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      • KCI등재

        誘發係數行列과 부문 사이의 連續的 連結

        金鎬?(Gim Ho Un) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2008 한국사회과학연구 Vol.27 No.1

        Gim and Kim(1998, 2005, 2008a, 2008b), recently, presented the following research results: (1) the general relation and the complemented general relation between two different notions of total input requirements(r<SUP>f</SUP>ij and r<SUP>g</SUP>ij), (2) the decomposition by factors in the Leontief inverse C<SUP>f</SUP>, and (3) the circulation system of production between final demand(f), total output(x), and final output(o). From the latest research findings above, the study objectives of this paper can be summarized as follows. (1) We clarify the exact economic meanings of consecutive connections between sectors, and between cause and effect variables. (2) We examine the relation between output and input requirements matrices as multi-sector multipliers and consecutive connections, (3) We propose the criteria necessary to estimate various induced effects in the models of Input-Output(IO), Output-Output(OO), and Final demand-Final output(FF) on the basis of consecutive connections. The major findings from the analysis include: (1) In the Input-Output model, it is obvious that there is consecutive connection between the Leontief inverse C<SUP>f</SUP> and the final demand f, but that there is no consecutive connection between the inverse C<SUP>f</SUP> and the total output x. And also the product (I-A)C<SUP>f</SUP> is consecutively connected between the sectors, but the expression C<SUP>f</SUP>(I-A) is not consecutively connected although it has no problem mathematically. (2) In the Output-Output model, it is proved that there is consecutive connection between the output requirements matrix for output C<SUP>g</SUP> and x, but that there is no consecutive connection between the inverse C<SUP>g</SUP> and f. (3) In the Final demand-Final output model, it is also verified that there is consecutive connection between the output requirements matrix for final demand of final output C<SUP>gf</SUP> and f, but there is no consecutive connection between the matrix C<SUP>gf</SUP> and x.

      • 1D 방법에 의한 6MeV 전자선의 output 인자 결정

        유명진 한국의학물리학회 2002 의학물리 Vol.13 No.1

        6MeV 전자선의 output 인자를 결정하기 위해 간편하게 output 인자를 예측하는 수단인 1D(Dimension) 방법을 이용하였으며 그리고 1D 방법으로 결정된 output 인자를 개별적 beam cutout 하에서 직접 측정한 output 인자와 비교하여 1D 방법의 정확성을 분석하였다. 1D 방법은 정방형 field의 한 변과 항상 동일한 한 변을 갖는 사각형 field의 output 인자로서 규정되며, 임의의 사각형 field (X,Y)의 output은 1D output 인자의 곱으로 주어진다. 6MeV 전자선의 대단히 큰 정방형 field의 output은 1D 방법을 사용하면 실제보다 높은 값을 나타내지만 교정인자 CF=C.[(X-10)(Y-10)/$\mid$(X-10)(Y-10)$\mid^{1/2}]$를 적용하면 개별적 cutout하에 직접 측정된 output 인자와 잘 일치하였으며 그 오차 범위는 1% 이내였다. Output factors for 6MeV electron were directly measured under the condition of an individual beam cutout and these factors were compared with the output factors by 1D method which is an easy means to predict the output factors of electron beam. Output factors by 1D method are defined as output factors of rectangular fields where one side is always equal to the side of the square reference field and the output of an arbitrary rectangular field X, Y is given by the product of the 1D output factors. The output of very large square fields is overestimated using 1D method for the 6MeV electron, but it results in agreement with measured data under the condition of an individual cutout within 1% error adopting a correction factor $CF=C\times$[(X-10)(Y-10)/$\mid$(X-10)(Y-10)$\mid^{1/2}]$.

      • KCI등재

        산출물에 대한 生産誘發係數行列의 經濟的 含意에 관한 연구

        金鎬彦(Gim Ho Un) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2009 한국사회과학연구 Vol.28 No.2

        Most recently, the authors (Gim and Kim, 2009) showed the following research outcomes concerned with the Input-Output (IO) model and table pioneeringly developed by W. Leontief in the early 1930s: (1) the general relation and the complemented general relation between two different input requirements for final demand and total output, (2) the entire decomposition by factors in output and input requirements matrices, and (3) the consecutive connection and overestimation problems in the inter-industry model. Moreover, we found out that there is no consecutive connection between the Leontief inverse matrix C<SUP>f</SUP> and the total output x and that there are some limits to computing the impact effects of the initial change in output. Finally, we developed a new??Output-Output(OO) model??and compiled a new??Output-Output table??to solve the problems and limits in the IO model together through the output requirements matrix for output C?. On the basis of the latest research findings, the specific objectives of this paper can be summarized as follows. (1) We closely examine into the characters and characteristics of the OO model used as an alternative to the IO model. (2) We test the consecutive connection problem, in the interpretation of inter-sectoral interdependence, in the OO model between the output requirements matrix C?, the total output x, and the final demand f. (3) We derive the varied economic interpretations and implications from the inverse matrix C?. Therefore, we truly understand that the IO and OO models are not completely separate or independent even though they differ essentially on the impact (the initial change on final demand vs. total output).

