long run, while exploitation generates more positive, proximate, and predictable returns (Levinthal & March, 1993; March, 1991; ?zsomer & Gen?t?rk, 2003). Researchers have shown that both types of learning are essential to enhancing firm performance (Leonard-Barton, 1992; March, 1991). In this study, we use exploration and exploitation to describe two innovation-related capabilities that are critical elements on the relationship between product strategies and export performance. International markets are turbulent and diverse with respect to customer needs, cultures, and competitiveness; therefore, innovation assumes a primary role (Kleinschmidt, De Brentani, & Salomo, 2007). Firms can leverage their innovations by securing business opportunities in those markets and thus increase their innovative capabilities (Knight & Cavusgil, 2004). Through exploratory innovation, firms develop new competences and thus enhance superior export performance by product strategies (Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). Exploitation activities are also important to exporters because they facilitate the lower-risk extension of export operations. By searching for solutions in the existent competence base, exploitative innovation increases efficiency and productivity. Accordingly, this study based on organizational learning perspective to support the idea that innovation capabilities are a vehicle for a product strategy, and achieving superior export performance. We advance the literature by allowing for a role of product strategies while also considering moderating effects of innovation capabilities. Moreover, we provide insights into how choices about emphasizing one product strategy over another relates the balance between exploration and exploitation. Hypotheses Product Strategy and Export Performance Porter’s cost leadership and differentiation strategies have been linked to the achievement of superior performance by many studies (Campbell-Hunt, 2000; Dess & Davis, 1984). A firm that successfully pursues a cost leadership strategy emphasizes “aggressive construction of efficient-scale facilities, vigorous pursuit of cost reductions from experience, tight cost and overhead control, avoidance of marginal customer accounts, and cost minimization in areas like R&D, service, sales force, advertising, and so on” (Porter, 1980: 35). A firm can, therefore, gain a competitive advantage over its rivals by having significantly lower cost structures in an industry without ignoring other areas such as product and service quality (Amoako-Gyampah & Acquaah, 2008). Thus, the maintenance of a strong competitive position for an organization pursuing a cost leadership strategy places a premium on efficiency of operations and scale economies that enable them to achieve and sustain their performance for a considerable period of time. In addition, with a cost leadership strategy, firms focus on reducing costs through operational efficiency. For example, they might exploit existing facilities and learn how to reduce costs through automation, modernization, capacity utilization, or economies of scale. Efficiency, control, planning, and variance reduction represent the key elements of a cost leadership strategy, and a typical example of a cost leadership strategy involves the implementation of an experience curve, on which cumulative production determines reductions in unit production costs. Firms engage in economies of scale and/or scope when they apply their knowledge and facilities from existing product lines to product line extensions. The associated positional advantage is a cost advantage pertaining to the firms’ value offering and is based on the product’s price–perceived value proposition in the export market. Hypothesis 1: Cost leadership strategy is positively associated with export performance. A firm that pursues a differentiation strategy may attempt to create a unique image in the minds of customers that its products are superior to those of its competitors (Miller, 1988). A firm creates these perceptions through advertising programs, marketing techniques and methods, and charging premium prices. Moreover, a firm may pursue a differentiation strategy by creating a perception in the minds of customers that its products possess characteristics that are unique from those of its competitors in terms of differences in design, physical attributes/features, and durability (Gebauer, 2008). Differentiation strategy aims to generate more outwardly focused product innovations that offer customers product differences that shape a distinctive value offering that is more responsive to their needs (Hughes, Martin, Morgan, & Robson, 2010; O’Cass et al., 2014). The associated positional advantage is a product or market differentiation advantage pertaining to the superior brand, quality, design, and product features that differentiate the firms’ value proposition from its competitors in the export market. Hypothesis 2: Differentiation strategy is positively associated with export performance. Moderating Effects of Innovation Capability From the generation of new ideas through to the launch of a new product, exploration and exploitation play a vital role in product innovation (Rothaermel & Deeds, 