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        작문 교육에서의 "paragraph"의 번역과 적용에 관한 연구

        이정찬 ( Jung Chan Lee ) 한국작문학회 2012 작문연구 Vol.0 No.16

        본 연구는 작문 용어 중 하나인 paragraph을 중심으로 그것에 해당하는 여러 번역어들의 유래와 의미, 그리고 paragraph의 적용에 따른 오해와 문제점 등을 분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. paragraph는 현재 대문, 문단, 단락으로 번역되고 있는데 그중 ‘대문’은 순우리말이라는 것과 역사적으로 가장 오래되었다는 점에서, ‘문단’은 문자-문구-문장-문단-문(글)에서와 같이 용어의 일관성 측면에서, ‘단락’은 paragraph의 중요한 특징인 의미의 연결성과 완결성을 드러낼 수 있다는 점에서 각각 특징을 지니고 있다. 또한 paragraph를 적용함에 있어 ‘형식 단락’(혹은 문단)과 ‘내용 단락’(혹은 단락)으로 구분하는 것은 단락의 개념에 혼동을 유발할 수 있기에 형식 단락의 개념에 대한 비판적 고찰이 필요함을 제기하였다. 끝으로 단락의 조직에 있어 서구의 논리적 방식인 두괄식, 미괄식 등의 구분은 단락 개념이 부재했던 동양의 고전이나, 그러한 역사적 맥락속에서 집필된 글에 대한 오해와 편견을 불러일으킬 수 있기에 무리한 적용을 경계해야 함을 제안하였다. This study aims to analyze the origin and meaning of paragraph`s terms used in a translation, and analyze the problems and misunderstanding that it is applied. Paragraph, now, is translated into ‘Daemun(대문)’, ‘Mundan(문단)’ and ‘Danrak(단락)’. The frist has features that it is Korean and the oldest than the others. The second has a coherence of terms; 문자(spelling) - 문구(phrase) - 문장(sentence) - 문단 (paragraph) - 문(text or discourse). The last has features that it could reveal the cohesion and unity of meaning in paragraph. This study suggests the necessities of critical consideration that it should be made a confusion of it`s definition to separate formal-paragraph from real-paragraph. Finally, this study suggests the caution of immoderate applying that the western method of logic(deduction and induction et,.) because there is no it`s concept in our tradition so if these are applied in our Cannon it will be aroused misunderstanding and prejudice of them.

      • 학문 목적 한국어 학습자를 위한 단락 쓰기 지도 방안 연구

        전미화 ( Quan Meihua ) 한국어교육연구소 2017 한국어교육연구 Vol.12 No.1

        본 연구는 학문 목적 한국어 학습자들이 단락을 구성할 때 나타난 문제점을 찾고, 이를 해결하기 위한 한국어 단락 쓰기 지도 방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 단락의 개념 및 구성 요소와 단락을 구성함에 있어 지켜야 할 원리 등에 대해 살펴보았다. 또한 한국어 단락 쓰기에 관한 선행연구를 검토하여 학습자들이 단락 쓰기에서 보여준 문제들을 정리하였고, 이를 바탕으로 단락 쓰기지도 절차와 내용을 제시하였다. 선행연구를 검토한 결과 한국어 학습자들은 단락을 구성함에 있어 다음과 같은 문제점을 보이고 있었다. 첫째, 단락 및 단락 구성에 관한 이해가 부족하다. 둘째, 주제문을 명확하게 제시하고 뒷받침 문장을 적절하게 배열하는 데 어려움을 느낀다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 본 연구에서는 한국어 단락 쓰기 지도 절차를 “단락 이해하기”, “단락 내 주제문 정하기”, “뒷받침 문장 생성하기”, “뒷받침 문장 전개하기”로 구성하고, 각 단계에서 진행할 수 있는 지도 내용을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 쓰기 과정 중의 일부분으로서 논의되어 왔던 단락 쓰기를 중요하게 여기고, 단락 쓰기에 초점을 두어 단계별 지도 방안을 제시하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to find out problems Korean language learners for Academic Purpose face while constructing paragraphs and to suggest a plan for Korean paragraph writing instruction in order to solve these problems. First, the study looks into the concept of a paragraph and its components, and crucial principles of paragraph construction. Then, the study examines previous studies on Korean paragraph writing, summarises difficulties Korean language learners have writing paragraphs, and based on this suggests procedure and content for paragraph writing instruction. The result of previous studies examination shows that Korean language learners experience the following problems in paragraph writing. Firstly, there is a lack of understanding of paragraph as a concept and its components. Secondly, learners find it difficult to clearly present topic sentence and properly arrange supporting sentences. In order to solve these problems the study constructs Korean paragraph writing instruction procedure in following stages: "understanding paragraph", "determining the topic sentence of a paragraph", "creating supporting sentences", "developing supporting sentences", and briefly presents contents of instruction which can be used for each stage. The significance of the study lies in the fact that it views paragraph writing as an important part of writing process and provides step-by-step instruction plan focused on paragraph writing.

