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        芮庚熙 청주대학교 학술연구소 2005 淸大學術論集 Vol.3 No.S

        The purpose of this paper is to present the suggestions that simulation games using the example of "the railway pioneers" game are related for a geography teaching method. 1. The contents of study are below: (1) The teaching practical points of "the railway pioneers" game; (a) The general understanding of game teaching. (b) The practical points of game teaching. (2) An example of teaching method : "the railway pioneers" game; (a) Aims of game. (b) Basic ideas. (c) Equipment. (d) How to play. (e) Strategy. (3) Classroom experiences of "the railway pioneers" game; (a) Period 1. (b) Period 2. (c) Period 3. (d) Period 4. (e) After period 4. 2. The suggestions that "the railway pioneers" simulation game are related for a geography teaching method are as below: (1) As the geography teaching methods using simulation game are very valuable in modem geography teaching, it must be studied for the improvement of geography teaching methods. (2) The practical points of "the railway pioneers" games are presented in respect to aims of games, basic ideas, equipments, how to play and strategy. These practical points can be introduced for the improvements of geography teaching methods using simulation game. (3) Expecially in a teaching method of "the railway pioneers" game, simulation game can encourage value and has merits to develop another special views through discussion on other aims and value of group of participants. Therefore the simulation game is necessary to improve the teaching skills of geography. (4) Though classroom experiences of "the railway pioneers" game are that of fifteen years old pupils in modem secondary school of United Kingdom, I think that such experiences have much suggestions for the Korean geography teachers using the simulation game. (5) Such experiences in modem secondary schools of United Kingdom can be provided to compare with that of Korean case study. (6) Because teaching methods are encouraged social studies of 7th high school curriculum in Korea, the geography teachers must positively introduce the geography teaching methods using the simulation game.

      • KCI등재

        초기 여성 서부 개척자의 등장과 역할: 『오 개척자들!』

        김여진 미국소설학회 2019 미국소설 Vol.26 No.1

        This paper examines the emergence of early female pioneers in the West who were erased by the Western mythology through Willa Cather’s O Pioneers! Alexandra Bergson has immigrated from Bohemia to America with her family. Her father, John Bergson, had difficulties in adjusting to the wild land of the West. Therefore, he relies on Alexandra who studies about crops and makes every effort to cultivate wasteland. For these reasons, he chooses Alexandra as his successor instead of his three sons in the face of death. In Cather’s point of view, the most important thing in the frontier is the sufficient labor force to reclaim the barren soil and the constant studying of the land. Therefore, it is not the succession of patriarchal incompetence but the birth of a powerful matriarch to pioneer the West and lead her family’s life in the West. Unlike male writers, Cather discusses the existence and history of women, which have been ignored in Western history, through the success stories of female pioneers who have made American dreams in the western frontier.

      • KCI등재

        윌라 캐더의 개척 신화에 대한 탈신화적 충동 : 『길 잃은 여인』을 중심으로

        황재광(Hawng, Jae-Kwang) 신영어영문학회 2013 신영어영문학 Vol.55 No.-

        This essay explores Willa Cather’s impulse to debunk the frontier myth in her novels after 1922, especially in A Lost Lady in particular. In the novel, Cather offers an ironic perspective to the frontier myth which is rooted in romantic idealism upheld by Herbert Niel, the central consciousness of the novel. In this novel, Cather invites the reader to question the validity of the operating assumption of the frontier myth by subtly shaking the grounds of Niel’s idealization of the noble past of the pioneers which he believes to be embodied in the life of Captain Deniel Forrester. To expose Niel’s limitations as an exponent of the frontier myth, Cather utilizes three basic components of the narrative: exposition, narration, and description. In A Lost Lady, Ivy Peters, who is portrayed as an antithetical figure to Captain Forrester, turns out to be repeating what the captain might have done in the past as a pioneer. Like the pioneers of the past, he is “aggressive, brutal and materialist” in exploiting nature and Indian lands, which is the opposite of what the frontier myth claims. This essay concludes that Marian is a new type of pioneer who reconciles the gap between the frontier myth and the frontier history.