2004). Organizations can decide to use existing organizational competences to realize short-term results, or create new competences that may foster the development of innovations in the longer term (Atuahene-Gima, 2005). Both types of capabilities are considered to be dynamic in nature (Winter, 2003), given that their purpose is to transform existing resources into new functional competences that provide a better match for the firm's environment (Voss, Sirdeshmukh, & Voss, 2008). Although both exploitative and exploratory capabilities related to cost leadership and differentiation strategies, because of those different roles of capabilities in innovation process, the effects of those innovation capabilities on the relationship between product strategy and export performance might be different. In case of cost leadership strategy, firms focus on using and developing existing capabilities, promoting improvements in existing components and building on existing technological elements (Benner & Tushman, 2003; Rust et al., 2002). Similarly, exploitative innovation is aimed at improving existing product-market domains. The cost leadership strategy creates value through existing competences or competences that have been slightly modified (Voss et al., 2008). It promotes a routine-based and repetitive approach to organizational changes (Rust et al., 2002). Because exploitative innovation builds on existing knowledge and extends existing products and services for existing customers (Soosay & Hyland, 2008), exploitative capabilities helps firms pursuing cost leadership strategy to reap the benefits of improvement they make to their products and to continue making incremental improvements (Brucks, Zeithaml, & Naylor, 2000), which are designed to allow the firm to continue its superior performance (Griffin, 1997). Hypothesis 3: Exploitative innovation capability moderates the relationship between cost leadership strategy and export performance positively. Compared to cost leadership strategy, differentiation strategy is characterized by radical change, risk and experimentation and that allows for the creation of new methods, relationships, and products. Because exploration focuses mainly on trying to create variety, to adapt and hence exploit ever-decreasing windows of opportunity (Soosay & Hyland, 2008), this capability is more beneficial to the kind of product innovativeness to the firm (Augusto & Coelho, 2009). When exporters pursue differentiation strategy for acquiring new knowledge and developing new products and services, exploratory capability helps to engage new insight into the design of new features and benefits of a given product, that product is guaranteed to contain new ideas (Cho & Pucik, 2005; Yalcinkaya et al., 2007). In contrast with exploitation aimed at improving existing product-market domains, explorative innovation requires fundamental changes in the way an organization operates and represents a clear departure from existing practices (Menguc &Auh, 2006). Hypothesis 4: Exploratory innovation capability moderates the relationship between differentiation strategy and export performance positively. Discussion Focusing on product strategy through the application of the RBV has provided theoretical insights as well as empirical evidence as to which capabilities are required to achieve these critical product strategy outcomes. The support from this study provides further evidence of the usefulness of applying the RBV to the export setting and should encourage researchers to examine the other aspects of export strategy. Based on organizational learning perspective, in addition, this study found that exploratory and exploitative innovation capability are essential to the firm because they act as vehicles for renewing product strategy to achieve superior export performance. By considering product strategy with exploration and exploitation simultaneously, we present a new perspective of the roles of these product strategies in the development of firms’ innovation capabilities. Our results indicate that cost leadership and differentiation strategy are pivotal in ensuring a proper balance between exploratory and exploitative innovations. One of the main implications for managers is that both exploratory and exploitative product competences should consider in parallel when developing product strategy. The findings underscore the need for managers to invest in cost leadership and differentiation strategy to ensure the development of exploration and exploitation. Therefore, resource allocation decisions should, consider the firm's needs for innovation capabilities and, on the other hand, be guided by the firm’s product strategy. Exporters operate in highly complex environments, characterized by high levels of technological and market uncertainties and highly diverse and dispersed customers (Kleinschmidt et al., 2007; Mohr & Sarin, 2009). Therefore, in addition to the product strategy toward the development of innovations using state-of-the-art technologies, managers of these firms need a similarly strong focus on understanding both current and potential exporting markets. By acknowledging the need for product strategy, managers can ensure the balanced innovation capabilities.

