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      • KCI등재

        대학생이 지각하는 데이트폭력 가해동기: 성차 중심으로

        오윤희(Oh, Yun-Hee),임성문(Lim, Sung-Moon) 강원대학교 사회과학연구원 2019 사회과학연구 Vol.58 No.1

        본 연구는 데이트폭력의 효과적인 예방과 치료 개입을 위하여 개인이 지각한 가해동기를 조사하였다. 또한 최근 데이트폭력 가해동기 연구에서 성차 이슈가 중요하게 제기되고 있어 남녀의 가해동기를 각각 조사한 뒤 성차를 확인하였다. 데이트폭력 경험이 있는 남성 117명과 여성 125명을 대상으로 데이트폭력 경험과 데이트폭력 가해동기에 대한 설문지 자료를 수집하였다. 가해동기는 폭력의 이유 척도(The Reasons for Violence Scale, RVS)를 사용하였고, 데이트폭력은 4가지 유형(약한 심리적 공격, 강한 심리적 공격, 약한 신체적 공격, 강한 신체적 공격)으로 나누어 살펴보았다. 연구결과, 데이트폭력의 모든 유형에서 남녀 모두는 의사소통 이슈를 공격의 주요 가해동기로 보고하여 남녀 모두 의사소통이 원활하지 않을 때 상대방을 공격하는 것으로 나타났다. 가해동기의 성차는 약한 심리적 공격, 강한 심리적 공격, 약한 신체적 공격에서 나타났다. 약한 공격 수준에서는 자기방어, 정서, 의사소통문제, 처벌과 같은 다양한 가해동기들이 성차를 나타낸 반면, 강한 공격수준에서는 자기방어 동기만이 성차를 나타내었다. 성차가 나타난 가해동기는 모두 여성의 평균이 남성보다 유의미하게 높아, 여성의 공격과 관련한 동기가 다양함을 확인할 수 있었다. 논의에서는 데이트폭력 개입 방안에 대한 연구의 시사점과 제한점, 후속연구를 위한 제안을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceived motives of individual for effective prevention and intervention of dating violence. In addition, gender differences issues are raised in recent researches on motives for dating violence perpetration. Therefore this study investigated the perpetration motives of men and women respectively, and confirmed gender differences. A total of 117 male and 125 female college who had experience of dating violence were sampled and data were collected on the experience of dating violence perpetration, motives for dating violence perpetration. Dating violence was divided into four types(the minor psychological aggression, the severe psychological aggression, the minor physical aggression, and the severe physical aggression) and was investigated using “The use of the Reasons for Violence Scale (RVS)” for each type. As a result, both men and women in all types of dating violence reported the communication issue as a major perpetration motives, and aggressed partner when both men and women did not communicate smoothly. Gender differences of motives for dating violence perpetration were confirmed in the minor psychological aggression, the severe psychological aggression, the minor physical aggression. Various of perpetration motives such as self-defense, emotional state, communication issues and punishment showed gender differences in the minor aggression level. On the other hand, only self-defense motive showed gender differences in the severe aggression level. All perpetration motives for which gender differences were identified contributed more to female’s violence than male’s violence. It was found that perpetration motives for the assault related to the aggression of women varied. Based on the results of this study, it was discussed on the suggestions for interventions of psychological dating violence for women and further study, limitations of our research.