      • KCI등재

        대학 글쓰기 교재에서 단락 쓰기 학습 자료의 방향성 고찰

        황대성(Hwang, Dae-seong) 한국언어문학회 2019 한국언어문학 Vol.109 No.-

        Considering that a paragraph functions as a unit of meaning composition or that of thinking, paragraph education in university writing education can be a means for clearly grasping the development and contents of writing in reading as well as writing. Although it is certain that there have been a lot of discussion on paragraphs and their teaching methods in university writing studies, it is true that there has not yet been any examination of the suitability of example data according to the teaching and learning of paragraphs. In addition, it is true that what is pointed out as questioning in relation to the suitability of example data is that the subjective style of writing is presented as paragraph-related example data in the discussion of paragraph researchers or in the university writing textbooks which deal with paragraphs. This study aimed to pose a problems for that and to examine whether the paragraph theories can be applied to all the writings or not, and focused on the style of writing to which the paragraph theories can be applied and pondering the style which shows the limitations of application. In addition, it aimed to pay attention to the direction which can guarantee the suitability of the paragraph-related example data. For this purpose, in Chapter 2, the paragraph-related matters, such as the definition, structure, constituting (development) principle, types, and development methods of paragraphs which had been discussed before were arranged, and the problems that example data have according to paragraphs in paragraph discussion books and university writing textbooks were pointed out. In addition, in Chapter 3, it aimed to clarify that it is unreasonable to connect the subjective style of writing with the paragraph theories in terms of the structure, development methods, and types of paragraphs of paragraphs and that the objective style of writing has a suitability as the paragraph-related example data.

      • KCI등재

        학문 목적 한국어 학습자를 위한 단락 쓰기 교육 효과 연구

        이지혜(Lee, Jee hae) 한국언어문학회 2019 한국언어문학 Vol.109 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the usefulness and effectiveness of teaching Korean paragraph writing. The study’s ultimate goal is to evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of Korean paragraph writing teaching methods that have been suggested in previous studies and to ultimately improve upon them. The classes were held a total of 10 times for 75 minutes each and each class consisted of 33 exchange students whose Korean language levels were either intermediate or advanced. Classes were conducted in a deductive manner, with the following goals; learn the sentence structure of the Korean language, learn how to use appropriate Korean writing styles, learn how to write a paragraph in Korean with unity and cohesion, understand writing tasks and arrange the paragraphs to suit the task of writing. As for the materials, “Sogang Korean Writing 2 for Academic Purpose was used, and an adjunct textbook reflecting on the achievements of the previous researches and other academic writing materials was also included. Of the 33 learners, 30 were evaluated with the exception of the three who failed to participate in a diagnostic or summative assessment. The students writing results were rated as high(7), middle-high(5), middle-low(3) and low(1) based on the performance of the writing tasks, the use of written language, the division of paragraphs, the arrangement of paragraphs, and the arrangement of sentences within paragraphs. The analysis results showed learners improved writing skills; writing task performance, use of written language, dividing and arranging paragraphs properly, and writing a unified paragraph. In particular, learners significantly improved their literary skills and their ability to arrange sentences in paragraphs that were practiced several times in class were also analyzed to shown to have improved. The results of the survey showed that the learners thought their writing skills had improved through their classes and helped specifically in terms of sentence composition, usage of written language and paragraph composition in Korean. These results mean that the achievements of Korean language education to improve upon academic learners ability to write paragraphs in Korean are indeed valid.