      • KCI등재

        수출함수를 이용한 농산물 수출결정요인 분석

        박현희(Hyun-Hee Park) 한국무역연구원 2019 무역연구 Vol.15 No.1

        Under the economic environment centering on the WTO and FTA, global markets are opening at an accelerated pace under a dynamic economic environment, and the agricultural sector is no exception. Due to changes in the market environment, Korea’s exports of agricultural products are also increasing. Exports of agricultural products were only US$300 million in 1971, but this figure soared to US$3.5 billion in 1995, and as a result of aggressive expansion strategies, exports of agricultural products rose to US$9.2 billion in 2017. In this study, we analyzed the factors that determine the exports of agricultural products in Korea. Under an environment in which the structure of the agricultural markets are changing due to globalization, localization, emergence of emerging export countries, changes in income structure, and increased interest in health food. This study extracted import and export data from KATI and estimated export function of agricultural products in Korea by using panel analysis method using STATA 15 version. The countries which 15 countries with high export performance subject to analysis were limited to those exporting more than US$100 million of farm products and those exporting more than US$300 million of farm products, and the total export function was estimated at the same time. According to the analysis results, the factors affecting the nation’s agricultural exports are GDP and the signing of FTAs, each of which is statistically significant at a significance level of 1%. An analysis of countries exporting more than US$300 million showed significant results in terms of per capita national income (PGDP) and relative prices over a significant range. As a result, the analysis of the countries where the nation’s agricultural exports are high showed that the economic scale of other countries, per capita income, relative price index, and FTA agreements in force are the main factors of the expansion of Korea’s agricultural product export.

      • KCI등재

        농산물 수출결정요인이 수출확대에 미치는 효과 분석

        박현희(Hyun-Hee Park) 한국무역연구원 2021 무역연구 Vol.17 No.5

        Purpose - Globalization has made it possible to divide and specialize across borders, and efficiency-oriented production and consumption have become mainstream. In particular, following COVID-19, the global supply chain has faced a crisis, promoting the localization of supply chains that expand domestic production, and focusing on daily necessities, national strategic products, and food. This study recognizes the structural changes in the agricultural product market in the process of promoting globalization and attempts to estimate the effect of the determinants of the export of agricultural products in Korea on exports. Design/Methodology/Approach - This study aims to analyze the effect on the export of agricultural products by deriving export demand factors for Korean agricultural products from 1996 to 2019 targeting 28 countries that have signed FTAs with Korea. As for the analysis method, the most generalized panel analysis is used to analyze time series data and cross-sectional analysis data. Findings - As a result of estimating the export demand function of agricultural products, it was estimated that the other nation s income (GDP), per capita income (PGDP), exchange rate (EXR), and free trade agreement (FTA), which are determinants of agricultural exports, affected Korea s agricultural products. In particular, it was found that a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) greatly contributed to the expansion of agricultural exports. However, contrary to the analysis expectations, it was analyzed that the relative price index (REPRI) did not directly affect exports. Research Implications - This study derives the most representative variable among the export determinants on the export of Korean agricultural products covered in previous studies whether it actually affects export expansion. Based on the estimated results, it is meaningful in that it presented the necessity of exporting agricultural products to improve income and competitiveness in the domestic agricultural sector.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 임산물 수출 현황 및 활성화 방안에 관한 연구

