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      • KCI등재

        기계학습기반 언어 숙련도에 따른 형태 통사적 위반처리 분류 검증

        손귀영,이원영 한국정보과학회 2023 정보과학회 컴퓨팅의 실제 논문지 Vol.29 No.1

        Event-related potential (ERP) has revealed several sentence processing related to semantic or syntactic comprehensions. ERP components, LAN, N400, and P600 are language-related components associated with anomalies such as semantic or syntactic errors. EEG-based language processing research has been intensively conducted recently. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that a cognitive brain response is similar to that of a native speaker for increasing proficiency in a second language. In addition, most researchers have recently focused on machine-learning approach to classifying violated sentence structures or words from language-related ERP components. This paper investigates neurocognitive process while reading grammatical and non-grammatical sentences from German to language learners whose native language is Korean. We performed experiments to classify language-related ERP components by proficiency level using machine learning methods. As a result, P600 was detected in advanced learners, but not in beginner ones. It achieved the best accuracy of 67.18% with RBF-SVM for the difference in learning level for detecting the P600 component. In conclusion, we examined language-related ERP components to identify brain responses during second language comprehension. We are expected to improve the performance through time-series data based on deep learning.

      • KCI등재후보

        단테가 새겨낸 자기 지시의 언어: 잠재성의 윤리

        박상진 ( Park¸ Sang Jin ) 한국이탈리아어문학회 2021 이탈리아어문학 Vol.- No.63

        The Italian writer Dante Alighieri can be evaluated as a poet who completed the so-called language of self-reference in his Divine Comedy. This paper aims to explain what the language of self-reference may mean and contribute to his poetic achievement. Dante’s language has a power to lead the reader to reflect it repeatedly so as to product connotative implications according to his or her social and historical contexts. This is the point where his language becomes ‘poetic’ and at the same time ‘ethical’. Dante’s journey to the world of after-life is made by his challenge of representing it through his own language, for which he tries to maintain his existential consciousness particularly with his own voice. His linguistic experiment starts from measuring up how his voice can be registered on his book with its scriptural form. For this, he strives to transform his language from the ineffability to the communicability by operating the potentiality of the poetic language. The issue of potentiality in Dante can be clarified by referring to Aristotle’s philosophy of ‘potential intellect’ on which Dante himself discussed in his Convivio and expressed in his Comedy; indeed he achieves “the consecrated poem”(Paradiso 23.62) by virtue of the incomplete yet potential creativity of human language.

      • KCI등재

        영어교육의 인문적 전망에 관하여

        김길중(Kiljoong Kim) 한국영미문학교육학회 2013 영미문학교육 Vol.17 No.3

        The English language education in Korea is a phenomenon that goes far beyond the bounds of a common educational subject or a mere pastime in culture. Historically, the power of the language was commonly felt in three major East Asian countries although its influence in Korea was more or less filtered by the intervening colonial Japan. Reflecting the prominent American role in the area, post-colonial Korea began to spend much concerted educational energy in the learning of the privileged language. The effort has always been strenuous but beyond a degree of slow progress the result was never satisfactory for the simple reason that their target is a foreign tongue with limited use in practical life. Despite this innate limit, society at large demanded not necessarily in silence greater strenuousness on the part of students or general public. Meanwhile, a great deal of academic energy has gone to the theories of teaching and art of pedagogy. I dare to conjecture that Korean students could possibly already have reached their maximum point in collective achievements. Nevertheless, though the guiding spirit coming from current theories appears to be rational and practical and even human, they may still be overly rooted in the second language teaching theories to the neglect of the distinct concept of foreign language, thereby possibly harming some significant dimension of humanity in education. On the basis of this incongruence and supported by some indirect social indices, I take the liberty to suggest that for the concerned scholarship and pedagogy in Korea it is time to go back to some fundamental principles of human ways in education that ought to inform the practical pedagogy of English as a foreign language and imagine a new philosophy fit for the second developmental chapter of English education in Korea. The more substantial body of my argument will go to the discussion of an alternative concept of English as a foreign language meaningful in the perspective of such a vision.