      • KCI등재

        최종산출(ō)과 최종산출(ο) 사이의 인과관계에 관한 비교 연구

        金鎬彦(Gim, Ho Un) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2013 한국사회과학연구 Vol.32 No.1

        Recently, based on the latest research findings and results from the models of output-output(OO) and final demand-final output(FF) between final output(?, cause variable) and final output(ο, effect variable) in the most recent economic literature, furthermore, the OO and FF models were initially developed by the authors Gim and Kim(2009) as the other alternative models of the traditional, basic version of input-output(IO) model, the specific objectives of this paper can be shortly summed up as follows. (1) We perform a theoretical and comparative analysis between the OO and FF models in characteristics and features and illustrate the usefulness and effectiveness of the two alternative models. (2) We examine into the dependent and causal relationships between final output(?, cause variable) and final output(ο, effect variable), moreover, which have the same cause and effect relationships in the output-output and final demand(?)-final output(ο) models. (3) On the grounds of the two models studied and developed by the authors, we verify the linkage relationships and multiplier effects between the two variables of final output(?) and final output(?) to observe the relevant economic characteristics of each model. Further, this paper was mainly focused on deriving the mathematical models through the relationships between the variables ? (cause) and ο (effect) on the basis of the dependent and causal relationships in the models. Consequently, we inevitably need the real empirical study to examine the validity and usefulness of the OO and FF models analyzed in this research based on the varied raw data of Input-Output Tables compiled periodically by the Bank of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 산출‧산출모형에서 “예산제약하의 승수효과”를 어떻게 추계할 것인가?

        김호언 경남대학교 산업경영연구소 2015 지역산업연구 Vol.38 No.1

        Ordinarily, the standard (ordinary, traditional) input-output (IO) multipliers on the basis of the Leontief inverse (or output requirements matrix for final demand) between total output (), final output (), and final demand () are entirely based on the unrestricted (or unconstrained) circumstances in constraints on financing, budget, and redistribution scheme. In the real economic situations, however, let us consider a new injection project focused on a specific endogenous sector needs a reduction in government spending in the remaining whole sectors, for , so as to maintain the total budget constraints of the government. On the ground of the latest research findings and results from the multiplier effects under budget constraints in the new output-output (OO) model, developed originally by the author in the most recent days, the specific objectives of this paper can be shown briefly as follows. (1) We testify the validity and necessity for the multiplier effects under budget constraints in the newly developed OO model on the basis of the limits and problems on the traditional IO multipliers. (2) As a basis of an alternative concept of multiplier through the dependentoutput-output relationship, we derive the models for the multiplier analysis under budget constraints based on the three different requirements matrices for output (, , and ) and show definitely the economic characteristics and meanings of the models developed. (3) For the 28 endogenous sectors in the OO tables, we empirically calculate the final output multipliers under budget constraints ( and ) through the final output requirements matrices for output ( and ) from the IO raw data on the Korean economy 2010. 현실적으로 요구되는 제약조건하의 승수효과에 대한 연구 필요성을 바탕으로 하여 다음과 같은 연구 목적을 설정하고자 한다. (1) 기존의 투입‧산출(IO)모형을 토대로 한 IO승수의 제반 한계를 보완하기 위하여 산출‧산출(OO)모형을 기반으로 한 승수분석의 당위성을 다양한 방법으로 논증하고자 한다. (2) 산출‧산출 의존관계를 통한 대안적 승수 개념으로 예산제약하의 승수효과를 분석할 수 있는 모형을 개발하고, 이들 모형에 대한 경제적 함의를 부여하는 데 있다. (3) 개발된 예산제약하의 승수분석 모형을 활용하여 한국 경제를 분석 대상으로 한 경험적 사례 연구를 수행하고자 한다. IO모형의 한계와 문제점을 상보적으로 해결하기 위한 대안모형으로 OO모형이 개발되었으며, OO균형식()의 해는 (결과변수)(총산출()‧최종산출() 승수)(원인변수)’로 표시된다. 총산출()‧최종산출() 승수()의 원소 를 통하여‘최종산출()‧최종산출() 승수’와‘총산출()‧총산출() 승수’를 각각 유도할 수 있다. 이제 내생부문의 정부 예산에 새로운 신규 유입(혹은 증액)이 발생하게 되면, 여타 나머지 모든 부문()에서는 추가적인 지출 감소가 불가피하게 된다. 이와 같은 현실적인 재정지출의 변화를 고려하여 정부의 예산 재분배 계획()이 수립되어야 한다. 에 의한 승수와 승수에서 부문에 대한 제약 최종산출승수(, )를, 승수를 통하여 부문에 대한 제약 총산출승수()를 각각 유도할 수 있다. 세 종류의 제약승수(, , )는 양(+)의 값을 갖는 최종산출효과(승수에서는 총산출효과)와 음(-)의 값을 갖는 대체효과로 나누어진다. 반면에 세 승수 행렬(, , )에서 행과 열을 서로 치환한 후에 다시 세 제약승수(, , )를 같은 방법으로 구하면, 양의 값을 갖는 내부효과와 음(혹은 양)의 값을 갖는 외부효과의 합으로 구성된다. 아울러 승수와 승수 행렬에서 구한 부문별 제약 최종산출승수와 개별 효과 사이의 상관계수()와 순위상관계수()를 각각 구하였다. 두 승수(와 ) 행렬에서 제약 최종산출승수와 최종산출효과 사이에는 높은 정의 상관관계를 보여주고 있다. 반면에 승수에서는 내부효과와 외부효과 사이가 서로 무관하게 분석 되었으며, 승수에서는 내부효과와 외부효과 사이가 높은 음(-)의 상관관계를 나타내고 있다. 두 승수(와 ) 모두에서 제약 최종산출승수와 최종산출효과 면에서는 11부문(금속제품)과 16부문(가구/기타 제조업)이 높은 부문별 순위를 차지하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Investigating the Effects of Output and Opportunity for Modified Output on Second Language Learning