        황병재 ( Byeong Jae Hwang ),최수임 ( Soo Im Choi ) 한국산림경제학회 2021 산림경제연구 Vol.28 No.2

        우리나라 임산물 수출 현황 및 정책 분석을 통해 임산물 수출 활성화 방안을 도출하였다. 첫째, 최근 한류에 익숙한 동남아, 중동, 유럽 등 신흥 수출대상국 소비계층 중심으로 K-POP, 예능프로그램, 드리마 등 한류 문화콘텐츠 수출을 통해 우리나라 단기임산물에 대한 간접 홍보 강화가 필요하다. 둘째, 수출물량의 지속적이고 안정적인 확보 및 수출대상 국가의 안전성 기준에 적합한 단기임산물 관리를 위해서 수출특화단지를 중심으로 안정적인 생산체계 및 계약재배 참여 농가 확대, 그리고 수출시장의 검역 대응체계 구축을 통해 수출경쟁력을 강화해야 한다. 셋째, 향후 단기임산물 수출 물류비 지원중단에 대비한 정책대안을 개발하고 수출대상국의 다양한 비관세 장벽에도 철저히 대응해야 한다. This study derived a strategy to stimulate the export of Korean forest products through the analysis on the export status of and policy for Korean forest products. First, it is necessary to strengthen indirect promotion of non-timber forest products in Korea by exporting Korean cultural contents, such as K-POP, variety show programs, and dramas, centered on the consumer groups in emerging export destinations, such as Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, who are familiar with the Korean Wave. Second, it is necessary to secure continuous and stable export volume, expand stable production systems and the number of farms participating in contract cultivation centered on export-specialized complexes to manage non-timber forest products that are suitable for the safety standards of the export destinations, and strengthen export competitiveness by establishing a quarantine response system in export markets. Third, it is necessary to develop policy alternatives for the cessation of support for logistics costs for export of non-timber forest products in the future and thoroughly cope with various non-tariff barriers in export destinations.