      • Investigation of Brain-based Individual Differences for Classifying Syntactic Violation from Language-related ERP Component

        Wonyoung Lee,Guiyoung Son 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 2022 한국차세대컴퓨팅학회 학술대회 Vol.2022 No.10

        Event-related potential (ERP) has been widely utilized to detect cognitive behaviors. Recently, second language (L2) processing has been proven to detect brain responses similar to native (L1) from language-related ERP components such as N400/P600. In this study, we aim to detect syntactic violations from individual differences based on ERP components. To this end, we conduct experiments to discriminate detected ERP components using machine learning by proficiency levels. We recorded EEG signals from 22 participants, German L2 as Korean, while reading sentences, some of which included syntactically anomalous sentences. After data preprocessing, we evaluate the individual differences in discriminating the syntactic violation: ERP component analysis, classifying syntactic violations and comparing proficiency levels. As a result, we confirm the detection of the P600 component from advanced learners but not beginners. Performance evaluation shows that the Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) based on a subject-independent approach has the highest accuracy of 68.85% for beginners and 69.99% for advanced learners, respectively. Additionally, we also achieve the best accuracy of 76.66% using the LSTM regarding the proficiency levels. In conclusion, we confirm that L2 learners are more similar to natives as their proficiency levels increase. Furthermore, we will closely investigate the brain responses between L1 and L2 to determine whether achieving the same brain response as a native when language comprehension is possible.

      • KCI등재

        아감벤의 ‘주권의 논리’: 경계공간사유와 잠재성사유

        엄순영 한국법철학회 2013 법철학연구 Vol.16 No.3

        This article explores the thinking method of sovereignty studied by Agamben, and this thinking method of Agamben is assorted into two kinds, ‘boundary space thinking’ and ‘potentiality thinking’. ‘Boundary space thinking’ is beyond the uncertainty of boundary line claimed in the philosophy of language until now. And then to Agamben the lifes in the neither inside nor outside boundary field are interested. He says the boundary space with the different thinking method from now to think properly the lifes regarded as non-existence even though existence. And he argues putting the independent space into the our thinking space. Like this he solves the paradox that a sovereign exists both the inside or outside of law and order. Therefore in the independent boundary space the sovereign can exist regardless of the inside and outside of law. ‘Potentiality thinking’ means that existence has self-denial inwards potentially. ‘Potentiality thinking’ is different from the established thinking method as the opposition between existence and non-existence appears not outside but inside of it. So law include the external self and self-denial. Wherefore law can exist unceasingly to include denying self potentially. According to him, it is the reason that human dignity and human right are violated continuously although there is law for it. So he insists that the rule of law cannot realize the human dignity as law cannot get out the destiny of language structure not to rid itself of self-denial potentiality. He proposes new politics free relatively from the language structure. But I point out two defects of his logic of sovereignty in this article. The first, he depreciates ‘construction thinking’ as defining the sovereignty in the language structure. The second, Agamben's sovereignty meaning cannot reflect the present change of sovereignty. The present sovereignty has the decolorized the top decision and the supreme power, and the subject action and participation and the intersubjective relationship more and more. Nevertheless the two thinking methods suggested by Agamben will rich the relations between law and philosophy. 본고는 아감벤이 주권연구에서 보여준 사유에 주목하고, 그 사유를 두 가지 사유방법, 즉 ‘경계공간사유’와 ‘잠재성사유’로 보았다. ‘경계공간사유’는 지금까지 언어철학에서 주장해 온 경계선의 불확정성 주장을 넘어선다. 아감벤은 경계선의 불확정성에 머물지 않고 내부도 외부도 아닌 경계선에 존재하는 삶들에 관심을 쏟는다. 존재하면서 존재하지 않는 것으로 여겨지는 삶들을 제대로 사유하기 위하여 지금과 다른 사유의 방식으로 경계선의 공간을 이야기한다. 그리고 그 공간을 독립된 사유공간으로 우리의 사유의 공간에 넣을 것을 주장한다. 이런 방식으로 주권의 역설, 즉 주권자는 법질서의 내부와 외부에 동시에 존재한다는 역설을 해결한다. 경계공간사유를 통해서 주권자는 법의 내부와 외부와 관계없이 그 경계선의 독립된 공간에 존재하게 되는 것이다. ‘잠재성사유’는 존재는 존재 내부에 자기부정을 잠재적으로 내포하고 있다는 것에 대한 사유이다. 잠재성 사유는 존재와 그 존재의 대립적 존재가 그 존재 밖이 아니라 그 존재의 내부에 존재한다는 점에서 존재와 대립적 존재를 그 존재의 밖에서 대립시켜 왔던 기존의 사유방식과 다르다. 이런 사유에 따라서 법의 외부는 법의 밖이 아니라 법 내부에 법을 부정하는 잠재성으로 법 안에 이미 내포되어 있다. 존재는 자신의 존재를 지속적으로 부정하는 잠재성으로 존재한다. 즉 법은 법의 부정을 지속적으로 자기 내부에 잠재적으로 내포함으로써만 존재할 수 있다. 아감벤이 볼 때 그것이 인간존엄의 가치와 인권을 법제도로 수립했지만 여전히 인간존엄과 인권이 유린되는 현실이 지속되는 이유이다. 그렇기 때문에 아감벤은 법은 언어구조의 숙명을 떠날 수 없고, 언어구조의 숙명은 자기부정의 잠재성을 벗어날 수 없기 때문에 법의 지배로는 인간존엄을 실현할 수 없다고 주장한다. 따라서 그는 상대적으로 언어구조에서 자유로운 새로운 정치에서 그 가능성을 찾아야 한다고 한다. 그러나 본고는 아감벤의 주권의 논리의 한계로 두 가지를 지적하였다. 하나는 주권을 언어의 논리적 구조에 한정시키고 형성적 사유의 역할을 너무 낮게 평가한 아감벤의 한계를 지적하였다. 둘은 아감벤의 주권개념이 현 시대의 주권의 변화를 반영하고 있지 못함을 지적하였다. 현 시대의 주권개념은 최고 결정권이나 지배적 의미를 탈색하고, 주체적 실천과 참여, 평등한 주체의 상호 관계적 의미로 전환되고 있다. 하지만 이러한 한계에도 불구하고 아감벤이 제시한 두 가지 사유방법은 법과 철학의 관계를 더욱 풍부하게 할 것으로 보았다.