      • KCI등재

        돌봄 윤리의 관점으로 읽는 『오 개척자여!』

        변효정 한국중앙영어영문학회 2020 영어영문학연구 Vol.62 No.2

        This study examines that Alexandra, the protagonist of Willa Cather’s O Pioneers!, practices care for the maintenance and development of her community in the tough settlement of Nebraska. In other words, it looks at the story of her success in communicating and sharing through food and land ethics within the community. She always respects nature and explores land with her own care ethics even when people in the community leave during the harsh times. At the same time, she values the social relationships and ties of the community surrounding her and carries out practical care for those who are marginalized. So, her care can definitely add newness to the limitations that the existing analysis of this work has focused on the development of her land and the realization of her identity. In this work, her care is meaningful in that it stresses both the harmony of the community and the love for people, and further her egocentric values are excluded. Moreover, she also resonates with modern readers, who wrest a living from an era of crisis and disaster by inspiring the value of care with her authentic love for caring for humans. This enhances the value of this work by contributing to the desirable solidarity and justice of the community members and realizes the true value of betweenness, trust, and cooperation for care.

      • KCI등재

        ‘불령선인’에서 ‘개척의 전사’로 —중일전쟁 이후 조선인 만주이민정책의 재편—

        조정우 만주학회 2020 만주연구 Vol.- No.30

        This paper analyzes the reorganizing of the Korean immigration policy to Manchuria after the outbreak of the second Sino-Japanese War. By 1937, the Kwantung Army had suppressed Korean migration to Manchuria and changed its immigration policy to secure the labor force needed to carry out the war. With this policy change, society’s perceptions of Korean immigrants went from anti-Japanese suspects to pioneers of a new empire. In this paper, I trace the political dynamics between Japan-Korea-Manchu with a focus on these states’ immigration policies in Manchuria and analyze the process and logic of policy change. 이 글은 전쟁이라는 국면에서 조선인 만주 이민자들이 제국을 위한 ‘개척의 전사’로 표상되는 과정을 분석한 것이다. 만주의 조선인들은 제국의 국방에 위협이 되는 잠재적 불령선인으로 간주되어 왔지만, 1937년 중일전쟁 이후 전시체제가 성립하면서 만주의 개발과 오족협화에 공헌하는 개척민으로 격상되었다. 이 개척민 표상의 등장을 해명하기 위해 관동군이 제출한 이민정책 구상의 변용을 추적하였다. 특히 이민정책의 재편을 둘러싸고 벌어진 조선-일본-만주 간의 정치적 역학 관계를 면밀히 분석하여 정책방침의 변용이 갖는 역사적 의미를 규명함으로써, ‘개척의 전사’라는 프로파간다의 이면에는 철저한 제국 본위의 정치적 목적이 관철되고 있었음을 밝히고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        캐더의 이민에 대한 인식과 한국의 다문화 수용문제

        김용수 ( Young Soo Kim ) 미국소설학회 2018 미국소설 Vol.25 No.3

        Willa Cather has been well known as a representative writer of the Plains literature. She favorably pictures the European immigrants in such works as O Pioneers!, My Antonia and “Neighbour Rosicky” as exemplary settlers whose diligence, courage and endeavors work as fundamental qualities for their success in the new country. Her characters get over their adverse circumstances by preserving their own language, foods, and cultural traditions. But her contemporary old-stock Americans looked these immigrants, especially those from southern and eastern Europe, with suspicion and even hostility. Cather also describes Bohemians rather negatively for their tendency for instability, emotional fluctuation and violence, but their defects are covered with their positive traits and virtues or diluted by being juxtaposed with other vicious American settlers. Americans’s negative attitudes might be due to the influence of their biased belief in certain Puritan values and American spirit. Cather also fretted about the rude foreigners in the aftermath of the massive influx of immigrants in the 1930s. Similar to this situation, Korean society is now undergoing an abrupt flux of immigrants that raises social arguments on accepting immigrants and multiple cultures. Cather’s works and views would be good examples for Koreans to consider when they look back on the general attitude of Koreans to immigrants and their intrinsic cultures.

      • KCI등재

        윌라 캐서의 소설에 나타난 돌봄의 덕 윤리

        변효정 대한영어영문학회 2020 영어영문학연구 Vol.46 No.3

        Byun, Hyojeong. “Virtuous Care Ethics in Willa Cather’s Novels.” Studies in English Language & Literature 46.3 (2020): 105-127. This study focuses on examining the ideal and communal life of future society through literature by analyzing care ethics in Willa Cather’s O Pioneers!, The Professor’s House, and Death Comes for the Archbishop. As an ethical analysis that has been lacking in discussion about Cather’s works, it aims to shed light on the aspects that the main characters of the works practice the values of a virtuous human society and care by pursuing a co-existence life based on emotional exchanges with the surrounding people. In these three works, Cather notes that each of the main characters in the mainstream society practices his/her own virtues by having a complementary relationship with marginalized characters. He/She tries to communicate emotionally and commune with the surroundings in order to ultimately live a moral life as a right human being. Of course, in the process, the characters are directly involved in negative situations such as infidelity, evil, violence, jealousy, and feud, but they successfully practice their care ethics that can help overcome given difficulties and ensure human autonomy and welfare through trust and sympathy with the community. As such, care that can convey various lives of humans in stories is meaningful in that it can contribute to the completion of virtue in the end. Therefore, this paper observes the care aesthetics the characters embody focusing on their complementary lives, and further explores the potential for harmony and equality-oriented growth of the community that they can have a positive effect on the modern society. (Daejin University)