      • KCI등재

        International Success the Second Time Around

        Mary Catherine Colley,Brandie Gatlin 한국마케팅과학회 2010 마케팅과학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        这是一家私人、第三代家族拥有的公司, Boom Technologies公司(BTI)。对电力设施提供产品和服务的供应商, 通信和承包商的市场,不断进步的出口。尽管在2008年出口销售只占总收入的5%, BTI已形成了一个完整的出口部门。他们的出口部门的执行董事揭示了一家私营公司的试验和错误以及他们对成功的海外市场的疑问。自成立以来, BTI始终相信它最大的资产是它的雇员。当出口销售因为缺乏战略和方向而挣扎时, BTI为其出口部门雇了一位董事总经理。在BTI总裁和总经理的领导下,他们很好的利用了这个部门的技能和知识。为向海外扩展他们的市场份额,增加出口销售他们进行了机构调整。结果就是,出口销售增加了4倍, 新国家的地区经理增加了,同时成功养成了分销渠道网络。有时, 由于公司的结构,收入形成很难决定。因此,在1996年,出口部门重组为有限责任公司。这使得公司改进收入和费用。最初,80%的BTI出口销售来自两个国家;因此,最初在海外出售的方法并没有达到预期目标。然而,所做的修改, 使得现在公司经营,销售超过80个国家。总经理指出主要有三个出口扩张挑战 1. 产品和船运—BTI主要障碍是产品装配。最初,大多数的产品被聚集在美国,这增加了运输包装费用。有这么多的部分指定订购,很多次定的东西到的时候有些零部件都丢失了。失踪的零件价值上万美元。装运这些失踪的部分也花费成千上万的美元,外加一个延迟交货时间六到八周,所有的费用都由BTI出。 2. 产品适应—在BTI80个出口国家中,每个国家的安全、产品标准都不同。重量、特殊证,产品的规格要求,测量系统的稳定性,卡车都会因国别而不同。 作为一种准入障碍,以致很难使产品适应。技术和安全标准的障碍,作为一种保护国内产业的方法,可以阻碍成功的进入外国市场 3. 市场的挑战—分销的重要性给BTI带来了很多挑战,因为他们试图根据他们的分销系统来确定每个国家如何操作。有些国家已经从一个小的竞争对手,只生产一种具有竞争力的产品而极具竞争力。而BTI制造超过100种的产品。营销资料是另一个BTI所关心的,因为他们试图对经销商推动销售成本。从翻译和文化差异的角度,合适的市场营销资料可能会花费很多。此外, 美国的纸张大小不同于别的一些国家, 当试图复制相同的布局和设计时,就会出现许多问题。分销已经成为BTI所面临的挑战之一,公司宣称他们的分销网络是他们的竞争优势之一,因为他们的分销商的位置和名字都是保密的。另外,BTI每年有两次奉献:培训分销商一年,另一个是分销商会议。产品、航运、产品适应性、营销这些挑战,这些海外市场错综复杂需要时间和耐心。另一个竞争& A privately held, third generation family owned company, Boom Technologies, Inc. (BTI), a provider of products and services to the electric utility, telecommunications and contractor markets, continues to make progress in exporting. Although export sales only equal 5% of total revenue in 2008, BTI has an entire export division. Their export division’s Managing Director reveals the trial and errors of a privately held company and their quest for success overseas. From its inception, BTI has always believed its greatest asset is its employees. When export sales struggled due to lack of strategy and direction, BTI hired a Managing Director for its export division. With leadership and guidance from BTI’s president and from the Managing Director, they utilized the department’s skills and knowledge. Structural changes were made to expand their market presence abroad and increase export sales. As a result, export sales increased four-fold, area managers in new countries were added and distribution networks were successfully cultivated. At times, revenue generation was difficult to determine due to the structure of the company. Therefore, in 1996, the export division was restructured as a limited liability company. This allowed the company to improve the tracking of revenue and expenses. Originally, 80% of BTI’s export sales came from two countries; therefore, the initial approach to selling overseas was not reaching their anticipated goals of expanding their foreign market presence. However, changes were made and now the company manages the details of selling to over 80 countries. There were three major export expansion challenges noted by the Managing Director: 1. Product and Shipping - The major obstacle for BTI was product assembly. Originally, the majority of the product was assembled in the United States, which increased shipping and packaging costs. With so many parts specified in the order, many times the order would arrive with parts missing. The missing parts could equate to tens of thousands of dollars. Shipping these missing parts separately in another shipment also cost tens of thousands of dollar, plus a delivery delay time of six to eight weeks; all of which came out of the BTI’s pockets. 2. Product Adaptation - Safety and product standards varied widely for each of the 80 countries to which BTI exported. Weights, special licenses, product specification requirements, measurement systems, and truck stability can all differ from country to country and can serve as a type of barrier to entry, making it difficult to adapt products accordingly. Technical and safety standards are barriers that serve as a type of protection for the local industry and can stand in the way of successfully pursuing foreign markets. 3. Marketing Challenges - The importance of distribution creates many challenges for BTI as they attempt to determine how each country prefers to operate with regard to their distribution systems. Some countries have competition from a small competitor that only produces one competing product; whereas BTI manufactures over 100 products. Marketing material is another concern for BTI as they attempt to push marketing costs to the distributors. Adapting the marketing material can be costly in terms of translation and cultural differences. In addition, the size of paper in the United States differs from those in some countries, causing many problems when attempting to copy the same layout and design. With distribution being one of several challenges for BTI, the company claims their distribution network is one of their competitive advantages, as the location and names of their distributors are not revealed. In addition, BTI rotates two offerings yearly: training to their distributors one year and then the next is a distributor’s meeting. With a focus on product and shipping, product adaptation, and marketing challenges, the intricacies of selling overseas takes time and patience.

      • KCI등재

        Size, business duration, and productivity growth for Korea’s export-leading industries

