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        On the Relation between Phonetics and Phonology

        ( Woo Hyeok Chang ) 경희대학교 언어연구소 2012 언어연구 Vol.29 No.1

        Chang Woohyeok. 2012, On the Relation between Phonetics and Phonology, Linguistic Research 29(1), 127-156. This study examines the nature of the relationship between phonology and phonetics and advocates a modular view in which there is a principled mapping between phonological representations and phonetic expressions. In particular, this modular view is advocated by Laboratory Phonology that can be characterized by two beliefs. First, it is believed that there should be a division between phonetics and phonology. Second, there should be a considerable interconnection between them. Contrary to this modular view, other approaches are somewhat radical in that abstract phonological features are not associated with phonetic facts and that phonetics and phonology are integrated into a single module which is all phonetic. In favor of the modular theory, I propose a principle about phonology-phonetics interface: unmarked items display a wider range of phonetic realization but cannot be realized in a more marked way than their marked counterparts, One representative evidence would be that the higher pitch value of a tone compared with other tones has to be a phonological high tone rather than a low tone. Further discussions about phonology-phonetics interface are done with regard to speech perception and production. It is shown that perception and production data are valid when they are used as phonetic evidence to resolve phonological controversies. On the other hand, the P-map hypothesis seems invalid when dealing with some cases where speech production and perception do not match.

      • KCI등재

        국어학회 60년과 한국어 음운론

        이문규 ( Lee Moon-kyu ) 국어학회 2020 국어학 Vol.0 No.93

        이 논문에서는 지난 60년간 『국어학』에 실린 음운 분야 논문들의 성과와 특징을 이론 수용의 태도, 대상 시대와 주제의 양적 양상, 주요 논점 및 주제별 성과 등을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 먼저, 『국어학』 음운론은 생성음운론을 비롯한 다양한 음운 이론들을 참고하면서도, 그들을 시험하거나 단순 적용하기보다는 한국어1)의 음운론적 본질을 밝히는 데 도움이 되는 쪽으로 이용하는 데 치중하였다. 이러한 경향은 음운이론 수용의 태도라는 측면에서 발견되는 『국어학』 음운론의 특징이라고 할 수 있다. 다음으로, 양적인 측면에서는, 연구 대상 시대와 주제가 매우 넓은 영역에 분포해 있다는 점을 특징으로 들 수 있다. 현대국어와 후기 중세국어를 대상으로 하는 연구의 비중이 큰 가운데서도, 다른 시대의 음운에 대한 연구에도 적지 않은 관심을 주었다. 이러한 특징은 중앙어와 방언, 음소와 운소, 고유어 음운과 한자음, 음운론적 연구와 음성학적 연구 등의 관계에서도 그대로 나타난다. 그 결과 『국어학』 음운론은 국어 음운과 관련된 대부분의 부면을 대상으로 할 수 있게 되었고, 그 성과는 국어 음운의 본질을 종합적으로 구명하는 데 기여할 수 있게 되었다. 질적인 측면에서는, 『국어학』 음운론은 음운사와 현대 음운론의 주요 주제들에 대한 논의와 함께, 이들을 탐구하고 기술하는 데 바탕이 되는 이론적 차원의 논의를 주도하였다. 15세기 국어의 음운 체계 및 근대국어 시기에 일어난 중요한 음운 변화들에 대한 주요 관점의 성립 과정, 공시적 음운 구조와 통시적 변화의 관계에 대한 이론 차원의 논쟁, 음운부와 관계를 맺고 있는 문법의 다른 부면의 구조와 작용에 대한 논의의 과정에서 이러한 『국어학』 음운론의 활약상을 확인할 수 있다. 한편, 연구 영역을 확대하고 연구 성과를 인접 응용 분야에 더 널리 제공하는 일 등에 대해서는 『국어학』 음운론이 좀 더 적극적인 자세를 가질 필요가 있다. 언어학의 다른 하위 분야는 물론이고, 다문화사회의 언어 문제, 다양한 층위의 언어 갈등 문제, 언어정책과 관련된 문제, 나아가 인공지능 개발 등 인간의 삶을 근본적으로 바꿀 실용 분야에 대해서도 더 많은 관심을 기울일 필요가 있다. This study reviews the papers on phonology that have been published in the Journal of Korean Linguistics [the phonology of JKL] over the last six decades. From the review, first of all, it is noticeable that the studies on phonology in JKL have placed the primary focus on manipulating various phonological theories, including generative phonology, in order to reveal phonological nature of the Korean language instead of simply trying to apply and practice the theories in Korean. This trend clearly seems to be a major characteristic of phonological study of Korean linguistics presenting the researchers’ attitude in adopting theories of phonology. This review also reaches conclusion that researchers have shown diverse and extensive interest in various periods and subjects in their studies. Even though a large number of studies have worked on Korean in modern and latter medieval periods, there are still studies paid considerable attention to the language in many other times. This particular feature is found in the relationship between studies; of standard Korean and dialects, of phoneme and suprasegmental phoneme, and of phonology of native words and Chinese words, including phonological and phonetic researches. Thus, the phonology of JKL appears to cover almost all aspects of Korean phonemes, so that the academic achievement will contribute to clarify the comprehensive nature of Korean phonology. Finally, the phonology of JKL has led reasonable conclusions on the major topics of the history of Korean phonology and modern Korean phonology, while taking the steering role in discussing theoretical foundations: for example, in establishing perspectives and logics on phonological system of Korean in the 15th century; in arguing on theories for the relationship of the synchronic structures and diachronic phonological changes; and discussing the structures and functions of other grammatical parts related to phonological components. Nevertheless, the phonology of JKL needs to be more aggressive and progressive in attempting to expand the scope of research and to contribute the academic accomplishments to the applications. Further attention should be paid not only to the sub-fields of linguistics but also to more various issues such as language use in a multicultural society, language conflicts on various social levels, language policies, and the development of artificial intelligence, which will cause fundamental change of human life.