      • KCI등재

        대학 글쓰기 교재에서 단락 쓰기 학습 자료의 방향성 고찰

        황대성(Hwang, Dae-seong) 한국언어문학회 2016 한국언어문학 Vol.99 No.-

        Considering that a paragraph functions as a unit of meaning composition or that of thinking, paragraph education in university writing education can be a means for clearly grasping the development and contents of writing in reading as well as writing. Although it is certain that there have been a lot of discussion on paragraphs and their teaching methods in university writing studies, it is true that there has not yet been any examination of the suitability of example data according to the teaching and learning of paragraphs. In addition, it is true that what is pointed out as questioning in relation to the suitability of example data is that the subjective style of writing is presented as paragraph-related example data in the discussion of paragraph researchers or in the university writing textbooks which deal with paragraphs. This study aimed to pose a problems for that and to examine whether the paragraph theories can be applied to all the writings or not, and focused on the style of writing to which the paragraph theories can be applied and pondering the style which shows the limitations of application. In addition, it aimed to pay attention to the direction which can guarantee the suitability of the paragraph-related example data. For this purpose, in Chapter 2, the paragraph-related matters, such as the definition, structure, constituting (development) principle, types, and development methods of paragraphs which had been discussed before were arranged, and the problems that example data have according to paragraphs in paragraph discussion books and university writing textbooks were pointed out. In addition, in Chapter 3, it aimed to clarify that it is unreasonable to connect the subjective style of writing with the paragraph theories in terms of the structure, development methods, and types of paragraphs of paragraphs and that the objective style of writing has a suitability as the paragraph-related example data.

      • KCI등재

        학문 목적 한국어 학습자를 위한 단락 쓰기 교육 효과 연구

        이지혜(Lee, Jee hae) 한국언어문학회 2016 한국언어문학 Vol.99 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the usefulness and effectiveness of teaching Korean paragraph writing. The study’s ultimate goal is to evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of Korean paragraph writing teaching methods that have been suggested in previous studies and to ultimately improve upon them. The classes were held a total of 10 times for 75 minutes each and each class consisted of 33 exchange students whose Korean language levels were either intermediate or advanced. Classes were conducted in a deductive manner, with the following goals; learn the sentence structure of the Korean language, learn how to use appropriate Korean writing styles, learn how to write a paragraph in Korean with unity and cohesion, understand writing tasks and arrange the paragraphs to suit the task of writing. As for the materials, “Sogang Korean Writing 2 for Academic Purpose was used, and an adjunct textbook reflecting on the achievements of the previous researches and other academic writing materials was also included. Of the 33 learners, 30 were evaluated with the exception of the three who failed to participate in a diagnostic or summative assessment. The students writing results were rated as high(7), middle-high(5), middle-low(3) and low(1) based on the performance of the writing tasks, the use of written language, the division of paragraphs, the arrangement of paragraphs, and the arrangement of sentences within paragraphs. The analysis results showed learners improved writing skills; writing task performance, use of written language, dividing and arranging paragraphs properly, and writing a unified paragraph. In particular, learners significantly improved their literary skills and their ability to arrange sentences in paragraphs that were practiced several times in class were also analyzed to shown to have improved. The results of the survey showed that the learners thought their writing skills had improved through their classes and helped specifically in terms of sentence composition, usage of written language and paragraph composition in Korean. These results mean that the achievements of Korean language education to improve upon academic learners ability to write paragraphs in Korean are indeed valid.