      • KCI등재

        한국인 중국어 학습자의 기능 및 능력 표시 구문 습득 연구

        유재원,김윤정 중국학연구회 2008 中國學硏究 Vol.- No.45

        The objective of this paper is to analyze errors in Chinese potential-marking complement and auxiliary verb construction in order to improve educational methods and learner attainment of the Chinese language by Koreans. This paper will illustrate the system of errors of Korean students in using Chinese potential-marking complement and auxiliary verb construction by analyzing the errors found in the compositions of 35 students who had attended the "Chinese Composition" course opened as a second major course for juniors. This paper is formed of following discussions: (1) to examine the various errors foreign language students make in using Chinese potential-marking complement and auxiliary verb construction, and to provide the cases for this error analysis; (2) to propose the applicable method in learning, or in teaching, the potential-marking complement and auxiliary verb construction by suggesting solutions for errors of these two constructions. More precisely, the solutions suggested in this paper will be divided into two types of errors, that is, the errors from individual properties of the two constructions and the errors from problems on mixing the two constructions will be suggested.

      • KCI등재

        중국조선어 ‘먹어 못 내다’ 식 부정문에 대한 일고찰

        심지영 한국언어문화교육학회 2014 언어와 문화 Vol.10 No.1

        This dissertation is about the exceptional negative sentence pattern of “먹어 못 내다” which is used in Chinese Chosun language. This kind of negative sentence has the structure in which a negative adverb intervenes between a main verb and a assistant verb. This paper concerns what does this specific form of negative sentence originate in, and examines it in diachronical way and from dialectological angle. At the same time, we look over if it is related to the ‘Potential-Marking Complements’ construction in Chinese. In conclusion, we can say the negative sentence of “먹어 못 내다” originates in the dialect of Northern part of Hamgeoungbukdo, but as far as the distinct characteristics in the meaning and high productivity of this pattern are concerned, we conclude that sentence has the structure in which a negative adverb intervenes between a main verb and a assistant verb. this specific pattern is produced inside of Chinese Chosun language itself under the influence of Chinese ‘Potential-Marking Complements’.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Semantic Anomalies in Second Language Processing: An Electrophysiological Study