        서보람 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2024 외국어교육연구 Vol.38 No.3

        The present study aimed to investigate the effects of output and the opportunity for modified output on second language (L2) learning. Forty-five intermediate-level Korean EFL learners participated in the study. Participants were randomly assigned to a control group (i.e., non-output group) or one of two experimental groups, which differed in whether they were given an immediate opportunity to modify their output after receiving relevant input (i.e., a model text) within an output-input sequence. The study employed a pretest-posttest design, with a written story-retelling task as the treatment. A retrospective debriefing questionnaire was used to probe learners’ noticing. L2 development was measured through a recognition test, a paraphrase test, and a text completion task. Results indicated that learners who had output opportunities during the treatment significantly outperformed those who did not, as measured by the production posttests, although no significant difference was found on the recognition posttest. Additionally, the immediate opportunity to modify output following output-input activities did not significantly affect learners’ subsequent recognition or production of the targeted form. The findings are discussed in relation to the research design and existing literature, with pedagogical implications provided. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of output and the opportunity for modified output on second language (L2) learning. Forty-five intermediate-level Korean EFL learners participated in the study. Participants were randomly assigned to a control group (i.e., non-output group) or one of two experimental groups, which differed in whether they were given an immediate opportunity to modify their output after receiving relevant input (i.e., a model text) within an output-input sequence. The study employed a pretest-posttest design, with a written story-retelling task as the treatment. Retrospective debriefing questionnaire was used to probe learners’ noticing. L2 development was measured through a recognition test, a paraphrase test, and a text completion task. Results indicated that learners who had output opportunities during the treatment significantly outperformed those who did not, as measured by the production posttests, although no significant difference was found on the recognition posttest. Additionally, the immediate opportunity to modify output following output-input activities did not significantly affect learners’ subsequent recognition or production of the targeted form. The findings are discussed in relation to the research design and existing literature, with pedagogical implications provided.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 “代案模型”의 開發은 왜 필요한가?

        김호언(Gim, Ho-Un) 한국지역개발학회 2008 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.20 No.3

        The Input-Output(IO) model and tables has been usefully used in many different areas of Economics since the model was first pioneered by W. W. Leontief in 1936. Recently Gim and Kim(2005, 2008) found out that there is no consecutive connection between the Leontief inverse C<SUP>f</SUP> and the total output x and that there are some limits to compute the impact effects for the initial change of output. The specific objectives of this paper are summarized as follows. ① We clarify the usefulness and limits which is embodied in the open static input-output model as an empirical study. ② We reexamine why the development of a new "alternative model" for the traditional Input-Output model is needed. ③ We propose the two alternative models named the Output-Output(OO) model and the Final demand-Final output(FF) model based on the merits and demerits of the model. We finally developed an Output-Output model on the basis of the concept of output requirements matrix for output C<SUP>g</SUP>, in comparison to the IO model. The newly developed OO model can be readily applied, for example, to the impact analysis for output advantageously and effectively without worrying about the consecutive connection and overestimation problems occurred in the net multiplier concept developed by Oosterhaven(2002).