      • KCI등재

        음운사와 방언, 방언과 공시음운론

        신승용 한국방언학회 2012 방언학 Vol.0 No.16

        Data of dialect have contributed to the study of diachronic phonology as a cue to examine a linguistic facts of pre-literal, and as a materials to prove rules that is established in diachronic phonology. A phonology of dialect is a part of synchronic phonology of Korean language. So we can say that a study of phonology of dialect is related with a phonological study of Korean language complementarily. On this thesis, I reviewed studies on history of Korean language, phonology, dialectology that have been made to this day, and on the basis of this work, I looked into the relationship diachronic phonology with dialect, and dialect with synchronic phonology. And I suggested that it must be examined first of all which data is prior between data in written document and data of dialect, when we study diachronic phonology using data of dialect. Also I considered that, when an interpretation about the same data is different each other according to one's theoretical point of view, how should we take an attitude at that situation. 국어 음운사에서 방언은 이전 시기의 언어적 사실을 밝히는 중요한 단서로 그리고, 음운사에서 설정한 규칙을 증명하는 자료로 중요한 역할을 해 왔다. 또한 방언을 대상으로 한 음운론적 연구는 공시음운론의 한 부분으로서 상위 언어로서의 국어 음운론과 상호 보완적인 역할을 하고 있다. 본고는 그동안에 이루어진 국어사 연구사, 음운론 연구사, 방언론 연구사를 토대로 국어사와 방언 및 방언과 음운론의 관계에 대해 정리하였다. 그리고 음운사에서 방언 자료를 다룰 때는 방언 자료와 국어사 자료와의 시간적 선후 문제가 먼저 밝혀져야 함을 지적하였다. 또한 방언을 대상으로 한 공시음운론에서 이론적 관점에 따른 방언 자료 해석상의 차이를 어떻게 볼 것인지에 대해서도 검토하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 자음 내적 구조 연구 ─ 무우선 음운론(Precedence-free Phonology)을 바탕으로 ─