      • KCI등재

        Un-Ugly Americans and New Frontier Pioneers: Peace Corps Identities and Meanings in the Kennedy Era

        황태진 한국미국사학회 2020 미국사연구 Vol.52 No.-

        The Peace Corps is considered one of the most popular initiatives and enduring legacies of President John F. Kennedy and an institution that captured the idealism of the “Sixties.” But why did the Peace Corps capture the imagination of Americans in the early 1960s? This study examines this question by exploring what purposes and meanings the Peace Corps represented in the United States during the Kennedy years (1961-1963). The Peace Corps was an ideological and institutional product of its times, born in the nexus of cold war quest to spread fundamental American values of liberal democracy abroad and Kennedy’s New Frontier that reignited the faith in American purpose and identity at home. Largely motivated by the twin desires to serve a greater cause and for personal adventure, the Peace Corps and its Volunteers excited the reimagining of the national identity that helped to, on the one hand, reinvent a new type of altruistic overseas Americans that countered the arrogant “Ugly American” image and, on the other hand, reinvigorate the quintessential American identity of adventurous and self-reliant pioneer in contrast to the conformist and complacent “soft Americans” of the 1950s. This reinvented American identities of Un-ugly Americans in the world and Pioneers in the New Frontier suggested a new-found purpose in a time of cold war uncertainties and a sense of distinctiveness that countered the anxieties of losing the American way.

      • KCI등재

        Intercultural Vanguards and Democratization Witnesses: American Peace Corps Volunteer Experiences in South Korea

        황태진 한국미국사학회 2021 미국사연구 Vol.54 No.-

        The historical memory of the American Peace Corps in South Korea is positively constructed with the American Volunteers’ friendships considered the greatest legacy and lasting capital of their fifteen-year (1966-1981) presence. This study, thus, aims to examine this fond legacy of the Peace Corps Korea (PCK) by focusing on the experiences of the American Volunteers, who succeeded in winning the friendship of Koreans. Initially motivated by the idealism to serve and for adventure in the New Frontier, the young Americans soon confronted their challenging realties and debated their purpose in South Korea and by extension, their unwitting role in the American cold war agenda. Although they rejected their expected roles as ambassadors of American liberalism, they chose to become cultural intermediaries and witnesses: their two defining roles consisted of being the intercultural vanguards between the two nations and the crucial witnesses in the Gwangju Democratization Movement in May 1980. As such, the greatest legacy of the Volunteers’ experiences in South Korea was personal. As they gained their self-awareness as “Americans” by encountering the Other and also by deciding to disobey their own government’s orders regarding Gwangju in that fateful May, choosing instead to identify with the Other, they became independent ambassadors. Through this act of defiance against the US cold war policy, moreover, they evinced a multiple, complex dimensions of overseas Americans other than in the image of Ugly Americans. This research locates how these young Americans became “New Pioneers”— more self-reflective, democratic, and cosmopolitan—who challenged and shifted how the United States related to South Korea. It draws from volunteer experiences based on discourses produced during their time in South Korea, while contextualizing the PCK experiences in the greater Peace Corps history.

      • KCI등재

        『버지니언』과『오, 파이오니어!』로 살펴본 프런티어 신화와 이민자

        배미영(Mi-Young Bae) 한국영미어문학회 2012 영미어문학 Vol.- No.102

        The United States of America has completed its present territory by pioneering ‘the Frontier’ mainly with the immigrants labor. It was and is the country of immigrants from various countries and their offsprings. But there always were conflicts between the early-settlers and the late-comers: if survived, they became mainstream Americans; if lost, they were downgraded to criminals, outlaws, minorities, and deported to the frontier. This paper examines the meanings of the frontier theory of Frederick Turner in his The Frontier in American History, and its effects on the literary representations of Owen Wister's The Virginian and Willa Cather's O Pioneers! . With these it could be revealed that how the frontier was constructed and mystified, and what the dynamics of the Frontier Myth is. Finally, by reexamining the roles of immigrants who have been oppressed in Turner's frontier theory and fictions of Wister and Cather, we could conceive the reality of the self-image of America as the country of immigrants.

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