      • KCI등재

        감사보고서상 특기사항의 기재유인

        전영순 ( Youngsoon S. Cheon ),노준화 ( Joon Hwa Rho ),배길수 ( Gil S. Bae ) 한국회계학회 2004 회계학연구 Vol.29 No.2

        본 연구는 감사인이 감사보고서에 특기사항을 기재할 유인을 검토한다. 분석결과 표본기업의 64%가 감사보고서에 특기사항을 기재하고 있으며 특히 1997년 이후에는 표본기업의 89%가 특기사항을 기재하고 있다. 이는 주석사항 중 특히 강조하고자 하는 내용을 감사보고서에 별도문단으로 기재하여 재무제표 이용자들의 주의를 환기함으로써 이들의 의사결정에 도움을 주기 위한 특기사항 본연의 취지를 전혀 반영하지 못하는 것이라 할 수 있다. 예상한 바와 같이 위험회피성향이 높은 감사인일수록, 피감사인의 경영성과가 낮거나 재무위험이 높을수록 특기사항이 보다 빈번하게 기재되는 경향이 있다. 특기사항을 사유별로 구분하여 기재유인을 분석한 결과도 전체를 사용한 결과와 유사하다. Before 1988 auditors expressed a subject-to-qualified opinion in the auditor`s report, if there was a significant uncertainty such as an ongoing concern problem or a pending lawsuit. However, the Statements on the Auditing Standard (SAS) 58 and 59 issued in 1988 removed the subject-to- qualified opinion. Instead, the SAS 58 and 59 required auditors to add an explanatory paragraph, rather than modifying the audit opinion, if a significant uncertainty exists. Similar to the US, Korean auditing standards also require auditors to add an explanatory paragraph in the auditor`s report to highlight matters significantly affecting financial statements, such as a significant uncertainty, ongoing concern problems, a significant change in the business environment, significant related-party transactions, and significant changes in accounting methods and estimates. The purpose of explanatory paragraphs is to highlight a matter affecting the financial statements included in a note on the financial statements that more extensively discuss the matter. The use of explanatory paragraphs is not only useful for the financial statement users but also adequate to meet the auditor`s reporting responsibilities without altering the audit opinion. Thus, the use of explanatory paragraphs is likely to be related to the auditor`s attitude toward the reporting responsibilities and firm characteristics of the client. This study examines patterns of the use of explanatory paragraphs in the auditor`s report and then the auditor`s incentives to use explanatory paragraphs. We find that 64% of our sample firms have explanatory paragraphs in the auditor`s report. The frequency of explanatory paragraphs significantly increases after the 1997 crisis. During the post-crisis period, 89% of our sample contained explanatory paragraphs in the auditor`s report and some auditor`s reports are a few pages long due to explanatory paragraphs. These results suggest that explanatory paragraphs are used excessively and therefore are not likely to achieve their intended purposes. The results also reveal that the use of explanatory paragraphs is significantly associated with characteristics of auditors and client firms. The addition of explanatory paragraphs is significantly associated with Big 6 auditors. This suggests that the more conservative the auditor is, the more likely the auditor uses explanatory paragraphs to meet the reporting responsibilities. The addition of explanatory paragraphs is also negatively related to clients` performance and positively related to clients` leverage. These results suggest that the addition of explanatory paragraphs increases as clients perform poorly and have high financial risks.