        상향함 국어문학회 2023 국어문학 Vol.83 No.-

        By introducing and applying a new phonological theory called “Precedence-free Phonology” , this study suggests the internal structure of consonants in the Korean language. Precedence-free Phonology includes both prosodic and melodic domains in a single hierarchical structure through a set of units called “element”. Under Precedence-free Phonology, an element within a single phonological representation has not only melodic and interpretive functions but also prosodic and organizing functions. This feature of Precedence-free Phonology is useful and good, especially for natural languages that include both suprasegmental and segmental phonemes. Furthermore, Precedence-free Phonology, which includes both prosodic and melodic domains in a single hierarchical structure through a set of units is also considered lexicologically useful for multidisciplinary research in phonological coding, phonetics, and language cognitive neuroscience. No theoretical or applied study on Precedence- free Phonology has been conducted yet in Korea. Therefore, this study holds significance, as it has introduced and applied the new phonological theory of Precedence-free Phonology. Following in the footsteps of this study, more theoretical and applied studies are expected to be conducted on Precedence- free Phonology. 본 연구는 새로운 음운 이론인 무우선 음운론을 소개하고 이를 바탕으로 한국어 자음체계에서의 자음들의 내적 구조를 제안한다. 무우선 음운론에서는 구성원소라는 한 종류의 단위 세트를 통해 운율 역과 선율 역을 하나의 종합적이고 일원적인 위계 구조 안에 동시에 포함시키고 있다. 즉, 무우선 음운론에서 하나의 음운 표시 안에 구성원소 자체가 선율적 기능뿐만 아니라 운율적 기능도 갖고 있다. 이와 같은 특성을 지니고 있으므로 무우선 음운론은 초분절음 음소와 분절음 음소를 모두 포함하고 있는 자연 언어에 있어서 아주 적합하고 유용한 음운 이론이라고 볼 수 있다. 뿐만 아니라 이러한 특성을 갖고 있는 무우선 음운론은 어휘적 층면에서의 음운 코딩, 음성학, 언어 인지 뇌과학의 학제적 연구에도 유익하다고 볼 수 있다. 현재까지 무우선 음운론에 관한 이론적 연구나 응용적 연구가 국내에서 아직 이루어진 바가 없다. 따라서 본 연구는 새로운 음운 이론인 무선 음운론을 소개하고 적용해 보는 데에 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 향후 무우선 음운론과 관련된 이론적 연구와 응용적 연구가 더욱 활발히 이루어지기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        On the Relation between Phonetics and Phonology

        장우혁 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2012 언어연구 Vol.29 No.1

        This study examines the nature of the relationship between phonology and phonetics and advocates a modular view in which there is a principled mapping between phonological representations and phonetic expressions. In particular, this modular view is advocated by Laboratory Phonology that can be characterized by two beliefs. First, it is believed that there should be a division between phonetics and phonology. Second, there should be a considerable interconnection between them. Contrary to this modular view, other approaches are somewhat radical in that abstract phonological features are not associated with phonetic facts and that phonetics and phonology are integrated into a single module which is all phonetic. In favor of the modular theory, I propose a principle about phonology-phonetics interface: unmarked items display a wider range of phonetic realization but cannot be realized in a more marked way than their marked counterparts. One representative evidence would be that the higher pitch value of a tone compared with other tones has to be a phonological high tone rather than a low tone. Further discussions about phonology-phonetics interface are done with regard to speech perception and production. It is shown that perception and production data are valid when they are used as phonetic evidence to resolve phonological controversies. On the other hand, the P-map hypothesis seems invalid when dealing with some cases where speech production and perception do not match.

      • KCI등재


        유예 한국중국언어문화연구회 2015 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.38

        During Research on Ancient Chinese phonology is an important tool to help people accurately interpret ancient literature. At present, the greatest impact in the domestic linguistics and most widely used ancient voice system is the doctrine of Mr. Wang. Many scholars believe that it is an important theoretical basis for research of ancient Chinese phonology. At the same time, the academic discussion and debate about Mr. Wang phonology system has not stopped. We can see that most scholars put forward different views on this is to make the phonology system improving. The paper tries to undertake systematic analysis about Mr. Wang’s system by three aspects, including initials (声母), finals (韵母), and tones (声调). To show Mr. Wang’s academic characteristic and the road of studying archaic Chinese phonology, we reviewed the results of the Qing Dynasty and contemporary phonology studies. In the research section on initials, this paper reviews the history of Mr. Wang Li’s study and attempts to find the origin theory of Mr. Wang’s initials system. In the research section on finals, I try to compare the similarities and dissimilarities between Mr. Wang’s system and the other three present linguists’ doctrines. These linguists include Zhiwei Lu, Tonghe Dong and Fanggui Li. I’m also referring to Karlgren’s ancient sound structure system. All of them recognized that harmonic sound times was earlier than “The Book of Songs” times, but they had different opinions on whether “The Book of Songs” times had consonant clusters. Many details about the rebuilding of archaic Chinese phonology are not yet conclusive. They thought it would wait for Sino-Tibetan languages studying to complete the work. So Wang Li of ancient phonology study does not include the harmonic sound system, he only uses the word “Book of Songs” appeared. They disputed whether yin-rhyme (阴声韵) had tail plosives (塞尾). The paper wants to clarify its view that Mr. Wang’s opinion is a sensible suggestion. In the research section on tones, I will look back the traditional tones studying and cite other tones studying. When the paper discusses the problem on tones, it combines tones with yun-wei (韵尾) to support the idea of Mr. Wang. The controversial issue is how to explain unusual rhyme. To sum up, if we want to better understand Mr. Wang’s ancient phonology theory, we should find out all of concepts intension and extension in his doctrine. In other words,in order to get a correct understanding of the specific issues we have to go look on the whole. Therefore, any person who does not fully understand the Wang Li’s phonology system, the accusations against individual concepts and conclusions are not correct.