        배미경 한국경제통상학회 2018 경제연구 Vol.36 No.1

        This study investigate the impact from changes in the business duration of large establishments (LEs) and that of small and medium-sized establishments (SMEs) on the productivity growth of 29 export-leading industries and 13 other exporting industries during 1995-2014 in Korea. The impact from changes in business duration of LEs varied across industries and time periods in a far greater extent than did that of SMEs. For export-leading industries, the extent of impact from the decrease in business duration of LEs was far greater than that of SMEs to reduce the productivity growth, which was triggered by the market exogenous shocks. Older target industries of fine chemicals, basic metal products, petrochemicals, and machinery, showed that the increase in business duration of LEs promoted productivity growth to a greater extent, which recouped their flagging technical progress (TP) to sustain high productivity growth by help of their accommodated tacit knowledge. Changes in the business duration of LEs achieved twice the impact on productivity growth than that of SMEs in the export-leading industries, as well as that of LEs in other exporting industries. During the 1998 depression, the productivity growth of export-leading industries plunged to a half resulting from significant technical efficiency and allocative efficiency losses, but led by steady TP and the longer business duration of LEs. This study investigate the impact from changes in the business duration of large establishments (LEs) and that of small and medium-sized establishments (SMEs) on the productivity growth of 29 export-leading industries and 13 other exporting industries during 1995-2014 in Korea. The impact from changes in business duration of LEs varied across industries and time periods in a far greater extent than did that of SMEs. For export-leading industries, the extent of impact from the decrease in business duration of LEs was far greater than that of SMEs to reduce the productivity growth, which was triggered by the market exogenous shocks. Older target industries of fine chemicals, basic metal products, petrochemicals, and machinery, showed that the increase in business duration of LEs promoted productivity growth to a greater extent, which recouped their flagging technical progress (TP) to sustain high productivity growth by help of their accommodated tacit knowledge. Changes in the business duration of LEs achieved twice the impact on productivity growth than that of SMEs in the export-leading industries, as well as that of LEs in other exporting industries. During the 1998 depression, the productivity growth of export-leading industries plunged to a half resulting from significant technical efficiency and allocative efficiency losses, but led by steady TP and the longer business duration of LEs.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 대브라질 수출품목 다변화와 집중도 분석

        윤택동 한국외국어대학교 중남미연구소 2019 중남미연구 Vol.38 No.1

        In the country which has high degree of external dependence, there is high possibility of getting severe loss, when the export is concentrated on a small number of countries. This is because export could decrease drastically through the crisis of trade partner economy or with the conflict against partner country. Therefore, Korea consistently has pursued export diversification since 1960’s. In this sense, the export of Korea to Brazil also can be considered as a part of the export diversification strategy by Korea. The present study began from a question whether the export items of Korea to Brazil would be similar with those of Korea to World or to principal export destinations of Korea. Since it was possible that the exports of Korea to Brazil could be less diversified than those of Korea to developed economies, or those of Korea to Brazil could be of middle level technology, rather than strategic export items of high level technology. In the current paper, we will focus our analysis on the structure of Korean export products to Brazil. Export diversification is divided in two notions, regional export diversification and export diversification of items. It can be considered the growth of export from Korea to Brazil as the regional export diversification, while the analysis from export products’structure is considered as the diversification of export items. One characteristic of Korean exports to Brazil discovered here is that the percentage of first ranked export item is considerably high. Besides, 5 major exports have been maintained stable, making up approximately 80% of total exports, which means that these items are decisive in Korean export to Brazil. Also, the number of items that were ranked in the first 10 places each year throughout 1988-2017 is total 27. This 27 items has relation with diversification of export items. These two findings, a lot of weight of the major 5 items and 27 main export products, demonstrate simultaneously two different features, diversification and concentration,that Korean exports to Brazil has. Following introduction, in chapter 2, we discuss theoretical background of export diversification. In chapter 3, we talk about change in export items’structure of Korea to Brazil. Lastly, in chapter 4, we conclude our study, discussing characteristics that are present in Korean exports to Brazil. 대외의존도가 높은 국가의 경우 소수의 국가에 수출이 집중될 경우, 심각한 타격을 받을 가능성이 높아진다. 왜냐하면 만약 상대 국가가 위기에 빠지거나, 상대국가와 마찰이 생길 경우 수출이 급격히 줄어들 것이기 때문이다. 이런 이유로 한국은 그동안 꾸준히 수출다변화를 추구해왔다. 한국의 대브라질 수출 역시 수출다변화 전략의 한 부분이다. 본 연구 아이디어는 한국의 대브라질 수출품목이 한국의 전세계 또는 한국의 중요 수출파트너 국가에게 수출하는 품목들과 같을 것인가 아니면 차이가 있을 것인가 하는 궁금증에서 출발하였다. 개발도상국인 브라질에 대한 한국수출이 선진국에 비해 품목다양성이 적거나, 고도기술의 주된 전략수출품목이 아니라 중간기술 제품의 수출일 가능성 등에 의문이 있었기 때문이었다. 이번 연구에서는 한국의 대브라질 수출 중에서 수출품목구성에 대해 집중 분석을 한다. 한국의 대브라질 수출의 양적증가가 수출지역다변화라는 측면을 보여준다면, 한국의 대브라질 수출품목구성 변화는 수출품목다변화를 설명해줄 것이다. 이번 연구를 통해서 한국의 대브라질 수출에서 나타나는 특징은 1위 품목의 비중이 매우 높은 편이라는 점이다. 그리고 1-5위 품목의 비중이 80% 전후로 안정적으로 유지되고 있다는 즉 한국의 대브라질 수출은 5개 품목이 거의 결정하고 있다. 그리고 분석대상기간인 1988-2017년 사이에 년도별 1-10위 오른 품목이 총 27개로 이는 수출다변화와 관련되어 있다. 이렇게 1-5위 품목이 차지하는 높은 비중과 27개의 품목 등장이라는 두 가지 사실은 한국의 대브라질 수출에서 다변화와 집중화의 양면성을 동시에 설명해주고 있다. 서론에 이어 제 2장에서 수출다변화의 이론적 배경을 논의한다. 그리고 제 3장에서 한국의 대브라질 수출품목구성에서의 변화를 다루고, 마지막으로 제 4장에서 한국의 대브라질 수출에서 나타나는 특징을 논의하면서 결론짓는다.