      • KCI등재

        “最終需要ㆍ最終産出 模型”과 經濟的 誘發效果에 관한 연구

        金鎬彦(Gim Ho Un) 계명대학교 사회과학연구소 2010 한국사회과학연구 Vol.29 No.1

        The Input-Output(IO) model is widely and extensively used in real-world applications and employed in a variety of different areas since it was developed by Wassily Leontief(1906-1999) in the early 1930s. Recently, Gim and Kim(2009) built an Output-Output(OO) model based on the concept of output requirements for output, in comparison to the ΙΟ model. The newly proposed OO model can be readily applied, for example, to the impact analysis for output advantageously and effectively without worrying about the consecutive connection and overestimation problems in the ΙΟ model. On the basis of the latest research results, the specific objectives of this paper can be summarized as follows. (1) We analyze the interdependence relationships between final demand ?, total output χ, and final output ο and compare the characteristics and usefulness of the models, such as ΙΟ model, ΟΟ model, and final demand-final output(FF) model, based on a new circulation system of production between variables(?, χ, ο). (2) We derive meaningful and important economic interpretations from the output requirements matrix for final demand of final output(Cg, Cf), resulting from the decomposition by factors in the Leontief inverse Cf, in the FF model newly developed by the author. (3) We propose the various cause-and-effect equations which can compute the economically induced effects through the relationships between cause and effect variables. By using the matrix CgCf which has the meaning of multi-sector multiplier, we can easily get many different types of the induced effect, which is necessary for solving economic problems and modeling real applications.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 “産出ㆍ産出表” 作成은 왜 필요한가?

        김호언(Gim, Ho-Un) 한국지역개발학회 2008 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.20 No.1

        The complemented general relation between two different notions of direct and indirect input requirement(γ<SUP>f</SUP>ij and γ<SUP>g</SUP>ij) and the decomposition of factors in the output requirements matrix for final demand C<SUP>f</SUP> were proposed by Gim and Kim(2005, 2008). Furthermore we showed that there is consecutive connection between the Leontief inverse C<SUP>f</SUP> and the final demand f, but there is no consecutive connection between C<SUP>f</SUP> and the total output x. From the research results above, the study objectives of this paper can be summarized as follows. (1) We develop an alternative "Output-Output(OO) model" without having overestimation and consecutive connection problems and compile a new "Output-Output table" on the basis of the OO model to analyse the various economic impacts. (2) We make a comparative study between the input-output table and the output-output table for the complementary using. For the performance of the empirical illustration, we consider an economy with 5 sectors which has been obtained by reaggregating the 28 basic sectors given in the 2003 Input-Output Tables of Korea. Moreover as a specific example for the usefulness of the OO model and table, we formulate the OO multipliers, corresponding to input-output multipliers, that can accept output as an initial change.

      • KCI등재

        "건설부문"의 경기변동이 전 부문에 미치는 경제적 파급효과분석

        김호언(Gim, Ho-Un) 한국지역개발학회 2010 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.22 No.2

        In 2009, recently, Gim and Kim developed a new “Output-Output(OO) model” and table, as an alternative approach of the Input-Output(IO) model and table, to solve the consecutive connection and homogeneous solution problems naturally together through the output requirements matrix for output C<SUP>g</SUP> derived from the decomposition by factors in the Leontief inverse C<SUP>f</SUP>. On the basis of the latest research findings, the specific objectives of this paper are summarized as follows. (1) We evaluate the role and relative importance of the construction sector in the Korean national economy as varied economic indicators. (2) We perform an economic impact analysis affected on the whole industrial sector of the business cycle in the construction sector through the newly developed Output-Output model by the authors. (3) We present some simulation tests on economic impact effects to derive the relative importance of each sector on the basis of 2007 Input-Output Tables compiled by the Bank of Korea. The simulation test on the total output (△x) was done by the assumptions of three different types: ① the existence of economic growth (rate) in the construction sector only, ② the existence of equalized growth rates in the whole sector, and ③ the existence of unequalized growth rates in the entire sector. Moreover, the Spearman"s rank correlation coefficients (SRCC), γs, are specially computed to observe the relevant structural economic characteristics of each sector among the final output requirements (γ s), the labor requirements for the change of final output (△L(△0)), and the income requirements for the same change of final output (△Y(△0)).

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