      • KCI등재

        영어권 국가에서의 한국어 음운론 연구

        소신애 ( So Shin-ae ) 국어학회 2016 국어학 Vol.77 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to lay the groundwork for the globalization of the study on Korean phonology through the investigation of the existing studies on Korean phonology in English-speaking countries. Therefore, in this paper, I will examine the descriptions on Korean phonology in Euramerican countries from the critical point of view. I will discuss the adequacy of the description on Korean phonology focusing on the studies in North America since the 1950s. Firstly, I will outline the studies on Korean phonology in English-speaking countries by researchers. Next, I will examine the descriptions of the phonological systems and phonological phenomena of Contemporary Korean(Central dialect) by main issues. Lastly, I will briefly examine the studies on Korean historical phonology and Korean dialectal phonology. It is the ultimate goal of this paper that we can find the ways to broaden the horizon of the studies on Korean phonology to the world through this kind of work.

      • How Different are Vowel Epentheses in Learner Speech and Loanword Phonology?

        Park, Mi-Sun,Kim, Jong-Mi Korean Society of Speech Sciences 2008 음성과학 Vol.15 No.2

        Difference of learner speech and loanword phonology is investigated in terms of Korean learners' speech and their loanword adaptation of English words with a post-vocalic word-final stop. When we compared the speech of 12 Korean learners in mid-intermediate level with that of eight English speakers, the learner speech did not reflect loanword phonology of the vowel insertion after a voiced word-final stop (e.g., rib$[\dotplus]$, bad$[\dotplus]$, gag$[\dotplus]$ vs. tip[=], cat[=], book[=]), but, instead, the target phonology of vowel lengthening before a voiced word-final stop (e.g., rib[r.I:b], CAD$[k{\ae}:d]$, bag$[b{\ae}:g]$ vs. rip[rI.p], cat$[k{\ae}t]$, back$[b{\ae}k])$. A longitudinal study of learner speech before and after instruction showed some development toward the acquisition of target phonology. The results indicate that learner speech departs from loanword phonology, and approaches to target speech in a faster rate than direct ratio. Thus, native phonology predicts loanword phonology, but lends little support to learner speech. Our results also indicate that loanword phonology is constant, while learner speech changes toward the acquisition of target phonology.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 음운 연구의 경향과 전망— 국어학과 언어학 분야의 비교를 중심으로 —

        박선우 사단법인 한국언어학회 2022 언어학 Vol.- No.92

        This paper surveys trends and prospects of research on Korean phonological theory since the application of generative phonology in the 70s and 80s. According to the academic background in linguistics, I examined the trends of phonology research based on the dichotomy between general linguistics and Korean linguistics. By introducing the examples of the underlying form of Korean irregular conjugation, I compare the research issues and differences between general phonology and Korean phonology. To examine the research methods after the introduction of Optimality Theory, I analyze the token frequency and the odds ratio of the keywords of phonological research papers. The keywords in general linguistics show an increasing tendency for phonetics-based researches and data analyses by the probabilistic model. On the other hand, The keywords in Korean linguistics show that historical phonology and the phonological variation of dialects are an important basis for Korean phonology. .

      • KCI등재

        The Analysis on Korean Sonorantization in Government Phonology

        박희현 대한언어학회 2006 언어학 Vol.14 No.1

        Park, Heeheon. 2006. The Analysis on Korean Sonorantization in Government Phonology. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 14(1), 67-87. This paper aims to investigate how phonological processes of Korean Sonorantization can be analyzed within Government Phonology (Kaye, Lowenstamm & Vergnaud 1985, 1990, henceforth KLV). Sonority assimilation is one of the most peculiar phonological processes in Korean. Usually, syllable-final consonant is assimilated to syllable-initial consonant. This paper explores the phenomenon of Korean Sonorantization in Government approach, in which it is proposed that syllables are bound together in terms of a relation of government. The first part of the paper describes the processes of Korean sonority assimilation with relevant examples and centers on the theoretical background of Government Phonology. Noting some problems which arise within Government Theory, I propose to analyze the phenomenon of Korean Sonorantization in Extended Government Phonology (Park 1996, Park, H. & D. Michaels 1997), which extends lexical representations in the Government framework along the lines of the Markedness Theory in the Syllable Structure approach.

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