      • KCI등재

        중국인 한국어 학습자의 텍스트 생성과정 고찰-단락 구성과 모국어의 영향 관계-

        제효봉 이중언어학회 2011 이중언어학 Vol.45 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to find aspects that Chinese learners acquire general conditions and rules and to seek the possibilities of their education through textual analysis which Chinese learners of Korean language form in terms of text-linguistic approach and interlanguage. For this, it is main analysis objects that are paragraph construction, which is the basic unit of text construction as well as the unit beyond sentences, the connection between paragraphs on the Korean text focusing on native language(L1) influence related with paragraph construction, and inner conjunctive markers in paragraph. Research data include total 2,044 sentences and 18,709 phrases, which derive from 42 pieces of essays of Korean essay contest in the whole China. Results of data analysis means that Korean paragraph construction of Chinese learners influence on ways of paragraph construction of their native language, Chinese language. That is, in Korean language, in order to complete a paragraph as well as the connection between paragraphs, it must possess a ‘small topic sentence’ and ‘arguments’ in support of it. However, in case of Chinese language, besides this construction between paragraphs, ‘transitional paragraph’ or ‘emphasized paragraph’ plays a part in the connection function between paragraphs. Korean text which Chinese learners of each grade wrote is affected by Chinese paragraph classification. Also, in a respect of inner construction of Korean paragraph, short sentences seen on the Chinese text are frequently used, and Chinese learners omit conjunctive markers in Korean paragraph. On the other hand, due to Korean text's characteristics emphasizing conjunctive markers, Chinese learners consciously try to use conjunctive markers, such as the ending connectives or conjunctive words, but happen to fail in accurate choice. In conclusion, to improve Korean writing education, based on the study of Korean text formation process of Chinese learners, inquiry activities model is required to help Chinese learners perceive influential relationship of native tongue-interference as obvious forms with Korean language knowledge in writing education practice.

      • KCI등재

        경허 가사에 나타난 수행법과 표현 방식

        전재강(Jeon Jae-gang) 한국어문학회 2008 語文學 Vol.0 No.99

        The monk Kyung-hoe is considered one of the famous Buddhist Gasa poets of the late Chosun dynasty. He composed four pieces of Gasa in Korean, about two hundred and fifty pieces of Gatha(偈頌), and fifty essays in Chinese throughout his life. He differed from other monks by his composition of Gasa in Korean and Gatha in Chinese, and especially in his way of Buddhist practice and the way he expressed it in his Gasa. From among monk Kyung-hoe’s many literary works, I studied the way of Buddhist practice and his expression of it in his Gasa. First, I found that Kyung-hoe’s Gasa talks about two kinds of Buddhist practice: cause-effect practice and transcendental practice. The cause-effect way of practice in his Gasa means that good cause results in good effect and bad cause results in bad effect. The transcendental way of practice in his Gasa consists of three kinds of Son meditation: Hwado Son meditation, reflecting on oneself meditation, and observing all thinking and acting meditation. Kyung-hoe tried to teach novices the way of cause-effect practice and help them advance to the higher level of transcendental practice. Next, I studied Kyung-hoe’s way of expressing Buddhist practice in two aspects: sentence and paragraph. Kyung-hoe used declarative and interrogative sentences to a great degree in his three Buddhist Gasa works. Both the declarative sentences and the interrogative sentences were used to clearly express Buddhist lessons and the positive and negative realities of the people. Kyung-hoe also used exclamatory sentences to express admiration for the Buddhist lessons or to sigh over the people’s painful realities. In addition, he used the petition sentence and the imperative sentence in advising or ordering people. Almost all of the sentences in Kyung-hoe’s Gasa are very plain. In regard to his paragraphs, three of Kyung-hoe’s Gasa--〈Chamsongog 參禪曲〉, 〈Gagagaoum 可歌可吟〉, and 〈Pubmungog 法門曲〉--showed similarities and dissimilarities. There were similarities in that his three Gasa all have the “paragraph of advising”, the “paragraph of problems”, and the “paragraph of solving” in common. There were dissimilarities in the ordering of the paragraphs: A paragraph of problem-〉A paragraph of solving-〉B paragraph of problem-〉B paragraph of solving-〉the paragraph of advising in 〈Chamsongog 參禪曲〉; the paragraph of advising-〉A paragraph of problem-〉A paragraph of solving-〉B paragraph of problem-〉B paragraph of solving in 〈Gagagaoum 可歌可吟〉; A paragraph of advising-〉A paragraph of problem-〉A paragraph of solving-〉B paragraph of advising-〉B paragraph of solving-〉C paragraph of advising-〉C paragraph of solving-〉D paragraph of advising in 〈Pubmungog 法門曲〉. These styles of paragraph order were very effective in teaching Buddhism to the people. I studied two aspects of three pieces of Kyung-hoe’s Buddhist Gasa, but there still remain his Gathas and prose in Chinese to study in several aspects. First, one could do a comparative study between Kyung-hoe’s Gasa and his other literary works. Second, one could do a comparative study between all his literary works and that of other monk’s.