      • KCI등재

        복수의 다층성과 사적 복수의 정당성: 영화 〈나이팅게일〉을 중심으로

        서곡숙(Seo, Koksuk) 한국영화학회 2021 영화연구 Vol.- No.88

        본고에서는 영화 〈나이팅게일〉을 중심으로 주인공의 축, 욕망의 축, 의사소통의 축을 분석하여 복수의 동기, 명분, 의미를 다층적으로 고찰하고자 한다. 첫째, 주인공의 축은 여주인공, 적대자, 조력자 사이의 갈등과 대립을 통해 차별적 사회구조라는 복수의 동기이자 근원을 보여준다. 여주인공, 적대자, 조력자 사이의 관계는 계층, 젠더, 민족의 갈등을 통해 제국주의와 식민주의의 대립을 보여주며, 명령하는 신체와 복종하는 신체의 갈등을 통해 지배계층과 피지배계층의 대립을 보여주며, 경제적 인간과 생태적 인간의 갈등을 통해 주인과 노예의 대립을 보여준다. 둘째, 욕망의 축은 가해자의 악행 · 원한 · 부도덕성, 피해자의 고통ㆍ가책ㆍ도덕성, 공적 사회의 악행ㆍ방관 · 부도덕성을 통해서, 공적 처벌의 좌절과 사적 복수의 정당성을 보여준다. 가해자는 여성, 흑인, 어린이에 대한 폭행, 강간, 살인으로 육체적 악행을 저지르며, 자신의 악행에 대한 책임을 피해자에게 전가함으로써 정신적 악행을 저지른다. 피해자는 가해자의 악행과 원한으로 인해서 정신적, 육체적 고통을 겪으며, 가해자의 악행과 자신의 복수로 인한 죽음 때문에 죄책감으로 악몽, 환각에 시달린다. 백인남성이 지배하는 공적 사회도 여성, 흑인에 대한 폭행, 강간, 살인 등의 악행을 저지르며, 적대자의 악행에 대해 방관한다. 셋째, 의사소통의 축은 자기 각성, 주체성 회복, 소통적 권력을 통해 피해자의 내적, 사적, 공적 변화를 보여주며, 연대, 저항, 해방을 통해 복수의 내적, 사적, 공적 의미를 보여준다. 피해자는 비밀과 갈등에서 소통과 협력으로 나아가며 생태적 인간으로서의 연대를 보여주며, 수동적 객체에서 능동적 주체로 나아가며 소수자로서의 저항을 보여주며, 죽음의 길에서 해방의 길로 나아가며 복수자로서의 해방을 보여준다. 영화 〈나이팅게일〉에서 여주인공/적대자/조력자 사이의 대립, 가해자의 악행과 피해자의 고통, 피해자의 연대ㆍ저항ㆍ해방은 차별적 사회구조, 부도덕성/도덕성의 대비, 사적 복수와 공적 처벌을 보여준다. This paper aims to examine the motives, causes, and meanings of revenge in a multilayered manner by analyzing axis of the main character, axis of desire, and axis of communication, focusing on the movie Nightingale(2018). First, the main character’s axis shows the motivation and source of revenge of discriminatory social structure through conflict and confrontation between heroine, antagonist, and helper. The relationship between heroine, antagonist and helper shows the confrontation between imperialism and colonialism through the conflicts of class, gender and race, the confrontation between the governing class and the controlling class through conflicts of a commanding body and a submissive body, and the confrontation between master and slave through conflicts of economic human and ecological human. Second, the axis of desire shows the frustration of public punishment and the legitimacy of personal revenge, through perpetrator’s the vice/grudge/immorality, victim’s pain/remorse/morality, and public society’s misdeeds/bystanders/moralities. The perpetrator commits physical misdeeds by assaulting, raping and killing women, blacks and children, and mentally misdeeds by shifting responsibility for his misdeeds. The victim suffers mental and physical pain from the perpetrator’s evil deeds and grudge, and suffers from nightmares and hallucinations with guilt due to death from the perpetrator’s evil deeds and her revenge. The public society, dominated by white men, also commits evil acts such as assault, rape and murder against women and blacks, and sits on the sidelines of antagonists’ evil deeds. Third, the axis of communication shows the internal, private, and public changes of victims through self-awakening, self-reliance, and communication power, and the internal, private, and public meanings of revenge through solidarity, resistance, and liberation. The victims show solidarity as an ecological human being, moving from secrecy and conflict to communication and cooperation. They show resistance as a minority, moving from passive objects to active subjects. They show liberation as avengers, moving from the path of death to the path of liberation. In the movie Nightingale, confrontation between heroine/hostile/assistance, perpetrator’s misdeeds and victim’s suffering, victim’s solidarity/resistance/liberation shows discriminatory social structure, the contrast between immorality/morality, and private revenge and public punishment.

      • KCI등재

        아동학대의 원인으로서의 ‘대리인에 의한 뮌하우젠 증후군’

        김윤신,유진,정하리,류경원 대한법의학회 2021 대한법의학회지 Vol.45 No.4

        Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) is a very rare form of mental disorder and also is known as a peculiar type of child abuse. MSBP has been described since 1977 as a serious form of abuse with illness falsification or intentional harming by guardians, mostly mothers. The perpetrator of MSBP may inflict damage to the child directly, or indirectly through medical procedures. The perpetrator's motive is reported allegedly to satisfy her psychological needs, who has some mental illness history which are mostly factitious disorder, personality disorder, and somatic disorder. As little known about the pathology, it is difficult for medical personnels to detect it early. In addition, it is hard to be handled effectively by the police and child welfare agencies because of scarcity of evidence. Therefore, authors attempt to examine the essential information from the perspective of early detection and prevention of child abuse by analyzing its clinical characteristics and the characteristics of the perpetrator, including alerting signs of MSBP. For this purpose, we focus on the role of nursing staff to detect this unusual cause of child abuse.

      • KCI등재

        대학생이 지각한 가해동기와 데이트폭력의 관계: 성차를 중심으로

        오윤희,임성문 한국여성심리학회 2018 한국심리학회지 여성 Vol.23 No.2

        The present study investigated the relationship between motives for dating violence perpetration and dating violence, according to focusing on the necessity of research on context for dating violence that suggested in previous studies. And gender differences were also investigated in the relationship between these two variables. For our purpose, in study Ⅰ, 317 male and female college students who had experience of dating violence were sampled and data were collected on the experience of dating violence, motives for dating violence perpetration, and the social desirability. Data were analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis. The results are as follows. First, Men's perpetration was mainly associated with motive of emotional, mental or physical state, while women's perpetration was only associated with motive of asserting power or authority. Second, gender differences were confirmed in the relationship between motives for dating violence perpetration and dating violence, suggesting that men and women could attack in different contexts. In study Ⅱ, mediation effect of perpetration motive of asserting power or authority was tested in relationship between child abuse experience and psychological dating violence perpetration of women with data of 107 female college students who had experience psychological dating violence. Fully mediation effect of perpetration motive of asserting power or authority between those two variables was confirmed. Based on the results of this study, it was discussed on the suggestions for interventions of psychological dating violence for women and further study, limitations of our research.

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