        ( Sei Rang Oh ) 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2011 언어연구 Vol.28 No.3

        How humans` language processing occurs in the brain in real-time has been one of the major issues to clarify in the field. Especially, it is interesting to see related to the issue how bilinguals do in their second language (L2) processing as compared to monolinguals of the language. This study conducts an event-related potential (ERP) study to investigate the temporal neural dynamics of semantic processing in bilinguals. The experiment was done with Korean speakers of English as an L2, divided into two groups depending on their L2 proficiency level. The typical semantic anomaly paradigm was adopted for the material; semantically anomalous sentences end with a word which is not congruent in the sentence context. It was investigated if semantically anomalous stimuli elicit N400, known as meaning-related ERP component since Kutas & Hillyard (1980). Overall, similar pattern of the N400 effect was observed in the high proficiency group, while no significant effect was found in the low proficiency group. Though the results do not show a complete match in every detail, the study suggests that the bilinguals` semantic processing resembles monolinguals` semantic processing to a significant extent. This study also suggests that proficiency has a close correlation with brain responses in semantic processing in L2. (Gyeongsang National University)

      • KCI등재

        Semantic Anomalies in Second Language Processing: An Electrophysiological Study

        오세랑 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2011 언어연구 Vol.28 No.3

        How humans' language processing occurs in the brain in real-time has been one of the major issues to clarify in the field. Especially, it is interesting to see related to the issue how bilinguals do in their second language (L2) processing as compared to monolinguals of the language. This study conducts an event-related potential (ERP) study to investigate the temporal neural dynamics of semantic processing in bilinguals. The experiment was done with Korean speakers of English as an L2, divided into two groups depending on their L2 proficiency level. The typical semantic anomaly paradigm was adopted for the material; semantically anomalous sentences end with a word which is not congruent in the sentence context. It was investigated if semantically anomalous stimuli elicit N400, known as meaning-related ERP component since Kutas & Hillyard (1980). Overall, similar pattern of the N400 effect was observed in the high proficiency group, while no significant effect was found in the low proficiency group. Though the results do not show a complete match in every detail, the study suggests that the bilinguals' semantic processing resembles monolinguals' semantic processing to a significant extent. This study also suggests that proficiency has a close correlation with brain responses in semantic processing in L2.

      • KCI등재

        “생각하는 일이 나의 싸움이다”: 버지니아 울프의사유, 사물, 언어

        손영주 ( Yong Joo Son ) 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 2014 영미문학페미니즘 Vol.22 No.2

        When Virginia Woolf writes, thinking is my fighting in her diary in 1940, her assertion of thinking as a kind of action is not a metaphor or a hasty negation of the distinction between thinking and action. Rather, it derives from a daunting reconceptualization of the questions of reality and possibility, anticipating Giorgio Agamben``s philosophy of potentiality. Challenging the age-old prioritization of actuality over possibility in Western philosophy, Agamben seeks to redefine the latter as something that exceeds and survives historical realization by locating language, thing, Being as well as thinking itself in the realm of potentiality. At the heart of Woolf``s feminist, pacifist, and anti-totalitarian politics lies such a radical rethinking of potentiality-a way of thinking that brings the contingent into view. The seemingly apolitical stories and essays, such as The Mark on the Wall, Solid Objects, Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown, and Craftsmanship, demonstrate that Woolf``s feminism embodied in her famous expression Shakespeare``s sister is profoundly entwined with her insight into beings and things in terms of potentiality. Woolf``s thinking is a kind of action in that it constantly seeks to think the possible into existence while being wary of its own process, which is ironically in danger of subordinating itself to its own object in its tendency to privilege the actual over the possible.

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