      • KCI등재

        베트남의 금융시장 유동성과 수출상품 구조변화

        이종윤,이선호 한국아시아학회 2022 아시아연구 Vol.25 No.1

        This study empirically analyzed the effect of Vietnam’s financial market liquidity on structural changes of export products using quarterly data from 2010 to 2021. In this process, export products were divided into total products, primary products, and manufactured products to examine the effects of financial market liquidity in detail. As a result of empirical analysis, financial market liquidity and foreign direct investment did not have a significant short-term effect on the structural changes of the three export products. However, it was found that financial market liquidity and foreign direct investment contribute to structural changes in total export products and manufactured export products in the long term. Based on these analysis results, Vietnam should promote qualitative development such as financial market liquidity and structural change of export products as well as quantitative development of financial markets and exports for sustainable growth. In addition, for qualitative development, the Vietnamese government will need to establish a systematic financial system that can improve the efficiency of resource allocation, and should come up with a plan to foster high value-added industries based on abundant liquidity. 본 연구는 2010년부터 2021년까지의 분기자료를 활용하여 베트남의 금융시장 유동성이 수출상품 구조변화에 미치는 영향을 실증적으로 분석하였으며, 이때 수출상품을 총 상품과 기본재, 제조업 상품으로 구분하여 금융시장 유동성의 영향을 세분화하여 살펴보았다. 실증분석 결과, 세 가지 수출상품 구조변화에 금융시장 유동성과 외국인 직접투자가 단기적으로 유의한 영향을 미치지 못하는 반면, 장기적으로 금융시장 유동성과 외국인 직접투자가 제조업을 중심으로 한 수출상품 구조변화에 기여하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 분석결과를 바탕으로 베트남은 지속가능한 성장을 위해 금융시장과 수출의 양적 발전뿐만 아니라 금융시장 유동성 및 수출상품의 구조적 변화와 같은 질적 발전을 도모해야 할 것이며, 이를 위해 자원배분의 효율성을 향상시킬 수 있는 체계적인 금융시스템 구축과 풍부한 유동성을 바탕으로 한 고부가가치 산업 육성 방안 마련의 노력이 강구되어야 할 것이다.

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