      • 시각기호 조작활동을 통한 문단 지도 연구

        조혜경(Jo, Hye-kyoung) 한국어문교육학회 2012 어문학교육 Vol.44 No.-

        This study focuses on providing strategies that help children understand and write paragraphs properly through learning the concept of paragraph and basic writing. The purpose of writing is to give impressions. To do this, the content and format should achieve harmony, which means that the content must be well-organized and the format must be easy to read. With this purpose, visual methods and operating activities were found to be very helpful to accept concepts and functions of paragraphs during the actual classes. Therefore, this study is designed to help children understand the concept of paragraphs and paragraph-writing through children’s direct activities using visual materials. First, the necessity of this study and the previous studies are discussed and the concept of paragraph that the instructor should recognize is outlined. To do this, the 7th Korean Curriculum and the revised 2007 Curriculum are compared and analyzed. Furthermore the relationship between educational significance of operating activities of visual symbols and instruction of writing paragraphs is discussed. Second, procedure of instructing writing paragraphs through operating activities of visual symbols is discussed. By analyzing writing aspects of learners given strategies using various visual symbols, the effect of instruction of writing paragraphs by operating activities of visual symbols is verified. Third, based on the result of analysis, the direction of improvement is presented. One of the biggest reasons why learners have difficulty in writing is that they don’t know where to start even though they have stories and the contents. Starting with visual symbols to read paragraphs properly and analyze the aspects of paragraphs, learners can have a opportunity to write their own paragraphs systemically. Therefore, their abilities of organizing contents and expressing meanings should be complemented. 이 논문의 목적은 문단의 개념을 익히고 쓰기의 기초를 닦아 한 편의 글을 쓸 때 어려움 없이 잘 써나가도록 도움을 주고자 문단쓰기의 전략적 방법을 구안하는 데 있다. 이러한 연구 목적에서 출발해 초등학교에서 문단을 좀 더 효율적으로 지도하는 방안을 모색하던 중 아동들의 발달 실태를 고려하여 시각적인 방법이나 조작활동이 개념이나 기능을 습득하게 하는 데 도움이 있음을 실제 수업을 통해 알게 되었다. 따라서 문단의 개념 및 문단 쓰는 방법을 시각적인 자료를 활용, 아동들의 직접적인 조작을 통해 체득할 수 있도록 돕고자 하였다. 연구 내용은 먼저 교수자가 반드시 알아야 할 문단에 대한 개념을 풀어보고 7차 교육과정과 2007년 개정 교육과정을 비교분석 해봄으로써 시사점을 찾아본다. 또 시각기호 조작활동의 교육적 의의와 더불어 문단 지도의 관계에 대해 살펴 본 다음 시각기호 조작활동을 통한 문단 지도의 절차를 구안, 적용 후 학습 산출물을 분석 결과를 바탕으로 문단 지도의 개선 방향을 제시하였다. 학습자가 글쓰기의 어려움을 호소하는 가장 큰 이유 중의 하나는 이야깃거리를 정하고, 이에 대해 쓸 내용들을 생성하였으나 무엇을 어디서부터 시작해야 할 지 모르는 막막함에 있다. 우선 시각기호를 활용하여 모범 문단을 충분히 읽어 내며 문단의 양상을 분석한 후 자신의 문단쓰기도 일종의 체계를 가지고 쓸 수 있는 기회를 줌으로써 학습자에게 부족했던 문단의 내용 조직 및 문단 표현 방법을 보완 하고자 한다.

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